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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. That word you use, "Horrible King" I don't think it means what you think it means. Elhokar is a weak king. He's made mistakes and killed more than a few people. But He's the ruler of Millions of people(based on the population of the shattered plains, and it mainly being the military branch of the country.) He managed to pick up a country that had barely been unified and keep it together for six years without any of his powerful rivals killing and supplanting him. He's kept the nation at the forefront of the world. That's an amazing thing on it's own. When it comes right down to it, leaders make decisions. Leaders of nations will have lives on their head, not all of them justifiable. Nothing Elhokar has done has made him a horrible king. He's not a dictator ripping his country apart. He hasn't fostered massive Rebellions(up until now, and I blame that on his wife) The Vengeance pact is stupid. But He didn't make that decision. His legislative body(The High Princes) did. In Six years a horrible King would have destroyed Alethkar, leaving it a squabbling mess of warring High Princes rampaging across the land willy nilly. He managed to not do that. Not much more can be asked of him.
  2. The Shin have the Honorblades that were left after the last desolation.One Herald came back and retrieved their blade. That means that up until Szeth's being branded Truthless they had 8 of the blades. Taln would have kept posession of his while he was tortured...
  3. It doesn't say she brought him back to life. We don't know how Dead he was. I'd guess Regroeth allows resurrection in the same way that Defibrilators do(Well, the same timespan anyway...), but with the added ability to heal/stabilize wounds that wuld nullify a defibrilators usefullness.
  4. After several millenia of torture interspersed with a few years of war that wipes out 9/10ths of a planets population he has a right to be whiny. And yes, I can see Vasher being that whiny. It's an interesting theory... I don`t buy it, but I see no evidence against it either.
  5. I would guess 4500 years of guilt over lying will leave everyone a little strange. I don't buy into the Twisted Versions thing, so much as The Heralds were people too, and they've been weakened by living forever without purpose, changing who they are. Jezrian didn't seem a drunk. Just a raving madman. I can see that from 4 millenia of life. Shallash is trying to create her anonymity, so she can dissapear, and Nalan has embraced the concept of his order of Radiants as a way to deal with his betrayal. None of that needs to be magical, just the effects of time, of watching everyone you care for age and die over and over and over again. Meanwhile they also know they betrayed their friend. Taln has suffered for 4500 hundred ears because of their cowardice. That changes a person too.
  6. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 536774960 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 Well clearly the Cosmere is a parallel dimension people from Earth migrated into, led by the dimension hopping psuedo deity Adonalsium, who bears one of the 10 remnants of Gandalf the Opalescent.
  7. It seems pretty likely this is reaching too far. Szeth wouldn't be able to do what he did if he were a Windrunner. Or even a Skybreaker(He didn't get the proper paperwork), meaning he doesn't have a Spren Bond. How else did he get surgebinding?
  8. If that were true then Plate would result in screaming, much like the blades do. But it doesn't, suggesting Plate is something else entirely...
  9. Mistborn Spoilers.The fact his fiance is a terrible person to Marry. I mean technically infidelity isn't even against the rules of their marriage. She included a clause for it in their relationship contract.
  10. Lol Nale. Anyone know if Brandon likes DBZ? NALE!(I'm sorry, it had to be said...)
  11. I would guess it has a lot more to do with Cultivation. They clearly worship her and she is said to be in the far West(where Shinovar is). Stone is very common on Roshar so multiple uses of the word don't mean a whole lot, but I would guess that the Stone Shamans revere the Stonewards about as much as they would most of the Radiant Orders.
  12. I can buy that Adonalsium created Roshar as it is. Although there is some wierdness about Highstorms and what causes them given they have very very clearly shaped the planet's evolution... But I'd buy this theory.
  13. Speculate with evidence. Search for itty bitty textual clues. Read other books. He has two coming out between. Not to mention a new Dresden Book and several others.
  14. Thanks. I didn't know that, and it fits with what I said about theocracies. As his adult works get more modern we'll likely see a more varied spectrum of sexualities. Now I'm hoping Ranette steals Wax's betrothed. Because that would be awesome.
  15. Wasn't it said at one point by Brandon that Odium has been holding back on the desolation though? I don't see why Taln would be holding the desolation back. It doesn't seem to fit with the purpose of the heralds. But I'm sure this particular one is worded to mislead. It just seems wrong that previous desolations were centuries apart while Taln on his own held for 4500 years. We know he's stubborn, but he doesn't seem to have given up and I doubt he finally lost hia sanity now, it's more likely it's been gone for a good long while.
  16. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 285501744 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 One issue. We know they could still access Mateform.
  17. I think Truthwatchers and Lightweavers will have less conflict than we'd guess. Truthwatchers seem more about Scrying with lightweaving and their crazy number crunching probability thing. But I don't think they'd have ethical issues with using illusions to decieve. I mean the description of their order isn't exactly the bluntly honest type. They seem more like they dislike communicating as a whole...
  18. I like your thoughts on the issue. It seems likely Pai is a Son(Daughter) of Honor. I like to think that the conflict back in Kholinar will lead our heroes away from the Shattered Plains finally. I've gotten just a little tired of the place. Leave a Highprince(likely the one Shallan is hanging out with. Sebariel?) there to start farming greatshells and get the Radiants to quell the riots while avoiding darkness and learning more about the worlds secret societies.
  19. I agree. The diagram is flawed. The truth seems to be that the Capacity should come from tempering genius with compassion, but Mr. T has basically cut himself off from that methodology, denying it. The compassion needs to be used to. And it's not.
  20. It sounds to me like he picks up Honor. The Shard. And in doing so contains Odium. Kal's story could end much like Vin's did, but with him becoming one of the 16.
  21. Roshar developed as it is. Axehounds were never dogs. Chickens seem to have come with the human settlers, along with horses and a few other animals. Of note, at least one Chicken seems to be a parrot...
  22. I think it'a more than that. An epigraph describes the conflict, wherein Skybreakers took near absolute control and started separating the innocent from the guilty in a random crowd. The windrunners intervened. So it's more than just law versus right, it somewhat seema to deal with Freedom and choice. Totalitarianism at one end and Chivalrous action at the other... With the Windrunners being seemingly less extreme.
  23. It can be reasonably assumed that the planet of human origin(where Hoid is from) has similar biological fauna to earth.
  24. I doubt it. I Mean if he were gay Navani would be more likely to be comfortable around him. His strangeness seems to come more from trying to bring the Vorin church to power. Homosexuality isn't something Brandon seems to inject into his work much if at all. I can't think of a single character I've ever even suspected... Likely because his societies tend to be Theocratic(not to thei in story benefit) which tends to stifle homosexuality. I mean most Rosharans would think I was incredibly effeminite just for being able to create this post.
  25. It seems possible, but I feel like the Last Legion history happened around the Last Desolation, rather than around the recreance, but that's just intuition rather than based on fact. That and I think that this wouldn't fully break the nights, but it might have aided the rift...
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