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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. I honestly doubt he's going bad, so much as he's in the process of breaking. A necessary function of becoming a knight Radiant. But I have some thoughts on that which I need to process a little more once my Girlfriend finishes the book(which she hasn't started yet. She has to finish American Gods, and then Warbreaker first...)
  2. The Ancient of Stones strikes me as more related to Roshar's association with Stones. It seems to me that Odium came to Roshar before Honor and Cultivation, at which point he created and enslaved the listeners/Parshendi. Later on Honor and Cultivation came, making the planet into what we see today. I mean Roshar's animals do seem to be created by someone who likes to see things suffer, so Rayse came to Roshar and anthilled up the place, making it a harsh terrible place. At least that seems plausible to me.
  3. That's some complicated stuff. Probably pretty difficult to change anything into. I mean Jasnah can't even manage Strawberry Jam. Probably costs a lot of stormlight due to its complicated molecular nature. Moreso than just turning a dude to something simple like Smoke.
  4. That's probably just the Windrunner Glyph. Check it out on the surgebinding chart.
  5. I would stick to standard military units. Squads, Battlepairs(for Parshendi) etc. It's just easier, if less cool. But I know roughly what a Battalion implies. A storm... A lot more vague.
  6. Jasnah would be deadly for the first x people. But x isn't likely to be a large number. Soulcasting appears to cost quite a bit of stormlight and require specific gems in a way no other surge does. It seems to me Shards are just more efficient. I mean, once Jasnah rums out of light 10 to 30 soldiers into a battle she can't even use plate anymore. And I think the at range costs even more because unless I miss my guess she has to give her Spren the stormlight and that's proven to be more costly.
  7. During Kal's first fight with Szeth he manages to hit a Wind awareness Lethani state, Warriors intuition. This seems a little like Shallan's drawings and Renarins crazy number crunching, an extra gift from the bond. Szeth wouldn't have that.
  8. It's likely been a couple hundred years since Warbreaker. Vivenna is almost certainly dead of old age. "Nightblood" will take place before this. There is no reason for it not to, as it should be returning to Warbreaker's world and characters. I say this because Zahel is OLD. Mentally and in the eyes. Not Hoid old. But old enough to want a form of retirement. Not to mention he's not cleaning up the mess he made lf Halendren anymore.
  9. Well we would need 41 parables to fit the first universal oath(Life before death etc...) So perhaps some other orders are short a few oaths instead having other criteria to round things out.
  10. The shardbearer even gets a full description including the very uncommon Red Hair. That seems very very coincidental if they keep him alive. And Nalan isn't likely to have shown up and saved Helaran. He's 99% dead. The 1% being Kelsier level dead.
  11. Called it! This book has all the right criteria both within(quality) and without(placement in series.)
  12. I always assumed that was Odium. He triggers the desolation so far as I know, and him not lashing out sooner is surprising to say the least.
  13. It really looked intentional in Dalinar's flashback, and the Spren see it as a betrayal, which implies it was on purpose to some extent. beyond that, no idea. As for the Parshendi being their first. I have 100% always assumed that the Humans colonized the planet from somewhere else. It's bound into their theology, and makes a whole lot of sense. It's always had a significant Pern vibe in that sense.(And I like it.)
  14. It is mentioned that Taravangian asked for the capacity to save the world after a conversation with Gavilar on the night of his assassination.(Or at least 6 years ago.) Szeth was made before that. Significantly so.
  15. I can see it. i mean, their minds are closer to the realms of the Spren. We'll find out more in book 4, I'm sure.
  16. I don't think it was that he didn't want them to return. (Other than they mess with his truthless.) I think he felt they would(and did) help push the Parshendi towards the everstorm.
  17. Certainly possible. But there were a number of discussions about Shardblades appearing inside people and instakilling them. Even a Skybreaker wouldn't necessarily be prepared for that from their 11 year old daughter. It makes a great deal of sense in that it ties together Hellaran's storyline and why Shallan's mother, who she sees in a positive light even still would try to kill her. Not to mention her mother's "friends, who she wishes never showed up." It seems unlikely she just went full on religious nutjob witchhunt on her daughter. Not unless she had a strong predilection towards doing so(like Darkness seems to.)
  18. We know that Mr. T made the diagram, and we know that he asked for the capacity to do so from the Nightwatcher, who is pretty heavily implied to be Cultivation, or perhaps her Spren. It is mentioned that he asks for this after the events of the prologue. Now what's interesting there is this epigraph. "AhbuttheywereleftbehindItisobviousfromthenatureofthebondButwherewherewhereSetoffObviousRealizationlikeapricity TheyarewiththeShinWemustfindoneCanwemaketouseaTruthlessCanwecraftaweapon" It mentions a truthless. But there already was a truthless, a rare occurrence given the need for an honorblade. Even stranger, genius Taravangian didn't seem aware of this(or at least find Szeth) until the events of the Way of Kings. This suggests that somebody kept that knowledge from Taravangian in order to slow down his chaos creation, timing the events correctly. I think that Cultivation is directly behind the Diagram, behind the creation of Szeth, and the one trying to prevent the Everstorm actively by any means possible. And by directly behind I think Mr. T. is functionally a Sliver of Cultivation at this point.
  19. I'm agreeing with Eejit(i feel bad calling him his username...) Holding the secret likely means holding it back rather than holding it in his non-metaphorical hand.
  20. I think it has more to do with the consequences of their existence. An existential problem rather than a magical one. A very likely possibility is that they discovered that the Heralds who they idolized abandoned their Oaths. But I don't see that as breaking the new Radiants, so I'm not sure.
  21. That was a conversation between me and Bibliovortex. He made the suggestion. We should all go give it some rep then.
  22. I figure he died a bad guy. That's the end of his story. My real question is what was up with Shallan's mother. What happened there and how in the devil are we getting an answer outside of Shallan's flashbacks?(I can see a few ways, but I was hoping for that answer eventually.) The key has to be what SHallan tells Hoid about her mother's friends showing up... WAIT! I think I understand. What if Shallan's mother was friends with/was a Skybreaker/s? Then Hellaren found out and went look for them. And Shallan killed her mother because her mother knew they'd been killing Radiant's as they awoke. It happened Six years ago, right around when Jasnah discovered her Spren.
  23. I'm pretty sure I helped a little... That, in and of itself makes me happy. I was involved.
  24. Well, you gave away the 1st, second, fourth, and a bunch of other The's... That's quite a bit more.
  25. I've had a good chunk of the code solved on my computer since then. ARGH!
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