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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. You amazing Awesome something something uncouth but meant with a term of respect.
  2. Not only that but 10 11 and 12 are Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 341629232 bytes) in Unknown on line 0Not just that but 100 11 12 is The. SOLVING NOPW!
  3. This basically confirms the 10 11 12 is The theory. Then I think singular 1's are O, 8 L and 25 is D With 14 as A it looks a little like this. H o l d THE 7 E 4 9 15 E T T H A T 21 5 1 17 1 H THE 17 1 3 4 4 L 3 H T 7 15 A D 4 A 3 4 T 9 16 A 9 A 9 3 4 E E D 4 T T E 5 E 7 T 15 19 T H E 3 4 E 5 5 H 5 D E 15 7 5 5 H E 3 4 T H E 9 15 E T 6 15 3 4
  4. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 520558896 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 Gavilar tried to summon a desolation. Not sure he was aware of Odium, or he might have made a less "terribly sociopathically eviler than Sadeas as he would be in Game of Thrones" decision...
  5. Different Spren do different things. Syl can vanish because Honorspren and Windspren are closely related. Pattern can't because he's a cryptic and cryptics apparently rely on camouflage as a form of deception instead of invisibility. He probably gets a kick out of not being noticed...
  6. Paperback will probably hit 6 months to a year from now. They aleays hit later because Hardcovers make more money.
  7. Words of Radiance took Brandon 18 months. Assuming similar writing time and adding 5 months for Rithmatist 2 I'd say 29 months from now(6 months for publishing stuff, layout, art, and getting access to printers that can fit the increased page count) Isn't Shadows of Self hitting between then too or is that right after. Because I can see that hitting 2 months after Stones Comes out.)
  8. Syl flat out says no Honor Spren would allow him to do what he does. Not even Highspren would, given that he broke so many laws in doing what he did(by killing servants and creating bloodbaths...)
  9. I think Sadeas worked that out by the time he died. I mean Kal flew through the sky and saved the day.
  10. Long term, raising the genetic predisposition towards intelligence would be a good thing. Even if it caused a temporary economic meltdown it would eventually benefit society.
  11. We've given him some uprep to make up for it.
  12. On the subject of the Key... I question the lines on the map of the Frostlands. They seem suspiciously erratic, but I can't quite seem to work out what the association would be othewr than possibly coordinates between 1 and 10 based on the glyphs, and then the lines intersecting a glyph...
  13. I don't think Shallan can break her Oath/Truths. It seems more likely that her order would have different conditions to handle Oathbreaking. Possibly lying when declaring a Truth. Or denying a Truth they've give. So if anybody ever asks Shallan if she killed her Father and she says No, then she's in trouble. At the same time Her truth about Hating Pattern seems... Easily changeable...
  14. I honestly think the interlude is chronological, but that Dalinar had to find 5 days he could be sick without missing anything important. It seems silly to have the interlude happen so much before the events surrounding it in the book.
  15. This is sociology versus psychology... You can be an excellant Sociologist while being a complete Sociopath. But once you take things down to a micro level it falls apart. Beyond that Vorinism creates an emotionally broken near sociopathic uppercrust to society, something a Sociopath like Ultrasmart Sherlockvangian can understand, so manipulating High society wouldn't be as difficult.
  16. I feel I should note that Taravingian says he translated it into Alethi Woman's script... That could be a clue...
  17. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 408414512 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 Bullets would bea very effective weapon against Shardplate. It's great against slashing weapons, and with a blade it's effective against people wielding hammers, but Bullet's pack a whole lot of froce in a very small area. Probably enough to shatter a plate in a single shot(Black Powder guns especially, as they pack a hell of a punch.) The deflective nature of shardplate might minimize this to an extent, but Shardplate is not likely to hold up to gunfire for long.
  18. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 539109680 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 Thanks. This pretty much demolishes my theory... So back to the drawing board. The more leads we close, the sooner we find this thing. And thanks beacuse I wanted to know what those said.
  19. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 435452208 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 I agree. We apparently thought it at about the same time(Immediatley after I hit the post button.)
  20. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 395634992 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 I think he died between the prelude and the recreance actually, if he died before the Prelude it wasn't by much as he was alive for the creation of the Radiants... Actually come to think of it, all of Dalinar's visions supposedly happened while Tanavasy was alive, suggesting that Honor lived past the recreance.
  21. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 281018368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 285468976 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 Most likely Potassium. I haven't seen much of anything with Potassium... What I have seen is Strawberries and they were condsidered rare. Of course that means that Rosharan's are missing some important dietary needs and mus be stiff as hell. Outside of Shin I think most groundbased nutrients are rare...
  22. I figured as much. Thought it might be best just to clarify.
  23. For future Reference it's He. I'm a guy. And thank you for noting Kal's depressive symptoms. I feel like the number of mental states Brandon put's into these books, and the work he puts into letting us know they are there gets missed frequently.
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