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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. I agree. But I think more tthan Oath's are needed to awaken the blade. This is the only thing I could find that hints at it. The implication that the Spren can communicate when their blade is in contact with a Radiant is interesting... We'll have to see what happens tto Kaldin's dueling opponent to know more...
  2. Page numbers yes, but I wouldn't rule out self referential things entirely. They would be odd, but Taravangian was pretty smart... Easily as smart as Reed Richards and his fourth wall breaching.
  3. I don't think that can be called a Nahel bond though.
  4. Peter, you have one more post to 666. Make it evil.
  5. Peter has said the line breaks are irrellevent. But yes it does.And that's 30 some deviations. That's too many for capitol letters unless there are a lot of names, so I don't think it works.
  6. Likely dead... This is several hundred years after Warbreaker and Viv isn't a Returned. She doesn't get immortality from investiture like Vasher Kalad Zahel does. Sadly...
  7. Syl says something along the lines of "Maybe if their Radiant's were alive." Beyond that, this and Adolin talking to his blade and the associated story potential are the only things that suggest perhaps they can be ressurected other than the idea being a Chekov's Gun.
  8. Because there are three realms, not two. Spren are the first we've really seen of the cognitive realm, they operate on different rules. Thought isn't investiture. It can be encoded via invesiture but that feels wrong here. We're seeing a new system, something more than just investiture. Think of it as Syl modifies Kaldin's spiritweb, Kal modifies Syl's thoughtweb. You're approach nullifies statements made by two character's who know more about their existence than we do. Syl and Pattern have explained themselves plenty well. They get the ability to think in the physical realm. They get knowledge and experience of the physical world. That's a perfectly thorough explanation. They would know and say if they were getting some kind of mystical power out of the deal too.
  9. It will probably have to be more complicated than that. Syl bonded with Kal before he swore oaths. Dalinar swore an oath while bonded to a blade and it didn't revive. Yes Syl was only as dead as Kal's oaths, but the blades are as dead as the radiant's of olds oaths, not the people who have fauxbonded them.
  10. That's reaching. I mean he stopped helping in the fight to hide. Otherwise you'd think he'd have stuck around to help more. Either way, both points are valid possibilities. It just seems likely Syl is the reason Elhokar isn't seeing Spren anymore. His hallucinations are too similar to his sister's to be coincidence, and I can see him being a pretty broken individual.
  11. So we now know that Shardblades are dead Spren. For the most part at least. We know that when a radiant touches the blade they hear screaming, the screaming of their Spren if Kal's understanding of the scream is correct. I think the person who's bonded the blade hears something different though. During the duel when Kal touches the shardblade it's owner Shout's "I didn't kill you." This strikes me as important. The Spren is communicating somewhat. If there is a way to resurrect a dead blade this will be involved. Possibly leading to Adolin awakening his blade. Possibly leading to insane vengeful ghost spren haunting shardbearers, a revenge I'd love to see Amaram deal with.
  12. I think the impossible is Taravangian seeing the Cosmere at large and disbelieving it somewhat. So it almost hints that Mraize isn't a worldhopper.
  13. From my understanding Cryptic's can't vanish. And Syl describes him as fleeing."A revolting type.” She paused. “But not evil, I don’t think.” She sounded begrudging. “I was going to follow it, as it fled, but you needed me. When I went back to look, it had hidden from me." Syl could be misinterpreting, but I doubt it.
  14. That's an interesting find... I'm not sure what to make out of it... How many three digit combinations are there?
  15. The design of his blade probably tells us some of his order, assuming he resurrects the blade?. Doesn't he describe it as similar to a Horneater Longsword? And Pattern runs from Syl during the duel. It's where I got tthe connection from.
  16. Cryptics and their allies and Syl don't get along. They don't want to be spotted.(That's how I took it.)
  17. Depends. I think yes. I mean we've heard Kal might get a second book in the latter 5. We don't know. But I can see why we'd wind up following new characters for the later books, or at least see less of the Heroes who Saved the World. Because when you follow a character who's more legend than truth things get a little dull.
  18. The Shin appear to be in real trouble. Their backfacing mountains are small and Highstorms are high level Continent Spanning Hurricanes. If the Everstorm gains that much power before hitting Shinovar they're gonna hurt. The Stormwall might slow the storm for everyone else, but Shinovar might lose it's soil pretty fast...
  19. I don't think she's getting investiture though. Spren don't seem to need it. They more give it out. Like a spike. I honestly think she gets physical intelligence and that's it because that is a lot. Why would it need to be more? I suppose in a way she's getting a piece of Kal's soul. But that's not investiture either.
  20. What about Elhokar as an uncut gem... We know that he's been seeing things in mirros and the like, a feeling associated with shadesmar based orders. Jasnah and Shallan both had this issue. I know he isn't in the chapter, but it makes sense in many ways that he could be a Willshaper.
  21. Glyph's seem to be like making a picture out of letters. Like symmetrical Ascii art that says something. But the glyph's can be warped to make them.
  22. I didn't say it wasn't. I said the intelligence portion of it is cognitive residue. There's a difference.
  23. That's pretty inhuman. At sea is typically one of the safest places. And remember that Jasnah's door latch was broken. It seems unlikely she faked her death, unless she's actually allied with the Ghostbloods and Kabsol wwas part of Amaram's contingent.
  24. They're a core piece of his identity at this point. He sees his time as a slave as his life at this point. Whenever he thinks about before it's like ve's thinking about a different peraon. That's significant.
  25. I think he'll hide out in Urithiru during Everstorms. That said I don't think he's eligable for Radianthood. Instead he'll be our token listener, possibly helping rescue Eshonai and getting some Mateform time in with her...
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