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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. How were their interactions shallow? I understand that Shallan was lying, but she does that a lot. I mean she has a Liespren. They interact together comfortably. That's a pretty deep connection on its own. That's what real love is made of, finding someone you can talk about pooping shardplate with. Someone who makes you laugh and feel at home with. Kal and Shallan just bickered constantly...
  2. Those spikes carry a piece of the person who was sacrificed on the spike, which is what grants the intelligence.I would guess the same applies to Nightblood and breaths. I think you're looking too far into it... She's getting a piece of Kal's mind to hold memories in while in the physical realm.
  3. You can't bind it. But it can be given, by someone with the authority(No idea what grants that.). That doesn't mean there isn't a bond, just not one you can choose on your own.
  4. I don't think it's investiture, which so far has been pretty spiritual in nature. Stormlight, breaths, etc. Intelligence, like Spren, is cognitive. If anything we're seeing the transferance of a third force... Identity perhaps.
  5. Because they will likely happen in small devastating bursts. Any Parshmen that can't sneak out during a storm won't change. The first attacks likely won't have a known source, and the Parshmen who are infected will likely play a smart guerrilla war. Murdering during Highstorms and stealing new recruits. It'll be a fascinating fight to read about...
  6. I figured this would be the case. I think we should be looking for younger characters... Perhaps the urchin who was near Ym before he died inheriting Ym's spren... Rysn almost for sure. Axies maybe...
  7. We had to suffer through Dalinar's moral quandry over it.(Which was realistic and not really suffering as there was no question of the end.)That said, my biggest issue with Love Triangles is that they take out the more interesting conflicts of a real relationship(harder to write but more satisfying) in favor of titillating shippers. I'd like to see Adolin and Shallan make a life together. I think it would be a fascinating story. Kaladin just doesn't seem the interesting love story type.
  8. I hope not... I don't want Syl lost to some ginormous "Childhood's End" Shenanigans. That and Spren existed before Honor was shattered... We know this because Honor was shattered after The in world Way of Kings was written and Nohadon mentions Honorspren being discerning in one of Dalinar's visions... So I don't think the Spren could form Honor.
  9. What if the other species is the thing hanging upside down from Rysn's interlude. Or the weird shapeshifter from TWoK interludes... Which may or may not be the same entity/kind of being.
  10. That isn't it at all. Stormlight itself supplants the need to breath/oxygenate the blood. By doing so it renders all bodily injuries nonlethal, because death happens due to a lack of oxygen to the brain. Functionally a bodiless head could probably live for as long as it could hold stormlight.
  11. She's getting intelligence. By bonding him she is allowed to observe the physical world whithout losing her mind. Pattern and Syl have explained this before.
  12. I'd be happy if everyone realized Love Triangles are annoying. My two favorite love stories are partially my favorites due to the complete lack of love triangle, leaving the relationship questions to more realistic relationship issues(these being War of the Flowers by Tad Williams and The more recent Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch.
  13. No. He ran several attempts and found something. I still think we should try with the Alethibet's 25 letters and see what happens...
  14. Yes, but it's entirely a different story to end and start adult relationships with people very close to eachother without causing conflict. The annoying we don't want to read about it style of conflict.
  15. What's wrong with the hardcover image on 827? Is it just the lack of a border/spiral binding? Also, it took until I started the audiobook to notice it wasn't a "Casual" My brain just aligned the letters for me...
  16. I think it was more that she broke the rules. She allowed him stormlight despite his broken oaths, and it weakened her enough to kill her, instead of just leaving her dying.
  17. I agree people are looking too far into it. She didn't fake her death. It's just that Stormlight renders a person nigh on unkillable without damage to the brain due to offering a second way to oxygenate the brain that doesn't use the circulatory system at all. It's basic biology, augmented by rules we've known about Stormlight since the second prologue in The Way of Kings, applied in a way we hadn't thought of.
  18. Adolin. First point, their engagement is a fantastic political move. Second Point. Not everybody needs a bloody relationship, and Kaladin has more than enough stuff to work through. Third Point, Love Triangles are the single worst romance plot, ever. The last time Brandon tried one we got Zane... And he's doing another one in Shadows of Silence... And I loathe Love Traingles. And Shallan and Adolin are for the most part a good match.
  19. Another thought. Pattern's name is a string of numbers. This might have something to do with Cryptics....
  20. That's more the fault of our mental health system. They/we use a profoundly negative term to describe a minor coping mechanism and a serious issue, branding them the same thing. His use of the box is no different than my grandmother rolling tape between her fingers, or the fact I was playing with a purple clothespin for the last half hour while I browsed the forums. I guess what I'm getting at is that it's bad practice to use minor differences from the norm such as ADHD or Renarin's slightly atypical nervous system as anything like an excuse for their actions. It bothers me in real life, and so by proxy it bothers me here despite the fact it won't change Renarin at all. Renarin is perfectly capable of functioning normally, so we should assume he does so as much as any other character.
  21. That seems relevent... But I'm not sure what to do with it. Good catch...
  22. We don't know for sure the Sphere was involved in the awaken their gods plot do we?
  23. Except that Stormlight seems to negate the need for blood pressure. It gives the body energy and replaces oxygen, nullifying the need for bloodflow temporarily. There are two causes of death in humans. Brain failure due to lack of Oxygen and Brain failure due to trauma to the brain. Stormlight nullifies one of those... Basically that means in theory the only way to kill someone infused with stormlight is to destroy the brain. Or shardblade them. If she could hold enough stormlight to give her the time to make up for the bloodloss she could pretty much ignore the stab wounds. Also Sormlight is OP...
  24. I'd call it fidgeting. As in moving to move. It's a common thing for people in general. Stimming isn't fidgeting to keep focus, it's a state of pure and utter distraction due to sensory overload. Stimming is a problem, a negative thing. Fidgeting is less so. And Renarin says it wasn't a siesure later in the book. According to him it was his blade screaming at him. Around when he says he thought it was just him.
  25. Remember. Skybreakers can fly too. He followed at a distance, watching the fight.
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