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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. I don't think Adolin will become a Radiant... Killing Sadeas proves he's a little on the ruthless side, and the Skybreakers are being set up as antagonists for now. I think their ideal is horribly flawed, and that will have to be addressed, but I don't see anyone controlling them. Adolin's had an easy life so far, but he's strong willed enough where it would take a lot to break him. Things that would damage the story as a whole(Killing Renarin. A love triangle with Kaladin and Shallan where he loses. You just don't lose a girl you've admitted shatting your armor to.)
  2. If you're in the Words of Radiance section we've assumed you're up to date on the book. Sorry.
  3. I really don't want to see the story go that direction... Adolin going Whiny because he's not a radiant would just be annoying. And I hope the Kal Adolin Love triangle never gets touched. Ever. Kal can find a nice girl that isn't Shallan.
  4. I really hope not... Swords are kind of boring.
  5. I'm sure Adolin will answer for his crime... It would be bad writing if he didn't. Don't forget, Sadeas's wife is the most Dangerous woman in Alethkar.
  6. Probably with enough work. But it would look more like a lightsaber methinks...
  7. Sound is a terrifying power. Not going to lie. From the theoretical Sub/Hypersonic Brown Note to Bone resonance frequencies, it can be utterly devastating with the right experimentation. Hell, you can use sound waves to cook something. (I may have a sound mage character in the first Novel I wrote...)
  8. I guess I would say they value deception more. Besides. She has Soulcast that dude into Smoke powers, once she gets down to it.
  9. That means it's probably a vowel. Vowels show up quite a bit more than Consonants.
  10. Cohesion is a force. The book refers to it as a Strong Axial connection. His seeing the future has a lot more to do with calculations and numbers, something that Progression makes all sorts of sense with.
  11. There are some things you can believe, and some that just sound crazy. I mean, even just the guy saying he was a Herald is pretty nuts.
  12. Yep. i notified my friends immediately that without Warbreaker Words of Radiance is not quite as awesome. And convinced my Girlfriend to read it because it's Sanderson's Disney princess Book.(Not a bad thing)
  13. I have a thought. The thrill has been strong in Alethkar for some time. it has now transferred somewhat to Jah Keved. 6 Years ago Szeth took a black Sphere from Alethkar to Jah Keved. What if that Sphere is part of the Unmade, and is what is causing the Thrill to occur in multiple places now. Like an infection of sorts? We know Gavilar was involved with Amaram and his plot to cause the desolation by unleashing the Parshendi Gods. What if that was part of it? I'm starting to think Gavilar isn't the man people think he was...
  14. Gavilar! Venli learned this from Gavilar. Before he was killed. She wanted this from the start... And was on his side. The Black Sphere might play into this. Holy crap. And off to another thread to hypothesize the black sphere is involved in the thrill.
  15. And then there's the fact Gavilar was part of Amaram's faction. Gavilar was evil... And Holy crap, going to post this in the Venli topic.
  16. Regrettably unlikely. The Radiant's quit thousands of years after the Heralds broke the oathpact. That and wasn't he a Stoneward?
  17. Given the fact Vasher is also on Roshar, I'd guess he doesn't have Breath. Vasher was never very careful with Nightblood. He finally let someone with enough will to control the sword steal it.
  18. You should have cleared it for March 4th. Would have been epic and confusing.
  19. And then Szeth would say, "You're nuts" and walk away. That only makes sense with an extensive knowledge of the universe. Szeth might not even have considered the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Not to mention each planet having their own gods...
  20. I wouldn't say nothing, more that they are up to interpretation more. But I agree with your assessment of Bondsmiths. Guiding just has a lot to do with Uniting. As does Bonding.
  21. Nope. Hoid is Neil Geihman. I asked Brandon on Twitter. He said Hoid would approve.
  22. I feel like this would be counter to the way Lightweavers work and think. That said, I'm cool with her trying this, I just don't see it happening. Regular illusions are deadly enough on the battlefield. Hide where that Chasm is, have Syl keep Kal in the know and watch as the men don't even realize they're on the edge.
  23. I don't think there are enough numbers for this, unfortunatley. Nor do I think splitting it straiht at pairs of 2 works.
  24. Either that or 25 is Y... But even that is questionable. It's also possible 1 8 or 18 make up a vowel. There is only one 18 on the board and it"s right at the beginning. But I'm off to bed, may this be solved when I wake up. (Also, we should try to find Odium within the sample.
  25. Not at all. It left me feeling free to get to the good stuff.
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