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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. Yep. Tis how I do my rereads, due to the amount of driving I do for work.
  2. Agreed. Also, I'm pretty sure 25 or 2 is a vowel...
  3. Well our minds are in the same place...
  4. There's a font and everything. Somebody decoded the crazy Pitch Jump language from the Way of Kings artwork. Anyway, here's a frequency analysis of Taravangian's Diagram as we've seen it, minus the locations, the numbers, and Q:/A:'s e : 240 t : 186 o : 169 i : 144 a : 130 s : 127 n : 126 h : 116 r : 104 l : 71 u : 57 c : 50 d : 49 p : 47 f : 46 w : 45 m : 45 y : 35 b : 33 g : 27 k : 23 v : 17 x : 2 z : 1 j : 1 q : 1
  5. Quick thought. Obviously they are fools The Desolation needs no usher It can and will sit where it wishes and the signs are obvious that the spren anticipate it doing so soon The Ancient of Stones must finally begin to crack It is a wonder that upon his will rested the prosperity and peace of a world for over four millennia - From the Diagram, Book of the 2nd Ceiling Rotation: pattern 1 That's pattern 1 of the Second ceiling. This is pattern 15. Could they be related?
  6. I don't think Odium is the primary issue... If I had to guess, his destruction will cause something vastly worse...
  7. Necessary pairs are pairs where if you don't pair them with a one you get 35 and the like. Besides which, the fact we don't see a single 2 7 28 or 29 really suggests it's a 25-26 letter substitution. Also, —From the Diagram, Book of the 2nd Ceiling Rotation: pattern 15, Could this be a hint somehow, a part of the cypher? If all the vowels are in the teens that would explain the difference too.
  8. Issue being that this is a small sample size no matter what we work off of. The numbers aren't likely to be nice and even based on such a small sample. And there are more than 16 necessary pairs throughout the sample... Working off of the 10 11 12 being The H 18 25 THE 7 E 4 9 15 E T T H 14 T 21 5 1 17 1 H THE 17 1 3 4 4 8 3 H T 7 15 14 25 4 14 3 4 T 9 16 14 9 14 9 3 4 12 12 25 4 T T 12 5 12 7 T 15 19 T H E 3 4 E 5 5 H 5 25 E 15 7 5 5 H 12 3 4 T H E 9 15 E T 6 15 3 4 This has me thinking 14 might be A H 18 25 THE 7 E 4 9 15 E T T H A T 21 5 1 17 1 H THE 17 1 3 4 4 8 3 H T 7 15 A 25 4 A 3 4 T 9 16 A 9 14 9 3 4 12 12 25 4 T T 12 5 12 7 T 15 19 T H E 3 4 E 5 5 H 5 25 E 15 7 5 5 H 12 3 4 T H E 9 15 E T 6 15 3 4 And 15 might be B or G? Also n 18 25 a n d 7 d 4 9 15 d a a n 14 a 21 5 1 17 1 d a n d 17 1 3 4 4 8 3 n a 7 15 14 25 4 14 3 4 a 9 16 14 9 14 9 3 4 d d 25 4 a a d 5 d 7 a 15 19 a n d 3 4 12 5 5 n 5 25 d 15 7 5 5 n d 3 4 a n d 9 15 d a 6 15 3 4
  9. Just borrowed this from the internet. 12 => 15 10 => 13 11 => 11 51 => 10 01 => 9 15 => 8 41 => 7 21 => 7 34 => 6 25 => 6 71 => 5 91 => 5 14 => 5 6 letter sequences101112 => 4 3 4 Showing up six time could mean a lot. I cut the 3 4 and 5 letter sequences because they aren't likely to matter. I wish there was a good way to tell when something is 11 or 17 or 1 7 and the like.
  10. Nice Catch. That puts 10 11 12 as probably a basic word. Moreover I'm almost sure 11 is a vowel. Two of those 10 11 12's are followed by 3 4. There's also a 5 5 11 5 3 4 appears 4 times. This implies it's a common ending to words.... 5 5 12 12 Both of these possibly appear. Double letter combos are rareish. rr tt pp ss dd ll bb nn mm oo ee
  11. I would say it's more obvious on a reread, once you realize Nightblood is on Roshar. Before that there is just so little reason to suspect him. That said, I'm debating heading to the local Barnes and Nobel and putting Sticky notes on his interlude saying, "This character is secretly another character from Brandon's Novel Warbreaker. Can you guess who?
  12. From the one Shin character we've met? I'd say they count, even if they are moderatley well known in Shinovar because nobody else knows anything about them...
  13. Tension is surface tension. The other one is basically molecular bonds... I'm curoious to see how those work.
  14. It isn't long enough for much of that...
  15. Question/thought... Can stormlight be used to power Allomancy? I would guess not, given that Hoid downed some metals... But maybe more like a Duralumin affect even... Of course she recognizes Hoid. He works for her brother as Wit... They've admitted to knowing eachother at least once a piece.
  16. This is why you make your little siblings Sanderson Addicts... I have free conversation bait....
  17. Because that would take a whole lot of lashings... A Rosharan lashing is .7 G's. It would take 8 or so simultaneous lashings to hit 5 Gs, which is fully survivable for a human being.
  18. There's another piece that says they need the Alethi to kill the Parshendi off to stave off the Everstorm. I'd assume that's why. But ti didn't take into account that the war would push the Parshendi to Stormform when they didn't want their gods back... There are numerous flaws in the diagram, based around the fact that Taravangian seems to go full sociopath while Sherlockian Supersmart, and thus misses things like people trying not to destroy the world.
  19. It makes a whole lot more sense that they are the Tenth. Their first oath is about Uniting them, which fits very well with the ideals of the tenth order. In addition The Pressure surge is often called Binding, and it makes sense The Stormfather and Syl would be close to each other in usage. Resolute is almost surely Willshapers. From there it makes sense that Ranarin as a Truthwatcher would have illumination and Progression(growth)
  20. Either way, Vasher was easily the best thing about Warbreaker until I realized that Let it Go and half the story of Frozen parallels the story of the Royal Sisters. Vasher is now one of my favorite characters, just for having popped up on Roshar.
  21. Is the reason that there is so much Investiture on Roshar that using it sustains people who needs breaths to survive without stealing Breath? Because that's the idea I got. And is this 100% confirmed by Brandon. I'm sure, but I'm curious on confirmation.
  22. They frequently have 3 credits for 35.
  23. Didn't Brandon say he wouldn't even be Asperger's level on the Autism Spectrum(Which technically(Aspergers at least) doesn't really exist anymore as of DSM V) That's not a debilitating level of not nuerotypical, and nowhere near the need for Stimming...
  24. I bet he can feed off stormlight, but not nearly as efficiently as breath. That said, I don't think he'll break a shardblade, just resist it. He hasn't been shown to have lightsaber qualities.
  25. The city Warbreaker takes place in is Tropical and Coastal. That seems pretty close.
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