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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. Well, I guess that means no more bossy smugness for this book. I wonder if her Spren can look like her body. Another thought comes to mind... Shallan has a shardblade. People have theorized that Radiant's get Shardblades. Jasnah should probably have one by now if Shallan has one. So if no Shardblade hit the deck she's not dead. Assuming my other assumptions are correct.
  2. I think I've seen this speculation before. It's certainly possible, but I don't think the heralds are that involved in Kal's life, or even really know who he is yet. That and I don't see any herald risking their life that much, given their apparent immortality and what theoretically happens when they die.(burning place etc.)
  3. Technically it makes sense that evolution would follow similar patterns in similar conditions. The way humanity is shaped is among the most efficient for tool use and thinking nature can devise. Odds are beings on other planets of even moderatley similar conditions will wind up remarkably similar. The major differences would lie in methods of reproduction, organ placement, coloring, and material makeup, rather than in shape. Evolution isn't random. It creates efficiency, and we're pretty efficient all things considered.
  4. Let's see. That's my 4th Way of Kings paperbacl, in addition to two Hardcovers, the Ebook, and the audiobook. Not to mention the Hardcover of Words of Radiance, the ebook(my brother's don't share well, and the audiobook. How many Sanderson books can I buy.
  5. 1: Adolin arranges a duel with Sadeas, and loses. 2: Kaladin loses an arm. 3: The engagement between Adolin and Shallan is declared Null. They fall for eachother anyway. 4: Amaram becomes a Radiant. 5: We get answers about what happens when a Shardblade and Nightblood collide. 6: Syl dies. 7: Dalinar finds out what happened between Kaladin and Amaram, and imprisons Kaladin to shut him up. 8: Renarin gets into a duel. And wins. 9: Kaladin takes Shardplate won in a duel. 10: Navani learns to Windrun. Bonus guess. The book is amazing.
  6. It's unlikely they'll change the date. It's based on shipping schedules and the like. That said I'm curious why the preview chapters showing up early are an issue. Knowing what happens in Chapter 7, it really just makes me want to read the book more and find out how the events are dealt with. But I guess at the same time I know what can happen when information is released early as far as predictions, given how my Cold Days experience went.(I got to feel awesome for guessing the end twist based on a single extra bit of information given away in a review.)
  7. Yeah. Minus the fanfic bits for the most part(I have a freewriting Mistborn fanfic for when Writer's block really sets in.) That said, there is a long period where there is no anticipation for the next book. I'm just starting to hit Skin Game Hype. The plotting though. That is very very real. About 20% of my wish to be an author is so I can get ARC's to blurb.
  8. For me, right now, it's almost more about the discussion. Last time I read The Way of Kings I realized how much more than just the story there is to these books. They're a full on production. Art, sidestories, world expansion, hints at things to come(I think Darkness will wind up being more of an antagonist next book.) As long as the wait is only two years, with more cosmere material between, I'll be more than happy to wait. But the discussion these books lend is just amazing. Nearly to the level I've hit having an entire friendgroup thatLs read The Dresden Files and dealt with my ridiculous DMIng in the setting. Also, Kind of want to start adapting things to work with the Mistborn RPG... But A knight Radiant seems to be more than just a Mistborn. Although I suppose Base level Nahal bond no Oaths Radiant isn't that much more powerful...
  9. I don't think they're willing to sacrifice that many cows. I mean 3 per book is pretty ridiculous(Have you seen the size of this thing?), and expensive.
  10. In a sense I am. It's more, "I should have known He would break free eventually."
  11. The sketches probably aren't required for things she knows intimately well, like her favorite place as a child. They're a way to help her focus the complexity of an illusion. At least that's the way I'd write it, as from what I can gather, drawing isn't something that helped her find Pattern, it's just a talent she has. Maybe other Lightweavers have to write out scenes or hum a song that reminds them of the concept.
  12. Why would you need to hold your breath? Stormlight does it for you. It's certainly possible, I just don't see it coming about, given the Mistborn Spacefarers thing.
  13. Awesome. I hypothesized this a month or so ago. I'd guess it isn't necessary, but helpful though.
  14. Derp. Sorry, I didn't sleep as much last night as I should have.
  15. I bet we see some Shadesmar travel, but I'm not seeing windrunning as a method of travel to the moon.(Although possible it seems unlikely.)
  16. I'd bet him and Peter have the occasional topic about those crazy sharders and their theories. That said, were I an author I wouldn't be able to help checking the forums, and then screwing with the fanbase as much as possible. Maybe we should put up a group disclaimer like the one on Jim Butcher's forums, saying that anything posted here can legally be used by the author to try to draw Brandon out.
  17. I doubt it will happen this book. Maybe next, but even then, Kal is what, 19-20? Jasnah's 30-something. I can't see her falling for Kal. I kind of hope she doesn't get a love story arc. She doesn't need one.
  18. Aluminum needs Electricity in it's refinement. I'm not even sure how the inquisitors and Vin got ahold of any, let alone enough to notice it can't be pushed or pulled on(etc.) Also, does Aluminum not get easier to move via Pewter strength?
  19. It's not as complicated as we make it out to be. We just have to pull together grand theories from tiny shreds of information. If the 17th shard started analyzing intelligence chatter we'd be the greatest analysts the world has ever seen. Except that we'd probably figure out Aliens and and Santa's rogue elf Dohi are behind everything... Basically there's a universe. All these planets are in it. Somebody broke godish thing(Adonalsium) into 16 pieces a long long long time ago on probably a planet called Yolen, which has Dragons and may be named after Jane Yolen and her pit dragon trilogy. His parts were then invested in people. The universe has a pair of extra dimensions representing the mental and cognitive aspects of the world. All the Cosmere books happen in this universe.
  20. I feel like listing compounders is cheating the fun out of the discussion. Of course compounding is awesome. Were it me, and I've said this before, it would be Allomantic Steel, Feruchemical Zinc. I have terrible ADD, if I could store away even 6 seconds of mental speed a minute I'd be storing an hour and a half a day to cram into any high stress situations later. Take 15 minutes of basically frozen time to analyze the opponent, the situation, and plan, then speed things up to 1/3rd and start pushing off stuff like an absolute boss.
  21. My greatest worry about the lack of an afterlife is that I'll die with series unfinished... I call it Jordanphobia. But I'm 27 so terrible luck aside I'm fine on the big ones right now(Dresden and Cosmere)
  22. The preview PDF that was available for an hour says Alloy will hit Summer of this year. Huzzah.
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