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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. This'll be the first. Guaranteed. He's had the time to gain exposure and it isn't a first in a series. Hell, his name hit Penny Arcade.
  2. Good spotting. I hope this turns out to be true, because it would be fascinating, but I can see some issues with it and Szeth's general attempts to avoid those in power between Assasination periods.
  3. This isn't uncommon among small bookstores. I've gotten the last two Dresden books a week early. But this does hurt the author's ranking as far as Bestseller lists. In the case of big author's like Brandon and Jim Butcher it doesn't really cause much of a problem, but it is something to keep in mind. I usually pick up the audiobook at release and the like. Audible Credits are amazing things.
  4. Possibly Szeth post death, acting as a herald now that he has an honorblade? Kinda think it's Dalinar.
  5. It's more complicated than just force though. It's force over Area of Impact. So an arrow might not have nearly the force of a warhammer, but it hits over a tiny area. This is why slashing does crap against plate armor, but stabbing does really well, and arrows tend to go straight through. And functionally if shardbearers used spike hammers(which I think some do, they would be really effective. I think most of shardplates advantage is the fact it stays smooth until it shatters, diverting a lot of force off of it.
  6. This feels like Hoid. But it could easily be a new character or even Odium talking to Cultivation. I have no idea.
  7. Betting that this is Shallan, or maybe Eshonai. The real question for me, and it could be ignorance, is the title Prince accurate for Ranarin, as the son of a High Prince.
  8. I have one issue with this. We know that Dalinar is going to push into the plains, virtually abandoning the warcamps. The climax will probably be there.
  9. I figure, given the way magic is gained on Roshar that all the major characters will have some kind of power. But I'm sort of hoping Adolin gets something other than a Nahel bond. Possibly an honorblade he only uses fr surgebinding. That could fit with todays Glimpse as a way to kill Adolin and bring him back...
  10. Total fakeout. This is them hugging after something powerful. Maybe the wedding. Maybe another character's death. But this confirms to me that both boys live.
  11. Odium, Cultivation, and Honor were all on Roshar for some time. That isn't coming for him. Hell, Odium was seemingly bound there and only escaped to start killing shards when the Herald's gave up.(Hence his killing of Honor, Domination, and Devotion.) I just don't see why Brandon would tie ten essences to ten planets or really buy the idea that Lucentia is a defining characteristic of Roshar. Instead it makes far more sense that the planet's contribution is the substance that holds stormlight/focuses the magic. That's been different for each planet in a way far more distinctive than any of the other magic uses. They all seem to increase physical/mental ability. They all have some ways to manipulate objects, travel faster, etc. Roshar is important because Odium is there and can be stopped there, not because of the planet itself. Brandon doesn't seem the type for "The chosen planet" any more than he's likely to throw a real straightforward prophecy at us.(Mistborn's use of prophecy was anything but straightforward.)
  12. I would call in sick. But my Tuesday schedule is sparse but important. So I'll have plenty of time to read and can't miss the rest of the stuff.
  13. Yes, yes I would. And then I would photograph every page. And then I would epically troll the forums by making all sorts of just a hair off the money predictions.(Actually I would probably not... But I would smugly read all the wrong guesses and laugh to myself.)
  14. This sounds like Kaladin... Or at least someone explaining things to Kaladin. It's quite possibly Kal arguing against Sadeas and or Amaram.
  15. It refers to her as a living statue. That implies she's still alive. I wonder if Voidbinding ks the use of surges for self enhancement versus external effects.!
  16. I would guess no. Weight affects density somehow, doesn't it? Meaning that gravity wouldn't actually change how it was being stored...
  17. I'm starting to really doubt this... I mean, we know each planet has something specific that works, but the essences seem wrong. We've seen Topography(Sel), Metal(Mistborn), Dye/Color, and Stone(really thinking about the way the Shin see things here, and how Stone does characterize Roshar well), and something involving disease or unwellness that hasn't been given space to develop(Silence Divine). The essences are something different than the focus though, something more tied specifically with the combination of Shards... Or at least that's how I see things.
  18. I'm betting this is the first we get to see of voidbinding. I mean, if stone contains stormlight what better way to not let any leak out like Szeth says voidbinders can than to turn into stone. Oh, and totally betting this is Eshonai. Last edit. Who else will be going through their posts in this thread and tallying their correct interpretation scores. I think we should have a contest. So, would it be possible to have editing locked in this thread starting Midnight of when the book comes out.)
  19. It means the humor has been localized, ala Anime ot translated poetry. All writing should be assumed to be a localized translation, or the whole idea of humor breaks down badly.
  20. Her change in friction probably results from an infinitesimal layer of non-stick stormlight. So yes, magic-lube in a sense. I question whether she's actually touching the material while gliding. And how air resistance applies. But we'll see more in a few books I'm sure.
  21. That WoB exists. He's said that physics functions as close to our world as he can get it, there is just the addition of Cosmere/Shardic metaphysics that can maipulate the universe on a deeper level.
  22. That's true for the first and third lashings. The second lashing, that binds two objects together is confirmed to work off of pressure by Brandon, and is functions like a vacuum seal. There's a WoR scene that proves it isn't gravity because only one object in straight line and close proximity is affected by the surge. If it were gravity it would have worked differently.
  23. It makes sense if you look at the memory as a step leading to what Illumination actually does. Her memories are beyond anything people can do, in the clarity and precision they show. Especially given the fact she can see Spren with them. That doesnlt make the memories the whole surge.
  24. Today's glimpse has me worried for Syl. It's distressing, because I can see where it might really move things along.
  25. We know that there is something people are having trouble with at the end of this book. If that's Syl dying at the end of the book I'm going to be very upset...
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