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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. I've always felt like Adonalsium, if actually an intelligent being, is likely evil... Any complete being with that much power and lacking in deific wisdom is bound to be corrupted by their power. We've also seen far more negative attributes than positive. Ruin, Odium, and Domination are very negative. Devotion, Cultivation, and endowment are very Neutral... That leaves Preservation and Honor as actual positives, and even preservation is flawed in that if all you do is preserve you're a taxidermist or a zookeeper...
  2. It doesn't necessarily mean they're rali. It sounds like Alethi hair comes through everything proportionally...
  3. I think the guilt over Renarin's condition is more parental. Most parent's with disabled children of any stripe have some level of guilt over the issue, blaming themselves for messing something up. That said, it's an interesting theory, it just conflicts the readthrough declaring that forgetting his wife was the boon.
  4. That went through my head too, but I'm betting it's from the very end of the book.
  5. Moreover, they might not be willing to sell it. Settling their debts might be more than they can actually get for it with their contacts (Sadeas might not have enough spare cash to pay their price, let alone somebody less wealthy). It might have familial significance or be part of a later plan. I think they feel that they need the blade for now.
  6. Has anyone ever tried to sculpt human feces? I haven't but I would think it would have some severe structural issues given the variety of textures and consistencies. Building it into even a single viable structure would be... Complicated beyond its merit. That said, I can see a burgeoning trade with the Shin for unmined metal. They don't care if it's all lumpy and turdshaped. Just imagine how worthless you could call it... "Oh no, it's worthless. Came straight from the latrine pit. You're doing me a favor taking it. They're filled with air pockets you don't want to smell anyway. And make sure your blacksmith's are careful. The pockets are highly flammable."
  7. As far as I know, she'd hurt herself shoving out that much stormlight at once. That and she converts food, Calories might not be enough... It might be an almost alchemical digestion process, much like burning metals works.
  8. While instinctively I agree with your logic Moogle isn't the other pressure surge confirmed to be Skybreakers? Doing further, research, my intuition is right, and what I read in the coppermind was wrong. Hurray. Now, I think the last surge is almost definitley something about forging or investing. An order that can make Plate and Blade.
  9. I can see this making sense if there are 10 surges, and three ways to power them(Surgebinding, Voidbinding, Sprenbinding.) That said, I really hope not... I'd rather see them be similar, but more complicated.
  10. I've had that suspicion since my first readthrough, but his curse must be minimal, unless it altered him to give him the visions...
  11. As much as I'd like to see a Stormlight archive game, I don't much care for this particular format.(The Dynasty Warriors Thing) It always feels somehow distanced... Plus once the Mistborn Game comes out we should be looking for a Cosmerewide game along the lines of Destiny, but in third person with a close Mass Effect style system.
  12. I can't rightly pick. Kaladin is the most developed, but I find that I like Dalinar better, and think that Adolin will go through some fantastic character growth as time goes on. Renarin needs more screen time, but he has a great personality. I guess I'm going to say Dalinar is my favorite so far.
  13. There is certainly a city there, I'm just guessing that it's mostly worn down. Without regular upkeep Highstorms willdestroy many things. And I can see where they could be roads, but it doesn't feel right... That said, most of the Dawn Cities are built in sheltered locations, It just seems wrong that the plateaus are all hollow to one extent or another.
  14. I doubt the streets are chasms. The art doesn't convey that at all. None of the chasms are anyway near straight lines, and there would have to be some. Instead it looks very much like a place where the ground split. Many of the chasms are shaped like they interlock. In addition its mentioned that eventyally everything on the planes is worn down to spires, something that wouldn't happen if they had once been buildings. It seems more likely that something did in fact shatter and level much of the city.
  15. I'd guess this is Eshonai the first time Stormform is used.
  16. I'm really not sure Prophet. I don't remember any major issues. They aren't mentioned to be picky eaters, and many of the stimming style sensory issues would be highly disruptive in a POV character so I can't imagine them showing up, or missing them. It's possible they're incredibly subtle, but I really don't think Brandon was trying to convey either character as autistic. That isn't to say they couldn't be in the same place as Renarin(So high functioning on the spectrum it doesn't really affect their daily life much, but I could be on the spectrum at that point. Given the DSM's requirement that a condition affect daily life that makes them pretty undiagnosable.)
  17. This one doesn't give us much, but it certainly makes it seem like the countdown is to the Desolation. That seems really really sudden. I almost feel like the book is going to end at the start of the desolation, but I have trouble seeing three books of desolation... Maybe Dalinar has what's going to happen wrong.
  18. What if we're looking at this all wrong. What if Spren can use Surges for their Surgebinders, or act as the touch point and that's how Jasnah range soulcasted.
  19. The description is that the items will often break before separating, which a powerful enough suction can reproduce. It isn`t molecular merging, it'sa huge sucyion effect(Noting that there is always space between two objects and the stormlight makes a seal.
  20. We had this discussion maybe a week and a half ago. There's a word of Brandon that says the binding lashing is pressure. The best example is a WoR spoiler, but the physics of it don't fit with gravity. Sorry
  21. As far as Kal getting a Shardblade, it won't happen. Brandon initially wrote Kal starting out getting a shardblade and being an intolerably boring character. I don't think he'll suddenly change the character progression and give Kal a shardblade.
  22. Honestly, I'd feel a little betrayed. The buildup so far has been that the shards that remain are relics from a previous era, many of which are lost. Finding out they are cheap copies would be contradictory to the build up and a somewhat cheap twist.
  23. Those are in name only. I don't think the Shardshields regenerate like Shardplate, they're just figuring out how to invest objects enough to block shardblades and calling them shards.
  24. In all honesty the mods should probably post a No discussion before x time on March 4th rule for people who manage to get their books a little early, as many brick and mortar stores don't aleays follow release dates and most of us are bad at waiting when that phone call hits a week early...
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