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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. Thanks Peter. Like I said, I ordered the other one off of Amazon earlier today anyway. I'll just pass on the gray one to my brothers. I'll have to remember the book club thing in the future. Never knew there was a better quality copy out there.
  2. http://books.google.com/books?id=LN_a49HEpmwC&pg=PA172&lpg=PA172&dq=You+used+to+be+vibrant+Syl+Kaladin&source=bl&ots=x8uTh1ilwt&sig=7D8BH5UXVF0xxv2fyCQ5lZeADpg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=41D0UuW_IYnlyQHdm4CoDg&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA I believe this has the relevent quote. She cites how many people looked up to him, but the furthest back she goes is when he was a squad leader(at least that's the impression I got from it.)
  3. Agreed. In addition, Shallan doesn't like to lie. She was beating herself up over it for basically all of tWoK. She's a talented liar, and more importantly she's clever, which is what it takes to be a good liar. Cryptics seem to go for the clever thing more than the liar thing.(Note his appreciation for a good lie.) I do agree that the Spren look for and magnify the intended characteristic though. And I'm not sure you have Syl's bonding period correct. I think it's more after he was made a squad leader.
  4. That strikes me more as the Herald died. Have you read the excerpts on the Tor page? I won't say much but it is HEAVILY implied that Szeth has an honorblade.
  5. He's not a pirate. I'm not sure if having multiple honor-blades would grant extra surges. It seems to me that it the combinations wouldn't overlap in a similar way to Lerasium seemingly overriding a previous misting ability.)
  6. She still gave a truth. She feels like she killed her father. Beyond that, we don't know more. I'm inclined to think it had to have been her because the Soulcaster was also cut by a shardblade(or at least implied to be.)
  7. Of note, this was purchased Used through Half.com. ISBN is 978-0-7653-2635-5. It has a gray cover. That's the best I can give you, I'm not seeing any other ID numbers in it.(I'm pretty sure it's a smaller hardcover. I can stretch my fingers from the top of the spine to the bottom. It has Tor's symbol on the side.Just noticed more numbers on the Dust Jacket. 9780765326355 is under the barcode and 1314410 is in the back bottom right corner.(by the binding) Well, off to buy the bigger version from Amazon... Wait, I did that earlier because they were super-cheap and it got my brother's Birthday present out of the way. Switching copies methinks.
  8. Where do we keep getting this, "The Honorblade is part of his curse" stuff? He's can't give it up, but that could be entirely separate(No Stonewalker may possess an Honorblade or something like that. I don't think it's part of his punishment. Moreover lots of people benefit politically from his punishment. It's possible he made enemies in Shinovar that exiled him. Taravangian certainly benefits. All the rivals of his victims benefit. My entire point was that I don't think that was the plan. Hell, it's possible his banishment is because he misused the Honorblade... Or a punishment for having it(which is different from him having to have it for his punishment.) Imagine if bonding an Honorblade is forbidden and he bonds it. In order to unbond it it has to be passed to someone else(and if they're forbidden nobody in Shinovar can take it) or he must be executed. The Shin don't seem the corporal punishment type, so they banish him(make him truthless.) I think the Shin don't realize what they've done by throwing him out into the world.
  9. I'll get all three eventually, but first off is Hardcover and Audio. Hardcover for a first fast read(I'm giving myself 36 hours to complete this while living a regular day), Audio to share with my little brothers/girlfriend and for a nice slow listenthrough while doing anything else/to listen to when I have to drive for work while I want to be reading.
  10. Do any editions of The Way of Kings come with a Glyph on the cover? My hardcover doesn't have one and it's frustrating me...
  11. I don't think the act of being truthless is Metaphysical. And I don't think the Shin are as rational as we like to think. Brandon made it clear in the previous book that within Roshar people will exploit any system of rule, from the eldest rule to light eyes ruling, and everything else. There will always be some form of corruption in Government, it's human nature, and a necessary part of governing. The Shin have their own faults. Szeth's truthlessness leading to planetwide discord is more than enough to prove that. You could be right and there is some kind of grand master plan behind his truthlessness, but I don't think so. I think it's a curse that was wrongly handed to someone too easy to exploit, and that he's stuck with it for too long.
  12. Yes because Star Wars is amazingly scientific... Peter's already said it isn't happening, but habitable moons of Gas Giants would require extensive work. The closest in our Solar system is Europa, which is covered in Ice. Getting a moon capable of holding an Atmosphere and with enough mineral resources to support life, while being in a habitable temperature zone is unlikely. Making one work is probably within a shard's powerlevel, but it's probably easier to just find a Goldilocks Zone planet instead. (Not that habitable moons are impossible. I use them in my own Sci-Fi) but only with extensive terraforming and specific circumstances allowing for the factors above.)
  13. If Roshar is a moon it's done a fantastic job of not getting tidally locked with the planet it's rotating. I doubt it though. Mainly because Roshar was picked for habitation by the Shards. They'd only pick places of substantial habitability. A moon isn't a likely choice. And I highly doubt the planet's core isn't molten. We know that Roshar doesn't have tectonic activity, but that could be for any number of reasons. I think one of the best ways to work out distance might be bridge length, as compared to the map of the shattered plains. How long is Bridge 4? It's been designed to cover the longest gaps needed, so something could be done from there.
  14. I think it only grants the rank of lighteyes, not the physical characteristic. Szeth's do, but he calls that a quirk...
  15. Google play is a legit service, but I'm pretty sure that's an ebook. Any ebook will come day of.
  16. DO WANT! I remember when Brandon said he was keeping this one shorter... Hahahahaha
  17. I think they may have the crustacean Biological immortality I mentioned earlier, much like Wizards do in Dresden(perfect cell duplication). Despite the potential to never die it still won't happen, it will just extend their lifespan drastically. I say this because Brandon based ROshar on sea creatures, many of which have immense lifespans, far outstripping even the longest lived land animals.
  18. We're not talking dictionary definition honor here. We're talking Rosharian honor as described by Brandon Sanderson. That's going to have a lot to do with right and wrong. That's where Brandon's style comes in. He's not a infinite shades of grey writer. He's not black and white, but he has his character grow into better people through their narrative arcs. We know he doesn't like grimdark stuff. His end portrayal of the series is going to reflect that. With so much of a focus on honor he's going to spend some time dispelling false ideals as they relate to perceptions of honor. He has three characters obsessed with the concept, a deity, and a group of honor spren. Of those three all of them are good men in terrible situations. Only one of them is doing something he knows is wrong. He has an entire culture obsessed with it, that is clearly portrayed as wrong about what honor means, with their turning war into a game, the duels, the lack of discipline, the caste system. Szeth is yet another example of honor misunderstood. Same as Taravangian. They're doing what they do with a flawed understanding of honor, which is why for now they are the villains of the piece. That will wind up changing. Beyond that I have trouble believing all the knights radiant were devoted to honor. If they were they'd all have honorspren. But they don't. I can't believe there was an order of radiants that used cryptics and held to honor. At best we see a dismissal of the concept of honor in favor of good, but I don't see that in Brandon's style. Honor is something important and implies doing good within how he describes and characterizes it.
  19. I wonder if I'm the only person who really wants Feruchemical Zinc over everything else we've seen in the Cosmere...
  20. Well, I doubt the Monster is a Spren. What if it has something to do with gemhearts. A smaller creature of some kind that absorbs stormlight and murders people? Perhaps a voidbringer or something akin to the smokebeasts? An Aon.
  21. Notice that Elhokar is considered odd for wearing his plate everywhere. Plate is a risk around everyday people. Especially if you're new in it. Gavilar talks about how it's easy to break someone when he touches Navani while wearing his plate at one point.
  22. I'll stick with my theory that Szeth's views of honor are flawed. The reasons are very much because of who Brandon is, and how he portrays honorable characters. He does portray them as good. Half the novel is about how flawed and selfish the Alethi views of honor are. Basically I'm basing this on the theme of the book. There are half a dozen interpretations of honor shown, but the characters we're meant to respect are the ones that are good while being honorable. Szeth has no self-respect left. We're meant to pity him. Kal fought through that. Szeth hasn't. Dalinar has killed hundreds of Parshendi for a failed cause, but he's starting to realize how wrong that is, and he's trying to change the way it works.(Of note, the innate racism of the Alethi is still prevalent in his mindset.) So I guess you could say, in Brandon's work Honorable does mean good. When done truly right. At least the way I see the series going.
  23. I think we partially have to base Honor on Syl's behavior as an "honor elemental". She's expressed extreme discomfort at killing, even important killing. Szeth has outright murdered dozens of people at this point for no other reason than he's been told to, combined with some kind of religous belief and an oath grounded in it. Worse yet, he knows his actions will create further bloodshed for a purpose he neither believes in nor understands. He's done so to protect his soul, given some of his introspection, and that's cowardice not honor. He's acting without a why. That isn't honor. Honor is doing the right thing whether it benefits you or not. He's doing the wrong thing because doing the right thing would be worse for his afterlife(or at least that's how it feels, and I think that's where Brandon is taking his character. To that realization.) Also, I don't think an honorblade forces sticking to a deal. The oathpact was broken by nine people wielding honorblades and there is no honor in being ramrodded into following an oath. The honor is in keeping that oath even when it means literal hell.This is all based on the tone Brandon seems to be setting for honor based on Syl and his characterizations for Kaladin and Dalinar, both of whom are honorable men as described by Brandon.
  24. We don't know enough about Truthless to know the blade is a part of it. But part of Szeth's arc has to be that slaughtering others for an ideal like he has been is never honorouble. He's not going to hold to his truthlessness forever. He'll see the flaw and give in.
  25. I definitley see conversations between Kal and Szeth about surgebinding as something that will happen. Szeth isn't nearly the zealot he was, he's close to breaking free, and submitting his shardblade in exchange for his life. Or switching sides. I don't think Bridge Four is likely to become a whole group of Windrunners, as Brandon stuck a lot of his friends in the group as an in joke, and developing them too far seems off. I think its more, Syl will convince more Honorspren to try to find people to bond with and bring to Kaladin. Also, el_warko, I read every one of your posts in your Avatar's voice and it makes me sort of hate you by association... Sorry.
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