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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. There are two options here. Damsel in Distress needs rescue or Damsel rescues herself. Given jasnah, it'll be the second, and it will be a good action scene. In the end, I prefer the second as well. If it were a guy in the scenario we probably wouldn't be having this discussion. It would be, What'll he do. he's gonna kick so much ***. Etc.
  2. Noting of course, that I think that's a reason Szeth and Kal won't fight for long.(Although it would be a fantastic way to force Kal to reveal his powers. (On a side note, I'm getting tired of these plots where people keep damning secrets right up until they inevitably come out. Does nobody know how to approach someone with awkward topics?)
  3. I don't buy that. There's no sign that the Parshmen aren't capable of changing forms, beyond the fact that nobody mentions it. And its made clear that the Alethi are not prone to studying the Parshmen or Parshendi, even when at war with them. In fact it's suggested that the Parshendi are escaped Parshmen who experienced the correct emotion to allow escape(The emotion bit coming from the bit about needing empathy to enter Mateform). Neither Mateform nor Slaveform lead to independence. But hitting the right emotions to break out of those forms is bound to happen. We know that Mateform causes a desire for seclusion, as it's mentioned that typically while in Mateform for a year the Parshendi tend to retreat. Slaveform just appears to be a form wherein the Parshmen lose their connection to the Parshendi as a race. Brandon wouldn't have included the line about what forms the listeners had if they weren't important to establishing how the Parshmen survive. And the listeners aren't a faction. They're a species. Just some of them are cut off.
  4. I am firmly of the opinion that Szeth would yield to Kaladin. Szeth knows enough, seemingly, to know about honorspren and the nahal bond. The minute he was forced to face someone with enough honor to attract an honorspren he'd realize that what he has done for his own honor has been utterly futile. On the other hand, if he has to fight Adolin, which would be a much more interesting fight, things would be very different. I think that scene would be from Szeth's PoV as he realizes that he's finally met his match, that he's finally free of the killing. Right until his slavery has to continue for some reason.
  5. The other option is Elhokar's shardblade is type 3. We know that like an honorblade it's covered in runes, but it might be something else. Not an honorblade but a... Something special blade, I guess.
  6. Eshonai says that the Parshmen knew Mateform the whole time. They must have just kept their breeding rites secret. There isn't a need for Slave/Dullform Listeners to need to breed. And Lobster's are biologically immortal. They're cells don't wear out. That doesn't mean stress(physical stresses over the years) or disease can't kill them. It means in a perfect situation a Lobster might never die(until it got too big to feed itself/move around.)
  7. That makes sense. Thanks.Now, does this tell us that the honorblade reclaimed wasn't Jezrien's? I think it's likely for a variety of reasons.
  8. Where does the assumption Szeth has Jezrian's honorblade come from? I can't find the reference beyond Jezrian being suspected of reclaiming his blade. My question comes from a supposition I made some time ago, I'm not sure when, that the first scene in WoK happened in Shin and that the Heralds blades were left there to be claimed by the Shin, which would mean it almost certainly isn't Jezrian's. Assuming I'm right.
  9. While I hope this isn't correct, what if Reigns was misheard and it means Rains? As in,the storms?
  10. I had to go cry in my girlfriend's shower after finishing the book and I still don't know why. No book has ever left me so emotionally... emotional. It was an amazing ride. Glad I reread the series earlier last year. Truly an amazing ending to an amazing series. And in a way I think I prefer Brandon finishing it... The whole way through I could feel his love for the series in a way I don't think Jordan could have done. This was an homage directly in the conclusion and it made the book something beautiful and unique.
  11. My stuff is all a feeling based on theme and is predicated on the assumption Syl is a piece of Honor and reacts to Shard Blades like the mists react to Hemalurgy.
  12. I don't know about that... What if the Heralds shardblades can't hurt people at all? Those make the most sense as Honor's anyway right?
  13. Unlikely. Brandon added forgers to Sel post Elantris. As far as I know he decided to do so early on in the creation of the novella.
  14. The third Shard T. Cultivation. And yes it would be Raesium. Forgot the name and needed to get the name across. I think Honor would abhor violence as a rule given Syl's attitude. I'm pretty sure part of the series's tone is about how bad violence is for a society. Thus the thought Honor has armor... I need more info on that theory, but there are some very very strong anti violence sentiments and I know Brandon felt he was too violent in Mistborn at points. It's where Warbreaker came from. And I think that the SA is refining this.
  15. I don't know about that. My thought being that Atium has a set amount. When burned it reconcentrates. The same can be said for Shardplate which is described as a metal. And it makes sense that they are beyond Fabrials. I recently caught word that there are three kinds of shardblades. I think they could be from each of the three shards on planet...
  16. That armor works on an entirely different set of principles than medieval plate. However I would guess, given how much damage shardplate can take from mundane weapons that it'll stop a bullet or two per plate at minimum. Likely more. Dalinar takes dozens of hits to the armor per location in that last fight and it still didn't shatter. That's a whole lot of durability. Much more than plate offers and it seems to operate more like a ceramic strike plate than steel... I'd say it would work pretty well... Headshots from a good sniper would cause problems and heavy machine guns would too(more from blunt force trauma and staggering than damage to the armor), but even the best assault rifle will take a while to get through plate.
  17. I don't even think new suits can be made. I've been thinking on the name Shard. The word has huge meaning in the Cosmere and the people of Roshar are pretty aware of Cosmere matters on some level. I think the word Shard is used more purposefully and less subtly than we think. If I had to guess Shardblades are made from Odiumum?(Atium but from Odium) and shardplate is made from Tanavastium. That would make making new ones extra difficult.
  18. I think it might be phosphenes... Any thoughts on the blinking's connection with Szeth and Kal? They both blink at important times and the phrasing which I can't quote at the moment(audiobook only atm)
  19. Dear little brother. Please work on spellchecking your posts. Beyond that I know a few of these are answered by Brandon, and the rest is guesswork. For instance you probably wouldn't have infinite breath storage because you have to have breath to store it. Think of it more as taking a tax from each breath for later use. As to the rest.... I would use the search function and read all the word of Brandon style stuff first.
  20. Has anybody else noticed how often people blink in this book? 97 times. That's once every 12 pages or so. Almost every chapter. Now we know Shallan takes memories by blinking. But blinking is tied to important things done by most other major characters too. The first time Szeth lashes it says roughly "He blinked, Lashing himself..." Does Blinking activate Lashing too? Kaladin Blinks before his first lashing too, during his first run as Bride Leader, when he takes the front row by choice. Now the fun one. During two of Dalanar's visions(The one with the Shadow Beasts and the one with Navani) he starts his vision with a blink. This implies that Dalanar's visions are a form of Magic akin to Shallan's memories. I think it might go farther yet. Gaz sees Syl in his missing eye(sort of. He senses her.) I think Shadesmar is reached behind closed eyes somehow. Close your eyes and you see flickering lights and odd shapes. I forget what they are called, but I think that's the inspiration behind Shallan's visit to Shadesmar. Sorry if this has been discussed. I did a search on blinking and nothing came up.
  21. He's talking about metaphysical knowing here. The Time Bubble never affects the train or anything that from the outside of the train counts as part of the train.(people in the train, on top of the train, etc. ) That's pretty explicitly what he's saying. Otherwise people would get killed by the train(moving at normal speed while they are suddenly forced into Cadmium speed land, which is too large to be under the bubble's influence.
  22. That isn't specifically canon... The RPG is great but rarely makes for complete evidence. Until it's seen in the books we cannot know. That is a very good point though in the sense that if the RPG is right he could have compounded something less useful and poured that power into Nicrosil minds
  23. I just have trouble thinking of psuedohuge numbers of things for feruchemy to store. I Zmean what do you store in Malatium? Maybe growth as a combination of age and health...
  24. My younger brother and I were running the numbers and had some rather off the wall ideas. For starters there are the base 16. After that we have god metals. This puts us at 18. Now we know that each god metal can alloy with the base 16. This adds 32 to our 18 bringing us to 50. This is all known. We think we know of one more. Atium and Lerasium should mix to grant Atium Allomancy. That is 51. But there should also be a Lerasium Atium alloy(Note the reverse of Atium and Lerasium) I think this one grants Feruchemy and would basically be Sazedium. Logically this should have alloys with the base 16 to make ferrings and an alloy with atium. this adds 18 more metals to 51 taking us to 69 metals. From there we should have alloys of the Atium Alloys with Lerasium to make things like Malatium mistings. And then alloys from there to make Ferrings of those metals and it spirals off from there. Now we know what these things do allomantically but they all should have feruchemical purposes and that just gets weird. Admittedly most if this sshould never happen but I hypothesize that the total number of metals actually burnable is a small infinite set with increasingly obscure alloys with infinitesimal differences.
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