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Everything posted by Hafrigado

  1. Couldn't she have been an already Koloss blooded human, had Elizandra (who would be Koloss blooded), and then she became a real Koloss?
  2. By the way I read the Wikipedia article for depression, and only a few sentences in I realized you guys were definitely right. I'd give all of you upvotes, but unfortunately I'm out for today.
  3. I know, and I appreciate your politeness and understanding of an ignorant person. But as you said: I didn't feel like you were saying I owed you an apology, but if what I said made anyone feel like this then I should apologize to them.
  4. I'm sorry if I made it seem like I thought depression wasn't serious or that anybody that has had it didn't really. This was not my intention. What was thinking was that while Kaladin does suffer from depression, it isn't every moment of his life and that when he isn't depressed he's still "grumpy" (the way Zahel is). I've never had a deep, open conversation with a depressed person (about their depression, I do talk to depressed people), so I'm not very well informed. I was going solely off of what I know about Kaladin. If I offended anyone or made anyone feel like their struggles weren't real, I am very, very sorry.
  5. I shall educate myself! Oh boy, this will probably be like the time I barely got any school work done because I was trying to understand cones and how we see light so I could figure out exactly how Breaths affect color....
  6. Yeah the only example of a male Mara (at least in English) I can think of is one of the gods from the Belgariad. In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love her and despair!
  7. I don't know, I still think that most of Kaladin's negativity was his own "choice". (Obviously this does not include times like when Tien died or he was a slave/ early brigdeman, that was definitely "real" depression) He's been depressed at times, but most of the time he is just negative.
  8. He thinks he knows what his boon/ curse is. He could be wrong. We don't really know what he thinks it is. He just said he knows.
  9. Yes, but I took that to mean he was being gloomy/moody. Unlike "real" (I mean significant/serious) depression, I think that if he had tried to "look on the bright side" and "be happy" he would have been fine. I don't know, those things would be annoying to me in real life. Nobody likes a gold digger or a thief.
  10. I realize depression in general is too wide to analyze as a whole, but we could analyze Kaladin's depression, right? I think Kaladin is clinically depressed because of traumatic events (Tien dying) which causes him to contemplate suicide. But, separate from that, he's also grumpy (caused by a generally negative view of life) which leads him to not want to like chouta.
  11. Alright, that's true, but do you think Kaladin's problem with chouta was actually because of his clinical depression or just him being grumpy? Does clinical depression mean that a person is depressed regardless of their circumstance (because of chemical or whatever problems) or can a person become clinically depressed because of their situation (so maybe Kaladin was clinically depressed because Tien died but chouta had nothing to do with that)? If "clinically depressed" means both of those types and Kaladin is the second, then the best thing for Kaladin would be to talk to someone about and work through it?(as opposed to needing medication) I genuinely want to know.
  12. If she's actually Kaladin's younger sister then she couldn't be older than about four and a half. I'm basing this on the fact that Kaladin left five years ago and Hesina couldn't have been very pregnant without Kaladin noticing before he left.
  13. But how does she do surgery with a covered safe hand?
  14. Can someone please beat me up so I can get Allomancy? Edit: Nevermind! Please don't beat me up..... Wait. Can I feel pain?
  15. Maybe this I part of what makes Bondsmiths so special. They are bonded to Spren who would normally be subspren (Stormfather) but aren't. So they're natural forces that people think of as sentient beings (the storms).
  16. Oh! Let's add Unreasonable Reasons for Shallan to be Happy!
  17. So we have Rotspren (deterioration caused by bacteria or fungi) and Decayspren (any deterioration)?
  18. Jasnah seems like the obvious choice..... and that makes me think it's someone else. This is Brandon Sanderson. But I don't think I can say who else it might be right now...... Oh! Wait! It could be Stick!
  19. Ok, so we were talking about this in The Child Surgeon and I thought I might as well give it its own thing. What are some unreasonable reasons for Kaladin to be depressed? Either ones that are actually mentioned in the book or ones that might happen. The only rules are that it has to be specific to Kaladin and it has to be unreasonable (people that were close to Kaladin dying is not unreasonable). Edit: I should clarify, I really mean "unreasonable reasons for Kaladin to be grumpy". Depression implies that he needs to take medicine for it (if they have that). I don't think that's what Kaladin has because he looks for reasons to be sad. Whereas (if I understand it correctly) medically depressed people don't want to feel sad but do anyway. Edit Edit: So I was wrong about some things and I decided to change the name of this thread. This is now just for things Kaladin does not like.
  20. Aww man, I was hoping this would go on for a while longer. Just kidding, I was running out of unreasonable causes of Kaladin's depression (I didn't think that was possible).
  21. Remember how he was sad every time it rained for a couple weeks?
  22. Can we please call them cousinspren? It lets me think of Lopen's cousins as forces of nature.
  23. Fine. Remember when he was sad because he thought he was cursed because he could inhale stormlight?
  24. Kaladin doesn't need logic to be sad. Remember when he was upset because he thought they would take Syl from him if he told them about her?
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