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  1. Thanks for the welcomes. It is so easy to get lost reading all of the amazing content.
  2. Hello all! I've been lurking this forum and site for a long time, finally decided to sign up with the Aether offer. I'm a Memphis born, Nashville Tennessee transplant. I started my fantasy reading adventure with Shadowdale, in the Forgotten Realms, while visiting my uncle in Montana. I hated reading prior to that, but reread that book countless times. When I got back home a month later, I begged my mom to take me to the bookstore. Without anyone's help or guidance, I purchased The Dark Elf Trilogy, Tantras ( the book after Shadowdale), and a much bigger book called the Eye of the World. I read the first two, but shelved the third for a year or so. Read all of the available Forgotten Realms books at the time, then Dragonlance, then I finally circled back to Eye of the World. I was blown away from the first chapter. I loved it. Over the years I continued to read them, and when Brandon was announced to finish Wheel of Time, I dove right in to his work to find out who he was, and have been in love ever since. It's hard to find anything near comparable to read (Ernest Cline being the only other I can read at the moment), so I just reread Brandon's work over and over. I love easter eggs, or any type of media that allows you to go as deep as you want with the story. Not just fan made or your own silly musings, but actually supported stuff that really is all connected. It's so great. Well anyways, thank you for having me and I look forward to being a part of it all with you folks.
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