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Everything posted by GeneralHZRD

  1. So it looks like you missed explosions, Inklingspren's funeral, Cthulu, and fourth through seventeenth wall breaking.
  2. $: If you could learn a fictional language what would it be? 54: If you had to be in the middle of a natural disaster, which would you choose? $#2: What's your opinion of plain cheese pizza? H: Where do you keep all your most valuable possessions? !3$: If you could only eat one food you HATE for the rest of your life, what would you pick? PJ: Do you have a favorite pen? $223: What is the third word in the nearest book? 74: If you look to your left, what do you see? 63g: What color is your shirt right now? 4#3: If you could have a waterslide inside your house, would you want it? ¥: What brand is the device you are currently using? ⇎: Why do you think creatures such as Fawns, Centaurs, Mermaids, etc, are always half human? ⌨: Do you think there should be other kinds of combinations? Such as a Centaur, but the top half is orc? 45532: Hi?
  3. What's the weirdest superpower you can think of? Do you like bananas? What is the last book you read?
  4. Hello and Welcome! What's you favorite of Brandon's books? Favorite non-Brandon book? Just a word of warning, do not accept any cookies, or other baked goods. Also if anyone asks you to say something, don't.
  5. "Oh, you immoral man of low fiber! You should really eat more bran." "I wouldn't say crazy. Maybe an eccentric who looks good in jeans." "I can't watch Channel 8 anymore. Lloyd Lansing wears a toupee. It's like every newscast begins with a lie." Gus: Great. Now you've gotten me kicked out of a funeral. Just add it to the list. Kicked out of Petsmart, kicked out of Santa's Village, kicked out of the Salvation Army... Shawn: Dishonorably discharged!
  6. "we're gonna need a bigger Goat" “We remember the good Goats and the bad ones, forgetting that most Goats are neither good nor bad. They just are.” “Let your Goats defend you, not your words.” Now to pull one from my signature, “Every Goat in our lives seems trivial, Most are forgotten while some, equally humble, become the Goats upon which history pivots."
  7. @Caesura $: If you could learn a fictional language what would it be? 54: If you had to be in the middle of a natural disaster, which would you choose? $#2: What's your opinion of plain cheese pizza? H: Where do you keep all your most valuable possessions? !3$: If you could only eat one food you HATE for the rest of your life, what would you pick? PJ: Do you have a favorite pen? $223: What is the third word in the nearest book? 74: If you look to your left, what do you see? 63g: What color is your shirt right now? 4#3: If you could have a waterslide inside your house, would you want it? ¥: What brand is the device you are currently using? ⇎: Why do you think creatures such as Fawns, Centaurs, Mermaids, etc, are always half human? ⌨: Do you think there should be other kinds of combinations? Such as a Centaur, but the top half is orc? 45532: Hi?
  8. This is a really early version of Chapter One. It only has a few paragraphs but I want to see what you think. Does this make sense even though the whole point is it doesn't make sense? It is supposed to feel like Gideon is living multiple moments of his life at once.
  9. Granted. But Nightblood's sheath is missing so you can never touch him without losing a ton of investiture. I wish for an endless supply of glue.
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