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Everything posted by GeneralHZRD

  1. I've always found that religion... sticky. sorry, not sorry.
  2. “You see, that is the sad, sorry, terrible thing about sarcasm. It's really funny.” “If you're always on time, it implies that you never have anything better you should be doing.” “Why hasn't anyone killed him yet?” “I strive for nothing if not consistency”
  3. They do if we personify the idea of winning enough.
  4. You know, I didn't know about this game. And I was perfectly happy in my blissful ignorance until this topic went and ruined it all. Also *loses*
  5. Don't worry, I won't take offense. Besides, I gave you permission. Edit: I'm actually considering changing my username anyway.
  6. *Keeps running* Yes, I give you permission to call me Idiot. TVI works too, or VI
  7. Many people thought they were pacifists, they were not. They literally killed people with kindness.
  8. @beantheboy12 44: How far away is the nearest Starbucks? 569: What's your favorite color with a name longer than 8 letters? 626: If you made up a color what would it be called? ^^: In the event of a mini minotaur attack, what would be your weapon of choice? $$%: Do you like bacon? SS: Are you currently procrastinating something? {}: Describe your shirt in three words. ++: When playing Tic Tac Toe, do you prefer x's or o's? +-*: What's your opinion on the ethical treatment of llamas as hemalurgic test subjects? 12: look to your left, add the color of your shirt followed by the name of the first object you see to the end of this "The ....... ......." this is your superhero name. (for example, I am "The Blue Chair") 655: Per the above question, what is your superpower?
  9. @Rebecca 1: Where? 43: Do you like Falafels? 553: What is your favorite color that doesn't exist? X: In your own words, explain the theory of relativity. $: Describe your surroundings in three words. *^: What color is your shirt? $##: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your first actions? 747: In the aforementioned scenario, would you rather have 3 mini minotaurs or 3 mega goats? 4543: Would your answers to the previous two questions change, if you were instead caught in a sentient book apocalypse? (): Do you think it's ethical to give a llama allomantic powers through hemalugry? ✯: Rate this image: ✂: Mac or PC? ✉: Pick a number between 0 and 1. (Be specific) ⅘: What's your favorite color with a name longer than 8 letters?
  10. @AonEne 1: Why 43: Do you like cheese? 553: What is your favorite color that doesn't exist? X: In your own words, explain the theory of relativity. $: Describe your surroundings in three words. *^: What color is your shirt? $##: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your first actions? 747: In the aforementioned scenario, would you rather have 3 mini minotaurs or 3 mega goats? 4543: Would your answers to the previous two questions change, if you were instead caught in a sentient book apocalypse? (): Do you think it's ethical to give a llama allomantic powers through hemalugry? ✯: Rate this image: ✂: Mac or PC? ✉: Pick a number between 0 and 1. (Be specific) ⅘: What's your opinion on the idea that the moon is made of cheese?
  11. @Ghanderflaffle 1: Why 43: Do you like cheese? 553: What is your favorite color that doesn't exist? X: In your own words, explain the theory of relativity. 54#$4: What is a Ghanderflaffle? $: Describe your surroundings in three words. *^: What color is your shirt? $##: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your first actions? 747: In the aforementioned scenario, would you rather have 3 mini minotaurs or 3 mega goats? 4543: Would your answers to the previous two questions change, if you were instead caught in a sentient book apocalypse? (): Do you think it's ethical to give a llama allomantic powers through hemalugry?
  12. *jumps out of shadows and steals win* *runs away*
  13. I support these, 43, 45, 47, 50, 55, 56, 62, 68, 76. I have already voted on all rules prior to 43. I also support these amendments. First rule of Idiocy: Each post must include a quote, regardless of form, context, or other defining features. Rule 15:
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