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Everything posted by GeneralHZRD

  1. So? So what? This is LPW, it doesn't have to make sense. Besides, you brought it up by pointing out the illogic of my original statement.
  2. Everyone dies, I just died sooner than most. and then I came back.
  3. Yeah, it does. I burst out of the ground, like a rose, or a dwarf, or a zombie.
  4. I'm not, how else could I fall out of the earth.
  5. It's a package deal. Because English. Depends on how much of your personality is tied to your body, and how much is tied to your soul. If your identity and personality are tied to your spirit then you would still be you. But, if you are nothing but chemical biology in your brain, then you would likely be vastly different. They're actually not. Mice is the plural of "Mouse" as in the animal. The correct plural of a computer mouse is actually "Mouses". Incidentally, if a vampire bit Wolverine, what would happen? Would Wolverine become a vampire, or would his healing keep him human? Would Wolverine be able to produce blood faster than the vampire could drink?
  6. Dog Inclusion Requirement: Votes on proposed rules Votes on amendments New proposed Rules
  7. Narrator Idiot corrected Narrator Xino, there are no pointless walls, for they are the supports we build our story upon.
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