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Everything posted by Lightflame

  1. This post is incredibly late, but whatever. I'm back, which is awesome because hopefully I'm back for good this time. But anyway, I had a realization as I was reflecting on The Rithmatist. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/2433-top-ten-reasons-to-convert-to-survivorism/ See this post? I made it in October 2012, and it has a bunch of random joking between users about how Nebraska is the location of the Hoidcave, warps space and time, etc. The Rithmatist actually has Nebraska as a super crazy place where nobody wants to go because of evil chalk. Therefore, our insanity was correct! We have broken through to the brain of the Sanderson, otherwise known as Braindon. Yay! Now that we're there, we can impant ideas like Szeth having a foil who is literally made out of foil. Woosh.
  2. Maybe he swaps bodies with people from the past? And "screaming Dalinar" from the present is actually yelling, "Where the hell am I? Get me out of this damned chair!"
  3. And here I was, thinking this was about Magic: The Gathering. Well I suppose you could still play it, but if your opponent gets mad when they lose, your head will explode. So, I must find a better solution. Allomantic golf, where a Mistborn has to manipulate a golf ball so it will go into a hole while touching the ground as few times as possible. Russian roulette with Spinners.
  4. "You created the one thing that could destroy you, Ruin! And you just made one huge final mistake. You shouldn't have killed Elend." "You see, he was the only reason I had left to live." Probably the biggest gut-punch in all of fiction for me. But as a shocking twist, OreSeur being TenSoon all along, Denth being evil, and Reen's voice being Ruin were huge.
  5. You switch between manic and depressed, only you can control it. Either that or the manic state turns you into a Shonen hero, but you'd have to store intelligence if you wanted that. I can see why Rashek hid the existence of Electrum. Not because it was an Atium counter, but because he'd have to use some of his tax money that he was intending to spend on his Ruin's sandwich (This message never said "Rashek's sandwich." Ati promises.) to fund a school that would train therapists. Also, I've been away far too long. Nice new layout here.
  6. From late December to early January, my parents took me on a vacation. I generally hate vacation, because everything good about it (shopping, going on the internet, reading books) is something I can do at home, and it's packaged with worse showers, bad food, uncomfortable beds, and stupid air travel. Also, my parents always want me to go look at excruciatingly boring things which are supposedly "life-changing attractions". We were staying in Hilton Head, South Carolina. One day, which was almost certainly in January, I saw a man walk into a clothing store I was in. He looked exactly like Brandon Sanderson, but I knew I was being silly because Brandon Sanderson lives in Utah. I considered going over to him and asking him if he was Brandon, but I'm pretty shy IRL, I knew Brandon lived in Utah, and I didn't want to be embarrassed if it wasn't him. He left a few minutes later, and I left the store to look at his plates. But I couldn't see where he had gone, and I only saw cars from South Carolina. I decided that it wasn't Brandon, but felt amused that some random guy from South Carolina looked exactly like him. Today, while sitting in math class, I realized that Brandon Sanderson would have gone to South Carolina in January because of the release of A Memory of Light. Since he looked exactly like Brandon, and was around the place where Brandon was at the time, I'm almost certain it was him. I was right next to my favourite author, and I didn't even say a word to him. I know some of you have met him, I'm just a high school student from Ottawa, Canada, so the odds that I would be going to one of his tours are slim. The realization of what I missed out on has pretty much ruined my day. Now I'm desperately wishing that I could have said something to him. Ugh. I need some reassurance or something from my fellow Brandon fans. *Kicks self.*
  7. He did the screwing about 1000 years back, so he really wouldn't have been thinking of helping Elend and Vin. Besides, they knew because Yomen figured it out.
  8. Alas, I am not as in-Tresting, as any of you, and cannot Breeze my way through these puns. I could possibly Sel my soul to Shai'tan in exchange for pun-making skills, but I would easily be exposed as a Forger. Thus I will simply Marsh away from this thread.
  9. So this guy has been going around Nevada (close to the Stormeo's factory), and he's killing small children by dropping The Way of Kings on them. It's quite a tragedy. If you find any information about this shadowy figure, then it's urgent that you report it here. We have to stop him before he can discover The Wheel of Time.
  10. This is one of the epigraphs of Jasnah's notes. This one is from the autobiography of some guy called Terxim. It's the only page of the autobiography left or something. I was thinking about the epigraphs, and I wondered the Radiants needed to charge ridiculous amounts of money. They were an organization dedicated to keeping the peace around Roshar, so why would they need to charge people and control trade through Urithiru? I'm assuming that the currency back then was spheres, just like it is in the present Roshar. If that's the case, then my guess is that they needed spheres so that they could store more Stormlight. (Unless one of the Radiant leaders decided to buy Makabakam or something.) So, that leads me to the question of what they needed the Stormlight for. Teleporting people to Urithiru wouldn't magically start requiring more Stormlight. Shardplate could hold Stormlight, so it wasn't new recruits. So, what kind of crazy Stormlight crisis was going on behind the scenes? Could it have anything to do with why the Radiants left? I'll leave that up to you.
  11. So Brandon can still do his books even after the character bites it? Well, he should totally do a Kelsier Stormlight Archive book. Then everyone who hasn't read Mistborn would be all, "What the another secret?" And Hoid could break the fourth wall to explain to explain that they're on Scadrial now, not Roshar.
  12. Since the second Mistborn trilogy will be set in a modern style world, how do you think it will turn out? There's an Allomantic SWAT team, so what kind of villains do you think they'll face? Or maybe how Allomancy has copied our world? I mean, we already know that there will be a Mistborn serial killer. - Misting Terrorists. People who just want to blow themselves up for a cause, with Allomancy. Maybe they walk into an airport and start shooting people with Coinshot powers. Maybe they have a bomb that they manipulate with Allomancy. Who knows? - An Uber-Hazekiller. You thought the guys from the original trilogy were pesky? Wait until you see the guy with aluminum armour using his Steelrunning to charge you so that he can destroy your metals with his Leeching. - Allomantic sports. Thugs could make football more brutal, and thus more appealing to the lowest common denominator. Alternately, you could do some crazy things with Coinshots and Lurchers. And don't forget the Soothers and Rioters to get the crowd into the game. - Batman. Everybody loves Batman after all. I can imagine a Scadrial Two-Face who uses Allomancy to control the flip of his coin, and Bane's mask providing him with pewter. - Amon and the Equalists. Okay, not the actual guys from The Legend of Korra (I haven't even seen the show), but a similar group of villains who hate class differences between the Allomancers/Feruchemists and the other people. And the leader guy could be some kind of super Leecher who can destroy Investiture. And Allomancer!Korra could yell, "I'm a Mistborn! You gotta deal with it." - An iron Compounder villain guy. Make yourself heavy enough, and you could pull a mountain out of the ground or rip buildings apart. Throw in Coinshot powers with Hemalurgy, and you've got a guy who could level Elendel and walk away smirking. - A cop who actually lives through his last day before retirement, then retires and lives a peaceful life. Because that would be glorious. Your ideas?
  13. You know those "Lego" games like Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman, and Lego Lord of the Rings? Well, I had a dream that I was reading Wikipedia and found out that the next game would be Lego Cosmere, and would somehow throw Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker, and The Stormlight Archive together in a single blocky game. Also, there was apparently a trailer out in my dream. Shallan was on Geonosis, in the arena where Mace Windu killed Jango Fett. She was killing guys with her Shardblade and stuff. Nice to know they have Attack of the Clones on Roshar. (In my dream, this was explained because Robert Jordan apparently directed the Star Wars films before he wrote The Wheel of Time. This has the effect of removing George Lucas from existence, while making Eragon even more painfully derivative.) Even though she was effortlessly mowing down hordes of Lego bad guys, she somehow needed to be "rescued". Fortunately, Kaladin and Helaran both showed up to save her from the arena. Because there can only be one, she had to choose which guy she would go with. The player got to choose who Shallan would go with. In the game's trailer, Shallan decided to go with her brother. Helaran took Shallan home and gave her a bath. A gold brick magically came out of her dirty clothes or something. Then Helaran, always the caring brother, took Shallan back to Geonosis and tossed her into the arena again. And he just left her there. Fortunately, Kaladin had decided to stick around and wait patiently in the arena. Like, he was just standing there twiddling his thumbs. So Shallan ran over to him, and started a new portion of the level where she had to escape from Geonosis with Kaladin. That's where the trailer ended. And that level was in the game because it's totally going to be how Shallan and Kaladin meet in SA2. I can only assume two things from this dream: - Instead of minikits and red blocks, the player would be on the lookout for Hoid and other worldhoppers in each level. - The game developers were using copious amounts of drugs while making the game. One of those drugs could be described as "white sand". Thank you for your time. Discuss Cosmeric video games, terrible potential Cosmere adaptions, or something else relating to my topic if you wish to.
  14. Interlude crossovers? That's one of the most glorious things I've heard in a while. Brandon's going to blow our minds when he reveals that this is a super crossover. Baxil and the Mistress head out to smash the stuff in the cart. They are stopped by Ishikk, who mistakes Baxil for Hoid. Then Nan Balat decides to kill some Spren, but Axies runs up from the dock and stops him. And then Geranid explains that spren shifting thing to Axies.
  15. Blunt is most likely from White Sand, by the way. He's not from Scadrial (Mistborn), Nalthis (Warbreaker), or Sel (Elantris), because we were told he's not from a world we've seen. He's not from Yolen (Dragonsteel) because Peter said he wasn't in an interview. Therefore he's probably from Taldain (White Sand), because The Way of Kings references White Sand and White Sand was an early thing Brandon wrote. (He could be from The Silence Divine though.)
  16. And Blunt is immortal because he's black.
  17. Yeah, Droz, I'm totally borrowing some stuff from you here. But people build theories off each other, right? What we know about the Oathpact: - The Oathpact required the Heralds to go to Hell between the Desolations. - The Oathpact somehow made Odium unable to kill Honor. (Apparently.) - Jezrien thought that the Desolations could be stopped by breaking the Oathpact. - The Oathpact was shattered. (Interesting because of the word "Shattered".) We also know that Odium, Cultivation, and Honor were somehow working together at some point, as evidenced by the famous quote "Three of Sixteen reigned, but now the Broken One reigns." (Also, Taffa's, "Three Gods!" curse.) And the female Radiant says, "Every pasture needs three things. Flocks to grow, herdsmen to tend, and watchers at the rim. We of Alethela are those watchers-the warriors who protect and fight. We maintain the terrible arts of killing, then pass them onto others when the Desolation comes." (The Way of Kings, Chapter 19, Pages 306-307, Hardcover edition.) Those three would be Odium, Cultivation, and Honor, but I'm not exactly sure who fits into each role. My theory goes like this: When mankind still lived in the Tranquiline Halls, a powerful force showed up. This thing may or may not have been a Shard, (I kind of want it to not be a Shard, because I really want to see a godlike thing in the Cosmere that isn't a Shard.) and will be referred to as "Cosmeric Hitler". Honor and Cultivation take mankind to Roshar. The people who stay behind either get turned into Voidbringers, become those guys Derethil met (Hoid did say that it wasn't Roshar), or get blown up by Cosmeric Hitler. It doesn't really matter for the purpose of this theory. Things are fine and dandy on Roshar for a little while. Then, Cosmeric Hitler shows up, and starts being really powerful. Meanwhile, Odium strolls in to get his daily dose of Shard killing. Out of desperation, Honor makes a deal with Odium. If Odium helps in the fight against Cosmeric Hitler and doesn't kill the Shards on Roshar, he can use Honor's power. Odium doesn't have to Invest himself in Roshar. He just needs to use the Shardic power he has to blow up Cosmeric Hitler. Then, he'll have more power, and he won't be changed by it. Odium agrees, and Honor puts some of his Investiture into Odium, in a way that Odium doesn't think is major. (It would of course be the key to defeating him or something.) Odium, Cultivation, and Honor then beat up Cosmeric Hitler and put him in jail or something. Odium decides that he doesn't want to break the Oathpact because having Honor's power lets him stick his hands in everywhere on Roshar. Alternately, it was physically impossible for him to break the Oathpact. He could mess with the Highstorms to make them more violent, create a spinoff of Surgebinding called Voidbinding (another thread showed that the symbols of the Surges were pretty much the same thing), or even bring about the evilness of Shardblades somehow. And of course, there's the Thrill. Perhaps Urithiru couldn't be placed in Alethela because it was the most warlike place, and thus Odium's domain? Also, Dawnsingers and Voidbringers seem to be a pretty good match. Since Odium wasn't breaking the Oathpact, he instead set stuff up so that Honor's side would break it. We know that only 1 in 10 people survived one of the Desolations, so that hints at the power of Honor. With Honor's power, Odium could have messed around a bit to make the Desolations happen (or at least contribute to whatever was causing them). Then, he just had to torture the Heralds until they broke it. When the 9 Heralds betrayed the Oathpact, Odium was able to kill Honor, but still keep his power. So he does Odium stuff, then kills Honor. However, he's still on Roshar even though Honor is dead. I'm guessing that even though nine Heralds broke the Oathpact, Taln's torture is still holding Odium back. Odium is mostly freed from the Oathpact, but he can't complete his plans as long as Taln is still there. I'm guessing that the True Desolation (The Everstorm! The Night of Sorrows!) isn't about destroying stuff, although that's a perk. Odium wants the True Desolation to come so that he can make Taln break the Oathpact, thus freeing him from its obligations completely. And thus, the fifth book could have the Oathpact being reforged. And after that, there's still Cosmeric Hitler to deal with. So what do you think of that? Have any comments?
  18. There is now (more) proof that this is right. Because the priceless painting in the flute is the one from The Emperor's Soul.
  19. Beware the Hoidbringers

  20. I can guess what happened around the Ascension. Rashek's Checklist (Just before he met Alendi): - Stab Alendi in the face. - Use the power of the Well to destroy the Deepness. - Make self a sandwich. - Create more peace. - Start wearing awesome clothing. - Turn friends into kings. - Wear more jewelry. - Go to bed at 9:00 PM sharp. As Alendi wrote his final journey entry, Rashek took a glance at his checklist to remind himself of his goals. Rashek's Checklist - Stab Alendi in the face. - Use the power of the Well to destroy the Deepness. - Make Ruin a sandwich. - Turn the well into a hot tub for Ruin. - Create more evil servants. - Start wearing evil clothing. - Turn friends into slime monsters. - Wear more spiky jewelry. - Go to bed at 9:00 PM sharp. He added one last thing to the list. "Erect a shrine for Alendi's book, but accidentally put the book upside down."
  21. So I notice that while we have all these awesome theories, but we don't really try to guess stuff like how characters will develop, who will die, and who will hook up with each other. So of course, I decided to start a thread about that stuff. I think Adolin will get together with a dark-eyed girl. He continually switches girlfriends, so he may be finding the female lighteyes unfulfilling. It's said that inter-marriage can happen, and it would shock the other Alethi. I just think it adheres to the themes. I don't think Szeth is going to die. Even though he acts like he wants to die, deep down he wants to live. Szeth's desire to still exist after death shows that he doesn't want to vanish. (Also, stone is apparently some sort of Shin hell, but that's a topic for another thread.) Also, his "now I can blame you for their deaths" speech to that king guy means that he could be convinced to keep living if he was given the task to overthrow the Shin government and establish something truly peaceful. (Because the concept of setting a slave dude with a giant sword loose on Roshar shows that they're kind of corrupt. Also, something sinister, like cannibalism has to be going on in those farms. And Szeth also wonders why people are disturbed by someone who looks like a child wandering around a hellhole. That could have interesting implications. But I'm getting off-topic.) Also, I ship Szeth/Jasnah, and that simply can't happen if Szeth bites it. And a major part of SA2 will obviously be the love triangle of Kaladin/Kaladin's Spear/Shallan. Who will Kaladin's spear choose: Kaladin or Shallan? Discuss this topic. And please, no shipping wars.
  22. "Oh good, someone's finally doing something about the flies. A shame about my window, though."
  23. Somehow a bit of it got cut off between Rand on the road and the "but it was an ending" bit. But I found it with my forum wizardry.
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