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xinoehp512 last won the day on January 28 2021

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    Just a little bit Forgotten
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  1. I wish I could stop seeing the worst possible side of everything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      My mom likes to talk about how our brains are just trying to protect us, so anxiety and irrational thoughts are really a way of self-love. But we have to realize that they are irrational. Just that realization is a big deal, so good job there, Xino. ^_^ I guess the next step is combating those thoughts. Saying/Thinking stuff like, "Brain, I know you're just trying to protect me, but I'm going to be okay."

      One thing I really like to do is list out all the reasons why I'm stressed and then write over everything with a corresponding positive thought. You could try just doing that in your head, since I know you don't like writing things out. Hope this helps! Love you!

    3. Frustration


      I know the feeling.

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      *hugs* (if you want them)

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