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xinoehp512 last won the day on January 28 2021

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    Just a little bit Forgotten
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  1. Jacob paced slowly down the length of the prison hallway, taking down a few notes on each occupant he passed. There weren't many. Silence took few prisoners, and those he did take rarely stayed here for very long. 

    But there was one prisoner that had been locked here for weeks now already. And with Silence absent, she would be staying here for a while longer. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      Wait, is that supposed to be Astral?

    3. xinoehp512


      Yes. But the withergeists dust the prison, so you're good.

    4. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      Yes. B) I am so freaking happy to have her back.

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