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xinoehp512 last won the day on January 28 2021

xinoehp512 had the most liked content!

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    Just a little bit Forgotten
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  1. 6 months ago, I surrendered to fear.

    It was the right decision to make... but nothing has been the same since.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AonEne


      You're not gone yet and so, so many people would be miserable if you were. I miss you already and I don't want to miss you always. 

      You've touched people, and we are not dust. 

    3. xinoehp512
    4. Frustration


      No Xino, you are so much more.

      You are one of the most influential people here, look at The Creator Games, you rallied dozens of individuals in ways most could only dream of.

      You are unique, the only you that will ever exist. That alone makes you invaluable. And what you do with it, the words you speak, the movements you start. You are worth more than anyone could possibly imagine.

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