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Status Replies posted by xinoehp512

  1. Luna, I don't know how you expect the spambots to respond to your questions...

  2. Okay, here it is! Thanks, Exotwo, for reminding me!

    Are you cytonic? Because my thoughts always go straight to you.

    4 days until Valentine's Day!!!

    Also, I need a new pfp. Which one?


    60247413f2884_heartcondensation.jpg.f4465edfd9a3c2fa8056713b2b2a03e2.jpg16024741f48666_pinkcondensationheart.jpg.fad2e8a2fec0e13ae3dfcb92c55725f3.jpg2602474275610d_condensationheart.jpg.fc42ef7934c63901366c69f499071938.jpg36024742e8fdb7_heartscondensation.jpg.7a7755b1d01bce59926389997ada23a3.jpgor 4?


  3. VoidSpawn.png.fa750b7bde451d807a70fdfeb676d53c.png

    Beware the call of the void.
    (The angry void, the jealous void.)
    Beware the lies of the void.
    (The shameful void, the lonely void.)

    Beware the creep of the void, silent and subtle, reaching out to consume your soul.
    Beware the dark of the void, deep and cold, casting the light from your eyes.


    Believe that there is still light in you.

  4. VoidSpawn.png.fa750b7bde451d807a70fdfeb676d53c.png

    Beware the call of the void.
    (The angry void, the jealous void.)
    Beware the lies of the void.
    (The shameful void, the lonely void.)

    Beware the creep of the void, silent and subtle, reaching out to consume your soul.
    Beware the dark of the void, deep and cold, casting the light from your eyes.


    Believe that there is still light in you.

  5. 60142d6a4709a_IceCube.png.249423dcdcc596246240a2e91a240e32.png

    An attempt at an ice cube.

  6. Gallery has been posted!

  7. WaffleIron.png.e098d175fd95ea68758de3665f504a70.png

    A smaller version of what fell out of Gerald's arm. :ph34r:

  8. WaffleIron.png.e098d175fd95ea68758de3665f504a70.png

    A smaller version of what fell out of Gerald's arm. :ph34r:

  9. SquidWithRoboArm.png.dc8edc34270c6c14885eb16741a144e3.png

    Aha! Tis larger this time! And also with robot arm.


  10. It's a hard decision, but...


    I've decided that I need to stop posting so much on all of the forums but Role-Playing. So you won't see me as much on Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds; Creator's Corner; and Entertainment Discussion. Forum Games and Random Stuff is, of course, not included. And I don't post much on General Discussion anyway.

    Hopefully this will keep my post count down as much as I'm willing to keep it down.

    Don't worry, RPers and SEers, I'll stick around there. But I can't post so much.

    Oh, and I apparently passed 70 followers? All 71 of you are amazing and deserve all the love!!!


    Also, I'm nearly to 1,337 rep. Y'all are great for that too.




  11. Squid.png.37658612191740bb6544df7a7340a5cd.png

    This wound up much smaller than I anticipated. :P

  12. Squid.png.37658612191740bb6544df7a7340a5cd.png

    This wound up much smaller than I anticipated. :P

    1. xinoehp512


      Gerald pre-octo-arm. That's coming later. ;) (If procrastination can be overcome, of course.)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. It's a hard decision, but...


    I've decided that I need to stop posting so much on all of the forums but Role-Playing. So you won't see me as much on Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds; Creator's Corner; and Entertainment Discussion. Forum Games and Random Stuff is, of course, not included. And I don't post much on General Discussion anyway.

    Hopefully this will keep my post count down as much as I'm willing to keep it down.

    Don't worry, RPers and SEers, I'll stick around there. But I can't post so much.

    Oh, and I apparently passed 70 followers? All 71 of you are amazing and deserve all the love!!!


    Also, I'm nearly to 1,337 rep. Y'all are great for that too.




    1. xinoehp512


      Holy smokes.

      You are the fourth most prolific person on the Shard.

      All three people ahead of you are God Beyond status, and have been on the site for at least six years.

      You are an absolute legend.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  14. The fire, don't bring me back to the fire, don't make me go back I can't go back I can't Roshar no not Roshar please don't don't bring me to Braize I'll kill you I'll spit on your bones I'll die a thousand times again don't take me don't put me under their knives don't BRING ME BACK TO THAT AGONY 

    The others, where are the other Heralds? I...I'm safe here, right? The Shard isn't one of their delusions rasping red and trickling black their mouths promise we can be safe if we just. let. go. ...right? 

  15. It was dusk in the field, the sky painted from horizon to zenith. A cool breeze rustled the wildflowers among the grass. Stars dotted the sky, bright in defiance of the eternally lingering sunlight. 

    Below the stars, a silent group watched. In all their years- which, despite their youth, were many- no vista such as this had ever graced them with its appearance.

    “Wow,” breathed one of them, a young boy around ten. This remark was met with similar exclamations of excitement from the others of the group - a chorus of wonder. 

    Aside from the crowding youth, the mentor smiled, reminiscing on years long past. He still remembered his first visit to this place, centuries ago. Things had changed since then. He had changed. He’d made friends and enemies, loved and lost, even helped save the world once or twice. But in spite of it all, this garden of eternal dusk remained unaltered. 

    “Welcome,” said he, “to the Land of Dreams.”

  16. Wow! A whole year already! Sometimes it felt like it would never come, and at other times it flew by! Like Fadran, I'm going to start by resolving not to start naming names (but I'll probably end up doing it anyway) so just know who you are!

    First, my AMAZING Shardbuddies. I don't have awesome enough words to describe you, but here are some that come close: prodigious, stupendous, phenomenal, flabbergasting, magnificent, miraculous, exceptional, incomparable, and transcendent.

    Also, all 62 of my followers! Wow, when did that happen?! I'm so glad you guys consider me interesting enough ( :P ) to check my status updates and whatnot! Thank you!

    Now for some art.


    5ff12ad558792_HoAElendimage.thumb.jpg.4c1366e6472b635c13244f9cde95bb45.jpgI got this idea while reading Hero of Ages (I've stopped counting # of times), and I just had to draw it. I love using crayon when I can, and I think it works nicely here.


    5ff12b1ebc009_murcatandcandle.thumb.jpg.7bc2036025f560d0fd20227aed8f993a.jpgPhaedrus.thumb.jpg.001e8b72f89cdc7a9f363497cb8b2831.jpgThis is Phaedrus and Candle from Kippies and Dragons(made by @Channelknight Fadran, you should go check it out!) and a murcat from Keeper of the Lost Cities. These were traced by @Vapor, this is more to show off skills with Sharpie. :)


    Chorale.thumb.jpg.548d6947f0def6e2e4d57744f8f39700.jpgThis is Chorale, one of my RP characters in Crystellation (made by yours truly, go check it out!). She's bonded with a clouded leopard named Vivace, that's why she's got ears, claws, and fur.


    5ff12c25d5253_Queenhat.thumb.jpg.c912628c107e6f221e607a9d4c2e39ff.jpgQueen's back! Hi, Queen! Welcome back! Before you were back, Vapor had this idea and I really wanted to draw it. But she's back! So this is a gift for you, Queen! (And it won't let me tag you. Shame.)

    And now some special thank you's! I know I said I wouldn't do this, but I kind of have to.

    (It won't let me tag you. Someone tag these people?) @xinoehp512, you've been so patient while I learn how to RP well. You're so amazing. I love being on the Shard with you!

    And xino's "partner in crime", @Shard of Thought! Your art is amazing, and I'm so glad I met you on Discord! Otherwise, I'd probably have been too intimidated to talk to you!

    Fadran and Queen, of course. Y'all already know how absolutely amazing you are, but let me tell you again. Wow. You are so effervescent and enjoyable to be around, I can't even put my feelings into words! 

    Vapor and @Mist! You're great siblings (as much as I complain) and I'm so glad we're on the Shard together! Can't wait for Fog, Cloud, Dew, Brook, Tap Water, Flurry, Moist, and H2O to join as wel!

    @Matrim's Dice, you are a hidden masterpiece. You've been so friendly to everyone (especially me), yet you often get forgotten. No longer! Mat, you are one of my favourite people to be with on the Shard.

    Yikes, already on a third page. I'm writing this in my large notebook late on January 1st so I can edit it over 18 hours or so. (Even though I didn't end up doing it.)

    *deep breath*

    Everyone who's done SE with me! You are awe-inspiring! I haven't won a game yet, but maybe the sixth time's the charm!

    Anyone I RP with or have RPed with! WOW!!! (Got nothing else to say, I'm running out of words.)

    @Doomstick! You should join an RP so I can blanket statement you! :P But seriously, you're cool.

    @Nameless, you are amazingly good at being random. I love posting on TLT and TST with you!

    @EmiTheNinja and @revelryintheart, your art rocks! Emi, I loved your Secret Sharder present. Rev, I loved getting to meet you!

    Shoot, I said I wasn't going to do this. Time to stop.

    If you didn't get mentioned, I'm sorry! I can't blanket statement you all! ;) But I'm sure you're amazing and I just forgot to mention you because this is late at night.

    Lots of Love,


  17. Welp, my Shardiversary snuck up on me this year, so I didn’t have enough time to make any art, I hope you’ll forgive me. (I might come up with something later though) However, I did have plenty of time to write up some words that I hope are meaningful.

    Two years, man. Honestly, that sounds way too short. Waaaaay too much has happened in that time for it to only have been two years. Huge strides in planning Keyed with @xinoehp512, getting so much better at my art that it’s mind-blowing, being diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and cyclic vomiting syndrome, getting into yoga, going from middle school to high school, and ya know, everything having to do with that little global pandemic, maybe you heard about it. I won’t lie, the last year has been incredibly hard for me. I’ve had some of the lowest lows I can remember… but also some of the highest highs, like getting to meet up with @Butt Ad Venture in the summer and having such a blast with Inktober. But ya know, one thing I have learned this year is that times when you’re the most broken down are the times that you get to connect the deepest with other people. Kinda personal, I suppose, but for most of my life I’ve been in the role of helping other people. And this year… this year that got reversed. And it felt good. Really good. ^_^ So now it’s my turn to thank you guys for that.  

    First I gotta shout out @xinoehp512. I know I tell you this all the time, but you mean more to me than you could possibly know and nobody in the world could possibly replace you. Each word you say is precious to me and getting to know you this past year has been a magical adventure. All the hugs, my buddy. :wub: 

    Second, @Butt Ad Venture. You are a handful and it is honestly a miracle that we are still friends after all our ups and downs. But through it all, I have been amazed at your ability to apologize and, more importantly, to forgive. Stars know I don’t deserve a good amount of that forgiveness. You’ve grown so much since I met you and I am immensely proud of that growth. Your heart and soul are among the most precious I have ever had the privilege of getting to know. 

    @AonEne, I have no idea how we had such a rocky start, but it has been a joy to get to know you. Thanks again for the notebooks, for the emotional support, and for your unwavering, yet gentle and kind personality. The world needs more people like you. 

    It’s quite the incredible experience to get to know someone so jarringly similar to yourself and for me, that’s @Jaywalk. You are a riot and a gem; your writing, your humor, and your personality are *chef’s kiss* I know this year has been hard for you and while I cannot promise that anything will get better, I can promise that my heart goes out to you and that you WILL get through this. You’re stronger than you think and you’re amazing. All the hugs for you, too. 

    @BringerofShadows, I miss talking with you so much. Whatever you’re up to nowadays, I hope you’re not overworked and that you keep a little snark and magic in your pocket. I love your unapologetic personality and massive presence and wish you well. 

    @AonDii, keep being your fabulous self. I said on the yearbook thread that you can do anything and I really believe that’s true. :D I mean seriously, the real question is what CAN’T you do. You cook like a boss, you fence, you play the double bass, you do rainbow loom stuff, and read epic fantasy??? Bruh. You’re awesome. (Like you need to be told that :P

    @I Don't Know I miss you so much and I hope I can see your face soon. I’m so glad that we’ve been able to keep in touch even though you’ve moved away. You are a wonderful friend. 

    @Truthless of Shinovar and @Rosharan A.C. you are the most dynamic duo ever. Keep being excellent, keep bringing your energy to everything. 

    @Lunamor you’re great. I nominated you for Most Likely To Brighten Your Day for the yearbook (as well as Friendliest Sharder I think????) and I totally stand by that. You are an icon. :D 

    @Nathrangking you are just about the most earnest person I know. I’m so glad you’re on the Shard.

    @Condensation, @Channelknight Fadran, @Hentient, @Matrim's Dice, @Mist, @Bearer of all agonies, and @revelryintheart. Y’all are the new kids and I haven’t gotten to know you guys very well. But from what I have seen…

    Connie, you are incredibly positive and fun to be around. I’m so glad you like Crime and Punishment as much as I do. 

    Fadran, I know you deny compliments often, but trust me. The moment I met you, I was like, “... Dang, yeah, I can see why this dude is as popular as he’s become.” You are absolutely hilarious and you have a very unique vibe. I’m not sure how to describe it, but I’m sure people would agree with me. :P 

    Hentient, your bright, enthusiastic energy is dangerously contagious. If you’re not careful, you could cure someone’s depression. :D 

    Matrim (and @Tesh) it was so fun to make Secret Santa gifts for you. Previously, making art for gifts wasn’t really something I did but this year I saw how happy it made people and that was a super gratifying experience.

    Mist, I love the dynamic you have with your sisters. I remember when I first saw your usernames, they were all on the “recently browsing” of a thread I was reading and I thought, Wow, what a funny coincidence. Knowing you’re all sisters is so bliving awesome. But aside from that, I love being a mod with you on the LDS server and I’ll never forget how friendly you were to me the first time we talked. 

    Bearer, I love the work you’ve done on the yearbook and I’m so glad you’re part of the Oakenwey RP. (same with you, @Lecky Twig, I am so freaking happy that RP has taken off and your character is so fun ^_^)

    And finally Rev, your art is incredible and so are you.

    WHOOOO, that was a lot. Happy new year, everyone! Thank you for tolerating me, I love you all. :wub: 

    1. xinoehp512


      Good on you for remembering your Shardiversary! :P

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  18. Wow! A whole year already! Sometimes it felt like it would never come, and at other times it flew by! Like Fadran, I'm going to start by resolving not to start naming names (but I'll probably end up doing it anyway) so just know who you are!

    First, my AMAZING Shardbuddies. I don't have awesome enough words to describe you, but here are some that come close: prodigious, stupendous, phenomenal, flabbergasting, magnificent, miraculous, exceptional, incomparable, and transcendent.

    Also, all 62 of my followers! Wow, when did that happen?! I'm so glad you guys consider me interesting enough ( :P ) to check my status updates and whatnot! Thank you!

    Now for some art.


    5ff12ad558792_HoAElendimage.thumb.jpg.4c1366e6472b635c13244f9cde95bb45.jpgI got this idea while reading Hero of Ages (I've stopped counting # of times), and I just had to draw it. I love using crayon when I can, and I think it works nicely here.


    5ff12b1ebc009_murcatandcandle.thumb.jpg.7bc2036025f560d0fd20227aed8f993a.jpgPhaedrus.thumb.jpg.001e8b72f89cdc7a9f363497cb8b2831.jpgThis is Phaedrus and Candle from Kippies and Dragons(made by @Channelknight Fadran, you should go check it out!) and a murcat from Keeper of the Lost Cities. These were traced by @Vapor, this is more to show off skills with Sharpie. :)


    Chorale.thumb.jpg.548d6947f0def6e2e4d57744f8f39700.jpgThis is Chorale, one of my RP characters in Crystellation (made by yours truly, go check it out!). She's bonded with a clouded leopard named Vivace, that's why she's got ears, claws, and fur.


    5ff12c25d5253_Queenhat.thumb.jpg.c912628c107e6f221e607a9d4c2e39ff.jpgQueen's back! Hi, Queen! Welcome back! Before you were back, Vapor had this idea and I really wanted to draw it. But she's back! So this is a gift for you, Queen! (And it won't let me tag you. Shame.)

    And now some special thank you's! I know I said I wouldn't do this, but I kind of have to.

    (It won't let me tag you. Someone tag these people?) @xinoehp512, you've been so patient while I learn how to RP well. You're so amazing. I love being on the Shard with you!

    And xino's "partner in crime", @Shard of Thought! Your art is amazing, and I'm so glad I met you on Discord! Otherwise, I'd probably have been too intimidated to talk to you!

    Fadran and Queen, of course. Y'all already know how absolutely amazing you are, but let me tell you again. Wow. You are so effervescent and enjoyable to be around, I can't even put my feelings into words! 

    Vapor and @Mist! You're great siblings (as much as I complain) and I'm so glad we're on the Shard together! Can't wait for Fog, Cloud, Dew, Brook, Tap Water, Flurry, Moist, and H2O to join as wel!

    @Matrim's Dice, you are a hidden masterpiece. You've been so friendly to everyone (especially me), yet you often get forgotten. No longer! Mat, you are one of my favourite people to be with on the Shard.

    Yikes, already on a third page. I'm writing this in my large notebook late on January 1st so I can edit it over 18 hours or so. (Even though I didn't end up doing it.)

    *deep breath*

    Everyone who's done SE with me! You are awe-inspiring! I haven't won a game yet, but maybe the sixth time's the charm!

    Anyone I RP with or have RPed with! WOW!!! (Got nothing else to say, I'm running out of words.)

    @Doomstick! You should join an RP so I can blanket statement you! :P But seriously, you're cool.

    @Nameless, you are amazingly good at being random. I love posting on TLT and TST with you!

    @EmiTheNinja and @revelryintheart, your art rocks! Emi, I loved your Secret Sharder present. Rev, I loved getting to meet you!

    Shoot, I said I wasn't going to do this. Time to stop.

    If you didn't get mentioned, I'm sorry! I can't blanket statement you all! ;) But I'm sure you're amazing and I just forgot to mention you because this is late at night.

    Lots of Love,


    1. xinoehp512


      A good year to you! May you have another as well. ^_^

      Also, good on you for remembering your Shardiversary. :P 

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  19. YOU'RE BACK!!!


  20. I love the new background photo for your profile, Xino, it looks great!

  21. I just watched one of my favorite classic movies. I'll drop the plot below in spoilers:


    Narrated by an alien and a rodent, the story is about Moaning Myrtle, Santa Claus, and a Nazgul banding together to teach late-1800s Mr. Banks the true meaning of Christmas by revisiting his failed love life, a small child with tuberculosis, and a graverobbing spider.


    1. xinoehp512


      You should post that on the Explain a Plot Badly thread :P

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  22. I just watched one of my favorite classic movies. I'll drop the plot below in spoilers:


    Narrated by an alien and a rodent, the story is about Moaning Myrtle, Santa Claus, and a Nazgul banding together to teach late-1800s Mr. Banks the true meaning of Christmas by revisiting his failed love life, a small child with tuberculosis, and a graverobbing spider.


  23. It's kind of funny.

    Everyone else is saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll be on a lot more!"

    And I'm saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll have no reason to get on the computer, so I won't be on as much!"

    Plus, we're going on a trip for a week right after Christmas, so I won't be on at all if Mom doesn't let us bring the chromebook. Which, to be honest, she probably won't.

    1. xinoehp512


      Aw man, I'm going to be even slower on all my RP's without you :P.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  24. Would people be interested in restarting a Mirrored Dimensions like thread? IE playing a more rule based roleplay over the forums? I'd be willing to play as DM, but I also have a bunch of characters I want to play. I just want to see if there's interest before hand rather than letting the thread die before it starts.

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