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Status Replies posted by xinoehp512

  1. A flower landed on Dr. Who Octopus's head.

    He stared cross eyed at it for a second, then used one of his tentacles to pull it out to a better inspection distance.

    He made the octopus equivalent of a shrug, then stored the flower in one of his robotic arm's compartments.

    A few hours later, he had forgotten it entirely.

  2. A flower landed on Dr. Who Octopus's head.

    He stared cross eyed at it for a second, then used one of his tentacles to pull it out to a better inspection distance.

    He made the octopus equivalent of a shrug, then stored the flower in one of his robotic arm's compartments.

    A few hours later, he had forgotten it entirely.

  3. Quote

    Q: The Linear Thread [Not That Anyone Will Read or Care About This lol]

      Q rubbed her arms, trying to warm them from the chill that had fallen upon her. She took careful steps down the tower's winding staircase, away from the group of adventurers that she had come across. Q flipped her short hair to the side with a small flick of her head. She didn’t really want to know what happened to that group of people up there, but rather she wanted to find someone in here that she has a personal dilemma with.
      "You didn't tell me that there were going to be others here," she said softly. "You only said that there was only going to be... him and that weird magician."
      The voice in her head sighed. You're supposed to know by now that I don't know everything, Krow said with an exasperated tone. Honestly, how am I supposed to know that there was going to be a ragtag group of adventurers there. He paused. They seem to like you, boss.
      Q halted on the staircase, then squeezed her eyes shut.
      Blood filled her vision, blood from both her victims and her loved ones. It came in waves, like the ocean against the shore. It caused her to stumble back and open her eyes as she gasped at the sudden throwback from the memories she had.
      She didn't need to have her eyes shut in order for her to see that the poor butler's face had entered with the others. Q couldn't help but think of the poor family of his, the one that she had forcefully taken their father from. Her hand fell to the side, feeling the butler's locket still in her pocket.
      "No, they don't like me," Q whispered. "Not after what I've done to that butler. I can't be a part of another group again, it'll only get them killed."
      No, they won't––
      "Yes, they will!" her voice rose slightly. "Or perhaps you don't remember what happened…"
      She didn't finish the sentence as the unwanted memories started to flood her vision.
      Her best friend was dead in her arms, his dark blond hair matted with his own blood. His body laid broken in her arms as she carefully held him. His green eyes stared into nothingness for the rest of eternity, with no way to revive him. She had murdered everyone in that torture room that she had been in when her best friend had died. She had found out afterwards that because of the actions that she took, her remaining family had been slaughtered in her homeland. Q had tried to make new friends after that experience, but it had only ended with their deaths and with her becoming more distant to people. 
      She couldn't make the same mistake of letting others grow close to her. Never again.
      Q let out a held breath. "Let's just... get this over with."
      If you say so, boss, Krow said, sounding like he wasn't convinced of her words.
      As she reached the bottom of the winding staircase, Q let out a sigh of relief. At least I'm farther away from them, she thought. They have a chance now.
      She surveyed the empty hallway, taking note of the offshoots to different rooms that were most likely empty. Such a big tower, and it was empty of all things. No people wandering the halls, at least none that she could see. Of course there was furniture, but that was all that the tower held, besides the weird magician. Q couldn't understand why the person she was planning on wanted to meet here of all places. Surely he would know that there were already people here and they couldn’t risk having anyone else know about their dispute.
      This was personal. No one else needed to know.
      As she was observing the hallway, Q saw the body of the butler lying at the entrance of the tower, the door still being wide open to the outdoors. Scarlet blood pooled around him, but the gushing of his blood seemed to have come to a stop in the five to ten minutes that Q was gone. 
      Immediate regret filled her being. She looked away from the dead body, feeling shame trickle in.
      Why do you feel regretful? Krow asked. You're the one that decided to kill him. I had nothing to do with this, boss.
      "Because I didn't take for granted that he might have had a family, or at least someone that cared for him and he cared for them."
      Q reverently walked over to the dead body, then knelt beside it. Q reached in her pocket and pulled out the golden locket with the picture of the young family, and placed it in the dead man's hands. She then stretched out her hand and closed the butler's eyes, giving him the rest that he was forcefully given by her.
      "May you find rest with Mors," she whispered, reciting only the last rites she knew. "May your soul find rest in the Spiritual Realm."
      Q picked up the body with a grunt of effort, not even caring about the blood that she was getting all over herself. She moved to the side, kneeling down as she placed him upright against the wall next to the entrance. Q then made sure to tighten his grip on the locket, hoping that he would be able to at least find some rest, even though it had been too early for him to pass on.
      You realize that you're not home, right? Krow said, interrupting the reverent silence. Far from it, boss. These lands have a different magic to them than the one you’re used to.
      "I'm aware of that, Krow," she said, rising to her feet from her kneeling position. "But it's the least that I can do after what I did to him and to his family."
      Ah but, Angel, a different voice in her head said, you were meant to kill. I taught you to do that.
      Q whipped around, her twin knives appearing in her hands. The obsidian blade––Yin–– drew in the light that the ivory blade––Yang––released. She fell into a defensive stance in front of the butler’s body. She looked around for where the voice came from, wondering where he could be in this tower. Q started to walk in the direction where she roughly guessed where the voice had come from.
      "You didn't teach me anything," she hissed to the voice.
      Sudden pain flared along her spine, where her whip-line scars were. The ones from her past. Q growled in pain, but didn't stumble. She wouldn't show weakness to Him. He was the last person that she wanted to show any weakness to, but she also knew that He was the one that caused her that pain and knew where she was vulnerable.
      Oh, precious Angel, the voice said, making a tsk sound. You don't know how much effect I've had on you and your life.
      "Oh, I know," Q admitted, finally determining that the voice was coming from the room on the left side of the corridor. "You were the one that caused all the deaths of my friends and family."
      Didn't you hear yourself earlier? You were the one that caused all of their deaths, and you know it.
      She growled yet again, coming up to the room where she had determined the voice to be. Q waited a second before opening the wooden door, her knives still ready to throw or stab at any given moment. She carefully walked in the room, seeing the man who had molded her to be the murderer and broken person that she was today.
      His Highness stood in the shadows, but Q knew exactly what he looked like. He wore casual clothing instead of His usual white robes, which made Q skeptical of what He was planning. His long white hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, kept out of his face that always held a cold expression that was pointed at her right now. Highness stood with poise as He watched her come into the dark room.
      Chills were sent down her spine as she saw His cold blue eyes stare into her, knowing everything about her and everything that He had done to her to make her into the person that she was. Q didn't rise from her defensive stance, keeping herself on her toes as she watched the man with wariness.
      "Oh, come on now," Highness said, flicking His right hand up.
      Q lost control of her body as she felt herself stand up straight, out of the stance that she had been in. She felt her hands release Yin and Yang, and heard them clatter on the cold ground, dropped by her unwilling hands.
      She gave a deep growl, trying to regain control over her body with no success. She had completely forgotten that He could do that to her, but she was stronger than when she was when she left Him. She could handle this, no problem.
      Then why couldn't she move?
      Highness kept His hand in the air, keeping her immobile as He strolled up to her.
      "I remember you being more resistant than that," He said, narrowing His cold eyes at her. "Was I too rough when I had you kill that butler in the entrance?"
      Q caught her breath. "That was you?"
      "Of course it was me." Highness sneered at her immobile body. "You need to be better at figuring things out, Angel. If you’re going to be finding answers to your problems, that is."
      Q tried to snarl at the man, but it only came out as a low growl. "I've figured out that I need to kill you," she grunted, trying to move at least a little bit even though it was useless.
      "People have tried that and as you can see, that didn’t get them anywhere." He shook his head. "But if you want to try, I will let you, Angel."
      He waved His hand, letting her come back to her senses.
      Q fell to her knees, gasping for air, moving her fingers on her own free will. She reached and grabbed Yin and Yang, feeling their comfortable weight in her hands again. At least she was given a chance to do so.
      With a yell, Q rose with her daggers gleaming in the faint light. She went in and thrusted her blades at the man who stood waiting for her first move.
      Highness simply sidestepped, causing Q to stumble at His sudden movement that she almost missed. She ducked her head, anticipating a swing from Highness that flew where her head had been not one second before. She was not sure what blade He used, if He used any, but she knew that it wouldn't end well if whatever He had came in contact with her.
      Q changed her stance to be one where she could be quick on her feet, that it would be harder for her opponent to anticipate where she was going to strike, and then dove in with her blades ready to cut open anything that stood in her path.
      But she was not expecting what Highness did next.
      Highness grabbed both of her wrists, causing her to drop Yin and Yang again despite not having them for three seconds. His hand flashed as he grabbed one of the falling blades from the air. Yin shone as it came in contact with Him, which made Q widen her eyes with fear at what He had just snatched.
      He looked at the obsidian blade for a few seconds, then ran its cool blade across her face. Q felt something warm trickle down her face as the blade drew blood.
      Q struggled against His grip, but it was nearly impossible. "Let me go," she said through gritted teeth.
      Highness shook his head, pressing the cold blade against her skin, her blood starting to stream down her face and onto her clothes or the floor. "You see, Angel," He said, "I can't allow that."
      Q opened her mouth to protest, but she felt her control over her body be taken away again as Highness found His way back into controlling her with His strange power. She stood in silent fear as Highness ran His hand along her spine.
      Pain shot through her body. She couldn't tell if it was her screaming or if it was her ears tricking her that she was hearing screams. Either way, Q not only heard screams in the present but those from the past; the screams from her victims and from those deaths she had caused. The whip-line scars on her back burned with pain.
      Memories of those she murdered and those she had lied to were now coming into view.
      Her mother, brother, and uncle appeared in front of her, just out of hands reach. Her mother looked the same from when Q had last seen her, and the same with her brother and uncle but the happiness that they always had were now gone, replaced with a different emotion. Q saw them all shake their heads in disappointment, which caused her heart to wrench with sorrow. She couldn't move or say anything when she heard the words that haunted her to this day.
      "Your fault," her mother said while her brother and uncle nodded in agreement. They all turned away from her, disappearing as they walked out of the light of the room and into the shadows where she could not reach.
      Q wanted to reach her hand out to stop them, to ask them to come back, but she couldn't. Tears streamed down her face as she watched them walk away from her without saying another word; the tears mixed with the blood that was already dripping down her cheeks, causing her to feel warmth but also a chill as she only watched her relatives walk away from her only saying two words.
      But those words were true.
      Before she could try to say anything else, two more people showed in front of her, on the left and the right.
      A young boy with blond hair stood to the left, holding a bright red apple in both of his hands. He was not as tall as she remembered, but he still had that same fear to them when she had first met him. His gaze was turned down at the apple and the ground, but Q knew that his eyes were full of fear and perhaps terror. He trembled as he stood, saying the words that had been said before.
      "Your fault," he whispered, before he dissipated into the shadows behind him.
      On the right was the butler that she had murdered not fifteen minutes or so ago. Q felt another wave of tears come as she only observed him from her standing point. He had his hands behind his back and still had that same poise to him when she had first seen him earlier, but he now shook his head at her. The butler turned his back to her and started to walk away into the shadows.
      "Your fault," the butler uttered softly as he walked out of her line of vision.
      There was a moment of silence and emptiness as Q was left to her own thoughts and memories, till a shadow appeared above her.
      Q weakly looked up to see His Highness again, his expression as cold as ever. "As they said, Angel," He sneered at her again, "all of their deaths are your fault. You didn't do anything to stop them and now you will listen to their voices until the day you die. It's a good thing that you will be the cause of your new friends' deaths."
      Q was on her hands and knees, tears and blood dripping from her face. She felt too weak to do anything, except look up at Highness and say a few words. "They're not my friends," she managed to rasp. "They're safe from me now."
      "Oh really? It would be a shame if I were to do something to them that will––"
      "Don't you dare touch them!" she yelled at the man, which caused Him to raise and eyebrow at the broken girl. Her eyes alight with anger even though she was extremely weak, she tried to keep that defiance alive as she continued to stare at the man. "You have no right."
      "I have every right." Highness' eyes grew cold as ice. "After all, you led me to them. It will be your fault that they will be dead."
      "I'll protect them from you."
      "Not if you'll be the one that kills them."
      Q drew in a breath. "I would never––"
      "Like what you did with the butler?"
      Immediate shame, regret, and sorrow filled Q as she was surprised at His comeback. She bowed her head, letting the tears and blood fall to the cold ground. It was her fault that she had let Him control her for a few seconds to murder the poor man.
      All she was meant to be was a killer.
      "That's right," Highness' voice whispered in her ear and all around her. "You're mine. You'll always be mine to control."
      Q kept her head bowed in submission. He was right, after all. He only made her into what she is today and made her kill whomever He wanted. She will only be under His finger for the rest of her life, no matter her efforts to try and kill Him or to rid herself of His influence on her. She let the tears and blood fall, making no actions to wipe them away.
      Footsteps receded from her position, leaving her on the ground in the cold, dark and empty room. A clatter came from the same direction, most likely from the knife that Highness had snatched from the air from her. The footsteps grew quieter as she only listened to them, making no sudden movements.
      "I'll see you again once you've killed your new friends, Angel of Death," Highness said, finally leaving the room.
      As soon as He stepped out of the room, Q fell to the ground, finally able to move again but decided not to. The freezing cold from the floor seeped into her bones, chilling her to the core. She then let herself be vulnerable for a minute, because no one was watching, and let herself weep for those she had murdered, those she had manipulated, as well as herself.

  4. You are cooler than me. Period. Can anyone else verify?

    1. xinoehp512


      Ene has transcended coolness. :P 

      Dunno what my opinion counts for, but I feel like I have more interactions with @Condensation than with @Bearer of all agonies. (Sorry, Bearer)


    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  5. Quote

    Q: The Linear Thread [Not That Anyone Will Read or Care About This lol]

      Q rubbed her arms, trying to warm them from the chill that had fallen upon her. She took careful steps down the tower's winding staircase, away from the group of adventurers that she had come across. Q flipped her short hair to the side with a small flick of her head. She didn’t really want to know what happened to that group of people up there, but rather she wanted to find someone in here that she has a personal dilemma with.
      "You didn't tell me that there were going to be others here," she said softly. "You only said that there was only going to be... him and that weird magician."
      The voice in her head sighed. You're supposed to know by now that I don't know everything, Krow said with an exasperated tone. Honestly, how am I supposed to know that there was going to be a ragtag group of adventurers there. He paused. They seem to like you, boss.
      Q halted on the staircase, then squeezed her eyes shut.
      Blood filled her vision, blood from both her victims and her loved ones. It came in waves, like the ocean against the shore. It caused her to stumble back and open her eyes as she gasped at the sudden throwback from the memories she had.
      She didn't need to have her eyes shut in order for her to see that the poor butler's face had entered with the others. Q couldn't help but think of the poor family of his, the one that she had forcefully taken their father from. Her hand fell to the side, feeling the butler's locket still in her pocket.
      "No, they don't like me," Q whispered. "Not after what I've done to that butler. I can't be a part of another group again, it'll only get them killed."
      No, they won't––
      "Yes, they will!" her voice rose slightly. "Or perhaps you don't remember what happened…"
      She didn't finish the sentence as the unwanted memories started to flood her vision.
      Her best friend was dead in her arms, his dark blond hair matted with his own blood. His body laid broken in her arms as she carefully held him. His green eyes stared into nothingness for the rest of eternity, with no way to revive him. She had murdered everyone in that torture room that she had been in when her best friend had died. She had found out afterwards that because of the actions that she took, her remaining family had been slaughtered in her homeland. Q had tried to make new friends after that experience, but it had only ended with their deaths and with her becoming more distant to people. 
      She couldn't make the same mistake of letting others grow close to her. Never again.
      Q let out a held breath. "Let's just... get this over with."
      If you say so, boss, Krow said, sounding like he wasn't convinced of her words.
      As she reached the bottom of the winding staircase, Q let out a sigh of relief. At least I'm farther away from them, she thought. They have a chance now.
      She surveyed the empty hallway, taking note of the offshoots to different rooms that were most likely empty. Such a big tower, and it was empty of all things. No people wandering the halls, at least none that she could see. Of course there was furniture, but that was all that the tower held, besides the weird magician. Q couldn't understand why the person she was planning on wanted to meet here of all places. Surely he would know that there were already people here and they couldn’t risk having anyone else know about their dispute.
      This was personal. No one else needed to know.
      As she was observing the hallway, Q saw the body of the butler lying at the entrance of the tower, the door still being wide open to the outdoors. Scarlet blood pooled around him, but the gushing of his blood seemed to have come to a stop in the five to ten minutes that Q was gone. 
      Immediate regret filled her being. She looked away from the dead body, feeling shame trickle in.
      Why do you feel regretful? Krow asked. You're the one that decided to kill him. I had nothing to do with this, boss.
      "Because I didn't take for granted that he might have had a family, or at least someone that cared for him and he cared for them."
      Q reverently walked over to the dead body, then knelt beside it. Q reached in her pocket and pulled out the golden locket with the picture of the young family, and placed it in the dead man's hands. She then stretched out her hand and closed the butler's eyes, giving him the rest that he was forcefully given by her.
      "May you find rest with Mors," she whispered, reciting only the last rites she knew. "May your soul find rest in the Spiritual Realm."
      Q picked up the body with a grunt of effort, not even caring about the blood that she was getting all over herself. She moved to the side, kneeling down as she placed him upright against the wall next to the entrance. Q then made sure to tighten his grip on the locket, hoping that he would be able to at least find some rest, even though it had been too early for him to pass on.
      You realize that you're not home, right? Krow said, interrupting the reverent silence. Far from it, boss. These lands have a different magic to them than the one you’re used to.
      "I'm aware of that, Krow," she said, rising to her feet from her kneeling position. "But it's the least that I can do after what I did to him and to his family."
      Ah but, Angel, a different voice in her head said, you were meant to kill. I taught you to do that.
      Q whipped around, her twin knives appearing in her hands. The obsidian blade––Yin–– drew in the light that the ivory blade––Yang––released. She fell into a defensive stance in front of the butler’s body. She looked around for where the voice came from, wondering where he could be in this tower. Q started to walk in the direction where she roughly guessed where the voice had come from.
      "You didn't teach me anything," she hissed to the voice.
      Sudden pain flared along her spine, where her whip-line scars were. The ones from her past. Q growled in pain, but didn't stumble. She wouldn't show weakness to Him. He was the last person that she wanted to show any weakness to, but she also knew that He was the one that caused her that pain and knew where she was vulnerable.
      Oh, precious Angel, the voice said, making a tsk sound. You don't know how much effect I've had on you and your life.
      "Oh, I know," Q admitted, finally determining that the voice was coming from the room on the left side of the corridor. "You were the one that caused all the deaths of my friends and family."
      Didn't you hear yourself earlier? You were the one that caused all of their deaths, and you know it.
      She growled yet again, coming up to the room where she had determined the voice to be. Q waited a second before opening the wooden door, her knives still ready to throw or stab at any given moment. She carefully walked in the room, seeing the man who had molded her to be the murderer and broken person that she was today.
      His Highness stood in the shadows, but Q knew exactly what he looked like. He wore casual clothing instead of His usual white robes, which made Q skeptical of what He was planning. His long white hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, kept out of his face that always held a cold expression that was pointed at her right now. Highness stood with poise as He watched her come into the dark room.
      Chills were sent down her spine as she saw His cold blue eyes stare into her, knowing everything about her and everything that He had done to her to make her into the person that she was. Q didn't rise from her defensive stance, keeping herself on her toes as she watched the man with wariness.
      "Oh, come on now," Highness said, flicking His right hand up.
      Q lost control of her body as she felt herself stand up straight, out of the stance that she had been in. She felt her hands release Yin and Yang, and heard them clatter on the cold ground, dropped by her unwilling hands.
      She gave a deep growl, trying to regain control over her body with no success. She had completely forgotten that He could do that to her, but she was stronger than when she was when she left Him. She could handle this, no problem.
      Then why couldn't she move?
      Highness kept His hand in the air, keeping her immobile as He strolled up to her.
      "I remember you being more resistant than that," He said, narrowing His cold eyes at her. "Was I too rough when I had you kill that butler in the entrance?"
      Q caught her breath. "That was you?"
      "Of course it was me." Highness sneered at her immobile body. "You need to be better at figuring things out, Angel. If you’re going to be finding answers to your problems, that is."
      Q tried to snarl at the man, but it only came out as a low growl. "I've figured out that I need to kill you," she grunted, trying to move at least a little bit even though it was useless.
      "People have tried that and as you can see, that didn’t get them anywhere." He shook his head. "But if you want to try, I will let you, Angel."
      He waved His hand, letting her come back to her senses.
      Q fell to her knees, gasping for air, moving her fingers on her own free will. She reached and grabbed Yin and Yang, feeling their comfortable weight in her hands again. At least she was given a chance to do so.
      With a yell, Q rose with her daggers gleaming in the faint light. She went in and thrusted her blades at the man who stood waiting for her first move.
      Highness simply sidestepped, causing Q to stumble at His sudden movement that she almost missed. She ducked her head, anticipating a swing from Highness that flew where her head had been not one second before. She was not sure what blade He used, if He used any, but she knew that it wouldn't end well if whatever He had came in contact with her.
      Q changed her stance to be one where she could be quick on her feet, that it would be harder for her opponent to anticipate where she was going to strike, and then dove in with her blades ready to cut open anything that stood in her path.
      But she was not expecting what Highness did next.
      Highness grabbed both of her wrists, causing her to drop Yin and Yang again despite not having them for three seconds. His hand flashed as he grabbed one of the falling blades from the air. Yin shone as it came in contact with Him, which made Q widen her eyes with fear at what He had just snatched.
      He looked at the obsidian blade for a few seconds, then ran its cool blade across her face. Q felt something warm trickle down her face as the blade drew blood.
      Q struggled against His grip, but it was nearly impossible. "Let me go," she said through gritted teeth.
      Highness shook his head, pressing the cold blade against her skin, her blood starting to stream down her face and onto her clothes or the floor. "You see, Angel," He said, "I can't allow that."
      Q opened her mouth to protest, but she felt her control over her body be taken away again as Highness found His way back into controlling her with His strange power. She stood in silent fear as Highness ran His hand along her spine.
      Pain shot through her body. She couldn't tell if it was her screaming or if it was her ears tricking her that she was hearing screams. Either way, Q not only heard screams in the present but those from the past; the screams from her victims and from those deaths she had caused. The whip-line scars on her back burned with pain.
      Memories of those she murdered and those she had lied to were now coming into view.
      Her mother, brother, and uncle appeared in front of her, just out of hands reach. Her mother looked the same from when Q had last seen her, and the same with her brother and uncle but the happiness that they always had were now gone, replaced with a different emotion. Q saw them all shake their heads in disappointment, which caused her heart to wrench with sorrow. She couldn't move or say anything when she heard the words that haunted her to this day.
      "Your fault," her mother said while her brother and uncle nodded in agreement. They all turned away from her, disappearing as they walked out of the light of the room and into the shadows where she could not reach.
      Q wanted to reach her hand out to stop them, to ask them to come back, but she couldn't. Tears streamed down her face as she watched them walk away from her without saying another word; the tears mixed with the blood that was already dripping down her cheeks, causing her to feel warmth but also a chill as she only watched her relatives walk away from her only saying two words.
      But those words were true.
      Before she could try to say anything else, two more people showed in front of her, on the left and the right.
      A young boy with blond hair stood to the left, holding a bright red apple in both of his hands. He was not as tall as she remembered, but he still had that same fear to them when she had first met him. His gaze was turned down at the apple and the ground, but Q knew that his eyes were full of fear and perhaps terror. He trembled as he stood, saying the words that had been said before.
      "Your fault," he whispered, before he dissipated into the shadows behind him.
      On the right was the butler that she had murdered not fifteen minutes or so ago. Q felt another wave of tears come as she only observed him from her standing point. He had his hands behind his back and still had that same poise to him when she had first seen him earlier, but he now shook his head at her. The butler turned his back to her and started to walk away into the shadows.
      "Your fault," the butler uttered softly as he walked out of her line of vision.
      There was a moment of silence and emptiness as Q was left to her own thoughts and memories, till a shadow appeared above her.
      Q weakly looked up to see His Highness again, his expression as cold as ever. "As they said, Angel," He sneered at her again, "all of their deaths are your fault. You didn't do anything to stop them and now you will listen to their voices until the day you die. It's a good thing that you will be the cause of your new friends' deaths."
      Q was on her hands and knees, tears and blood dripping from her face. She felt too weak to do anything, except look up at Highness and say a few words. "They're not my friends," she managed to rasp. "They're safe from me now."
      "Oh really? It would be a shame if I were to do something to them that will––"
      "Don't you dare touch them!" she yelled at the man, which caused Him to raise and eyebrow at the broken girl. Her eyes alight with anger even though she was extremely weak, she tried to keep that defiance alive as she continued to stare at the man. "You have no right."
      "I have every right." Highness' eyes grew cold as ice. "After all, you led me to them. It will be your fault that they will be dead."
      "I'll protect them from you."
      "Not if you'll be the one that kills them."
      Q drew in a breath. "I would never––"
      "Like what you did with the butler?"
      Immediate shame, regret, and sorrow filled Q as she was surprised at His comeback. She bowed her head, letting the tears and blood fall to the cold ground. It was her fault that she had let Him control her for a few seconds to murder the poor man.
      All she was meant to be was a killer.
      "That's right," Highness' voice whispered in her ear and all around her. "You're mine. You'll always be mine to control."
      Q kept her head bowed in submission. He was right, after all. He only made her into what she is today and made her kill whomever He wanted. She will only be under His finger for the rest of her life, no matter her efforts to try and kill Him or to rid herself of His influence on her. She let the tears and blood fall, making no actions to wipe them away.
      Footsteps receded from her position, leaving her on the ground in the cold, dark and empty room. A clatter came from the same direction, most likely from the knife that Highness had snatched from the air from her. The footsteps grew quieter as she only listened to them, making no sudden movements.
      "I'll see you again once you've killed your new friends, Angel of Death," Highness said, finally leaving the room.
      As soon as He stepped out of the room, Q fell to the ground, finally able to move again but decided not to. The freezing cold from the floor seeped into her bones, chilling her to the core. She then let herself be vulnerable for a minute, because no one was watching, and let herself weep for those she had murdered, those she had manipulated, as well as herself.

  6. Quote

    Q: The Linear Thread [Not That Anyone Will Read or Care About This lol]

      Q rubbed her arms, trying to warm them from the chill that had fallen upon her. She took careful steps down the tower's winding staircase, away from the group of adventurers that she had come across. Q flipped her short hair to the side with a small flick of her head. She didn’t really want to know what happened to that group of people up there, but rather she wanted to find someone in here that she has a personal dilemma with.
      "You didn't tell me that there were going to be others here," she said softly. "You only said that there was only going to be... him and that weird magician."
      The voice in her head sighed. You're supposed to know by now that I don't know everything, Krow said with an exasperated tone. Honestly, how am I supposed to know that there was going to be a ragtag group of adventurers there. He paused. They seem to like you, boss.
      Q halted on the staircase, then squeezed her eyes shut.
      Blood filled her vision, blood from both her victims and her loved ones. It came in waves, like the ocean against the shore. It caused her to stumble back and open her eyes as she gasped at the sudden throwback from the memories she had.
      She didn't need to have her eyes shut in order for her to see that the poor butler's face had entered with the others. Q couldn't help but think of the poor family of his, the one that she had forcefully taken their father from. Her hand fell to the side, feeling the butler's locket still in her pocket.
      "No, they don't like me," Q whispered. "Not after what I've done to that butler. I can't be a part of another group again, it'll only get them killed."
      No, they won't––
      "Yes, they will!" her voice rose slightly. "Or perhaps you don't remember what happened…"
      She didn't finish the sentence as the unwanted memories started to flood her vision.
      Her best friend was dead in her arms, his dark blond hair matted with his own blood. His body laid broken in her arms as she carefully held him. His green eyes stared into nothingness for the rest of eternity, with no way to revive him. She had murdered everyone in that torture room that she had been in when her best friend had died. She had found out afterwards that because of the actions that she took, her remaining family had been slaughtered in her homeland. Q had tried to make new friends after that experience, but it had only ended with their deaths and with her becoming more distant to people. 
      She couldn't make the same mistake of letting others grow close to her. Never again.
      Q let out a held breath. "Let's just... get this over with."
      If you say so, boss, Krow said, sounding like he wasn't convinced of her words.
      As she reached the bottom of the winding staircase, Q let out a sigh of relief. At least I'm farther away from them, she thought. They have a chance now.
      She surveyed the empty hallway, taking note of the offshoots to different rooms that were most likely empty. Such a big tower, and it was empty of all things. No people wandering the halls, at least none that she could see. Of course there was furniture, but that was all that the tower held, besides the weird magician. Q couldn't understand why the person she was planning on wanted to meet here of all places. Surely he would know that there were already people here and they couldn’t risk having anyone else know about their dispute.
      This was personal. No one else needed to know.
      As she was observing the hallway, Q saw the body of the butler lying at the entrance of the tower, the door still being wide open to the outdoors. Scarlet blood pooled around him, but the gushing of his blood seemed to have come to a stop in the five to ten minutes that Q was gone. 
      Immediate regret filled her being. She looked away from the dead body, feeling shame trickle in.
      Why do you feel regretful? Krow asked. You're the one that decided to kill him. I had nothing to do with this, boss.
      "Because I didn't take for granted that he might have had a family, or at least someone that cared for him and he cared for them."
      Q reverently walked over to the dead body, then knelt beside it. Q reached in her pocket and pulled out the golden locket with the picture of the young family, and placed it in the dead man's hands. She then stretched out her hand and closed the butler's eyes, giving him the rest that he was forcefully given by her.
      "May you find rest with Mors," she whispered, reciting only the last rites she knew. "May your soul find rest in the Spiritual Realm."
      Q picked up the body with a grunt of effort, not even caring about the blood that she was getting all over herself. She moved to the side, kneeling down as she placed him upright against the wall next to the entrance. Q then made sure to tighten his grip on the locket, hoping that he would be able to at least find some rest, even though it had been too early for him to pass on.
      You realize that you're not home, right? Krow said, interrupting the reverent silence. Far from it, boss. These lands have a different magic to them than the one you’re used to.
      "I'm aware of that, Krow," she said, rising to her feet from her kneeling position. "But it's the least that I can do after what I did to him and to his family."
      Ah but, Angel, a different voice in her head said, you were meant to kill. I taught you to do that.
      Q whipped around, her twin knives appearing in her hands. The obsidian blade––Yin–– drew in the light that the ivory blade––Yang––released. She fell into a defensive stance in front of the butler’s body. She looked around for where the voice came from, wondering where he could be in this tower. Q started to walk in the direction where she roughly guessed where the voice had come from.
      "You didn't teach me anything," she hissed to the voice.
      Sudden pain flared along her spine, where her whip-line scars were. The ones from her past. Q growled in pain, but didn't stumble. She wouldn't show weakness to Him. He was the last person that she wanted to show any weakness to, but she also knew that He was the one that caused her that pain and knew where she was vulnerable.
      Oh, precious Angel, the voice said, making a tsk sound. You don't know how much effect I've had on you and your life.
      "Oh, I know," Q admitted, finally determining that the voice was coming from the room on the left side of the corridor. "You were the one that caused all the deaths of my friends and family."
      Didn't you hear yourself earlier? You were the one that caused all of their deaths, and you know it.
      She growled yet again, coming up to the room where she had determined the voice to be. Q waited a second before opening the wooden door, her knives still ready to throw or stab at any given moment. She carefully walked in the room, seeing the man who had molded her to be the murderer and broken person that she was today.
      His Highness stood in the shadows, but Q knew exactly what he looked like. He wore casual clothing instead of His usual white robes, which made Q skeptical of what He was planning. His long white hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, kept out of his face that always held a cold expression that was pointed at her right now. Highness stood with poise as He watched her come into the dark room.
      Chills were sent down her spine as she saw His cold blue eyes stare into her, knowing everything about her and everything that He had done to her to make her into the person that she was. Q didn't rise from her defensive stance, keeping herself on her toes as she watched the man with wariness.
      "Oh, come on now," Highness said, flicking His right hand up.
      Q lost control of her body as she felt herself stand up straight, out of the stance that she had been in. She felt her hands release Yin and Yang, and heard them clatter on the cold ground, dropped by her unwilling hands.
      She gave a deep growl, trying to regain control over her body with no success. She had completely forgotten that He could do that to her, but she was stronger than when she was when she left Him. She could handle this, no problem.
      Then why couldn't she move?
      Highness kept His hand in the air, keeping her immobile as He strolled up to her.
      "I remember you being more resistant than that," He said, narrowing His cold eyes at her. "Was I too rough when I had you kill that butler in the entrance?"
      Q caught her breath. "That was you?"
      "Of course it was me." Highness sneered at her immobile body. "You need to be better at figuring things out, Angel. If you’re going to be finding answers to your problems, that is."
      Q tried to snarl at the man, but it only came out as a low growl. "I've figured out that I need to kill you," she grunted, trying to move at least a little bit even though it was useless.
      "People have tried that and as you can see, that didn’t get them anywhere." He shook his head. "But if you want to try, I will let you, Angel."
      He waved His hand, letting her come back to her senses.
      Q fell to her knees, gasping for air, moving her fingers on her own free will. She reached and grabbed Yin and Yang, feeling their comfortable weight in her hands again. At least she was given a chance to do so.
      With a yell, Q rose with her daggers gleaming in the faint light. She went in and thrusted her blades at the man who stood waiting for her first move.
      Highness simply sidestepped, causing Q to stumble at His sudden movement that she almost missed. She ducked her head, anticipating a swing from Highness that flew where her head had been not one second before. She was not sure what blade He used, if He used any, but she knew that it wouldn't end well if whatever He had came in contact with her.
      Q changed her stance to be one where she could be quick on her feet, that it would be harder for her opponent to anticipate where she was going to strike, and then dove in with her blades ready to cut open anything that stood in her path.
      But she was not expecting what Highness did next.
      Highness grabbed both of her wrists, causing her to drop Yin and Yang again despite not having them for three seconds. His hand flashed as he grabbed one of the falling blades from the air. Yin shone as it came in contact with Him, which made Q widen her eyes with fear at what He had just snatched.
      He looked at the obsidian blade for a few seconds, then ran its cool blade across her face. Q felt something warm trickle down her face as the blade drew blood.
      Q struggled against His grip, but it was nearly impossible. "Let me go," she said through gritted teeth.
      Highness shook his head, pressing the cold blade against her skin, her blood starting to stream down her face and onto her clothes or the floor. "You see, Angel," He said, "I can't allow that."
      Q opened her mouth to protest, but she felt her control over her body be taken away again as Highness found His way back into controlling her with His strange power. She stood in silent fear as Highness ran His hand along her spine.
      Pain shot through her body. She couldn't tell if it was her screaming or if it was her ears tricking her that she was hearing screams. Either way, Q not only heard screams in the present but those from the past; the screams from her victims and from those deaths she had caused. The whip-line scars on her back burned with pain.
      Memories of those she murdered and those she had lied to were now coming into view.
      Her mother, brother, and uncle appeared in front of her, just out of hands reach. Her mother looked the same from when Q had last seen her, and the same with her brother and uncle but the happiness that they always had were now gone, replaced with a different emotion. Q saw them all shake their heads in disappointment, which caused her heart to wrench with sorrow. She couldn't move or say anything when she heard the words that haunted her to this day.
      "Your fault," her mother said while her brother and uncle nodded in agreement. They all turned away from her, disappearing as they walked out of the light of the room and into the shadows where she could not reach.
      Q wanted to reach her hand out to stop them, to ask them to come back, but she couldn't. Tears streamed down her face as she watched them walk away from her without saying another word; the tears mixed with the blood that was already dripping down her cheeks, causing her to feel warmth but also a chill as she only watched her relatives walk away from her only saying two words.
      But those words were true.
      Before she could try to say anything else, two more people showed in front of her, on the left and the right.
      A young boy with blond hair stood to the left, holding a bright red apple in both of his hands. He was not as tall as she remembered, but he still had that same fear to them when she had first met him. His gaze was turned down at the apple and the ground, but Q knew that his eyes were full of fear and perhaps terror. He trembled as he stood, saying the words that had been said before.
      "Your fault," he whispered, before he dissipated into the shadows behind him.
      On the right was the butler that she had murdered not fifteen minutes or so ago. Q felt another wave of tears come as she only observed him from her standing point. He had his hands behind his back and still had that same poise to him when she had first seen him earlier, but he now shook his head at her. The butler turned his back to her and started to walk away into the shadows.
      "Your fault," the butler uttered softly as he walked out of her line of vision.
      There was a moment of silence and emptiness as Q was left to her own thoughts and memories, till a shadow appeared above her.
      Q weakly looked up to see His Highness again, his expression as cold as ever. "As they said, Angel," He sneered at her again, "all of their deaths are your fault. You didn't do anything to stop them and now you will listen to their voices until the day you die. It's a good thing that you will be the cause of your new friends' deaths."
      Q was on her hands and knees, tears and blood dripping from her face. She felt too weak to do anything, except look up at Highness and say a few words. "They're not my friends," she managed to rasp. "They're safe from me now."
      "Oh really? It would be a shame if I were to do something to them that will––"
      "Don't you dare touch them!" she yelled at the man, which caused Him to raise and eyebrow at the broken girl. Her eyes alight with anger even though she was extremely weak, she tried to keep that defiance alive as she continued to stare at the man. "You have no right."
      "I have every right." Highness' eyes grew cold as ice. "After all, you led me to them. It will be your fault that they will be dead."
      "I'll protect them from you."
      "Not if you'll be the one that kills them."
      Q drew in a breath. "I would never––"
      "Like what you did with the butler?"
      Immediate shame, regret, and sorrow filled Q as she was surprised at His comeback. She bowed her head, letting the tears and blood fall to the cold ground. It was her fault that she had let Him control her for a few seconds to murder the poor man.
      All she was meant to be was a killer.
      "That's right," Highness' voice whispered in her ear and all around her. "You're mine. You'll always be mine to control."
      Q kept her head bowed in submission. He was right, after all. He only made her into what she is today and made her kill whomever He wanted. She will only be under His finger for the rest of her life, no matter her efforts to try and kill Him or to rid herself of His influence on her. She let the tears and blood fall, making no actions to wipe them away.
      Footsteps receded from her position, leaving her on the ground in the cold, dark and empty room. A clatter came from the same direction, most likely from the knife that Highness had snatched from the air from her. The footsteps grew quieter as she only listened to them, making no sudden movements.
      "I'll see you again once you've killed your new friends, Angel of Death," Highness said, finally leaving the room.
      As soon as He stepped out of the room, Q fell to the ground, finally able to move again but decided not to. The freezing cold from the floor seeped into her bones, chilling her to the core. She then let herself be vulnerable for a minute, because no one was watching, and let herself weep for those she had murdered, those she had manipulated, as well as herself.

  7. Quote

    Q: The Linear Thread [Not That Anyone Will Read or Care About This lol]

      Q rubbed her arms, trying to warm them from the chill that had fallen upon her. She took careful steps down the tower's winding staircase, away from the group of adventurers that she had come across. Q flipped her short hair to the side with a small flick of her head. She didn’t really want to know what happened to that group of people up there, but rather she wanted to find someone in here that she has a personal dilemma with.
      "You didn't tell me that there were going to be others here," she said softly. "You only said that there was only going to be... him and that weird magician."
      The voice in her head sighed. You're supposed to know by now that I don't know everything, Krow said with an exasperated tone. Honestly, how am I supposed to know that there was going to be a ragtag group of adventurers there. He paused. They seem to like you, boss.
      Q halted on the staircase, then squeezed her eyes shut.
      Blood filled her vision, blood from both her victims and her loved ones. It came in waves, like the ocean against the shore. It caused her to stumble back and open her eyes as she gasped at the sudden throwback from the memories she had.
      She didn't need to have her eyes shut in order for her to see that the poor butler's face had entered with the others. Q couldn't help but think of the poor family of his, the one that she had forcefully taken their father from. Her hand fell to the side, feeling the butler's locket still in her pocket.
      "No, they don't like me," Q whispered. "Not after what I've done to that butler. I can't be a part of another group again, it'll only get them killed."
      No, they won't––
      "Yes, they will!" her voice rose slightly. "Or perhaps you don't remember what happened…"
      She didn't finish the sentence as the unwanted memories started to flood her vision.
      Her best friend was dead in her arms, his dark blond hair matted with his own blood. His body laid broken in her arms as she carefully held him. His green eyes stared into nothingness for the rest of eternity, with no way to revive him. She had murdered everyone in that torture room that she had been in when her best friend had died. She had found out afterwards that because of the actions that she took, her remaining family had been slaughtered in her homeland. Q had tried to make new friends after that experience, but it had only ended with their deaths and with her becoming more distant to people. 
      She couldn't make the same mistake of letting others grow close to her. Never again.
      Q let out a held breath. "Let's just... get this over with."
      If you say so, boss, Krow said, sounding like he wasn't convinced of her words.
      As she reached the bottom of the winding staircase, Q let out a sigh of relief. At least I'm farther away from them, she thought. They have a chance now.
      She surveyed the empty hallway, taking note of the offshoots to different rooms that were most likely empty. Such a big tower, and it was empty of all things. No people wandering the halls, at least none that she could see. Of course there was furniture, but that was all that the tower held, besides the weird magician. Q couldn't understand why the person she was planning on wanted to meet here of all places. Surely he would know that there were already people here and they couldn’t risk having anyone else know about their dispute.
      This was personal. No one else needed to know.
      As she was observing the hallway, Q saw the body of the butler lying at the entrance of the tower, the door still being wide open to the outdoors. Scarlet blood pooled around him, but the gushing of his blood seemed to have come to a stop in the five to ten minutes that Q was gone. 
      Immediate regret filled her being. She looked away from the dead body, feeling shame trickle in.
      Why do you feel regretful? Krow asked. You're the one that decided to kill him. I had nothing to do with this, boss.
      "Because I didn't take for granted that he might have had a family, or at least someone that cared for him and he cared for them."
      Q reverently walked over to the dead body, then knelt beside it. Q reached in her pocket and pulled out the golden locket with the picture of the young family, and placed it in the dead man's hands. She then stretched out her hand and closed the butler's eyes, giving him the rest that he was forcefully given by her.
      "May you find rest with Mors," she whispered, reciting only the last rites she knew. "May your soul find rest in the Spiritual Realm."
      Q picked up the body with a grunt of effort, not even caring about the blood that she was getting all over herself. She moved to the side, kneeling down as she placed him upright against the wall next to the entrance. Q then made sure to tighten his grip on the locket, hoping that he would be able to at least find some rest, even though it had been too early for him to pass on.
      You realize that you're not home, right? Krow said, interrupting the reverent silence. Far from it, boss. These lands have a different magic to them than the one you’re used to.
      "I'm aware of that, Krow," she said, rising to her feet from her kneeling position. "But it's the least that I can do after what I did to him and to his family."
      Ah but, Angel, a different voice in her head said, you were meant to kill. I taught you to do that.
      Q whipped around, her twin knives appearing in her hands. The obsidian blade––Yin–– drew in the light that the ivory blade––Yang––released. She fell into a defensive stance in front of the butler’s body. She looked around for where the voice came from, wondering where he could be in this tower. Q started to walk in the direction where she roughly guessed where the voice had come from.
      "You didn't teach me anything," she hissed to the voice.
      Sudden pain flared along her spine, where her whip-line scars were. The ones from her past. Q growled in pain, but didn't stumble. She wouldn't show weakness to Him. He was the last person that she wanted to show any weakness to, but she also knew that He was the one that caused her that pain and knew where she was vulnerable.
      Oh, precious Angel, the voice said, making a tsk sound. You don't know how much effect I've had on you and your life.
      "Oh, I know," Q admitted, finally determining that the voice was coming from the room on the left side of the corridor. "You were the one that caused all the deaths of my friends and family."
      Didn't you hear yourself earlier? You were the one that caused all of their deaths, and you know it.
      She growled yet again, coming up to the room where she had determined the voice to be. Q waited a second before opening the wooden door, her knives still ready to throw or stab at any given moment. She carefully walked in the room, seeing the man who had molded her to be the murderer and broken person that she was today.
      His Highness stood in the shadows, but Q knew exactly what he looked like. He wore casual clothing instead of His usual white robes, which made Q skeptical of what He was planning. His long white hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, kept out of his face that always held a cold expression that was pointed at her right now. Highness stood with poise as He watched her come into the dark room.
      Chills were sent down her spine as she saw His cold blue eyes stare into her, knowing everything about her and everything that He had done to her to make her into the person that she was. Q didn't rise from her defensive stance, keeping herself on her toes as she watched the man with wariness.
      "Oh, come on now," Highness said, flicking His right hand up.
      Q lost control of her body as she felt herself stand up straight, out of the stance that she had been in. She felt her hands release Yin and Yang, and heard them clatter on the cold ground, dropped by her unwilling hands.
      She gave a deep growl, trying to regain control over her body with no success. She had completely forgotten that He could do that to her, but she was stronger than when she was when she left Him. She could handle this, no problem.
      Then why couldn't she move?
      Highness kept His hand in the air, keeping her immobile as He strolled up to her.
      "I remember you being more resistant than that," He said, narrowing His cold eyes at her. "Was I too rough when I had you kill that butler in the entrance?"
      Q caught her breath. "That was you?"
      "Of course it was me." Highness sneered at her immobile body. "You need to be better at figuring things out, Angel. If you’re going to be finding answers to your problems, that is."
      Q tried to snarl at the man, but it only came out as a low growl. "I've figured out that I need to kill you," she grunted, trying to move at least a little bit even though it was useless.
      "People have tried that and as you can see, that didn’t get them anywhere." He shook his head. "But if you want to try, I will let you, Angel."
      He waved His hand, letting her come back to her senses.
      Q fell to her knees, gasping for air, moving her fingers on her own free will. She reached and grabbed Yin and Yang, feeling their comfortable weight in her hands again. At least she was given a chance to do so.
      With a yell, Q rose with her daggers gleaming in the faint light. She went in and thrusted her blades at the man who stood waiting for her first move.
      Highness simply sidestepped, causing Q to stumble at His sudden movement that she almost missed. She ducked her head, anticipating a swing from Highness that flew where her head had been not one second before. She was not sure what blade He used, if He used any, but she knew that it wouldn't end well if whatever He had came in contact with her.
      Q changed her stance to be one where she could be quick on her feet, that it would be harder for her opponent to anticipate where she was going to strike, and then dove in with her blades ready to cut open anything that stood in her path.
      But she was not expecting what Highness did next.
      Highness grabbed both of her wrists, causing her to drop Yin and Yang again despite not having them for three seconds. His hand flashed as he grabbed one of the falling blades from the air. Yin shone as it came in contact with Him, which made Q widen her eyes with fear at what He had just snatched.
      He looked at the obsidian blade for a few seconds, then ran its cool blade across her face. Q felt something warm trickle down her face as the blade drew blood.
      Q struggled against His grip, but it was nearly impossible. "Let me go," she said through gritted teeth.
      Highness shook his head, pressing the cold blade against her skin, her blood starting to stream down her face and onto her clothes or the floor. "You see, Angel," He said, "I can't allow that."
      Q opened her mouth to protest, but she felt her control over her body be taken away again as Highness found His way back into controlling her with His strange power. She stood in silent fear as Highness ran His hand along her spine.
      Pain shot through her body. She couldn't tell if it was her screaming or if it was her ears tricking her that she was hearing screams. Either way, Q not only heard screams in the present but those from the past; the screams from her victims and from those deaths she had caused. The whip-line scars on her back burned with pain.
      Memories of those she murdered and those she had lied to were now coming into view.
      Her mother, brother, and uncle appeared in front of her, just out of hands reach. Her mother looked the same from when Q had last seen her, and the same with her brother and uncle but the happiness that they always had were now gone, replaced with a different emotion. Q saw them all shake their heads in disappointment, which caused her heart to wrench with sorrow. She couldn't move or say anything when she heard the words that haunted her to this day.
      "Your fault," her mother said while her brother and uncle nodded in agreement. They all turned away from her, disappearing as they walked out of the light of the room and into the shadows where she could not reach.
      Q wanted to reach her hand out to stop them, to ask them to come back, but she couldn't. Tears streamed down her face as she watched them walk away from her without saying another word; the tears mixed with the blood that was already dripping down her cheeks, causing her to feel warmth but also a chill as she only watched her relatives walk away from her only saying two words.
      But those words were true.
      Before she could try to say anything else, two more people showed in front of her, on the left and the right.
      A young boy with blond hair stood to the left, holding a bright red apple in both of his hands. He was not as tall as she remembered, but he still had that same fear to them when she had first met him. His gaze was turned down at the apple and the ground, but Q knew that his eyes were full of fear and perhaps terror. He trembled as he stood, saying the words that had been said before.
      "Your fault," he whispered, before he dissipated into the shadows behind him.
      On the right was the butler that she had murdered not fifteen minutes or so ago. Q felt another wave of tears come as she only observed him from her standing point. He had his hands behind his back and still had that same poise to him when she had first seen him earlier, but he now shook his head at her. The butler turned his back to her and started to walk away into the shadows.
      "Your fault," the butler uttered softly as he walked out of her line of vision.
      There was a moment of silence and emptiness as Q was left to her own thoughts and memories, till a shadow appeared above her.
      Q weakly looked up to see His Highness again, his expression as cold as ever. "As they said, Angel," He sneered at her again, "all of their deaths are your fault. You didn't do anything to stop them and now you will listen to their voices until the day you die. It's a good thing that you will be the cause of your new friends' deaths."
      Q was on her hands and knees, tears and blood dripping from her face. She felt too weak to do anything, except look up at Highness and say a few words. "They're not my friends," she managed to rasp. "They're safe from me now."
      "Oh really? It would be a shame if I were to do something to them that will––"
      "Don't you dare touch them!" she yelled at the man, which caused Him to raise and eyebrow at the broken girl. Her eyes alight with anger even though she was extremely weak, she tried to keep that defiance alive as she continued to stare at the man. "You have no right."
      "I have every right." Highness' eyes grew cold as ice. "After all, you led me to them. It will be your fault that they will be dead."
      "I'll protect them from you."
      "Not if you'll be the one that kills them."
      Q drew in a breath. "I would never––"
      "Like what you did with the butler?"
      Immediate shame, regret, and sorrow filled Q as she was surprised at His comeback. She bowed her head, letting the tears and blood fall to the cold ground. It was her fault that she had let Him control her for a few seconds to murder the poor man.
      All she was meant to be was a killer.
      "That's right," Highness' voice whispered in her ear and all around her. "You're mine. You'll always be mine to control."
      Q kept her head bowed in submission. He was right, after all. He only made her into what she is today and made her kill whomever He wanted. She will only be under His finger for the rest of her life, no matter her efforts to try and kill Him or to rid herself of His influence on her. She let the tears and blood fall, making no actions to wipe them away.
      Footsteps receded from her position, leaving her on the ground in the cold, dark and empty room. A clatter came from the same direction, most likely from the knife that Highness had snatched from the air from her. The footsteps grew quieter as she only listened to them, making no sudden movements.
      "I'll see you again once you've killed your new friends, Angel of Death," Highness said, finally leaving the room.
      As soon as He stepped out of the room, Q fell to the ground, finally able to move again but decided not to. The freezing cold from the floor seeped into her bones, chilling her to the core. She then let herself be vulnerable for a minute, because no one was watching, and let herself weep for those she had murdered, those she had manipulated, as well as herself.

  8. Quote

    Q: The Linear Thread [Not That Anyone Will Read or Care About This lol]

      Q rubbed her arms, trying to warm them from the chill that had fallen upon her. She took careful steps down the tower's winding staircase, away from the group of adventurers that she had come across. Q flipped her short hair to the side with a small flick of her head. She didn’t really want to know what happened to that group of people up there, but rather she wanted to find someone in here that she has a personal dilemma with.
      "You didn't tell me that there were going to be others here," she said softly. "You only said that there was only going to be... him and that weird magician."
      The voice in her head sighed. You're supposed to know by now that I don't know everything, Krow said with an exasperated tone. Honestly, how am I supposed to know that there was going to be a ragtag group of adventurers there. He paused. They seem to like you, boss.
      Q halted on the staircase, then squeezed her eyes shut.
      Blood filled her vision, blood from both her victims and her loved ones. It came in waves, like the ocean against the shore. It caused her to stumble back and open her eyes as she gasped at the sudden throwback from the memories she had.
      She didn't need to have her eyes shut in order for her to see that the poor butler's face had entered with the others. Q couldn't help but think of the poor family of his, the one that she had forcefully taken their father from. Her hand fell to the side, feeling the butler's locket still in her pocket.
      "No, they don't like me," Q whispered. "Not after what I've done to that butler. I can't be a part of another group again, it'll only get them killed."
      No, they won't––
      "Yes, they will!" her voice rose slightly. "Or perhaps you don't remember what happened…"
      She didn't finish the sentence as the unwanted memories started to flood her vision.
      Her best friend was dead in her arms, his dark blond hair matted with his own blood. His body laid broken in her arms as she carefully held him. His green eyes stared into nothingness for the rest of eternity, with no way to revive him. She had murdered everyone in that torture room that she had been in when her best friend had died. She had found out afterwards that because of the actions that she took, her remaining family had been slaughtered in her homeland. Q had tried to make new friends after that experience, but it had only ended with their deaths and with her becoming more distant to people. 
      She couldn't make the same mistake of letting others grow close to her. Never again.
      Q let out a held breath. "Let's just... get this over with."
      If you say so, boss, Krow said, sounding like he wasn't convinced of her words.
      As she reached the bottom of the winding staircase, Q let out a sigh of relief. At least I'm farther away from them, she thought. They have a chance now.
      She surveyed the empty hallway, taking note of the offshoots to different rooms that were most likely empty. Such a big tower, and it was empty of all things. No people wandering the halls, at least none that she could see. Of course there was furniture, but that was all that the tower held, besides the weird magician. Q couldn't understand why the person she was planning on wanted to meet here of all places. Surely he would know that there were already people here and they couldn’t risk having anyone else know about their dispute.
      This was personal. No one else needed to know.
      As she was observing the hallway, Q saw the body of the butler lying at the entrance of the tower, the door still being wide open to the outdoors. Scarlet blood pooled around him, but the gushing of his blood seemed to have come to a stop in the five to ten minutes that Q was gone. 
      Immediate regret filled her being. She looked away from the dead body, feeling shame trickle in.
      Why do you feel regretful? Krow asked. You're the one that decided to kill him. I had nothing to do with this, boss.
      "Because I didn't take for granted that he might have had a family, or at least someone that cared for him and he cared for them."
      Q reverently walked over to the dead body, then knelt beside it. Q reached in her pocket and pulled out the golden locket with the picture of the young family, and placed it in the dead man's hands. She then stretched out her hand and closed the butler's eyes, giving him the rest that he was forcefully given by her.
      "May you find rest with Mors," she whispered, reciting only the last rites she knew. "May your soul find rest in the Spiritual Realm."
      Q picked up the body with a grunt of effort, not even caring about the blood that she was getting all over herself. She moved to the side, kneeling down as she placed him upright against the wall next to the entrance. Q then made sure to tighten his grip on the locket, hoping that he would be able to at least find some rest, even though it had been too early for him to pass on.
      You realize that you're not home, right? Krow said, interrupting the reverent silence. Far from it, boss. These lands have a different magic to them than the one you’re used to.
      "I'm aware of that, Krow," she said, rising to her feet from her kneeling position. "But it's the least that I can do after what I did to him and to his family."
      Ah but, Angel, a different voice in her head said, you were meant to kill. I taught you to do that.
      Q whipped around, her twin knives appearing in her hands. The obsidian blade––Yin–– drew in the light that the ivory blade––Yang––released. She fell into a defensive stance in front of the butler’s body. She looked around for where the voice came from, wondering where he could be in this tower. Q started to walk in the direction where she roughly guessed where the voice had come from.
      "You didn't teach me anything," she hissed to the voice.
      Sudden pain flared along her spine, where her whip-line scars were. The ones from her past. Q growled in pain, but didn't stumble. She wouldn't show weakness to Him. He was the last person that she wanted to show any weakness to, but she also knew that He was the one that caused her that pain and knew where she was vulnerable.
      Oh, precious Angel, the voice said, making a tsk sound. You don't know how much effect I've had on you and your life.
      "Oh, I know," Q admitted, finally determining that the voice was coming from the room on the left side of the corridor. "You were the one that caused all the deaths of my friends and family."
      Didn't you hear yourself earlier? You were the one that caused all of their deaths, and you know it.
      She growled yet again, coming up to the room where she had determined the voice to be. Q waited a second before opening the wooden door, her knives still ready to throw or stab at any given moment. She carefully walked in the room, seeing the man who had molded her to be the murderer and broken person that she was today.
      His Highness stood in the shadows, but Q knew exactly what he looked like. He wore casual clothing instead of His usual white robes, which made Q skeptical of what He was planning. His long white hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, kept out of his face that always held a cold expression that was pointed at her right now. Highness stood with poise as He watched her come into the dark room.
      Chills were sent down her spine as she saw His cold blue eyes stare into her, knowing everything about her and everything that He had done to her to make her into the person that she was. Q didn't rise from her defensive stance, keeping herself on her toes as she watched the man with wariness.
      "Oh, come on now," Highness said, flicking His right hand up.
      Q lost control of her body as she felt herself stand up straight, out of the stance that she had been in. She felt her hands release Yin and Yang, and heard them clatter on the cold ground, dropped by her unwilling hands.
      She gave a deep growl, trying to regain control over her body with no success. She had completely forgotten that He could do that to her, but she was stronger than when she was when she left Him. She could handle this, no problem.
      Then why couldn't she move?
      Highness kept His hand in the air, keeping her immobile as He strolled up to her.
      "I remember you being more resistant than that," He said, narrowing His cold eyes at her. "Was I too rough when I had you kill that butler in the entrance?"
      Q caught her breath. "That was you?"
      "Of course it was me." Highness sneered at her immobile body. "You need to be better at figuring things out, Angel. If you’re going to be finding answers to your problems, that is."
      Q tried to snarl at the man, but it only came out as a low growl. "I've figured out that I need to kill you," she grunted, trying to move at least a little bit even though it was useless.
      "People have tried that and as you can see, that didn’t get them anywhere." He shook his head. "But if you want to try, I will let you, Angel."
      He waved His hand, letting her come back to her senses.
      Q fell to her knees, gasping for air, moving her fingers on her own free will. She reached and grabbed Yin and Yang, feeling their comfortable weight in her hands again. At least she was given a chance to do so.
      With a yell, Q rose with her daggers gleaming in the faint light. She went in and thrusted her blades at the man who stood waiting for her first move.
      Highness simply sidestepped, causing Q to stumble at His sudden movement that she almost missed. She ducked her head, anticipating a swing from Highness that flew where her head had been not one second before. She was not sure what blade He used, if He used any, but she knew that it wouldn't end well if whatever He had came in contact with her.
      Q changed her stance to be one where she could be quick on her feet, that it would be harder for her opponent to anticipate where she was going to strike, and then dove in with her blades ready to cut open anything that stood in her path.
      But she was not expecting what Highness did next.
      Highness grabbed both of her wrists, causing her to drop Yin and Yang again despite not having them for three seconds. His hand flashed as he grabbed one of the falling blades from the air. Yin shone as it came in contact with Him, which made Q widen her eyes with fear at what He had just snatched.
      He looked at the obsidian blade for a few seconds, then ran its cool blade across her face. Q felt something warm trickle down her face as the blade drew blood.
      Q struggled against His grip, but it was nearly impossible. "Let me go," she said through gritted teeth.
      Highness shook his head, pressing the cold blade against her skin, her blood starting to stream down her face and onto her clothes or the floor. "You see, Angel," He said, "I can't allow that."
      Q opened her mouth to protest, but she felt her control over her body be taken away again as Highness found His way back into controlling her with His strange power. She stood in silent fear as Highness ran His hand along her spine.
      Pain shot through her body. She couldn't tell if it was her screaming or if it was her ears tricking her that she was hearing screams. Either way, Q not only heard screams in the present but those from the past; the screams from her victims and from those deaths she had caused. The whip-line scars on her back burned with pain.
      Memories of those she murdered and those she had lied to were now coming into view.
      Her mother, brother, and uncle appeared in front of her, just out of hands reach. Her mother looked the same from when Q had last seen her, and the same with her brother and uncle but the happiness that they always had were now gone, replaced with a different emotion. Q saw them all shake their heads in disappointment, which caused her heart to wrench with sorrow. She couldn't move or say anything when she heard the words that haunted her to this day.
      "Your fault," her mother said while her brother and uncle nodded in agreement. They all turned away from her, disappearing as they walked out of the light of the room and into the shadows where she could not reach.
      Q wanted to reach her hand out to stop them, to ask them to come back, but she couldn't. Tears streamed down her face as she watched them walk away from her without saying another word; the tears mixed with the blood that was already dripping down her cheeks, causing her to feel warmth but also a chill as she only watched her relatives walk away from her only saying two words.
      But those words were true.
      Before she could try to say anything else, two more people showed in front of her, on the left and the right.
      A young boy with blond hair stood to the left, holding a bright red apple in both of his hands. He was not as tall as she remembered, but he still had that same fear to them when she had first met him. His gaze was turned down at the apple and the ground, but Q knew that his eyes were full of fear and perhaps terror. He trembled as he stood, saying the words that had been said before.
      "Your fault," he whispered, before he dissipated into the shadows behind him.
      On the right was the butler that she had murdered not fifteen minutes or so ago. Q felt another wave of tears come as she only observed him from her standing point. He had his hands behind his back and still had that same poise to him when she had first seen him earlier, but he now shook his head at her. The butler turned his back to her and started to walk away into the shadows.
      "Your fault," the butler uttered softly as he walked out of her line of vision.
      There was a moment of silence and emptiness as Q was left to her own thoughts and memories, till a shadow appeared above her.
      Q weakly looked up to see His Highness again, his expression as cold as ever. "As they said, Angel," He sneered at her again, "all of their deaths are your fault. You didn't do anything to stop them and now you will listen to their voices until the day you die. It's a good thing that you will be the cause of your new friends' deaths."
      Q was on her hands and knees, tears and blood dripping from her face. She felt too weak to do anything, except look up at Highness and say a few words. "They're not my friends," she managed to rasp. "They're safe from me now."
      "Oh really? It would be a shame if I were to do something to them that will––"
      "Don't you dare touch them!" she yelled at the man, which caused Him to raise and eyebrow at the broken girl. Her eyes alight with anger even though she was extremely weak, she tried to keep that defiance alive as she continued to stare at the man. "You have no right."
      "I have every right." Highness' eyes grew cold as ice. "After all, you led me to them. It will be your fault that they will be dead."
      "I'll protect them from you."
      "Not if you'll be the one that kills them."
      Q drew in a breath. "I would never––"
      "Like what you did with the butler?"
      Immediate shame, regret, and sorrow filled Q as she was surprised at His comeback. She bowed her head, letting the tears and blood fall to the cold ground. It was her fault that she had let Him control her for a few seconds to murder the poor man.
      All she was meant to be was a killer.
      "That's right," Highness' voice whispered in her ear and all around her. "You're mine. You'll always be mine to control."
      Q kept her head bowed in submission. He was right, after all. He only made her into what she is today and made her kill whomever He wanted. She will only be under His finger for the rest of her life, no matter her efforts to try and kill Him or to rid herself of His influence on her. She let the tears and blood fall, making no actions to wipe them away.
      Footsteps receded from her position, leaving her on the ground in the cold, dark and empty room. A clatter came from the same direction, most likely from the knife that Highness had snatched from the air from her. The footsteps grew quieter as she only listened to them, making no sudden movements.
      "I'll see you again once you've killed your new friends, Angel of Death," Highness said, finally leaving the room.
      As soon as He stepped out of the room, Q fell to the ground, finally able to move again but decided not to. The freezing cold from the floor seeped into her bones, chilling her to the core. She then let herself be vulnerable for a minute, because no one was watching, and let herself weep for those she had murdered, those she had manipulated, as well as herself.

  9. ... I'm posting a tree for 6,000 unless I come up with a great idea.

  10. I'm a -- I'm a what?

    Wait, can I have Mayalaran?

  11. Okay but incorrect CBST quotes? (I’m too lazy to go to discord :ph34r:) like 

    Pheonix: words that end in ‘ie’ are so cute! Cutie, sweetie, cookie - 

    Astral: die :)

  12. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

  13. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

    1. xinoehp512


      1. Viola
      2. Herate
      3. Hiiri
      4. Daolan
      5. Aria
      6. Allegra
      7. Harmony
      8. Cadenza
      9. Tion
      10. Jeremy
      11. Konna
      12. Luz
      13. Noche
      14. Concerto
      15. Chorale
      16. Vivace
      17. Motif
      18. Glissando
      19. Medley
      20. Capella
      21. Rhapsody
      22. Symphony
      23. Andante
      24. Harmony
      25. I
      26. Zola
      27. Sicaria
      28. Song
      29. Melody
      30. Alba
      31. Sosternuto
      32. Connie
      33. Condensation
      34. Diminuendo
      35. Crescendo
      36. Omer
      37. Fritz
      38. [censored]
      39. Treble
      40. Ombra
      41. Scuro
      42. Con
      43. Light
      44. Fire

      Is that all of them?

    2. (See 90 other replies to this status update)

  14. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

    1. xinoehp512


      Light and Fire? Are those their actual names, or just their domains?

    2. (See 90 other replies to this status update)

  15. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

    1. xinoehp512


      Are those in Athe? I don't seem to recall encountering those.

    2. (See 90 other replies to this status update)

  16. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

    1. xinoehp512


      I'd like hints to the ones I'm missing to see if I can find them first. :ph34r:

      Although I combed through the Athe thread, and could only find Glissando, so... *shrug*

      Oh! Con, from the FotT PM?

    2. (See 90 other replies to this status update)

  17. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

    1. xinoehp512


      Ah, okay, there was a Harmony in the Caped Crusaders. Found her. Those are different characters, right? :P

      Fritz is another Caped Crusaders character, I assume that's who you were referring to there.

      Well, I'm not in the Athe PM, and you haven't posted that character anywhere else so far (that I can tell).

      We can't forget [censored], that's right. :P Although, if my suspicions are correct... :ph34r: 

      Somebody, from TLT! Also Narrator H and Treble.

      As for the other villain... uh... hm. I'm supposed to know who it is? I assume that means it's a shared RP. We're both in FotT, TLT, and FotTOT. TLT, you had the villain I, but I already listed her. I'm the villain in FotTOT, and (currently) in FotT. I don't think you've played a villain in either yet.

      Adding 7 (counting the Athe villain I'm not privy to), that puts my total at 42. So... still missing three. Hm.


    2. (See 90 other replies to this status update)

  18. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

    1. xinoehp512


      A few more...

      Alba's Noche's aviar from FotTST.

      Sosternuto is a character in CAftP.

      Connie and Condensation are also apparently count as characters, although I'm not sure where you've used them.

      That puts me at 33, and you said there were 35, so I'm missing two.

      Oh! Diminuendo and Crescendo, Radiant Academy.

      So that should be all of them. :) 

    2. (See 90 other replies to this status update)

  19. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

    1. xinoehp512


      Viola (SE), Herate, Hiiri, Daolan, (FotT) Aria, Allegra,(FotTS) Harmony (KrystalFyre), Cadenza, (Siren's Call) Tion, Jeremy, Konna, (Caped Crusaders) Luz, Noche, (FotTST) Concerto, Chorale, Vivace, Motif (Crystellation) Glissando (Athe), Medley, Capella, Rhapsody, Symphony (TST) Andante (FotOS) Harmony (Medical Mysteries with Karol Omer) I (TLT, although I think she's migrated) Zola (The New Empire) Sicaria (Alleyverse) Song (TLT again) and Melody, which I believe no one has mentioned yet. 

      Overall, I think you probably have more RP's than I do, although I still think I have you beat on character count. Practically every RP I'm in, I generate at minimum two or three characters- and a lot of the time, it's more than that. :P 

    2. (See 90 other replies to this status update)

  20. Ah, never mind, I found some better ones. Three options. Y'all have a preference?

    Screenshot 2020-11-02 at 10.09.38 PM.png

    Screenshot 2020-11-02 at 10.04.07 PM.png

    Screenshot 2020-11-02 at 10.02.27 PM.png

  21. Most people have an above average number of arms.

    You're welcome.

  22. Most people have an above average number of arms.

    You're welcome.

  23. :ph34r:B)

    1. xinoehp512


      Guess that's true.

      But then again, I can hardly feel senior to the Head Admin's fiance. :P 

    2. (See 116 other replies to this status update)

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