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Posts posted by Moonrise

  1. 5 minutes ago, robardin said:

    I believe it's mentioned several times that Soulcasting is the only known way to get aluminum on Roshar, like when the gambler evaluated the value of Shallan's aluminum necklace when she used it and her brothers' fine knives to help ransom her brother Jushu from debt slavery in WoR.

    Oh definitely missed that point. Also found a WoB on soulcasting to make aluminum. Looks like as usual the question has been asked before. Still I wonder of limitations if any.

  2. 11 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

    They do all kinds of stuff for Harmony, and probably learn lots of different skills for the sake of imitating human beings. I bet there is a Kandra barber somewhere. 

    As much as this sounds perfectly reasonable...

    2 hours ago, Zath said:

    On the topic of kandra barbers, I think there's a decent chance that there'd be at least one.  Kandra can't grow hair when they imitate people, right?  What better way to collect hair for other kandra to use than by becoming a barber?  "Here's a wig for you, JodKorr.  Here's one for you, KeddPar.  And here's a nice one I collected just this morning, MarSoon!"

    If that's the case, Marsh could stop by for a quick shave without creating a panic.  He'd be the only true "regular" in that barber shop.

    ..I cannot see Marsh being okay with any being approaching him with something sharp. Marsh, the strong independent Ironeyes and Death Himself turning his back on someone to get a shave? After all that he has been through, I expect he will have trust issues.

  3. On 6/20/2018 at 11:29 AM, robardin said:

    I was just thinking that this morning, a day or two after I made a post pointing out how an expert Soulcaster like Jasnah would be perfect for a KR-on-Mistborn fight (say, against Zane), as she could Soulcast everything he was carrying to aluminum (coins in pouch for flying, metal flakes in vials) and really, really mess things up for him.

    I am wondering about this actually. As a sink for investiture, I assume you cannot soulcast alumimum into anything else. But would it be reasonable to assume cosmere magic allows soulcasting to make aluminum? Thinking about this, I get a mental image of everyone running around in soulcast aluminum armor and that feels too powerful. Seems like it would upend cosmere magic balance and by Brandon's magic laws there should be limitations. Perhaps the stormlight cost to soulcast aluminum is extrodinarily high.

    If it is possible, maybe that is why Hoid wanted this ability? Almost seems like a videogame cheatcode. Hoid is a videogame cheat code.

  4. 1 hour ago, TruthlessofShinovar said:

    Hey, thanks @Moonrise! Yeah, TWOK is probably too overwhelming and dense as a place to start... but it was pretty much what I was looking for - something a little more meaty and contemplative than the YA I had been reading.

    In case you did not see yet, Brandon has some really nice YA series as well. Reckoners in particular (Steelheart is book 1) is quite popular I hear and his new book coming out this year (Skyward) sounds interesting.

    If you want really meaty, then Wheel of Time (WoT) 14 book series could be for you :P 

  5. Welcome @TruthlessofShinovar! Welcome to the forum you join to learn about Hoid's antics :ph34r: and stay for discussions involving Realmatic Theory...

    To start with Way of Kings is indeed ambitious of you. I am glad you are giving Mistborn a try! That is where I recommend starting with cosmere. His writing style is unique, but I promise that finishing the trilogy will blow you away.

    Have an upvote and avoid the hemalurgically spiked cookies :) 

  6. On 5/8/2018 at 0:38 PM, kenod said:

    To be fair, that one could be because the person with the issue was used to languages that allowed for recursions.

    I have been teaching Matlab for a while :) , and believe me that was not the case. I helped the student figure it out so now there is just a mildly entertaining story.

  7. Reading this thread has convinced me that it deserves to be necro posted every once in a while :P so more Sharders can read of this insanity. Talk about taking analysis to the extreme.

    ^not that I believe in any of this. But I would love to be proved wrong!


  8. I do not have a turn it off/on again story, but programming indeed has its own bugs...

    "My new Matlab function won't work"

    "You are using FunctionName inside the script for FunctionName. It doesn't work because it doesn't exist yet. Why do you need it here anyway?"

    "But how is FunctionName supposed to work without FunctionName inside it?"

    "That's why you are writing FunctionName in the first place"


  9. 5 minutes ago, Illythyrra Dark said:

    That may very well be for the best, honestly.  I have been here for a year, but only became active a few weeks ago, and I feel I may be over doing it a little in the groups department, not that I don't love you all!~ :)

    Nah, you are never over-doing it if you do not think you are :P 

  10. 3 hours ago, Weedolfin said:

    I have quite possibly just joined the most stressful fandom of all time :mellow:... 

    Or you could remain guild-free, where the key word is "free". A semi-lurker occasionally adding a comment here and there :)

    Welcome to 17S by the way.

  11. 19 hours ago, Wishell said:

    If I am recalling my (albeit very slim) knowledge of the cosmere then there are 16 known shards of Adonalsium (sp?) so i’m Guessing that we are now in an unknown 17th :D

    Good guess! But not quite what I referred to. Keep a close eye on the Letters--those little blurbs from the beginning of each chapter in SA? I believe they mention it explicitly at least once. Once you finish a SA book (and it seems you have read all 3?), you can read the compilation of the blurbs on the Coppermind because it is easier to see the bigger picture that way. 

    Have you read Mistborn: Secret History? (goes after the first Mistborn trilogy) That could be very interesting to you in terms of cosmere knowledge. In one word, mindblowing

    Because remember, there is always another secret.


  12. Welcome @Wishell! Have an upvote.

    And also welcome to cosmere-awareness! Did you figure out why we are called the 17th Shard yet? In any case, there are more of those connections between books to be found, if you look for them. Try not to spoil it for yourself in the coppermind ahead of time though ;)

    Speaking of spoilers, if you talk about anything sensitive from Oathbringer, make sure to do it in the spoiler thread marked with OB.


    Or at least with spoiler tags.

    What other books have you read?


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