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Glaring at the Survivor

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Everything posted by Glaring at the Survivor

  1. Do we have proof that Shardblades are made of metal? Perhaps even just metal unique to Roshar?
  2. Shard of Hypocrisy - does exactly the oposite of whatever you want (really WANT) it to do. Not just think you want. The logic here is similar to what Llarimar used againt Lightsong when speaking of the weather, if you want to check. Shard of Exclusion - Invests itself in absolutely nothing. Except for very exclusive people. Shard of Brandon - Uh... How to explain...
  3. Wait. So are there only five ideals per order? I thought it was ten, and four of them were shared. Jasnah is an Elsecaller? Is that another bit of WoR info, or WoB? Or an assumption/theory? And is an Eslecaller an Order, or am I terribly mistaken?
  4. I am once again rereading The Way of Kings, and I just now figured something out. We all (most?) assume that Jasnah Kholin is a KR (well, she can do some Soulcasting without a fabrial), but we are never exactly given proof. But: Jasnah Kholin has upheld the second Ideal "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves" a few times (at least once), despite never saying the Words. When she killed the four street thugs, she even mentioned that she was protecting future travelers of that specific street. Just as a little more reason to think she is. Now, does anyone know if Brandon ever said that she sees a spren (as in how Kaladin sees Syl)?
  5. I meant like comparatively speaking. As in the size of the gemstone itself. For instance, would one square inch of diamond hold as much stormlight as one square inch of emerald or sapphire?
  6. First off, can anyone tell me if all Surgebinding requires Stormlight or just the Surgebindings Szeth and Kaladin use? Now, one thing struck me as odd in the book. After Teft figured out that Kaladin could Surgebind, why didnt he have Kaladin turn all his spheres into diamond chips? Do certain types of crystal contain more stormlight than others?
  7. Oh. Wow. I failed. They just sound so… close to the same. And the context… anyway, nevermind.
  8. Llarimar, AKA Scoot, Lightsong's High Priest, mentioned the cosmere in Warbreaker. Although I'm not quite sure how much of it he knows. Warbreaker, Page 104, Kindle EditionNot only does he mention the cosmos, he also mentions the "other side" and seems to know something about it - he may have been taught it, but someone somewhere in the line must have seen it and told people about it. Ok, I think I misread something. Bad.
  9. Aaahhh. That makes a lot of sense. I thought it was a book or something, at first.
  10. I was thinking some other uses. Although I do suppose you could just give the being as a whole a command, or as a "move how I move" command or something at the expense of less Breaths. Huh. Idk.Good point.
  11. I don't have any solid proof for this theory. I don't even have much reason. The only bit I have is this: Hoid has an insane memory. Yes, it could be due to the fact that he's a story teller. But still… his memory makes it possible. Of course, Hoid also may have possible ways of tapping into the power of any of the Shards, which may be even more likely. Maybe we'll find out in the Dragonsteel series.
  12. So, I was wondering a few things. 1) Does anyone know if, if you have a robotic arm or something (and assuming you had hundreds of thousands of Breaths) which would consist of many pieces, would you have to Awaken each piece, or the mechanical arm as a whole? 2) If the above answer is that the arm could be Awakened as a whole, would it be possible to Awaken a mechanical arm using the phrase "Mirror/Copy my right arm" or something, and doing the same with a set of legs and another arm, (again, you'd need a lot of Breaths) and then weld them together onto a core, to make some sort of robot that mirrors your movements? 3) If the above answer is yes, then would it be possible that if a modern-day version of Warbreaker was made, instead of electricity inanimate objects would be run on Breaths? I mean... you'd be using the Breaths of hundreds of generations... but would it be possible?
  13. Oh. Fail. I just saw a quote, then a sig, and didn't bother looking between.
  14. Oh. Dashed my hopes. Ah, well. I'll read on. Thanks for that tidbit. Is it anywhere in the book? Or could you link me to where you found that, if it was a webpage?
  15. I have a… guess, I suppose, since it isn't "educated" that worldhopping changes physical appearance.
  16. We've heard that there's a worldhopper in Warbreaker (can someone give me the exact quote, i cant seem to find it). And I'm pretty sure that I've just found out who it is. I dont have heaps of proof, but the below paragraph seems to give as much proof as Brandon would give us. -Warbreaker, Page 3 (Kindle Edition)Those two sentences there are pretty hard to dismiss, if you think about it. I dont remember quite whar Brandon said, but I'm pretty sure he mentioneda female worldhopper in Warbreaker that we would be very unlikely to spot. Someone of Sazed's kind (cant remember what that was called…) from MB. Well, I'm rereading WB and havent noticed a description of Mab yet but I'm pretty sure it's her.
  17. And Nightblood would probably tempt Szeth to kill himself. If Szeth won. I mean, it seems sorta obvious... and Szeth would do it willingly. Sort of. Except for his oathstone.
  18. I realize I didnt mention that some DragonFathers can alter Waves (that was in my original version, must have forgotten to transfer that tidbit). Altering the Waves can allow some DragonFathers (generally those that can alter Waves are called DragonLords by common folk, an actual DragonLord (as explained in the beginning of Chapter 2) is a highly trained DragonFather that can usually Bind to multiple dragons (not at once). I dont understand... why would Righor be a massive threat? And where do I point to a "leader of the DragonBound"?
  19. Could you explain a little better about what you mean by wanting the narrator to perform? I kind of was confused there, sorry.
  20. I wonder… do animals have Breath or not?

  21. Well... In the chapter "CHILD OF TANAVAST" Szeth is mentioned seen (well, I assume it's Szeth - long thing Shardblade, Shin, white clothing)... Not the best evidence. Szeth is mentioned 2-3 paragraphs before Tanavast... Soon after he sees Szeth, the voice says this: "Child of Honor. Child of one long since departed." "The Ooathpact was shattered." Im still looking...
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