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Glaring at the Survivor

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Everything posted by Glaring at the Survivor

  1. First book. Please critique everything so I can get better with this! (Please label what you are critiquing (Prologue or Chalter 1) so I know which one you mean.) This is the first book I have written and am getting critiqued on.
  2. I never have thought of this. It is definitely a possibility.
  3. Nightblood is a Dawnshard. Or a lower form of one. As said in the topic description, this is likely untrue.
  4. So he's not necessarily as old as the Shards in terms of having lived all those years but there's definitely something going on. Thank you. This clears things up a bit. Also, whoever moved this, thank you! I didn't really know where it went. It was very early on in my time on this website.
  5. Hello! Hope to see you around!

  6. Hello! I'm glad to see you here. If you like writing, come over tI the Reading Excuses subforum. Read others work, and get critiques of your own, if you want.
  7. That is very true. But this actually seems as if it may be realistic. A new prince that once did presumably little (maybe if he did a lot, have him remember some of the things he did with his father? However, some people don't like flashbacks, so I dont know if that'll work…) may take a while to grow accustomed to taking charge. However, if that is what happened, then you may want to change the portion where he took charge in the council. Just a thought. However, Jdid enjoy this book and can't wait for the next chapter!
  8. Thank you. I am writing in the future of the real world.
  9. Tased. Or tazed. Or whatever. Also taser/tazer and tasers/tazers. My wordcheck thinks whatever I try is wrong. Help?
  10. There's definitely room. I haven't seen Silk around for a few days though. So far only you and I are waiting to submit, as far as I'm aware, unless somebody PM'd Silk.
  11. Thank you. I suppose I just assumed according to his age that he was a Herald.
  12. Yes the Heralds, thank you. I only read the Way of Kings (no extra chapters or other books, so I didn't know what the swords were called). I suppose Dawnshards would be different. The reason I suspected Hoid may be a Herald is because he seems to be immortal—read the following: This lead me to believe that he has lived for a long time—if this was Warbreaker, I'd say that he had a ton of Breath. It appeared to me that the Heralds were, in a way, immortal. And also, he (being Hoid) truly is a Worldsinger, as he seems to have traveled from world to world (read the quote from Observer.) I didn't notice it until now, but Hoid is also a character from the book Warbreaker—if not a character with a different personality. Edit: I have read the coppermind thing. Now this all makes more sense. (also I don't really care about spoilers)
  13. cjhuitt has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

  14. I have been writing faster than I thought I would. If there is room, I would like to submit for the 24th. We also seem to have very few entries. (school? I don't know the age ranges here.)
  15. I sent Silk the PM. I just don't like starting a book in the middle, and I missed the previous Monday—I hadn't yet discovered this website.
  16. Where is the book? I'd like to read it. I just joined this subforum. Could i possibly read this? (not giving my email until you say yes. If you say yes)
  17. What is this "HonorShard" and "Shardholder" you speak of? It isn't in the book, so I'm starting to wonder if there is another source of information... And also what are all of these "Splinters"? Are they like the Shardblades, or parts of this "HonorShard" thing or what? Or are they a race created by somebody/something. I am really and truly confused.
  18. Where are you guys getting this info. It's not in the book the Way of Kings, so where?
  19. I honestly don't know. Can anybody help? (Also I seem to think he might be a Herald.)
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