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Glaring at the Survivor

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Everything posted by Glaring at the Survivor

  1. If Taln died, his honorblade - and him - should have gone back, as it said in the prelude/prologue. I'm pretty sure he had just a normal Shardblade.
  2. I assume that Shallan drew in very little amounts of stormlight, enough that to the naked eye, especially during daytime, would be all but impossible to see. (Very hard to notice.) Especially since nobody noticed Kaladin, for example, glow until he started using tons of stormlight at once. When he used a little at once, it was barely noticeable. Especially when in daylight.
  3. But making an illusion that big would assumably be very draining. She'd need a lot of stormlight, and she'd glow like neon. Edit: Grayv, I just realized we both have 31 upvotes.
  4. I swear we already saw this in one of the preview chapters. The Jasnah flashback, when she first went to Shadesmar.Edit: Nope totally not! Just checked again. Now I'm guessing this is a Shallan flashback.
  5. Not even a week left! Can anyone else see... anticipationspren... forming all around them...? Edit: This is aimed at those whom have not yet recieved a copy of the book. Some of you, I do realize, are lucky and are probably seeing victoryspren, joyspren, et cetera, after having received a copy of the book already.
  6. *backs away slowly* Not me. Lol. I vote Chaos.
  7. I have seen many theories of where Shardplate and Shardblades are. We know that there once were many, many sets of Plate and Blades, right? Well, what if most of them were destroyed? Certainly, there are many sets of Shardplate and Shardblades in Urithiru, of course. And the Shin almost certainly have plenty of sets of their own. However, chances are there were still dozens, perhaps hundreds of sets of Plate and Blades left unaccounted for. My theory here then is that most of the sets have been destroyed. If there were many mini-wars during the Recreance in which normal people took Shardplate and Shardblades and fought each other for it all, one would assume that many, many sets would have been utterly ruined. In addition, we cannot assume that it was common knowledge that inserting gems into newly-given Shardplate would make it "regenerate" the broken portions of it. I am assuming that this was knowledge receive much later on - at least after a fair number of sets of Shardplate were smashed to bits and then scattered. And then these broken, shattered, scattered pieces of Shardplate, over the course of four thousand five hundred years, got buried in the sands of time and... sand. Y. Ness. Stuff. Apologies if this has been suggested before. I (1) didn't know what to search, and (2) didn't find anything when I tried to search... Now... tear me down and point me to the light! Hahaha.
  8. The amount of you saying no makes it all the more probable. Brandon is so unpredictable that we have to predict the unpredictable, like this! Unless, of course, he is using reverse psychology and is thus NOT adding something like this. Unless he is using reverse-reverse psychology and thus will add something like this because we all expect him not to because we expect him to use reverse psychology. And so on.
  9. Pfft! Kaladin Stormblessed would win! And he's the untrained guy!
  10. Up vote to you! Made me lol.Is this a theory since there is no real evidence provided? Wouldn't that be considered a speculation instead... This sounds just like Brandon to me. Haha.
  11. Yeah, but who'd give away a Shardblade that lets them walk on walls? RAFO... what? Szeth, due to his condition, can't give away his Blade. And you can't just "steal" a Shardblade from someone.
  12. How would Kaladin get the Honorblade from Szeth if Szeth remains alive? In addition to that, remember that the Shin will hunt down Szeth's murderer and kill them to retrieve the Blade. So that may not be so great for Lopen.
  13. It's not necessarily wings. It looks like wings, and so our mind, associated with birds and bird wings, will translate it as that. However, that does not necessarily mean that a Rosharan's mind will translate it as that. For all we know, it looks to them like a spren. Or something.
  14. I'd be an author, and I'd record history... since I see it all Among aforementioned things.
  15. Don't Windrunners have 2 Surges? What is their second? Flying, or the storm-thing?
  16. Guys, this isn't just any old sphere from Shadesmar... ... It's a stick. And it can't be too old or it'd be dead. Edit: ninja'd. I think.
  17. I like pie. Do you like pie?

    1. Bloodfalcon


      So much so that I prefer it to cake.

    2. the winter system
  18. Spoilers. I've finally started my final reread of the Way of Kings (what with Words of Radiance being so close), and I've already made a theory. The Battlefield mentioned in tWoK prologue/prelude thing... is what later becomes the shattered plains. Or so I think. Now of course, this isn't our modern-day Shattered Plains. But keep in mind, what we're seeing here is hundreds of years prior to the rest of the book. It sounds like something that might eventually turn into the SP, right? Especially when you remember that, after all, crem does grow stone... sort of.I haven't checked every WoB, but I saw nothing 'bout this during a cursory check. I also searched the forums and saw nothing about this idea, sorry if it already exists. Edit: added a sentence or two. Or so.
  19. I think they call this reverse psychology...Edit: Darkness?
  20. I bet this is some villain talking to the commander of the boat Shallan is on in chapter seven. After all, she does wake up to smoke. Smoke (usually) means fire.
  21. Maybe this sentence is one following another recent glimpse.
  22. In tWoK, a few questions are sort-of asked. Basically, they ring around this: "Do spren cause wind, or does wind attract spren?" Well, I (while putting on socks this morning) came up with an interesting analogy: feet. Do socks cause feet to stink, or do feet cause socks to stink? Not the perfect analogy, but here's how it works together. Socks stink because feet sweat, etc.. The socks then "bleed" some of that stink back into your foot, thus making your foot smell worse. Spren work similarly, or so I am proposing. Spren are attracted to the certain things - like, for instance, fire. The firespren "collect" some of the heat, and then push that heat back into the fire. Thus, the fire with spren is warmer than a fire without spren - however, this can't be measured by Rosharians because the only fires they have attract spren. Or creationspren. They are attracted to creativity, and perhaps they also "rub off" creativity on those who attract them. Thus, those who attract creationspren are more creative than those without these spren. Support: (slight WoR spoiler)
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