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Posts posted by Nicrosil

  1. If each Shard has an associated number, it makes sense to me that Preservation and the cosmere in general are associated with 16. After all, Preservation's Ideal is based on staying the same, tradition, etc. When Andonalsium shattered, I wouldn't be surprised if Preservation "kept" 16 as it's associated number. 



    And, during Secret History, we hear Preservation muttering. Is it possible Leras chose 16 as a sign to more cosmere-aware folks?


  2. Sorry that this is 2 months since the last post, but I just read through the transcript, and something caught my eye. When Brandon was talking about scars on the soul because of Hemalgury, it reminded me of a passage from "The Emperor's Soul." 


    Page 101


    "The changes aren't-"

    "Aren't permanent," he said. "Yes, so you keep saying." He stretched out his arm for her to stamp. "However, it makes me wonder. One can cut the body, and it will heal- but do it over and over again in the same spot, and you will scar. The soul cannot be so different." 

  3. Sorry if someone posted this already, and this probably not even close to true, but what about the spear Vin used to kill TLR? It's explicitly mentioned several times that she stabbed him through the heart. Maybe it's a Hemalgury spike?


    On another note, what if we're looking at the wrong person's metalminds? From the Coppermind:


    Sliverism is a religion on Scadrial that arose after the Final Ascension.

    According to Steris Harms, they are known to revere Ironeyes.[1]


    Now, The Lord Ruler was called the "Sliver of Infinity." Sliverism is practiced by the descendants of everyone's favorite fanatic, Yomen. And in a lot of the books, skaa call Marsh "The Lord Ruler." What if in the 300 years since the Ascension, the myths were distorted? I'm AFB at the moment, so this might be really wrong. 

  4. Mistborn

    Usually, books don't make me tear up. Kelsier's death... It was shocking, but didn't make me cry. What did make me cry was his letter to Vin. "I'll tell Mare about you. She always wanted a daughter."



    Jasnah's death. I was texting my friend who was ahead of me in the book when I read it. I think the conversation went something like this.


    Nicro: WHAT

    Friend: ?


    F: oh, you're at that part

    N: But... she can't be dead

    F: She's dead...

    N: But... she's magic tho :(

    F: That's what I thought too.


    Eventually, I finished the book first, and waited for him to finish so I could gloat >: D

  5. Wow... that's a couple of bombshells. Time to start my pre-book release Read Everything Cosmere Again TM . Big thanks to everyone who were there!  :D


    Hmm... a crushing blow to the head, eh? It reminds me of the linchpin spikes on Steel Inquisitors. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not. Also, what Aon did Raoden and we interpret wrong? Now that we know where to look I guarantee within a month we'll have figured it out :P

  6. So, I've been thinking. What happens to all those bits of Shards put in people? On Scadrial, everyone has a bit of Preservation and Ruin, with a splash more Preservation. On Nalthis, everyone has a Breath, a hunk of Endowment. What happens when those people die? Is that investiture returned to the Shard, or is it lost forever?


    If that innate investiture does fizzle out, that means that the Shards have been slowly losing power. Every death would be a loss, like Hemalguric decay on a Cosmere wide scale. Even active uses of investiture would be a loss for the Shards; every time a person uses Allomancy and draws from Preservation's pool of power. Every time a stormlight infused gem goes dun, Honor loses a little bit of power.


    Perhaps this is why Odium is such a threat, by investing in as little as possible, his power hasn't been diminishing.


    Or used investiture goes back into its Shard, making this whole topic useless.

  7. So Feruchemical nicrosil is like storing "pure" Investure, which can then be shaped into other kinds. Entirely useless on its own, but, say, give it to an Elantrin, and they could access the Dor without having to be near Elantris itself. Allomantic Aluminum, on the other hand, shuts off the "gate" you have to the Spiritual realm, like closing a valve in a hydrolics system.

    As to handle Brandon's quote about Investure transcending all the Realms, what if we think about it this way. You have three glass spheres filled with water, connected to each other by tubes also filled with water. You start pumping a dye into one of the glass spheres. The color will diffuse out to the other parts of the system, of course, but from the perspective of someone inside one of the glass spheres, the color is radiating from one of the spheres.

  8. So Koloss-blooded is a Koloss who's moved away from the tribe, not a weird Koloss/Human hybrid. Huh.


    The questions on Parshendi babies got me thinking something weird. What if the Parshendi are born from eggs? An Eshonai interlude says that mateform Parshendi lock themselves in a room for a few weeks before coming out and going on as usual. This could be an... extended honeymoon, but what if those few weeks are all it takes to lay and hatch a child? It would clear up any pregnant Parshendi shenanigans, and would make sense if the Parshendi naturally evolved from the local fauna. 


    Also, congrats to Herowannabe for being a not-really-kinda Brandon character!

  9. Just got back, asked a few questions. Please note that these are super paraphrased, but I did see someone's IPhone on the table, so we hopefully have a transcript!


    Q: Have we seen another Lightweaver?

    A: The power? Yes. The Order? No.


    Q: Would any of the Orders be okay with one being an assassin?

    A: Yes

    (Please note that a family member decided to drop in at this point, so I may have heard wrong. Woops.)


    Q: Is Liss a Surgebinder?

    A: RAFO!

    (Omagawsh it's an actual card this is so cool)


    Q: Can you Compound to the point where you become a Savant?

    A: No, being a Savant is when you burn so much it alters your spirit, Compounding is similar but different.

    (He might have heard the question wrong here, I don't know. I should have asked it differently. But, there goes my theory  :P)


    Q: Who's your favorite character to write?

    A: Mat Cauthon, especially later on when I really got his character down.


    Q: Will we ever see more of Stick?

    A: *Laughs* Everyone loves Stick. But no, there aren't any plans to have more Stick.


    So that was cool! It's a real shame though that my copy of WoK is currently on loan   <_< .

  10. So I'm planning on going to the Sugarhouse signing later today. This is my first signing, so I was wondering what the proper etiquette is. I have maybe 6 questions; should I just ask them while he's signing my books or what? How many books should I bring? Should I buy something from the bookstore while I'm there? Please help!

  11. Huh. Maybe the reason it's hard to travel to Sel is because the Shards are dead. There was a recent WoB that said something along the lines of if there is no one holding the Shard, the magic becomes sentient and does Wonky ThingsTM.


    The real problem is we don't know what a Shardpool exactly is. I believe that it's a sort of gate between the Physical and Spiritual Realms, or maybe between all three. After all, at the two best known Shardpools, the Well of Ascension and the Pits of Hathsin, the Shard's concentrated, Physical form grew.


    Lets assume that the Shards are largely Spiritual, with only a minimal Cognitive (their Intents) and Physical (the God metals) presence. Assume now that having a Shardholder increases that Cognitive and Physical aspect; the Shard has a consciousness now, even if it is absorbed into the Shard's Intent over time. Maybe creating a Shardpool requires a strong Cognitive or Physical aspect.


    Maybe this is why traveling to Sel is hard. The two Shardholders are dead, the magic left to run rampant. I remember a theory that the two have even combined, a new "Shard" built from the broken gods of Devotion and Dominion.


    Thus, with the magic of Sel Shardholder-less (wow that's a clunky word), creating a Shardpool is nigh impossible. The only Shardpool remaining is the Pool of Elantris, a holdover from the previous Shard, now not functioning or severely crippled.


    Or, this could all be a steaming pile of chull dung. 

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