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Everything posted by Nicrosil

  1. Yeah, Wayne gets... inventive with names. Curvy distraught goddess
  2. Wayne disguising as the old lady in Alloy of Law. I forget the name he gave her...
  3. I always thought that the Koloss of AoL were just regular Koloss who's spikes had deteriorated to the point that they could make baby Koloss, and even breed with people. One of Mile's thugs is described as "Koloss blooded", with gray skin and a large figure.
  4. Yes, FTL would be impossible with just pushing, but it would potentially put the ship out of Scadrial's orbit. From there, bendalloy or cadmium fabrials would kick in to do wonky FTL things. Actually, I think it would be best if the ship was in the vacuum of space before it started reaching insanely fast speeds; collisions with even small clumps of atoms when traveling quickly are apparently dangerous... but I think if you're faster than light, you're traveling backwards in time? I guess the point is moot
  5. So... if there are machines that can simulate Allomancy, can they run by themselves, or does someone need to be actively controlling them, like a Roshar fabrial? If the former, then spacecraft becomes relatively simple. Attach a steel burning fabrial to your ship, and have it push of the core of the planet in a super push with a nicrosil fabrial. Of course, that's assuming that Scadrial has an iron core... hm.
  6. Oh. Derp. I don't have the RPG (currently broke), but I should have realized that sooner. Thanks for clarifying that. That creates a much more interesting element than I originally thought. So, could we have characters that swing from being like Vin, unnoticable and unimportant, to Kelsier who has a natural... presence in the room as they store and tap. So, Duralumin Ferrings could be like Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde, swinging back and forth from being a humanitarian to a crooked man. They would be mostly normal when not using their Feruchemy, but they still have the memories of both persona. Also, Duralumin Compounders would finally mean a politician who isn't corrupt.
  7. This topic's been revived! Yay! I've been stalking this topic for like three months now. So, flying Twinborns... Steel Compounders. Wear a wing suit (think flying squirrel), push off an anchor, and compound speed. It's not really flying, though, just falling with style. Also, it really depends on the nature of speed. Does tapping speed increase the rate your body moves, like going, say, five miles an hour while your body is doing the work of walking two miles an hour, or does it just make you move faster period? Something that's come up a while are Duralumin Ferrings. Duralumin increases your connection with other people, creating strong bonds in moments. However, some say that this connection is two-way; you also feel the effect of Duralumin. I don't think that's really the case. We have WoB that Feruchemy protects you from the adverse effects of tapping or storing, so Brass Compounders don't burn themselves for example. So, why should Connectors be any different? From the Q&A, I think anything about Identity is going to be a RAFO, so there may be something amazingly awesome about storing Identity we don't know yet... hm... An Iron Compounder in a second-trilogy Scadrial could basically be Spiderman. By making yourself incredibly light, a lot more things become anchors. And, assuming we get giant metal frame skyscrapers to Pull-kour on, we get a team of your friendly neighborhood Twinborns. I smell fanfiction.
  8. Nicrosil


    I just got Legion; finished it in an hour. It's a very good read, and as I was reading it, I kept thinking it would make a great pilot episode for a TV series. I really hope it takes off. I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this already, but how do we know that Legion isn't dead? I mean, we've seen how his mind invents interprets outside circumstances to fit his aspects (the butler handing Tobias and Ivy drinks), so how do we know that J.C. shooting the men isn't another hallucination? He could be dead or dying, still in Jerusalem by the time the book ends. Kind of like Lost. Sort of. Not really. Never mind.
  9. I particularly found the quote on Freuchemical Identity exciting. I've been playing with the idea that storing Identity could make you a blank sheet, so to speak, meaning that you could override Identity-based attributes(tapping other metalminds, using another persons Shardblade, etc.) Also, all the RAFOs made me think that the last book is just going to be all the main characters testing every possible combination of every magic system
  10. Pewter Compounding would essentially make someone the Hulk (stretchy shorts not included). Third trilogy Cadmium Compounders would simplify space travel, as would Bendalloy Compounders. Electrum Compounders would be scary. I mean, they would constantly be at the emotional peak, like a koloss in a blood frenzy, but with every emotion.
  11. I believe that Miles is a Savant Compounder, or he's constantly burning metalminds to the point that he's a savant. Allow me to explain myself. First, we know that Savants are people who by constantly flaring their metals have their physiology changed. Spook became a Savant by the Hero of Ages, and we see interesting abilities: using spectacles, he can see through cloth, he can read lips, and his senses are so keen to the point that he's on par with an atium burner/ninja. Next, we know that Miles compounds his metal minds constantly. He has thirty-some metal minds, from bracers piercing his skin to slivers of gold hidden in the muscles of his arm. He can recover from wounds remarkably fast; exploding is only a minor inconvenience, and he can't feel pain. At some point in Alloy of Law (don't know exactly where; I don't have my copy) Wax describes compounding as being 'hard to stop once you've started'. This sounds similar to Spook's experience when his tin supply is taken away. Also, Miles states that he doesn't need to breathe anymore; he would stop his heart if he could. Gold metalminds store health, not breath. Miles also doesn't feel pain. Is he so used to pain he doesn't feel it, or is this an effect of being a savant? I also recall a quote from Brandon saying something along the lines of compounding working because it tricks Allomancy into thinking the metal your burning is a new metal that releases the Freuchemical charge. So, if metalminds are a 'new' metal, I propose that they can be burned to the point of being a savant; Miles is such a savant.
  12. Hello everybody! I'm Nicrosil. But, you could probably already tell that. I was introduced to Brandon Sanderson from a friend around January, found the 17th Shard a few months ago, and finally made a profile. Nothing really special about me. I do like to write, especially world-building, so Brandon is something of an inspiration to me. I mean, the rate the man churns out magic systems! It takes me months just to come up with something somewhat clever! I've read the Mistborn trilogy, Alloy of Law, and Way of Kings. I hope to get Warbreaker and Elantris on my next stop to the library. Hopefully I'll be able to get Legion and The Emperor's Soul soon. Not much else to say, I guess...
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