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Everything posted by Darkrib

  1. So would that same effect happen if someone were to heal naturally as Gage did? If only part of the brain was damage and restored, would the new tissue and personality have the spiritual self filtered through their cognitive or is that filtering specific to invested healing abilities such as F-Gold, Stormlight or whatever Hoid does. I don't remember any character healing a head injury through normal means, I believe all of them had some sort of magical healing effect
  2. In the case of reattaching a head, it is the same brain being reconnected. What about when creating a new part of the brain altogether?
  3. So we know that F-Gold stores health and can heal near-fatal wounds, as seen in Miles. My question involves more the psychological impact of F-Gold. There was a famous case about Phineas Gage, where he suffered a brain injury in which he survived. Afterwards, his personality drastically shifted. This kind of thing should have happened with Miles, yet he has taken shotgun blasts to the head and have no notable personality shift. My question is involving this aspect. We know the cosmere is separated into three levels, the Physical, Cognitive and Spiritual. When people die, we see that their cognitive shadow seems to carry on their personality and memories. Would the Phineas Gage case even occur in the cosmere? If they heal, would their brain reconnect to the cognitive self reform inside them and have no personality shift? I find that unlikely, it seems to me that the personality could not be conserved without some form of magic. Assuming that Phineas Gage would still happen, the question is does gold store this cognitive aspect as well as the physical? If someone stores gold, gets injured similar to Gage, heals naturally, has the personality shift and then taps the gold stored previously, would it restore their old personality or do nothing? Is it the case that healing with the gold such as Miles preserves that cognitive aspect or does the brain not effect personality or link to the cognitive realm? I know it is a really strange and specific question but I feel that something doesn't sit right with the link between F-Gold healing and Personality in regard to brain injury.
  4. I'm not sure if this has been explicitly stated but what if the color draining effect of the sword powers the command in the sword itself. Nightblood takes the investiture of the user to power itself, but Azure doesn't seem to be cautious about using her sword. Perhaps instead of taking the wielder's investiture, it takes it from those it strikes, turning them grey to power the command similar to lifeless.
  5. This connects well with my personal idea bout how A-Bronze and Copper works, relating to the ripples. Essentially A-Bronze reads those ripples, allowing you to feel them and A-Copper actually creates an inverse ripple to prevent others from feeling the ripples yet not modifying the ripples themselves. This also works well with Hemalurgic spikes, as the spike may create different ripples in your own spiritweb to give you those aspects, yet messing with your other ripples making it less stable, creating the cracks that are used to peer into and sometimes take control of spiked individuals.
  6. I apologize in advance if I got anything wrong First off, the location being the purelake adds an interesting aspect to this fight. The Tai-Na and Shadow can only really be effective in the deeper portions of the purelake (being about 6ft). I’m not sure if the Tai-Na would actually be able to maneuver around but I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt. The Chasmfiend cannot maneuver well there, as it would be mostly submerged at 6ft and hamper the maneuverability quite a lot. The Shadow can help the Chasmfiend on shallow waters but would probably be the best in the deeper parts. The humanoids is an interesting mashup. I’m going to assume that through some sort of connection they are able to understand each other, save for the Koloss who just goes into bloodlust. They also each have weapons respective to their cultures, so the inquisitor has an obsidian ax, Koloss has his sword, etc. The Aimians provide an interesting aspect. The Dysian Aimian provides a distraction with the flying cremlings, yet their ability to pierce any large beat’s skin would be minimal. The Siah Aimian would be slightly weaker than the listener, being mostly another soldier from what I understand. The Kandra would be the skill of MeLaan, skilled but not TenSoon levels. Typical Kandra Stuff, blessings of Potency and Awareness. The Inquisitor would be the greatest fighter. I’m going to say it is one of the ones with F-Gold plus mistborn powers of the time. The Warform listener would be important to knowing how to take out the Chasmfiend, which I shall now get into First off would be the Chasmfiend. The listener would be able to inform them how to target the weak spots, where the listeners tend to target themselves. During this explanation, the Koloss, getting into a bloodlust, would try and take out the Chasmfiend and be killed, yet not before chinking the carapace on the legs first. The group would then be down the dumb Koloss, but have another body for their Kandra. Without the spikes, the Koloss would just be a lot of flesh and not much superhuman strength, but that muscle combined with the blessing of Potency would make for a fierce fighter. A combination of the Koloss-Kandra and Inquisitor would be able to take out many of the Chasmfiend’s legs, as the cremlign horde would help distract it from each of the real threats, attacking eyes and such. The Chasmfiend would fall as the shadow gets to the fight, being hindered by the terrain. The shadow would be an easier target than the Chasmfiend due to no carapace, yet still take up most of the Inquisitor’s metals. The Tai-Na would be stuck in the deep waters, and I do not believe that the Inquisitor without many metals could kill the Tai-Na simply by merit of size alone. Overall Result: Draw. If you assume that the beasts don’t get many hits on the Kandra-Koloss or the Inquisitor, the humanoids would kill the Chasmfiend at most but have trouble due to environment against the Shadow and Tai-Na Next fight: Ham vs Dalinar Simple dueling ring, no fancy terrain. Weapons optional. Ham has about 1 minute of straight pewter at a regular burn, Dalinar 2 minutes of stormlight since pewter is generally stronger than passive stormlight. Win through either pin, knock out of either ring or consciousness. Sticking Ham to the ground does NOT count as a pin. Assume they are unaffected by any change in gravity from their norm.
  7. @The Forgetful Archivist I get it, I accidentally said Explain instead of Demonstrate my bad
  8. @Niteshado Sorry but I don't exactly know what you mean, could you demonstrate? @The Forgetful Archivist I'll take the pie and save it for later, thank you @Mistspren @Archer Nightblood isn't Male or Female if I recall but still going with best girl I don't know much about the beats but I'd say Aviar (Because I like the idea of magic through pets) or Tai-Na, because living islands are great
  9. Hey, been a fan of Sanderson for about 2 years now but have only gotten into the 17th shard for the past few months, buuuut I may have gotten a little carried away. I love all the theories and just the whole site in general and decided to finally stop lurking and join up, I may have a few ideas of my own to contribute eventually. I've read all of the cosmere books except for White Sand, in order of MB, Elantris, MB Era 2, SA, Warbreaker, Arcanum Unbound Favorite Book: All of them, favorite magic: Metallic Arts, best girl: Nightblood
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