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AonEne last won the day on June 6

AonEne had the most liked content!

About AonEne

  • Birthday 01/06/2003

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  • Member Title
    Am I doing something I can't take back? (Relax!)
  • Pronouns
    he/him in an enby way
  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, reading, editing, organizing, psychology/sociology, animals, humans, Wings of Fire, The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, Hollow Knight

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Community Answers

  1. I'm not commenting on the book opinions because mine are complicated and I think some things have gotten better and some worse, but for this: his editors are very much there and very much actively editing the books. There's a big team. Something being in the books doesn't mean it wasn't pointed out by anyone - it just means that Brandon wanted it to be there (with occasional cases of things slipping by; typos and continuity errors happen). Peter and the rest of Editorial don't have the final word, and the editors at Tor (and other publishers) definitely don't. He listens and takes feedback from them, but he makes the final decisions. If Brandon wants it there, it will be there, regardless of what anyone else thinks. On top of that, the editors don't necessarily think the book is bad. Framing it as them all not wanting to speak up assumes that they all share your opinion, but people have a variety of opinions! It's not fact. And this is slightly more speculation, because I don't know what's running through their heads exactly, but I suspect that even if both Brandon and Editorial thought the book needed another draft, they might consider not doing it. I don't think any of these would necessarily be a primary motivation, but they might factor in. They set a hard deadline for themselves with Dragonsteel Nexus, and having the book come out on an irregular date for book releases might also make things hard to change on the back end. Beyond that...Brandon has a lot of books he wants to get to before he dies. He can't draft one forever. That said...the White Sand nonsense. So maybe he can rewrite one thing forever and not care
  2. Happy birthday Mist!! 💖

  3. It should still be 20 and it looks like you haven't hit that in the last day or so, can you screenshot the popup it gives you? Is it the usual one? Edit: looks like you did hit the limit Friday, if that was the time?
  4. (Please don't do posts of a single letter at a time! That edges over the line into spam.) I'm behind on The Dragon Prince, only like some of Epic, and recently watched Arcane, so I guess I count here? XD
  5. I did start working on an overhaul a while back, at the same time as the other profile changes we did, but haven't worked on that in a bit due to getting busy with other stuff. I have been looking at previous requests and this is a good resource too, thanks!
  6. Hi, I've moved this to the Dragonsteel Prime subforum! I think in DSP, this is indeed his birth name. We don't know if it still is canonically, though, or have any other info (that I'm aware of).
  7. Ene exhaled. "Well, it hurt. The stab hurt, and being betrayed by one of my best friends also hurt." His voice was sharp, but not cold. "And then it felt like a whole lot of things at once and then I was talking to a Paradox Person, and they were telling me I was one too, and that was probably why I'd been assassinated, even though I didn't even know and just wanted to go search out N." He consciously relaxed his hands on the table and took a sip of cocoa. "So. Not great. Thanks for that."
  8. Cassie winced. She couldn't say she didn't relate to the responsibility, to needing to keep things together for the rest - that was what had gotten her into her current mess - but at least her order wasn't the one specifically known for leadership, for keeping groups strongly united. No wonder James was having a hell of a time. "Honestly, I don't know either," she admitted. "I mean, I'd love to say it doesn't matter, journey before destination, whatever happens happens, but it still does. If you're not sure what journey you're taking, and there's no destination at all..." She lifted her shoulders in a tired shrug and stopped going down the stairs, facing him. "I don't think any of us know what we're doing, really. Yeah, we have the bones of a plan, but..." She shook her head. "I'm not a Bondsmith, so maybe I don't get it, but I wouldn't worry about keeping up a perfect front. Sometimes a group can be united without any one person taking charge as the leader. Doc sure didn't do much to organize our craziness, but he still made us a family. Maybe you're free to embody your order and unite in more than one way." Maybe we all are. "Who's Theo? I don't think you've mentioned them before," she said abruptly, changing tack to hopefully distract him a bit and give them both time for the more serious thoughts to process. "Can't imagine anyone being disappointed in you."
  9. It's gonna be some of both, right? People give rep for many different reasons, but generally in the theme of liking what the post says. And as you're around longer, that will accumulate and you'll gain more. Being active helps, but so does making great posts that others will enjoy. Neither is a guarantee; there are plenty of people who've been here for years and not gained a ton of rep, and also plenty of newer people who rise fairly quickly. But also remember that your reputation count isn't a measure of who you are as a person, or even how popular you are or how many friends you have! You can be awesome even without having much rep. Also, don't ever post solely trying to get rep, or spamming; we will shut that down. Just make posts naturally and be thoughtful, and remember that whether you get upvotes or not, we're happy to have you here!
  10. Hey, welcome to the forums! It looks like this might be addressed to Dragonsteel, and I'm sorry to inform you that most of the team doesn't visit the forums often, and most don't have accounts. Their contact page is the best place to get ahold of them: https://support.dragonsteelbooks.com/support/tickets/new If this is just addressed to us fellow Sanderfans - I believe Dragonsteel has said that they intend to restock the character pin series. They didn't promise that most things would still be available after the campaign, so it might be that for most items they're just selling their leftover stock and won't restock it, but iirc the pins have been the one thing they've always said they wanted to keep going with. If the other pins you're looking for aren't in the Year of Sanderson pin series, we don't know if they'll be available again.
  11. Let's say 3 months after the PDF release, since everyone who ordered a physical copy gets the PDF as well (I know there's a significant contingent of people who prefer/need to read physical, I prefer it myself, but if they want to hold out that long then they might just need to be careful which book spaces they enter until they catch up). Yep, Mistborn should follow the same pattern.
  12. Yo! Here's how we're doing this for now: Content from the adventures (Stonewalkers, Bridge 9, etc.) must be clearly tagged/labeled, so that players who haven't finished them yet can avoid it. Content from the handbooks will be treated like WoBs, and can be untagged anywhere Stormlight or Mistborn respectively can be untagged. We're going to have to see what's in the world guides, but let's tentatively give them a spoiler period of three months tagged and labeled everywhere when they come out.
  13. Readings from Brandon/upcoming preview chapters:
  14. Are you by chance reading a translation of the books? Alder's is what I'm seeing as well.
  15. Moved this to Cosmere Discussion - note that Shaor isn't mentioned in Tress, so is considered a spoiler there.
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