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Posts posted by Ixthos

  1. 26 minutes ago, Klaught said:

    Just stumbled upon this thread and wanted to spread some positive vibes. It's awesome to see a space where we can discuss religion with kindness and respect. Big shoutout to Ixthos for creating this! Also, you can find inspiration in Christian verses and signs at Christian Walls. Check them out!

    Thanks! And thanks for the link, I'll check it out 😃 Also, just a heads up, you can tag people using the @ symbol, so if you type it and start typing a user name, it'll offer you the option to make it a tag that will notify them, like this @Klaught 🙂

  2. 15 minutes ago, Ookla the Hyperpotamian said:

    Thank you. Not sure if I currently have much more to say.

    If you'd like, I can tag a couple of other Jews I know here. Technically there's a General Jewish Discussion thread somewhere around here, but basically no one comments on it so it's fine.

    Thank you 😃 If you'd like to do that it would be appreciated 🙂 the reason I did a SU and a post in General Discussion was to spread that greeting and wish and blessing as far as possible on the 'Shard, so if you would, I'd be grateful! 

    Hmmm ... with regards to the General Jewish Discussion thread, commenting there sounds nice, but as I'm a Goy I don't know if it would be appropriate. Still, thank you 🙂

  3. I already did a private PM, and a status update, about this, and I know I'm still a few hours early in my time zone, but to all the 'Shard's Jewish and Israeli members, Happy Chanukkah! I pray you are safe and blessed during this time, and that the LORD G-d is with you and blesses you, your friends, and your family. May these eight days truly be a blessing to you.

  4. 5 hours ago, Treamayne said:

    Welcome back

    Thank you, though I'm not quiet back yet ;) :)


    5 hours ago, Treamayne said:

    Does the review have a text-only format?

    Unfortunately no, or at least I don't think so. Chuck apparently originally started out doing text reviews, but all his stuff over the past several years as far as I can tell is video only, though I usually listen to them rather than watch them, especially when he covers books.


    5 hours ago, Treamayne said:

    Is it possible to please encase the video link in a spoiler tag?
       (the image flickers significantly; and, if it bothers me, I know it's enough to trigger a seizure in some epileptics like my sister)

    Gotcha, and done. Sorry about that!


    5 hours ago, Treamayne said:

    Have a great day.

    You too :)

  5. Hey guys, I hope you are well well :) I know I haven't been very active on the forum for some time (including the delay on the post for the general religious discussion thread on the Seven Days of Creation, and a few PMs I still have to respond to, and some ideas I have for the Flexiprompts), though God willing I'll be more active soon. However, I felt I should point out that SD Debris, my favourite reviewer, just posted part 1 of his review of Elantris, and implied he'll be covering more Cosmere books soon. I'm rather excited!

    Here is a link to his website and the review there, followed by a link to the YouTube video directly.






    Anyhow, hope you guys are well, and God willing in about a month I should be posting here again slightly more often. Take care, and God bless!

  6. On 6/30/2023 at 5:07 PM, Hatman said:

    OB was the Bondsmith book. KoWT is the Skybreaker book. 

    Yes, but originally Brandon was unsure about which one to make Oathbringer - he eventually settled on Dalinar and the Bondsmiths, but another option was Szeth and the Skybreakers. When Brandon decided to make Oathbringer the Bondsmith book he made the fifth book about the Skynbreakers.




    So, I was gonna ask about which character the next book would focus on?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, no, that's not spoilery... I said from the get-go I am perfectly all right writing a flashback sequence for a character who has already died in the books. So it's not telling you any spoilers to tell you who the various characters are. So, the front five are Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, Eshonai, and Szeth. Those are our front five. And our back five are Lift, Jasnah, Ash, Taln, and Renarin. And, not in that order. I've flipped the order quite a bit as I've been going. 'Cause Dalinar was gonna be book five, and now he's book three. So now Szeth is book five, and Eshonai is book four. Right now, Lift is book six. But the back five, I'm not concerned about, other than making sure I'm setting up the right things, and it's gonna come together.

    Oathbringer Glasgow signing (Dec. 2, 2017)


  7. 7 hours ago, Lost said:

    Yeah. There's probably a better place for this. But I figured just a general discussion would be less intrusive than if posted it in the wrong spot in a part of the Cosmere forum. I need to better familiarize myself with the forum before creating more topics. I'll do that next time. I just didn't wanna burn my taters. 

    Fair enough, and we all live and learn :) still, the general rule for working out where to post Cosmere stuff is basically to place things in the dedicated board for them (i.e. new released will have a section specifically just for them, and talking about them in any other board requires using the spoiler box - and a warning it is about them - if you absolutely must bring them up in that discussion, though its better to keep that entirely restricted to the spoiler boards), and if the topic covers the whole of the Cosmere then it goes in the Cosmere discussion section rather than that of a specific book or series. This is a general Stormlight idea, that of a cool reversal of the Knight-Spren relationship, so it likely would be best to post this sort of topic in the Stormlight board. 

    Anyhow, I hope you have fun here and posting in the forum! (And I hope your potatoes turned out well! Were you making chips?)

  8. 2 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Perhaps Mercy? Maybe Mercy could be trying to absorb the Splintered remains of Ambition after the battle in the Threnody System?

    That could be an answer as to why Harmony says that 'Mercy worries him'. Bit of a stretch but it could be possible.

    While it would contradict my "Silverlight is Ambition's corpse" theory (or at least require some reworking), it would be interesting if Mercy followed - or, if as I suspect, Mercy was physically somewhere else in the Cosmere while Ambition and Odium were in the Threnodite system and Odium, as the Shard of Conflict and Opposites, was able to bring Mercy into the fight in the Spiritual Realm as an antithesis to Ambition (as Mercy would be primarily selfless and focused on helping others at one's own expense, while Ambition is primarily selfish and focused on helping oneself at the expense of others), and afterwards Mercy tracked down the wounded Ambition while Odium was unable to do so, drawn by Ambition's pain - and then "mercy killed" Uli Da, and then picked up fragments to protect nearby worlds from the harm they might do - a selfless act that would change Mercy - then Mercy would be changed, and possibly pick up some of Ambition's ... ambitions, while still being "mostly" Mercy. Thus Mercy would be warped into the darker facet - wanting to "help" others, but in ways they don't want, and in ways that, at least slightly, help Mercy. Ruin didn't want to Ruin itself, but Preservation wasn't focused on self preservation, and indeed seemed to have planned for its own nature to be changed in the formation of Harmony, who would be better able to preserve Scadrial and possibly the whole of the Cosmere. I feel Mercy, driven to help others, would be one of the Shards least affected by the desire to remain "pure," and would be more likely to let itself be changed if it helped others - and once changed, but still at least mostly selfless, Mercy might be the most dangerous Shard after Odium to the status quo - a Shard unburdened by the desire to remain as it is, but fully prepared to change. Ambition likely would have sought out the other Shards to consume them, which might be why Odium feared her, but Mercy combined with traces of Ambition ... that Shard almost certainly would seek out more power, to "help" others, and to do so in a way that both "hurts" and "helps" themselves.

  9. 8 hours ago, Lost said:

    I was frying up some potatoes and I got to thinking, as I am sometime prone to do. Wouldn't it be interesting to see a Radiant/Spren relationship where the spren is the one who needs to develop and say different oaths? Or maybe it wouldn't be. I have to go. I can hear my potatoes starting to sizzle and I still need to cut the onion. 

    Maybe this should be in the Stormlight or General Cosmere section, but I do like this idea. I remember reading somewhere on the forums someone had the theory that that was what Voidbinding is.


    RoW spoilers:


    The idea behind this was it seemed Glys is the one controlling the visions Renarin had, and so they theorised that, as Renarin's visions are linked to Voidbinging, that this was the key feature of Voidbinding, being powers the Spren developed rather than their knight or surgebinder. It also would die to the Unmade being related to Voidbinding, if their own powers were things other spren could replicate.


  10. On 12/14/2022 at 10:15 PM, Kheldar said:

    Ok, I got it done. 3 GB. Does that make sense? I checked it briefly, and it seems to all be there. Thanks again for the idea!

    Log file says it stopped after 6 hours due to too many links. Only question is if maybe all the cross referencing... Dunno.

    That doesn't seem unreasonable to me - it also depends on whether it was recording all the attached media, the page logs and discussion, etc. so 3 Gigs probably is a fair representation of the coppermind, with most of that being the more admin and historically related stuff. If you can try again, see if you can instruct it not do download discussion pages, page histories, etc.

    Either way, I'm glad this worked out for you :)

  11. 2 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    Isn't there a far simpler explanation too? That Adonalsium created humans on many planets independently to begin with? Or do we have confirmation that Yolish are the first human race and the only human race


    Strongly implied that most humans elsewhere in the Cosmere came from Yolen, with only a few exceptions (though see below in that those few exceptions might imply they made more):



    What planet did humans originate on? Or did they originate on Scadrial when Preservation and Ruin got together?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Humans did not originate on Scadrial, because they were on Yolen, which is a planet before Adonalsium-- the story that takes place before Adonalsium was Shattered. They may have been on other planets, but they-- the very first ones you would care about are probably on Yolen.

    Shadows of Self San Diego signing (Oct. 8, 2015)



    Zach G

    Dunno if you can answer this now, but if everyone is from Yolen way back when, is there a migration story?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not all humans originated on Yolen, but the first humans were there. Watch the books for myths that hint at more.

    General Twitter 2016 (Jan. 3, 2016)




    Where did humanity originate in the cosmere?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The first planet with humans on it was Yolen.

    17th Shard Forum Q&A (Sept. 26, 2012)


    Interestingly, humans are stated to be on other worlds before the Shattering, though perhaps those are only relatively recent colonies, though he implies some believe they were separate creations:



    Hi Brandon I don't know if you will answer, but. Did "earth" ever exist in the cosmere? There seems to be humans on all the planets. so where did humans come from? or even the idea of humans?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Earth did not exist in the cosmere. Humans existed on Yolen (and other planets) before the shattering of Adonalsium, and it is assumed Adonalsium created them.

    From a writing perspective, stepping back, I feel like other book series (like the Wheel of Time, Pern, Shannara) really covered the idea of, "This is Earth and/or earth people in another dimension/after an apocalypse/or far in the future." It's been a common enough theme in fantasy that I felt I wanted not to touch on it. So there are no plans to connect the cosmere to Earth in any way.

    /r/fantasy AMA 2017 (May 30, 2017)


    Which means Scadrial isn't one of the planet being considered here.


    And an interesting wrinkle, depending on how subtle Brandon is being in how he phrased this, but before the Shattering their was worldhopping, but "very very rarely":


    Questioner (paraphrased)

    Before the Shattering, was Worldhopping from Yolen possible to other worlds like Roshar, etc.?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    I'm gonna say yes, it was possible--but it was a lot more difficult to pull off. Not nearly as frequently as now.

    Prague Signing (Oct. 26, 2019)




    Before the Shattering, were people already able to worldhop from Yolen to the other planets like Roshar, and so on?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It was possible, it did not happen nearly on the extent that it happens now. It's possible. I would say that, I don't know if there, yeah very very very few instances.

    Prague Signing (Oct. 26, 2019)


    So that really would seem to depend on whether a few rare instances, followed by a massive exodus, would count as "a few instances," or if that completely rules out large scale travel, even if only briefly.

    Brandon is fond of carefully wording his responses to throw people off (remember the question of Kelsier joining the Ghostbloods, and how Brandon's wording implied a hypothetical possibility of joining them and then rising to become their leader, as opposed to the now implied reality that Kelsier founded them?) so some of this could imply he's just talking about Scadrial for the earlier quotes, but that last quote very much is subject to personal opinion on what would constitute a few instances, and if one ore more exoduses over the entire span of time prior to the Shattering would count or not - or if some force swept up a large group of humans prior to the Shattering and placed them on other worlds would count as well, if the humans didn't have a say in it or didn't know what was happening.

  12. It would be interesting if Dragonsteel involved, as one of the plots within it, humans fleeing Yolen because of whatever issue eventually forced the Shattering - so many people saw their only option being to flee or to kill their deity. I believe many of the planets were stated to have been named before the Shattering - I need to look that up again - but that could explain it, if there were worldhoppers prior to the Shattering, exploring the Cosmere either to escape or find a solution. Perhaps gathering the Dawnshards required travelling to other planets, with the Dawnshards originally being scattered throughout the Cosmere - so a quest plot that foreshadows many of the other worlds in the Cosmere, with primordial Roshar, for example, being visited, or Threnody scouted by Uli Da before she went to claim it, and Bavadin, as a mortal, inspecting Taldain.

  13. It might be possible using WinHTTrack to download the site and preserve the internal links, but I haven't used that program very often and I believe you have to do some wrangling to get it to work with wikis, though I could be mistaken on that. I'll give it a try in a few days, but if anyone else wants to give it a try that might be a good idea too.

  14. Welcome back once again to the Flexiprompts! Today's list is smaller than last time, being only two prompts, but I hope to also use this time to give a brief summary of what I'd like to do with some of the future posts. If you're interested, read the spoiler box below. Otherwise, feel free to skip to the dice rolling section!



    I have a lot of real life commitments as well as have an entry I'm still meaning to post in the general religious discussion thread, so I probably will only be posting in this thread once or twice a month for the next while, but God willing, the plan is for the next few posts to do the following:

    • A few subplot prompts to add to a story or to combine together, such as
      • Romance subplot
      • Mystery subplot
      • Trauma subplot
      • Action subplot
      • Comedy subplot
    • Some setting prompts - precise division to be determined, but covering
      • Cultures
      • Magic - likely at least two, the prompts covering seed ideas and internal dynamics
      • Aliens and Species
      • World and Ecosystems
    • And then back to some more plot prompts - possibly more science fantasy related as well as more mystery based plots


    If you are interested in prompts along any lines other than those mentioned here, please feel free to let me know, and I'll see if I can work some in. Now, on to the prompts!


    So, once again once again, grab a d6, or use Google's dice roll function, and choose from the following:

    • If you rolled a 1, 2, or 3, go to to Spoiler Box A
    • If you rolled a 4, 5, or 6, go to Spoiler Box B


    Spoiler Box A


    The Retired Detective Mystery

    A retired detective, [A1], has been killed. A [A1]* who [A2], decides to investigate, even though [A3]. Along the way [A4] and [A5]. The POV of the story is [A6]. (Optional: The story has a twist in the form of [A7].) 




    • 1 - An old plainclothes detective 
    • 2 - A uniformed sergeant who walked a beat
    • 3 - A wealthy eccentric
    • 4 - A kindly old man or woman with no formal training, but much success when they involved themselves in mysteries
    • 5 - A supposed (and possibly genuine) "psychic"
    • 6 - Young amateur sleuth (for murder victim roll they still are retired, it is just that they retired very young)



    • 1 - Was a friend of theirs
    • 2 - Believed the victim was secretly a murder
    • 3 - Was either raised by them, were raised together, or raised them
    • 4 - Had a romantic relationship at one time that ended
    • 5 - Was either their debtor or their creditor
    • 6 - (reroll twice and use the two new results together - if you land on this one again, just reroll that roll once)



    • 1 - They are forbidden from investigating, or it is illegal for them to investigate
    • 2 - They are sick and should be resting
    • 3 - They have to travel far to investigate, as their home is in a different city or country
    • 4 - They have another case
    • 5 - They can only investigate it from a distance, and can't directly interview anyone or visit the scene, requiring external assistance
    • 6 - They themselves are a suspect


    [A4] - NB: Roll twice on this table and use both results. If you land on the same result twice then that even happens at least twice, or twice at once.

    • 1 - There is an attempt made on the investigator's life
    • 2 - They discover a secret from the life of the victim that reverses their opinion of them (good or bad)
    • 3 - Someone drugs the investigator
    • 4 - The evidence goes missing
    • 5 - The investigator is kidnapped
    • 6 - (reroll on this list twice more, and use both results)


    [A5] - NB: Roll twice on this table and use both results. If you land on the same result twice then that even happens at least twice, or twice at once.

    • 1 - There is a second (or third, etc.) victim
    • 2 - A suspect dies
    • 3 - The investigator is accused of the murder
    • 4 - The investigator is framed for another crime
    • 5 - The death of the victim turns out to be a VERY small part of a much larger web of crimes
    • 6 - (reroll on this list twice more, and use both results)



    • 1 - The investigator (standard Whodunit)
    • 2 - A newspaper tracking the events, or gathering the information after the fact
    • 3 - The murderer (Columbo-style Howcatchem) (if no true murder (see [A7] - Note) then whoever is the main, hidden to the detective, antagonist)
    • 4 - The victim (if truly dead (see [A7] - 1) then this POV is of their ghost, who may or may not remember who killed them)
    • 5 - A third party with the detective (a la Watson for Sherlock Holmes, or Hastings for Poirot)
    • 6 - From an omniscient narrator



    • 1 - The victim didn't actually die, and either faked their death or was kidnapped
    • 2 - The death was a suicide, not murder (can still be motivated by the actions of someone else)
    • 3 - The victim's death was an accident, either on their own part, or one someone else's
    • 4 - The investigating detective is actually the murderer OR someone close to them who was helping investigate
    • 5 - The victim wasn't the intended victim
    • 6 - Two separate murder plots collided
    • (Note, for any of the non-murder or accident scenarios, the twist can also be expanded so that the death was made to look intentional afterwards, thus a third party wanted the death to be investigated or seen as a murder.)


    Spoiler Box B


    The Alien Zoo Escape

    The Alien zoo - in the form of a space ship - has a new exhibit: [B1] who [B2]. Naturally, they don't take kindly to being imprisoned, and resolve to escape. This is difficult, however, because [B3] and [B4]. To escape, they will need the help of two other prisoners, being a(n) [B1]*, and a(n) [B5] who [B2]*. Together, they [B6] (Optional: before they eventually [B7]). Use any POV you like.




    • 1 - An elf
    • 2 - A dwarf
    • 3 - An orc
    • 4 - A golem
    • 5 - A world's Dark Lord
    • 6 - (reroll twice and combine the natures - for example, a half-orc half-elf, or an elf Dark Lord, or a golem made by or in the image of an orc, etc. rerolling only once if this option is landed on again)



    • 1 - Is an undead ghost, revenant, or vampire (for a golem (or sword - see [B5]), it could be someone revived as a golem or sword, or the ghost of a golem or sword if the golem or sword had some sort of spirit, or the golem or sword has some sort of vampiric properties)
    • 2 - Conquered their world
    • 3 - Is a refugee from their world subsequently kidnapped by the aliens
    • 4 - Was long dead or dormant but revived by the aliens
    • 5 - Is very skilled with magic
    • 6 - (reroll twice and use both results, up to a maximum of three rerolls)



    • 1 or 2 - The aliens know exactly what they are dealing with
    • 3 or 4 - The aliens inadvertently stumbled upon the main prisoner's weakness in making the exhibit
    • 5 or 6 - The aliens plan to eliminate them once the exhibit grows tiresome for them



    • 1 - The zoo is in deep space, far from the world the prisoners came from
    • 2 - Is in another universe or timeline than the one the prisoner came from
    • 3 - They have been stripped of whatever items they typically would have had to aid them
    • 4 - There is an anti-magic in effect in the zoo
    • 5 - They also brought the arch-nemesis (either an individual or members of the species) of the prisoner along as well
    • 6 - (reroll twice and use both options - reroll a maximum of three times)



    • 1 - Sentient sword or other weapon
    • 2 - Old ally of the prisoner from their world
    • 3 - Old enemy of the prisoner from their world
    • 4 - Alien from a different species to their captors
    • 5 - Alien of the same type as those that imprisoned them
    • 6 - (reroll twice and combine both options, such as an old ally who became an enemy, or their captors are symbiotic)



    • 1 or 2 - Escape - but leave the zoo intact
    • 3 or 4 - Escape - and destroy the zoo
    • 5 or 6 - Take control of the zoo



    • 1 or 2 - Turn on one another
    • 3 or 4 - Crash the ship (either before or during their attempt to escape - and possibly destroy it - or take control)
    • 5 or 6 - Seek out the alien home world


    I hope whoever is reading this is having a great day, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

  15. On 11/21/2022 at 4:10 AM, Shining Silhouette said:

    "Strange and Wonderful" is a fit name for this one, I think. This is definitely one of my new favorites. I explored the idea that though 'different' is strange, life is something deeply beautiful even if it's Alien and unfamiliar. I kind of came up with a story idea while improvising this one... the idea of experience life through some strange creature's dream is fascinating to me (a little of Ender's Game, anyone?). Anyway, hope you enjoy!

    I did! And thank you, that was amazing! :D

  16. 21 minutes ago, Chaos said:

    I have always found the idea of existing in perpetuity far more depressing, especially for all the people who are presumably sent to the bad place. Horrifying to imagine that if you believe the wrong thing, you are punished forever.

    Death and endings are not an inherently bad thing. It allows for new things to grow. Even in the good place, would I want to exist forever with people from antiquity with all the prejudices that go on with that? I'll pass. (Sure, there would be some novelty to talk to the greats, but forever is a long time.) There's nothing to fear from death.

    Funnily enough, I get that on both counts, and at the very least for those condemned the idea of eternal conscious torment always bothered me. And this point (eternity and humanity) is a great topic to discuss* for both the unbelievers' fate and the believers' fate. As I mentioned before, I'm somewhat heterodox in certain positions, and I believe both points - for believers and unbelievers - can actually be argued to be much more complicated than the pop-culture / theme-park versions many of my fellow believers, as well as unbelievers ... believe. 


    I'll be brief, because if I don't I'll be writing all day:

    • The issue with how people view "Heaven and Hell" is complicated by the fact that we have three bodies (as I mentioned earlier in this thread, being the body, soul, and spirit), and most Christians and non-Christians tend to think only in terms of a meat-puppet body and a puppet master soul or spirit (which they believe the Bible teaches is immortal - when in fact the Bible teaches that NONE of the bodies actually are), as well as the conflation between the ideas of (for Hell) Hades / Sheol / the Grave, Tartarus, "Satan's kingdom," and the Lake of Fire, and conflation of the ideas of (for Heaven) Heaven, the Kingdom and the Kingdom Come, and the New Heaven and New Earth - all these ideas within their respective groups are related, but they are not the same;
    • There are three main views on the nature of Hell, being Traditionalism (eternal conscious torment of some kind, some viewing it literally as eternal physical flames, others as metaphorical fire), Universalism (eventually Hell will be emptied and everyone in it redeemed), and Annihilationism (Hell as destruction, the body and soul completely destroyed). Of the three, the one I want to believe is Universalism, but the one I think has the most scriptural support is Annihilationsim - this site has some excellent articles going in detail about all the verses discussing the afterlife and why Annihilationsim actually fits scripture best - https://www.hellhadesafterlife.com/
      • Also note, that I think the way the three bodies of humanity interact with the worlds might explain some of the confusion that arises around this topic - the body and soul will be destroyed, but to ensure that that particular individual is destroyed forever their spirit is locked away, thus the underlying pattern that formed their soul can never manifest again, the consciousness of the person is gone forever and into all eternities they will never exist again, in all of infinite time that pattern is lost, and this is because their spirit has been sealed away to eternal contempt;
    • The Bible is clear that humanity will be changed - and indeed must be changed in order to enter - in the New Heaven and the New Earth, and there are key points implied and mentioned in scripture which strongly indicate that eternity in the LORD God's presence will be eternally wonderful:
      • What makes being with the LORD God wonderful isn't that we are living forever, but that our relationship with Him will be restored to its fullness, as it was supposed to be, and so our own natures will have been changed - it won't just be us "living forever" as we are, with our original flawed natures, able to be bored and run out of things to do, but rather it will be "new every day" and our natures themselves changed;
      • We are awaiting not just a New Earth, but a New Heaven as well - scripture is clear on this point, and that implies that even the nature of the Spirit World will change, that the nature of archetypes will be different, and thus that the very nature of our reality will be different - and not just that, but it will be a combined New Heaven and New Earth, like Eden was;
      • We will have bodies like Yeshua's Resurrected body, and so our natures won't just be physical (bound by time) but spiritual, which is implied to be timeless - and as brain chemistry determines much of how we think, new bodies implies a change to our minds, just as when we grew from baby to toddler to young child to teen to young adult to adult to middle ages to elderly, we are not the same people we were before, but each step contains the seed of who the previous you was, like a seed to a plant - you will be you, and you will be different, and you will be who you always longed to be;
      • We will partake of the life and nature of the LORD God to sustain us, and He exists outside of time, and is the very source of order - not sterile but vibrant and living and alive - and of creativity and of purpose and love, being with Him and learning from Him, and thus we will free to finally be who we are meant to be, and redundant elements of our bodies and minds, like boredom and pain and the ability to feel and experience negative states, will be gone - and our hearts will be changed, so that we can finally and completely love God and finally and completely love one another, no more division or hatred between the peoples - and finally free to be useful into eternity, and to enjoy that usefulness
      • Also, in brief, my fascination with the different sizes of infinity shows that it is possible for someone to have eternal time and yet, even over the course of infinite eternities, always have something new to do - if the cardinality of the one is less than that of the other, or even if they are the same (see Hilbert's Hotel), one can, if both are infinite, always have something to do and never get bored.


    Nevertheless, even if I have misunderstood the nature of the afterlife, I fully believe and trust that the LORD God will do what is right - as all He does is right, as all solid moral standards flow from Him, as does all mercy and justice - and so all will be well, and all will be dealt with justly, no-one being rewarded or punished beyond what is right.



    *(One which I think would be nice to fully tackle in great detail after I've posted the Seven Days of Creation post - I've been working on it intermittent for the past couple of months, though life has been especially hectic and draining lately, I've had lots of ideas popping into my head that derail my focus, and I got a bit distracted by the preview chapters for The Lost Metal. I might need to dial back on the forum for a while.)

  17. 3 hours ago, Frustration said:

    So, the planet isn't necessary invested itself. And besides that something happening to Harmony would have minimal impact on anything that wasn't the shard itself, even if they ran on his Investiture.

    True, but note the sections I highlighted from The Lost Metal pre-release chapters. If Sazed were to be affected in this manner, it likely would result in the transformation of the Shardic investiture into something, and Sazed is heavily invested in the planet, and if that Investiture self annihilates, it has to change in some manner. If that investiture suddenly changes state, the most likely result would be a Physical or Cognitive realm explosion. And even if the result only is Spiritual Realm related, it would likely Splinter Harmony, and no Cosmere spoilers, but a splintered Shard would likely be almost as bad as a Physical Realm explosion.


    2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

    The trellium-harmonium reaction seemed to only convert the metals' mass into energy, not their Investitures. I don't know how that would work on the Invested plane. That, and it assumes trellium is the pure essense of Trell, which the constant mentions of red corruption seems to indicate it's not.

    That being said, Autonomy sending Trell as an Avatar on a suicide mission to blow up Harmony would be something I can imagine happening.


    (We also know an Era 3 and Era 4 will exist from a meta perspective, but that doesn't mean exploding Scadrial can't be the plan, just that our intrepid adventurers are likely to stop it.)

    Trell may itself actually be made of corrupted Investiture, so the red may be part of their nature by default. Also, the metals are, I think, much close to being Investiture than matter, but either way I think Trell is primarily focused on performing an equivalent act on Harmony, which Hero of Ages implies is a risk Sazed faces if he ever, even by himself, lost his harmony with the Shards.

    Also, yeah, I also doubt Scadrial is doomed, but knowing the enemies plans - or trying to work them out in advance, certainly is fun :D

  18. Welcome back to the Flexiprompts! Today well be continuing similarly as before, though perhaps, maybe, we'll see if subsequent ones are so straightforwards! This time the prompts are a bit more themed, so to speak. There are four here now, with two fantasy themed (with possible science fiction elements), and two science fiction themed (with possible fantasy elements). Two are based on classic genre tropes with a twist added, and two are a little more exotic. Each of the prompts will also involve rolling at least one of the options twice for two different characters or groups. These options will be listed with an asterisk* next to them. I hope you enjoy!


    So, once again, grab a d6, or use Google's dice roll function, and choose from the following:

    • If you rolled a 1 go to to Spoiler Box A
    • If you rolled a 2 go to Spoiler Box B
    • if you rolled a 3 or 4 go to Spoiler Box C
    • And if you role a 5 or 6 go to Spoiler Box D


    Spoiler Box A


    The Fallen Chosen One (Fantasy Twist)

    The Chosen One, a(n) [A1], the only one who fits the ancient prophesies, who is destined to fight and defeat [A2], is suddenly [A3], and so (one of) their [A4], a(n) [A1]* and the people's best hope to survive with the Chosen One unable to fulfil their role, must [A5]. The story is from the POV of [A6].




    • 1 - Young man (teens to early twenties, thirties in a pinch)
    • 2 - Young woman (teens to early twenties, thirties in a pinch)
    • 3 - Middle aged man (approximately 45 to 65)
    • 4 - Middle aged woman (approximetly 45 to 65)
    • 5 - Old man (70+)
    • 6 - Old woman (70+)



    • 1 - A conquering kingdom
    • 2 - Orcs or their equivalent
    • 3 - A dark wizard
    • 4 - An evil deity / eldritch horror
    • 5 - (reroll twice, and combine the two together as separate enemies working together, such as a conquering kingdom allies with orcs)
    • 6 - (reroll twice, and combine the two together into a single enemy, such as an army made up of dark wizards, all of whom are orcs)
    • (Note: if you land on one of the last two options, and then land on the second with one of the rerolls, combine them however you see fit.)



    • 1 - Killed
    • 2 - Revealed to be a traitor working with the enemy (though they are still indeed the actual Chosen One)
    • 3 - Discovered to be a fraud
    • 4 - Flees from fear or stress (though they are in deed the actual Chosen One)
    • 5 - Rendered too ill or wounded to continue, though they are still alive
    • 6 - Kidnapped by the enemy



    • 1 - Mentor(s)
    • 2 - Student(s)
    • 3 - Parent(s)
    • 4 - Child(ren)
    • 5 - Lover(s)
    • 6 - Rival(s)
    • (Note, if the ages involved cause an issue, for example with parents and children, either reroll their age, choose an appropriate age, or consider methods around it, such as an old child for a young individual due to time travel or one of them was under a magical sleep spell for decades)



    • 1 - Step up and try to fill the role of the Chosen One, even though the prophesies don't apply to them
    • 2 - Try to resurrect / redeem / legitimise / recover / heal / rescue the Chosen One
    • 3 - Lead the people to safety away from the threat, as without the Chosen One it can't be defeated
    • 4 - Flee
    • 5 - Join the villain
    • 6 - Initially hang back, and refuse to get involved, watching as the people struggle, until they [A5]* (reroll on this table, and reroll again if you land on this option)



    • 1 or 2 - The mentor / student / parent, etc.
    • 3 or 4 - The Chosen One (if dead it is their ghost observing. If captured, perhaps their magic lets them see what is happening)
    • 5 or 6 - The villain or one of the villains


    Spoiler Box B


    The Ultimate Frontier (Science Fiction Twist)

    While exploring space, an explorer / team of explorers in the form of [B1] from a society of [B2] detects strange readings from a [B3], and upon navigating the hazards and challenges associated with that environment, it discovers that the source is a [B1]* from a different society of [B2]*, who have a message: [B4]. The explorer(s) from the first civilisation know this message will not be welcomes by their people, because [B5]. Either way, something must be done. This story is told from the POV of [B6]




    • 1 - Robotic probe
    • 2 - Loan individual and their ship
    • 3 - Small team
    • 4 - Large, advanced ship
    • 5 - Fleet of ships
    • 6 - (reroll twice, and combine roles such that the "smaller" group is the advanced scouts of the larger, so a probe sent by a small team, or a loan individual who is part of a fleet)



    • 1 or 2 - Entirely human (or entirely one species of alien) cyberpunk society, mostly on Earth (or Earth-equivalent) but a few colonies in other star systems
    • 3 or 4 - Entirely human (or entirely one species of alien) post-scarcity utopia, spread throughout the galaxy and possibly beyond
    • 5 - Mixture of human and alien in a cyberpunk society (as above)
    • 6 - Mixture of human and alien post-scarcity utopia (as above)



    • 1 - Barren moon / barren planet (by the standards of the civilisation)
    • 2 - Lush moon / lush planet (by the standards of the civilisation)
    • 3 - Gas / ice giant
    • 4 - Star
    • 5 - Black hole
    • 6 - Nebula, or any other stellar phenomena you like, like a pulsar or neutron star



    • 1 - The engines of the first civilisation are damaging another world / the worlds of the second civilisation
    • 2 - Something dangerous is coming that has already consumed the second civilisation, and it is heading for the first
    • 3 - The first civilisation's society is based on a lie, and the truth must be told
    • 4 - The second civilisation has come to absorb the first civilisation into itself / conquer the first civilisation - and they have the means to do so
    • 5 or 6 - (reroll twice, and combine both options. If this option is landed on again, then reroll once so that only two options are chosen)



    • 1 or 2 - The explorers from the first civilisation know the government is corrupt and would either suppress the message or try to profit from it, or just save themselves, sacrificing the rest of their civilisation
    • 3 or 4 - The changes this will bring, or which would be required to stop the problem, would destroy the first civilisation
    • 5 or 6 - The explorers don't believe the message, and know no-one else among their people would either (the message may or may not be true - roll again, and if the result is a 1, 2, or 3, the message is actually true despite what the explorers think. If it is a 4, 5, or 6, it is a lie)



    • 1 or 2 - The first civilisation's explorers (if multiple levels, roll a second time - if the number is a 1, 2, or 3, use the "smaller" group in the chosen explorer group, such as the probe if the probe was one of the options. If you role a 4, 5, or 6, choose the larger group, such as the fleet if the fleet was one of the options)
    • 3 or 4 - The second civilisation's emissaries or vanguard (as above, if multiple levels roll a second time, and if you roll a 1, 2, or 3, use the "smaller" group in the chosen emissaries or vanguard group, such as the probe if the probe was one of the options. If you role a 4, 5, or 6, choose the larger group, such as the fleet if the fleet was one of the options)
    • 5 or 6 - A member of the higher ups in the first civilisation, hearing the full report, including the challenges the explorer group faced


    Spoiler Box C


    The Other Side (Twist on Fantasy)

    A (or the equivalent of a) [C1] from a [C2] has just died, and finds themselves in the afterlife, which might come as a bit of a shock, because [C3]. Things are not peaceful in the afterlife, however, as although they want to [C4], two events, being a [C5], have brought chaos to the (or their part of) the afterlife, and so they must find a way to either end the conflict / danger, or survive it. During their time in the afterlife, and possibly along the way if they are travelling, they meet several individuals, at least one of whom is a [C1]* from a [C2]*, as well as someone else from their own world. The story is from the POV of the person who is now in the afterlife and is told in the [C6].




    • 1 - Noble
    • 2 - Commoner or craftsman
    • 3 - Soldier
    • 4 - Scientist
    • 5 - Priest
    • 6 - (reroll twice and combine the roles)



    • 1 - Fantasy world
    • 2 - Post-scarcity science fiction utopia
    • 3 - Cyberpunk world
    • 4 - Modern world
    • 5 - Primitive world
    • 6 - (reroll twice, and combine the two together, for example a cyberpunk world that has collapsed into a stone-age society)



    • 1 or 2 - They believed in a different sort of afterlife than the one they find themselves in
    • 3 or 4 - They believed in reincarnation
    • 5 or 6 - They didn't believe the afterlife existed



    • 1 - Explore
    • 2 - Settle down
    • 3 - Find a specific loved one who died before them
    • 4 - Find a way to return to life
    • 5 or 6 - (reroll twice and use both goals, such as explore to find multiple loved ones, or settle down while finding a way to return to life)


    [C5] - NB: roll twice on this table and use both events. If you get the same result twice, reroll one of them.

    • 1 - There is a civil war in the afterlife
    • 2 - There are dangerous monsters terrorising the dead
    • 3 - Beings from another world - possibly a living world - are invading
    • 4 - The rulers of the afterlife, or this part of the afterlife, have gone missing
    • 5 - Many of the dead are seeming to vanish, which may or may not be a good thing, but frightens many
    • 6 - Many of the dead are becoming empty shells



    • 1 or 2 - First person
    • 3 or 4 - Second person (i.e. "You," the reader being the main character who finds themselves in the afterlife)
    • 5 - Third person limited
    • 6 - Third person omniscient 


    Spoiler Box D


    The Teleporter (Twist on Science Fiction)

    The trial run of an experimental teleportation device, able to access other universes, designed and built by [D1], has produced an unexpected result: it has formed a two-way connection to a [D2], ruled by an evil force, and not only can't it be turned off, but it also [D3]. This is a problem, and [D4]. To do this, the designer(s) must (all, or at least the POV characters) [D5]. Fortuitously, in the other world, or among the worlds, accessed by the device, the designer(s) find at least one, and possibly more, people or teams that are the equivalent of [D1]*, who seem the best bet to help them solve the problem ... if they can be trusted. The story is from the POV of the lead designer and is told in the [D6].




    • 1 - A mad scientist / engineer
    • 2 - A team of university students
    • 3 - A small company
    • 4 - A large, very wealthy company
    • 5 - A government team of researchers
    • 6 - (reroll twice, and combine the two roles such that the "smaller" is working for the larger, so a mad scientist working with a team of university students, or a small company hired by a government research department. Otherwise, if you land on this option four times combine all the roles together)



    • 1 - A much more advanced world, with powerful technology much more advanced than that of the portal builders
    • 2 - A fantasy world, with magic that can do some of what technology cannot, and which can't do some of the things technology can
    • 3 - A parallel timeline, where events unfolded just a little differently
    • 4 - A completely alien world
    • 5 - (reroll twice, the teleportation device is linked to a world that combines the traits of two of the previously mentioned, such as an utterly alien world that was the result of a parallel timeline combining with an alien dimension, with small pockets of normal space where humans can live. If you land on this or the following option again, mix and match as you see fit)
    • 6 - (reroll twice, the teleportation device is now linked to two worlds simultaneously. If you land on this option again. If you land on this or the previous option again, mix and match as you see fit)



    • 1 - It jumps around randomly on the other side, and not all locations in that world as safe
    • 2 - It jumps around space randomly on this side, and the area affected by random portals or teleportation is growing
    • 3 - It brought something dangerous here before the portal could be secured
    • 4 - It accidentally teleported something valuable from here to the other (or another) universe, that item now taken beyond the range of the portal
    • 5 or 6 - (reroll twice and use both results simultaneously. If you land on this option three times combine all the results together)  


    • 1 or 2 - The teleporter must be deactivated or brought back fully under control, and any damage mitigated
    • 3 or 4 - The teleporter must be destroyed
    • 5 or 6 - The other world must be understood, as it is impossible to sever the link now



    • 1, 2, or 3 - Go through the teleporter into the other world or worlds
    • 4, 5, or 6 - Stay in the lab



    • 1 or 2 - First person
    • 3 or 4 - Second person (i.e. "You," the reader being the main character who designed and built the teleporter)
    • 5 - Third person limited
    • 6 - Third person omniscient 


    Hope you find this fun and I hope it gives you some ideas for writing. Good luck!

  19. 7 minutes ago, Requiem17 said:

    Okay I hope Trell's plan is your plan, because that's a much smarter plan to combat Harmony himself than nuclear holocaust (terrible for humanity but how terrible exactly for Harmony? Harmony is still the dirt and the water and the air etc.), only counter argument is if Trell is invested in Scadrial anywhere at this point. If he is, he wouldn't want the planet destroyed right? 

    It depends. I think, if Trell is invested in Scadrial, and isn't planning to commit - or was designed to be a suicide weapon - it likely would survive the planet's destruction, though possibly weakened. Though I don't think Trell is invested in Scadrial, but has hacked hemalurgy somehow, possibly due to incorporating some of Ruin into itself - if trellium contains traces of atium, that might explain how its spikes can function if it isn't invested in the planet, and if Trell is invested in the planet, that implies there is a fourth Metallic Art.

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