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Posts posted by Ixthos

  1. 4 hours ago, Rawrbert said:

    Just reading through your theories and this one jumped out at me ^^


    Brandon has confirmed that this is possible through WOB, though if I remember correctly, with the amount of Investiture used, it would be "wildly impractical", since the amount of Investiture needed to basically create a Death Star-esque blast would be near Shardic levels....

    Indeed! I imagine it would also be one of the major things to jump out at anyone looking at a Lightweaver ;-) Also, I didn't mean to that extent, just as a simple blast like a hand held laser


    2 hours ago, John203 said:

    While I appreciate the correction it comes across as slightly rude, and colder than you probably intended, and doesn't really add much other than pointing out I have difficulty spelling the place names :-P

  2. [This topic is still being updated - I hope everyone has a great day!]

    Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a good day. This is a summary of several theories, observations, and questions I have had while reading Brandon's Cosmere stories.

    This post is set up as follows:

    Please note that, in order to keep with the topic restrictions, theories and observations and questions for White Sand, Aether of Night, and Dragonsteel are in separate topics in their respective subforums, linked both to this main topic and from this main topic. Each of those topics is in a sense simply the corresponding sections of this topic moved to its own seperate area. At present the Dragonsteel section is down but may be back.

    I include a brief explanation as to why I have the theories and observations, but I won't post links to quotes and such initially - if anyone would like to know further on the reasons for certain theories I will elaborate, but the size of this post means that to keep it readable I will be sparing on detail. If you are interested in further elaboration I would be able to post an expansion on any of these theories and observations and questions with links to explain the reasons behind them, and would then add a link to thsi post to allow those interested to find the new topic explaining further.

    I pray God blesses and guides you!













    Ambitions corpse is present at the location of Silverlight. It would be odd that Khriss didn't mention this in the essay for Threnody, but the name Silverlight, and the implications that it is an ambitious project that people from multiple worlds are present at might indicate that it is present.

    Ambition is associated with silver

    Ambition's corpse is Silverlight

    Fighter, Mage, Thief (and Cleric)

    Surge powers, the essences, and unique Order combinations

    Lightweaving powers - lasers and radio


    Lerasium, when alloyed with another shard metal, would allow the allomancer to use that metal.

    Lerasium allows access to the power of other shards



    Cosmere undead

    Shard vessels - spren, knights, several people, and (fictional takes on) multiple personality disorder

    The Knights might have to learn to Voidbind


    Trell is a part of Autonomy actively collecting power from other shards and intends to overthrow them, including the other parts of Autonomy

    Trell is an intent-corrupted, rogue part of Autonomy



    identity and connection (soulcas)




    Also, for those who are interested, here is my Introduction thread, and a few of the more 'just for fun' links ;-)



    I truly hope you all have a great day :-)

    2 c http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/69077-oball-series-spoilersunpublished-works-mistborn-especially-era-4-and-conflux/

    3  http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/69136-the-traveller-and-the-letters/

    1 c http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/69137-dual-splinter-core-with-128kb-of-copper-access-memory/

    1 c http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/69220-shard-metal-alloys/

    2 r http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/70795-obsecret-history-taln/

    1/2 s http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/73347-illegal-feruchemy/

    2 c http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/74308-spheres-and-mist/

    2 c Ambition's corpse is Silverlight

    1/2 c Fighter, Mage, Thief (and Cleric)

    1 r Surge powers, the essences, and unique Order combinations

    1 r Lightweaving powers - lasers and radio

    1 c Lerasium allows access to the power of other shards

    1 r http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/78164-each-order-gains-plate-slightly-differently-but-with-similar-principles/

    2 c Cosmere undead

    2 c Shard vessels - spren, knights, several people, and (fictional takes on) multiple personality disorder

    1 r The Knights might have to learn to Voidbind

    2 c Trell is an intent-corrupted, rogue part of Autonomy

    1 c https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/81377-mistborn-era-3-and-stormlight-and-elantris-will-be-conflux-series-in-part/

    1 s https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/82737-spoken-language-and-command-based-magic-on-sel/



    Glys is equal parts Honour, Cultivation, and Odium


    metallic arts cyborg

    shattering definit


    possible grouping - magic first with cosmere and then scadrial, roshar, sel, subheadings for talking about the different systems. second section is the story, last is observations. only a single layer of spoiler tags for contents and one additional layer for a general summary so as to prevent the tower


    test - place a 1 for magic systems, 2 for setting and stories, 3 for observations c for cosmere, s for scadrial, r for roshar, e for sel, etc.


    Original format of the post - kept for posterity


    (Note - I will complete this slightly later, but it is getting a bit long and I am loosing track of where I'm writing. I'll finish the remaining sections slightly later)

    Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a good day. This is a summary of several theories, observations, and questions I have had while reading Brandon's Cosmere stories.

    This post is set up as follows: Main Cosmere settings, being the Cosmere as a whole, Scadrial, Roshar, Sel, and Yolan, are listed first, followed by secondary settings, being . Each section is spoilered both for length, and contains the following:

    • An overview of the setting 
    • An overview of the magic, and
    • An overview of the series

    Please note that, in order to keep with the topic restrictions, theories and observations and questions for White Sand, Aether of Night, and Dragonsteel are in separate topics in their respective subforums, linked both to this main topic and from this main topic. At present the Dragonsteel section is down but may be back.

    I include a brief explanation as to why I have the theories and observations, but I won't post links to quotes and such initially - if anyone would like to know further on the reasons for certain theories I will elaborate, but the size of this post means that to keep it readable I will be sparing on detail. If you are interested in further elaboration I would be able to post an expansion on any of these theories and observations and questions with links to explain the reasons behind them, and would then add a link to thsi post to allow those interested to find the new topic explaining further.

    I pray God blesses and guides you!



    Main Settings

    The Cosmere


    Full setting


    The Cosmere's worlds are interconnected and in some way related. However, the Cosmere itself seems to be a term that only applies to a dwarf galaxy or cluster, or a region of a dwarf galaxy or cluster. The universe the Cosmere is inside of doesn't have a name, which raises questions about if there is life outside the group of worlds?



    1. The focus of the planets are based on the images on the chart, either due to the people who made the chart affecting the nature of those planets based on what they believed, or they believed those things about those constellations and planets because of feedback from what was present on the planets
    2. The distances and relative locations of the planets in the Cognitive realm is based on the beliefs of the people who made the map, as the stars are unlikely to be close together physically based on how they appear from a single location, but if the location was what the only people believes, and their belief affects the Cognitive realm, the distances and paths would be affected.



    1. Religions seem to be unique on each planet and based on real world beliefs on the supernatural. New planets introduced will be explorations of other ideas that haven't been covered by other planet's belief systems and traditions
    2. Except for Scadrial all planets with shards have a moon, so if there is a relation between shards and moons, it might be replaced by Ruin and Preservation being part of the planet
    3. Water appears solid in the Cognitive realm, while air doesn't seem affected. Regular matter combines together into a single object, while souls appear different to non-living objects, and bacteria don't seem to manifest, though they do have enough presence to maintain an area. Plants grow from the water, even if it is just a cup, and the planets seem to reflect the property of the planet 



    1. Is there life outside the Cosmere cluster, and if so, how does it relate to the Cosmere?
    2. If there is life outside the Cosmere, is it related to the red stars?


    Magic systems interactions




    1. The more shards present at a location, the more powerful the resulting system or systems would be
    2. Shards are constrained in how their system manifests due to the properties of the planet, but deliberately making a planet lets them affect how it is structured. If they settle they will not be able to prevent a system
    3. Identity is a type of connection for what one considers a part of themselves, from the atoms of their bodies to the items they own that they consider intrinsic to themselves to their memories and emotions. Connection is any relation other than that. Fortune is connections across time relating to events. Investiture is the power that forms those links.



    1. All the systems are related and parts of a single larger system, so all systems can likely interact to a greater or lesser extent with the same properties, though the systems on the main worlds are most likely the best and most versatile at it.
    2. Investiture is the base of material in the setting, and matter is a form of investiture and investiture is a form of matter and a form of energy - does that mean shards can defeat entropy?
    3. Ruin was upset that it was loosing investiture due to Seers, but shards can also claim investiture from elsewhere



    1. Does anything prevent a spren or awakened object from holding a shard?
    2. Do other systems, such as Aethers or Tzai Blows, affect or use the bind points that Hemalurgy uses?
    3. How do atoms and molecules relate to the cognitive realm?


    Full series progression




    1. The shattering has happened before in another star cluster
    3. The series will end with life being seeded in another galaxy
    4. The shards don't work together because too much power in one place allows for those with access to it to become strong enough to harm the shards, such as on Scadrial, Roshar, Sel, and possibly Yolan



    1. With the possible exception of Yolan, all of the main worlds have at least two shards, while minor worlds either have remnants of a shard, or a single shard, assuming Autonomy's interference doesn't count



    1. N/A




    Scadrial / Mistborn novels




    Scadrial was specifically made by two shards, and its systems all use metal.



    1. Scadrial was specifically placed on an out of the way star not considered major on the chart so that it would not be affected by the perceptions of those who made the chart
    2. Aluminium will be used in future novels as the containers for metal flakes, protecting them from being affected by others when an allomancer wants to drink them
    3. [See the metallic arts theories below]



    1. Ruin considered the planet old, but had worked with Preservation to assemble it. Either Ruin considered all planets old, or Scadrial was made out of another planet



    1. If Ruin had won, what would have happened to allomancy, feruchemy, and hemalurgy - would the inquistors still have had abilities if the planet was destroyed?


    Metallic / Metallurgic arts


    The metallic arts are strongly interconnected, and affect all three of the realms in the cosmere. The fact that metal is also the solid form of investiture, and that the planet was specifically made, raises questions as to the purpose of the systems and how they relate to the others.



    1. The metallic arts were specifically made to affect the structure of the Cosmere, and as a two shard system, the three metallic arts were more flexible and powerful than other systems, with the exception of the systems of the other main planets.
    3. Feruchemy and hemalurgy can affect the spiritual and cognitive realms, and allomancy can be used to provide excess power. It is likely that a spike could be used to link two people or machines together, and provide power from one to the other - it would be possible to be granted an ability remotely
    4. Between the 1980's and space opera, and possibly during the space opera, hemalurgy would be used to provide the equivalent of cybernetic implants, as inquisitors seem very cyberpunkish, and it would fit the aesthetic
    5. As Bleeder showed, spikes can be used to grant telepathy - combined with either the other arts, or investiture from other planets either in pure form (such as Awakening) or altered (a Lerasium and Edglium alloy for example) could be used to form wireless fabrial-type machines that can be remotely controlled (see above theory)
    6. Copper feruchemy combined with allomancy could be used to provide memory to electronic devices, and possibly copper wires could be used to transfer this from one location to another -  Feruchemy and allomancy can be used to make a computer
    7. The medallions most likely made using hemalurgy specifically as part of the process (I hope I'm wrong, but it could strain relations if allomancers and feruchemists have to die to make each one)
    8. Hemalurgy can change the powers slightly based on how they are connected to the individual using power - steel inquisitors can see the individual parts of the metals, so it probably changes their perception of materials. The power is only slightly changed.
    9. Nicrobursts can use their abilities to control or program allomancy based computers
    10. Connection combined with rioting or soothing increases the effect
    11. An alloy of steel or iron with another metal allows one to twist or spin a metal, iron one way and steel the other. Another likely lets the metal be moved perpendicularly to the allomancer
    12. Kandra spikes are made by melting two spikes together and then separating them.



    1. The three metallic arts allow for affecting the three realms, and have close interactions with one another.
    2. Mancy means divination - bronze allomancy was the first known example, so associating it with being given knowledge would be logical.
    3. Feruchemy contains an implication of chemistry, so it would make sense it involves changing metal
    4. Hemalurgy is similar to metallurgy, and hema is blood
    5. Surgery on Scadial - assuming they don't just use medallions - could be interesting with "accidentally" removing a part of someones powers, accidentally granting powers, or if a spike is used during surgery to increase strength and likelyhood of recovering, if a part broke of inside someone it could cause side effects



    1. Metals can be melted, dissolved, reconstituted, and welded together. What affect would this have on the metals properties in the three systems, such as what would happen if two spikes were welded together into a single spike?
    2. What would happen if a single spike were used to kill two people, both with the same ability?


    Mistborn trilogies and series










    1. How would the 1980's mistborn novels cover the ability for 
    2. What happened to the Bands, and could they be recharged?




    Roshar, Braize, and Ashyn / Stormlight Archive


    Rosharan system





    1. Ten is important to the whole system - strange that Braize is associated with another number



    1. Roshar has three moons and three shards - interesting that it has more moons than Sel



    1. How does one access the moons of Roshar from Shadsmar? Is it via nexus?
    2. How does one travel to Ashyn and Braize? They don't seem to map to expanses
    3. If one travelled to Roshar from one of the expanses, would one have the option to go to Ashyn, etc.?


    'Binding and Fabrials, and Infection




    1. Windrunners can use the surge of Adhesion for telekinesis, namely pushing objects back. Also, reverse lashings are a combination of Adhesion and Gravitation.
    2. Skybreakers can't use reverse lashings - making one object pull another - but can use the surges of Gravitation and Division to split objects, making them fly apart
    3. Lightweaving can be used to fire energy beams
    4. Shardblades can be used as a focus for Lightweaving energy bolts
    5. [Removed, but says there is a link between three of the surges and a system on Yolan]
    6. Cultivation and Odium both have affected Ashyn's infection system
    7. Voidbinding does not affect the surges, but is related - the void is not absence but the "voiding" of a promise, etc.?



    1. Windrunners protect, and are associated with vapour which is clear. Preservation on Scadrial is associated with the mists, which can be seen through though not fully clearly
    2. Skybreakers are associated with smoke and are headed by Nale. Nalthis has BioChroma, which is described as an iridescent gas
    3. Ruin was associated with ash and destruction - the ash indirectly - while Dustbringers have Ash spren and can destroy
    4. Tension and Cohesion are stated as affecting the soft and strong Axial interconnection. Jasnah referred to the axi of the air when she soulcast it. Axi are thus probably the Cosmere or Rosharan term for atoms or molecules.
    5. Sapphires, rubies, emeralds, topaz, and heliodor are compounds of aluminium
    6. If Ash becomes a Dustbringer she would have an Ash spren



    1. N/A


    Stormlight Archive




    1. The series will end with ten people - possibly the main characters - each holding a combination of Honour, Cultivation, and Odium - i.e. they will each express a different type of honour, and will either completely hold Honour and parts of either Cultivation or Odium or both, or will completely hold Honour and will also hold all of Cultivation or Odium or both. The spren will still be around, but the shards will be considered intact









    Sel (Seol) / Elantris and sequels


    The Selish system





    1. Dominion and Devotion deliberately intended to set up the civilisation on Sel with intentions that they gain power and be used by them



    1. Sel has a moon, which might indicate their is a shard





    Language, symbols, geography











    Stories on Sel















    [Link currently removed]



    Silverlight / novella


    City in the Cognitive realm


    As Silverlight is present in the Cognitive realm, it seems unlikely that its location is random.






    1. If the rest of Ambition is present it wouldn't be safe to use its perpendicularity normally, seeing as how it would be somewhere in space, but it would be helpful if one where using a ship that travels in the cognitive realm (see Cosmere theories)



    1. N/A


    Multiple systems











    Cosmere stories













    Nalthis / Warbreaker and sequel

















    Awakening is the most clearly capable of making machines and tools of the systems.



    1. Awakening can be used to make space ships
    2. Breath can be used as an emergency fuel for other systems



    1. Vashar observed that placing some of his own body on something he used Awakening on helped, so Breaths either imprint on the person using them so parts of their body acts as a focus, or another additional hair or skin from someone uninvolved would also make it easier



    1. Do Breaths stick with a cognitive shadow, so if Kelsier had more than a cognitive body, had some Breaths, lost that body, and then gained a new body again, would he still have Breaths?















    Threnody / Silence and novel


    Threnody and its system








    1. Threnody doesn't have a moon but one of its neighbours does, which might indicate that a shards remains are in the system



    1. Does any other planet in the system have parts of the dead shard?


    The powers of Threnody











    Threnody novel / novella













    First of the Sun / Sixth of the Dusk




    The appearance of the constellation the star appears in is that of a fisherman



    1. As mentioned, the significance of the water on the planet is either due to the beliefs of the inhabitants of where the painting was made, or the painting reflects something which the people believes because the area has water



    1. N/A



    1. How long ago was the planet colonised?
    2. Was the hostile life near the pool originally present before Autonomy's interest and is actually related to autonomy investiture, or did Autonomy make the life hostile?













    Minor world




    1. N/A



    1. As Autonomy likes water and interfering on other planets, the other planets are likely also of interest but not as much due to a lack of investiture.



    1. N/A



    Taldain / White Sand

    See link: [All Series Spoilers] Interlinked theories - White Sand


    Vax and Obrodai / N/A

    See link: [All Series Spoilers] Interlinked theories - Aether of Night


    For Obrodai


    Little is known about this planet, but it is implied to be watery. I don't think the letter implies Hoid must visit it - I think the letter implies he must travel to First of the Sun and face the monsters there, surviving to prove his worth. I think the water is something Autonomy likes because water connects the planets, and so Autonomy can remain in the middle of the sea - the Cognitive realm - and remain at the centre of several worlds



    Edits list


    Edit 1 - updated some incomplete sections

    Edit 2 - added links to section of previous theories and statements

    Edit 3 - added more links

    Edit 4 - removed OB from title and updated structure

    Edit 5 - still updating structure, and added copy of original format

    Edit 6 - still updating structure

    Edit 7 - still updating structure

  3. Link to main topic: [OB][All Series Spoilers][Unpublished works] Interlinked theories - Cosmere

    This is a brief summary of my theories and observations and questions for White Sand. This is one of three subtopics of a larger post in the subforum Cosmere Theories (as of this it has not yet been posted)

    Also, please note that the main topic will contain Oathbringer spoilers, so please don't visit it unless you have already read Oathbringer or want to have certain parts spoiled. This topic will not contain any Oathbringer spoilers. Due to this, some parts of the topic will be contained in the main topic, but in a tangential manner.


    Taldain / White Sand




    The planet is tidally locked and held between two stars at their L1 Lagrange point.



    1. Bavadin had multiple personalities, and taking the shard allowed them to express themselves independently - to be autonomous. This would be the same thing as if several people tried to take a shard, assuming they didn't interfere with one another doing so.
    2. The name Trell, which is both a proper name and part of the titles of high ranking users of Sand Mastery, is related to Trell on Scadrial and the Cosmere on the whole, but is not the actual individual mentioned in the prose - that is an artefact of the language.
    3. Taldain's moon indicates that it has a shard - see Main topic



    1. Tidally locked planets do exist, but I don't know of any at the L1 point, directly between two bodies. This is an unstable location, so either the planet was placed there by a shard - and would be unstable if something were to happen to the shard - or is was naturally there before it was settled, and some other factor is keeping it in place.
    2. On the Cosmere map Taldain is part of a dry tree, or at least a tree that seems dry. There is probably a relationship between the tree and Sand Mastery, as some combination of plants (Lichen), light (plant life requires light) and water (the dry tree needs water).



    1. What does the Cognitive realm look like on Taldain? It seems to be accessed by the Expanse of the Broken Sky - does it have two separate Cognitive areas, or is it a single area which has two opposite skies next to one another?


    Sand mastery and Skycolour


    Sand Mastery allows a Sand Master to expend some water to control the lichen on the sand for a short time. Skycolour is a property or passive effect that Darksiders have, and it appears that it corresponds to different colours.


    1. Sand Mastery is related strongly to Skycolour, and might be another facet of the same system - i.e. each colour in Skycolour appears to have a certain property, such as the implied villain on Darkside having violet Skycolour and having mysterious powers. Sand Mastery might be white, then. And Brandon has said that colour is important in the Cosmere.
    2. Sand Masters can use their abilities to form cognitive bonds with things other than the lichen on the sand - possibly this is related to [Redacted] from Yolan, which, according to the Bridge Four chapters Brandon has posted, would allow one to see and interact with microbes. It might also interact with the infection magic on Ashyn.



    1. Sand Mastery doesn't appear as versatile as other systems, but this may be because its full range hasn't been shown. If Sand Mastery and Skycolour are linked, then perhaps their relation to colour would cause them to interact with the Cosmere or other systems in unexpected ways.
    2. Water is strange in the Cognitive realm, appearing as a solid mass due to how people perceive it, and large bodies connect one to other planets through space, itself sometimes seen as an ocean. There is probably a link between perceiving water, and most importantly, that plants grow on it in the Cognitive realm. The lichen are plants. 



    1. Can someone have access to more than one type of Skycolour?
    2. If a Sand Master was in the Cognitive realm, what would happen if they tried to control sand, and how would the nearby solid water behave, especially if unmastered sand touched it?


    A developed Minor World


    The series, despite being Brandon's first novel and major rewrite being part of the Cosmere, is still a secondary story to the Cosmere. As a trilogy, it posses an interesting question as to its role, and how much of what happens will affect other stories and characters.



    1. Taldain's technological development fed back into the Cosmere through those members at Silverlight, but the planet itself will remain isolated until visited in the Mistborn space opera. An example of this would be guns on Scadrial being patterned after something a certain cognitive shadow saw when first learning about the Cosmere.
    2. Kenton's Darksider mother means he might be able to either use Skycolour on Darkside, or combine it with Sand Mastery, whether they are the same system or not. This will give him an advantage on Darkside.
    3. Scythe is either an [Redacted] of Autonomy, or trying to become one.



    1. At some point either during or after the stories Autonomy isolates Taldain. This could be because of Kenton or Khriss's actions, and Khriss finds out about the shards at some point.



    1. Will the remaining stories cover the events leading up to Khriss's exile?
    2. What will happen to Kenton and his relationship with Khriss?
    3. Is the main purpose of these stories to introduce Autonomy, or is there some other reason?



  4. Link to main topic: [OB][All Series Spoilers][Unpublished works] Interlinked theories - Cosmere

    This is a brief summary of my theories and observations and questions for Aether of Night. This is one of three subtopics of a larger post in the subforum Cosmere Theories (as of this it has not yet been posted).

    Also, please note that the main topic will contain Oathbringer spoilers, so please don't visit it unless you have already read Oathbringer or want to have certain parts spoiled. This topic will not contain any Oathbringer spoilers. Due to this, some parts of the topic will be contained in the main topic, but in a tangential manner.


    Vax and [Redacted] / Aether of Night




    Vaeria is the name of the planet in the unpublished novel, and it is the home of two mysterious beings called the twins, who are the "children" of what is believed to be a shard called the Former. The Former has an opposed, called Decay. Both are the bases for Preservation and Ruin. The planet also has at least one moon.



    1. Vaeria is Vax. This is either its new name, or, like Sel, Vaeria is known by two names, possibly to the Cosmere as a whole, or simply to its inhabitants.
    2. Vaeria is [Redacted], another planet named in a recently released book. While the names are not the same, it is still possibly, though not as likely as the theory listed above.
    3. The Moon is a symbol that there is a shard present - See main topic for details
    4. The Twins are the result of a phenomenon mentioned in Oathbringer - See main topic for details
    5. Ruin was present on the planet before travelling with Preservation to construct Scadrial, as Decay was present in the unpublished novel



    1. The religion seems to be ancestor worship - at least the religion of the Aedinor Imperium - which would probably still be the case in the final novel



    1. If Vaeria is still the planet's name, and if it is also known as Vax, why would it be called as such?




    The Aethers bond to the humans who use them, and grow with them.



    1. There are more than six types of Aethers, some of which might relate to interactions with other shards
    2. The Ferrous Aethers would allow someone to become any type of complex machine, including space ships



    1. Spren are cognitive, Aethers are physical. Both seem to be splinters and grow as they bond.



    1. Do Aethers retain any of Cultivation's power, as they seem to require cultivation and growth?
    2. What would happen if a Bestarin were to use parts of a non-animal or non-native animal to replace their lost limbs, such as a Kandra, Aimian, Greatshell, or Nightmaw?
    3. Autonomy might be interfering on the planet, as it is implied Autonomy interferes with several worlds - if Autonomy is interfering, could some Aethers be composed of Autonomy?


    Singe story now


    Originally this was going to be part of a series, but now has been reduced back to a single novel or novella. If it is not expanded back into a series, and considering it is listed as a secondary story, the main function of a future novel would be to introduce Aethers, some characters, and possibly the significance of the planet and its inhabitants to the Mistborn space opera.



    1. As Amberite and Bestarin can be used by the same person, Darro might be able to regrow his lost limb, and when he appears in future novels might have an animal appendage
    2. The religion of the Imperium will remain focused on ancestry, both for thematic reasons - the Aethers come down a line - and because Brandon is using different realm world types as the bases for exploring the ideas of how men see religion



    1. Brandon appears to be fond of this system, and originally intended to write another series focusing on them, including seemingly using Aethers to fly. This might imply that Aethers have either spread very far across the planet, with different ethnic groups having access to Aethers, or other planets have Aethers as well - a visit to this world later on, especially if a method of tracking investiture is used like in Sixth of the Dusk, might result in several new versions appearing. It might also imply that the existing Aethers allow one to fly, and that the Aethers remain something used primarily by the Imperium, or to whomever else has access to them if the rewrite is set after these events.



    1. Assuming Mistborn space opera has more players than just Scadrial, would this world be visited and only then enter the larger field, or would it already be a major or minor spacefaring group, using Aethers to explore?



  5. 13 minutes ago, ElephantEarwax said:

    Who tipped you off? :)

    Well, aside from the holes in a few of the members - located stomach and throat area, I think :-P - I've been keeping an eye on the bakery. I know they say iron is healthy for you - makes you strong, they say, or maybe makes someone else strong ... - but I don't think that much and in that solid a form is health. Also, those chocolate chips look a little more like flakes of zinc, and I must say I felt quite emotional about that!

  6. Just now, Niteshado said:

    why, i would never!


    Think my favorite atm is Lift. I really enjoy Lift/Szeth interactions, they crack me up. 

    Indeed :-P I must say, your comment nearly took my breath away! 

    I like them too :-) Lift is a great character, and I like the hints about her backstory. Those two and a certain sword have an excellent dynamic

  7. Thanks guys :-)

    My favourite originally was Final Empire - Well had the best plot twist, and Hero had some of the most interesting scenes, but Empire I felt had the best flow, the villain the most threatening yet also the most human, and the way the world was presented. Bands, however, I think is the best now. Cool adventure, interesting expansion to the current setting, and the most potential expansion on what will happen. I like Oathbringer a lot, and I think stormlight is going to be the best series until space opera mistborn, but I still think Bands is better told as a story.

  8. Hi guys. I hope everyone is well. I've been reading this forum for a long time, and have recently decided to join up in order to post and message on certain topics, though I don't know how frequently. I do have a few suspicions a few things which might happen in future stories, and intend to make a topic about that later which will be rather expansive, but should hopefully illustrate what I think might happen in future Mistborn, Stormlight, and other linked Cosmere stories, such as (and I'm assuming this doesn't count as a spoiler) the significance that all major planets - except for the possible exception of Yolen - have more than one shard, and the possibility of combining allomancy, feruchemy, and hemalurgy to construct cybernetic implants with wireless attribute transmitting.

    Oh, and yes, I know to avoid the cookies :-P

    Also I belong to God, and souls are not immortal, so Rubix has no claim on mine. My soul and spirit are The LORD's and no-one elses.


    I hope everyone has a good day or night or evening, and may your week go well! God bless and guide you.

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