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Everything posted by Timothy

  1. Endowment can smite people at will [:
  2. I left Scadrial out because that's the only one we know for sure. The rationale for the others is mostly based on headcannons, I made the thread to learn what others thinl about this. I chose around half of them for each category because Brandon said in some interview it was half and half.
  3. We know that humans existed both on Yolen and other planets before the Shattering, but don't know all the details about it. What are your thoughts on which planet had humans beforehand and which didnt? My takes are: Nalthis: Created by endowment Sel: Created by DevDom Taldain: Not created Ashyn: Immigrants from Yolen Shadeworld: Not created First of the sun: Not created Roshar: Immigrants from Ashyn and other places.
  4. My pet theory is that the missing surge is cohesion. There's nothint to prove this, but here is what makes me think cohesion is a likely candidate. Not facts, just my wild takes on the plot: The level of the Unmade seems to be liked to their name, with the weaker/less aware unmade being the ones with more parts in their names, maybe signifying the adquired more to themselves. The sum of the parts is 3+5*2+1*3=16, which is a very important number in the cosmere. For this to work we have to assume that Chemoarish is acktually Chemo-Arish and that the three big mindless unmade are just three. Ba-Ado-Mishomething is the one with the most power and the leader of sorts of the group. The most common power of the fused is gravitation, which is a key surge of both Jezrien and Nale. My take on this is that a herald breaking both makes Unmade stronger and allows the fused to access a surge of their order. Thus Jezrien broke three times, empowering Ba-Ado- to that extent and allowing so many unmade to use gravitation. The obvious hole in this is that gravitation is probably closer to the skybreakers than windrunners, since Kaladin got adhesion first. Then again so did Dalinar, so I'm not sure. We know that Taln never broke before and still arent sure whether he has betrayed the pact or not. This is what leads me to think that the fused don't have access to his key surge of cohesion. The same problem as before applies here in that Bondsmith and Windrunner primary surges are somewhat weird. Another possible thing I thought regarding the Unmade was that each time a different Herald broke they added something to an Unmade formed from another Herald, thus creating power mixtures and making it hard to link heralds and unmade directly. The way I've been seeing this in my mind is: Ba-Ado-: Jez, Ishar and Nale Sja-Anat: Elsecaller H, Other H Dai-Gonarthis: No idea Yelig-Nar: Ishar-Truthwatcher H Re-Shephnir: Shallash, Elsecaller H Chemo-Arish: No idea Nergaoul: Jez Moelach: Truthwatcher Ashertmarn: Ishar If we assume some of this are true I could model the unknowns, but there are so many wild assumptions here that I dont think its necessary. Another theory of mine is that Taln never broke and the everstorm is due to odium investing himself more into Roshar, which is allowing the fused to bypass the oathpact prison.
  5. These theories are 16% serious, 10% true and Navani % Cultivated. I think Rock is lying about quite a few more things, but I'm not sure how much and about what. He's the only source we have on his culture too, which makes things more confusing. My pet theory about him is that he was way more involved in the Sadeas fiasco than what he lets on. Maybe he's the one who was supposed to fight and the whole thing was partially his idea? I doubt he was the nuatoma, because of what his wife said about him now being the *redacted*, but who knows. damnation. Truth and canon.
  6. Here are the wild theories that popped into my head while in class. Cultivation's name has been RAFOd constantly, which obviously means her name is that of a named character. I also dont remember Navani meeting Hoid, which leads us to the only obvious conclusion that Navani is Cultivations unknowing avatar and her name. All parsh are fabrials. The Parsh hear the rhythms becausd they are more connected to the investiture in Roshar, which mainly belongs to cultivation (at least the rhythm part). Humans are starting to get more connected too. Renarin, having a gemheart where to store Glys, will be the first to properly sing. Kaladin comes from a very politically active family. Cultivationavani helped to bring the desolation to get rid of Odium because she's tired of trapping him. Cultivationavani dislikes the stormfather and Honors smormfathery side. Rayse is a liar who lies even to himself and not even he knows why he's doing what he does. Soothers and rioters can relatively easily affect the Parsh because of their gemhearts. Heralds are born the same way the fused are, during a highstorm, except the user doesnt even have to be willing. This is why they dont look like Shin. Cultivation is keeping her army hidden. They'll come from the origin with light in their pockets and rek everyone. Navani is the cultivation equivalent of Vin. The parsh are have access to the spiritual realm via the songs, which is their source of investiture. Odium has been grooming Shallan for a long long time. Rock was never a cook and he simply lied. Aimians are Cultivations secret police. Musicspren are the key. Dalinar is getting the shard of odium. His golden light is Odiums. I have nothing to justify sny of these theories, but they obviously must be true. Even when they contradict each other. Specially then. Edit: All typos are intentional.
  7. When Shallash swears by Adonalsium in a moment of absolute shock (when she's most likely to revert to her original patterns) I thought it meant that all the Heralds were from outside Roshar, but I'm not so sure now. When Nale realizes that the desolation did indeed come he swears by the Almighty and not Adonalsium like Ash does. This leads me to believe that the Heralds aren't all from the same planet, while some of them may be from Yolen others could be Rosharans or Asynians.
  8. Wild theory time. We know that Kaladin and Tien have some lighteyed ancestry and that they are related to Aesudan. This would make it seem like their mother comes from a politically important family. We also know that spren are atracted to groups, places or regions where traditionally there have been a lot of radiants. Maybe Syl and Tien's cryptic were drawn towards them at first because of that. We know that Syl chose Kaladin because of his honor, but that might have "only" been the deciding factor and not the origin of her interest.
  9. I've been wondering a while how could a radiant such as Malata seemingly be working against the first ideal. We know that when one makes an Oath it must be done by intent, you have to actually mean the ideal and want to live up to it. We also know that the orders were made to control who became a radiant and what kinds of power they were able to access depending on their oaths. While we also know that each individual oath may vary from individual to individual the gist of it should remain the same, if so, how come Malata is enjoying the death and destruction they are causing? She isn't putting life before death at all, which seems like a pretty important part of the first oath. She also doesn't show any of the traits associated with a dustbringer aside from the want to divide things, she isn't loyal to Taravangian and doesn't seem like much of a guard. Every other radian we have seen upholds life before death so some degree, with the possible exception of the skybreakers. This made me think about how Honor's death might have affected this, maybe him dying and Cultivation detaching herself could have made the oaths and/or bonds easier to twist? Spark seems to hold a pretty big grudge against the radiants from what Malata said, maybe this could have contributed too? Going back to the skybreakers, they haven't been upholding the journey before destination part much either. I guess that one may be easier to twist than life before death, but their means are in direct oposition with what the first ideal should mean. Neither group is being true to strength before weakness either. Maybe I'm reading too much into this and those examples were meant to show that not all radiants are on the side of our heroes, but I still can't grasp how those individuals can violate such a fundamental part of being a knight radiant and still be one. Jasnah was willing to kill Renarin and he was ready to stop trying and die, which in theory goes against this very ideal too, but it somehow doesn't seem like such a big breach as the others. In the end they both decided against it too and I'm not even sure how oaths and Renarin work.
  10. I actually didn't notice anything like it with Lightsong, my issue is mostly with Kaladin and Adolin. Pattern is IMO the way tv series and such portrait savants. The fact that Pattern knows what a zero is shows that Rosharian culture is quite advanced in that regard
  11. I agree that humor is very subjetive. For example, I don't like Pratchett at all, just like Brandon said. What I was getting at is more related to your first wob. I feel like even if he takes inspiration from various sources for various characters the humor always comes out along the same lines. I personally think that kind of humor may fit Shallan or Hoid, but not Adolin, Renarin or Kaladin. In Shallan particuarly those kind of "bad" jokes fit her perfectly imo, she's had a very secluded life and a lot of her knowledge about everything comes from her brothers and books. Them all always making the same jokes pulls me out of the story and in my opinion ruins the immersion. I may be biased because I don't like the humor at all, but I still think that one thing is not liking the jokes and a completely different one is every character making the same jokes, thus ruining your immersion. I don't always like Pattern's lines too much either(I didn't find the no mating part funny), but I completely get what you re getting at. That interlude was great imo, I felt like it was a perfect "light" interlude chapter. I really want to know if there are more people out there who find that the humor makes them sort of "leave the story" out there.
  12. I've read most of Brandons books and while I love them there's something that's been bugging me for a long while. I feel like all of his characters are pretty well defined and three dimensional, which makes them relatable, but the moment they make a joke I feel like they all become the same character. Every single person has the same sort of humor or makes similar jokes and wordplays, which honestly strikes me as kind of cheap. I don't want this to turn into a thread complaining about the humor in his books, but about how the addition of it sometimes takes away the identity of characters who otherwise are three dimensional.
  13. Sig says it wasn't his master in WoK, does he contradict this somewhere else? Yeah, I've read some WoBs where he explains how being broken and the spren bond filling the cracks is the easiest way but not the only one. We've seen Elend and mabe Hoid do it in other ways, but I don't know enough to speculate much on this. Thanks for the information about the cognitive realm, I didn't know that. How would the Reshi isles appear then? They are treated as islands by outsiders but they are living beings too. I hope this is the right way to paste the link here: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/175-oathbringer-houston-signing/#e8418 I took Shallash using those names at face value because she was in a deep state of shock when she used Adolnalsium, which made me think that she went back and used words that were rooted deep within her. I have no idea how that matches up with the heralds aside from them being from Odium or even Rayse before though, hence why they were supposed to be nine. I thought the gemheart stuff after remembering that people in Roshar interbred with the parsh, but maybe that's going a bit too far into crazy. Rlain does mention that some humans can hear the "rythms of Roshar" though. If it was one of the non sentient unmade everyone in the area should have felt it I think. That's why I thought they might have been targeted specifically. The Heralds could have been there before the oathpact as invested beings, but I definitely don't know enought about to make theories on it. It could be just what you say and that they were taught about Adonalsium, but how she screams the name when she's surprised strikes me as odd. Why the stomach? I can't check right now, but I seem to remember somthing about her going inside his heart. Thanks everyone for answering my questions and replyin too!
  14. I read oathbringer a few months ago and I'm about to finish my WoR re-read. While I was trying to organize my questions and theories in my head I realized that I might as well post them here in case anyone has answers or likes the theories. I binge read a lot of WoBs a while ago too. I probably could have ordered this better and had a thousand other questions that I can't remember right now. Sorry for the wall of text. Gaz Is the way he lost his eye significant in any way? Do we know how he became indebted? He said it wasn't gambling debts. Rock We know that he has immense strength, is good with a bow, lied to bridge four about something and can see spren. Could he have always been a fourth son and a direct brother to his lord instead of a cousin? His wife mentions two names aside from the leader and talks about how he now is something. The way there are three other people talked about implies he was a fourth brother instead of third, could he have taken cooking as a way to change his ways? Was he the one pushing for a fight perhaps? He shows great strength in book one when wielding a tree and in book three with the shardbow. Is this perhaps related to his ability to see spren and his having bathed in cultivation's shardpool? There are no visible spren near him, but could he have some sort of fabrial-like bond like the parsh have? Horneaters mixed with parsh, could they have gemhearts too? Sigzil He tried to kill a man who wasn't his master and failed, but I wasn't able to find anything else. Jasnah We know that she suffered from unknown causes as a child and that it was related to someone he loved, do we have any idea who could this be? Dalinar doesn't seem likely since she sees him as a great person. Could it have been Gavilar or Navani? She also blames herself for the death of Gavilar according to Navani, could she have had something to do with the dark spheres he had? According to Jasnah herself he wasn't a scholar and he wasn't interested in fabrials, could Jasnah have been the one who "made" the spheres? Perhaps even been part of the Sons of Honor? She was searching for proof the parshmen were voidbringers, but she already knew this and wanted to find proof for everyone else. Maybe this is related to why the inkspren were trying to kill her at first? Is this why the Ghosbloods have been opposed to her for so long? The Davar family We know from a WoB that their negative traits were enhanced by Odium, but was this something general as with the Thrill or were they being specifically targeted? Maybe he has something planned for Shallan? But then again he does mistake her for an Elsecaller. Maybe we'll know something once she learns who she is thanks to Taravangian in the next book. Why did Shallan bond a Cryptic when she was apparently unbroken according to a WoB? Maybe it's related to her mother's association with the Skybreakers and how spren and radiants attract their own? Parsh and Spren Eshonai recognizes the "stormspren" she bonds as angerspren and Syl calls these voidspren, but these are different from the angerspren shown by humans. Assuming is the same kind of emotion they are being attracted to could the different shapes of the spren be explained by the older spren having four genders and thus being different(originated from the parsh)? Is the fact that "negative","red" spren come from the ground significant? On Roshar's cognitive realm stone is a bead of seas and water bodies are stone. Is this just a quirk of the planet or something else? Maybe related to how Parsh cognitive shadows can inhabit stone itself? Is Odium related to stone and the Shin worship of it? Eshonai owns a shardblade personally, could this be significant? Shallash and other heralds Shalash knows Hoid by one of his earlier aliases and swears by Adonalsium when shocked, which implies she is from a pre shattering era. Could she and the other Heralds have been followers of Tanavast and travelled with him? On the other hand the Stormfather says that they were originally going to be nine instead of ten, could they have been related to Rayse instead? Maybe switched sides after watching Ashyn collapse or the humans invade the Parsh who helped them? Is Taln from the same era as them or did he join later when they joined Honor? Kalak knows that Szeth is carrying a honorblade even before he openly uses it, could this be because of their relationships with the Shin or maybe they are able to feel something about the hinorblades themselves instead of just other heralds? Renarin Is the name "He who is born into himself" significant? When did he bond Glys and where does he keep her? Oathbringer mentions her going inside his heart, could this mean a gemheart? Maybe some Rosharan's have gemhearts? Did he keep Glys in the box he had during all of the books? Is Glys an example of how Unmade are maybe stronger now? Radiants Did they all simply break the bonds? WoR implies they might have been warring among them, maybe this is related to Ashspren being killed like Spark says? Voidbinding and Fabrials Do we know to which shard these belong to? Voidbinding seems like something from Odium, could fabrials be from Cultivation? Parsh seem very related to her and their forms and fabrials look very similar, even the fused. Szeth Is the voice he heard while young the same Highspren he bonds now? I couldn't find much about it in the books or WoBs.
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