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Posts posted by Sunbringer

  1. On 11/22/2019 at 9:02 AM, AonEne said:

    Guys I just had an incredible, amazing, super unpolished idea for a character and I need feedback. I’m not actually hoping to make this character yet, I’m not looking for a new character, but also don’t steal this. 

    Fullborn who was in an accident when young (haven’t decided exactly what, but something with construction I think) where a large piece of metal fell and crushed their legs. Now uses a wheelchair; hasn’t healed because their spiritual aspect sees them that way (haven’t decided precise details). Intense phobia of metal because of this, refuses to use any of their Feruchemical powers and will only use the Allomantic ones through the trace metals they get from water and stuff. I probably would have them get over the fear (though not the disability) eventually, but then I’d retire them pretty soon after so as to not be OP. 

    ...I know I said I’m not going to use this anytime soon, but I keep imagining them :ph34r: 

    Personally I really like it!

  2. With the action now mostly over, Jacien is now thoroughly fed up with the situation. From what he could gather, there had been some sort of violence involving the man who had been accused of murder, and he had attacked the ghostbloods. 

    Auri curled up his leg and onto his arm. "We should just leave. The place looks pretty ruined, and we don't know all the information."

    Jacien nodded, then turned to leave, sheathing his shortswords and walking out of the ruined tavern.

  3. Storm it, Jacien thought, now thoroughly confused, but also convinced there was a murder involved somewhere. He reached into his pack, pulling out something he hand't needed to use since he left, his dual swords. Crafted to resemble shardblades, one emblazoned with the Edgedancer glyph, the other with the division glyph. He pulled them out, and cut the roots off of the other who had been caught. 


    I am also thoroughly confused.


  4. 21 hours ago, Sorana said:

    Hey, so just to give a quick head's up: Division will be counted into the total score, and I'm only waiting for some other feedback regarding his weaknesses. Sorry, that it takes us a while, I was gone the whole weekend, and it's a busy time in general.

    In that case, his score will be way too high. :( 

  5. 9 hours ago, Sorana said:

    Snake hissed angrily, surprised at the roots, growing over Mike's feet. She tried to wiggle free, but feet were no snakes body and so she withdraw. Mike jumped into the opening she left and looked at the new person.

    "I'm Mike." He quickly introduced himself, before one of the animals could do it and cause ever more confusion. "May I ask who you are?" His voice shook slightly, while he tried to look around, to grasp the situation. He had lost grip on himself, even more than before. He hadn't even understood what happened, while he had sat in the darkness, the night slowly pressing in on him.

    "Jacien." He replied, still on guard. "Don't worry about those. I'll let you all out, soon as I figure out exactly what is going on. So, why exactly are you attacking this man?"


  6. 16 hours ago, Sorana said:

    Snake saw the two new ones and an idea crossed her mind. Vio was strong, stronger them he himself, but with some help, it might be possible.

    "Please, help us to catch him! He murdered someone and we are trying to find out who was behind the murder. We want to question him, to find those responsible." Her voice broke when she had to concentrate on moving Mike's body and talking, while she tried to get a good hold on Vio. He hadn't moved away after she bit into his arm, so she was close enough that she felt confident to give it a try.

    Jacien's gaze locked onto the person indicated. He wasn't sure what to make of this. He had no evidence that what this woman said was true, there were a lot of people more than willing to lie and deceive to get what they want in the alleyverse, but if she was telling the truth it would probably be best to stop them. He decided on a middle route, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handful of seeds. He inhaled sharply, drawing in more stormlight, he would need it. He stepped forward, infusing the seeds with stormlight and flinging them across the floor at the feet of both of the individuals. The seeds sprouted and roots grew rapidly, pushing their way through the room, working their way between floorboards and around the two people.

    Having expended all his stormlight, sucked in some more. His reserves were running low, he would need to find some more infused spheres soon.

  7. 13 hours ago, Voidus said:

    Been busy lately, sorry.

    Quick look would put it over point totals by a little, but given the restriction of not using Radiant powers in combat and that they're an old character I think this should be fine to go based on progression allowances recently.

    EDIT: Sorry again, just realized I may have misread the profile here, will need to discuss with other mods before we can give a definitive rating.

    OK. Thanks! Just to clarify, he only doesn't use his division in combat. Progression and abrasion still are.

  8. On 11/7/2019 at 5:49 PM, FatherTiempo said:

           Cumbert Swishysword roared in bloody rage. He sprang to his feet, only he was facing the door of The Bleeding Spike, and a man had just walked into the tavern.

            Cumbert nodded to the newcomer. "Afternoon, Mate." (it will never do to be rude to people), and turned, swinging his cutlass at the woman chewing on a glowing man.

    Jacien nodded back numbly. Less than a day back and he had already stumbled into a fight, and he had no idea who to help or who to fight. He made his way in, breathing in a tiny bit of stormlight, just in case, and decided to wait, ready to heal anyone who fell. 

  9. Jacien walked down the street. He had heard about a new tavern that had poked up after the old Odd Job Tavern had met its demise, and figured it would be a good enough place to get a place to stay as any. That is, until he could find more permanent lodging. The place was called The Bleeding Spike. That didn't sound all that friendly. He rounded a corner and looked over the building appraisingly. At first glance, it seemed a nice enough place-that is until you looked down at the splattered red paint on the front door, declaring the tavern's name.

    Jacien sighed and stepped up to the door, pushing it open, and was welcomed by the sight of full scale fight on his hands.

  10. Revised Jacien, now Third Ideal Edgedancer, no longer uses Division in combat (only for things like making pretty engravings and such, or convenience if he locks himself out of his house again) and has a better handle on his Nightwatcher Curse.


    Name: Jacien Aican

    Sex: Male

    Age: 18


    Birthplace: Vedenar

    Family: Callan (adopted father), Nisia (adopted mother), Sillia (adopted sister), Teldrin (adopted brother, deceased)

    Appearance: 6’ 00”, red and black hair. Darkeyes with extremely dark violet eyes. Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny. Wears a gray tunic, loose black pants, and a light grey cloak. However, this outfit don't provide much protection. When he expects to have to fight, he wears  green and white tunic, loose white pants, and the same cloak, all of which are glassweave for protection.

    Investiture: third Ideal Edgedancer. Surge of Division (Nightwatcher boon), but he no longer uses it in combat, so you don’t need to score it.

    Skills and special equipment: Skilled with swords and knives. Excellent cook (strictly harmless food). Has 2 short swords, 6 glass daggers at his belt, and several others hidden in various places. He also has a large number of gemstones to hold stormlight. A few special fabrials that, when the gemstone in the center is twisted, causes a paired fabrial to start flashing. He uses these fabrials as a way for people to contact him, or as an emergency beacon.

    Weakness: (Nightwatcher curse) frequently zones out into an almost trance-like state where he mindlessly continues what he is doing. Never happens in life threatening situations. Trances never last longer than 15 min, and can happen as often as once every 40 min or as long as a day between them. He has learned to control them to some extent by keeping his mind busy, and can avoid them when it is most important.

     Is very disturbed by innocents being killed, by himself or by others, and will go out of his way to protect them. Has a tendency to jump right into things without thinking, and very frequently has gotten himself into trouble because of this. He also tries to avoid killing others if possible, sometimes making terrible tactical decisions to avoid killing.

    Biography: Jacien was born to a Veden family, and his mother left at the Stump’s orphanage on the doorstep. He never knew his parents and never really cared to try and find them. When he was 10, he started to figure out Surgebinding after forming a bond with a cultivation spren, named Auri. He decided to leave the Stump’s orphanage, and ran away. He was discovered by a kind farmer who was selling his crop, and they took him in. When he was 16 years old, he saw a guy get mugged and knifed in an alley, ran over and accidentally used Regrowth to save him. Soon after this incident, he was attacked by a Skybreaker. He was strong enough by now that he was able to fight back and win, but during the fight, his adopted elder brother was killed. In his anger he went to visit the Nightwatcher where he asked for the power to destroy the people responsible. As a boon, she gave him the surge of Division, and the curse of having episodes where he loses focus and is unable to recall any details from that time. These episodes fortunately never happen during combat. He’s really sensitive about it, and tries to keep it hidden. After his visit, he gets kind of dark for a while, and hunts down some of the Skybreakers, until he almost kills Auri by behaving against his oaths, and moves on. After he almost kills Auri, he gets really protective of her, and takes his oaths extremely seriously. He discovered the greater cosmere during his quest for revenge and came to Alleycity mostly just to see what it was like, but has come to like it here. After looking into many different guilds, he approached the diagramists, and joined them for a time. 

    After spending a while in the Alleyverse and getting involved in many situations of varied importance, he received an alert from one of his fabrials that was paired with his adoptive family on Roshar. He immediately left the Alleyverse to respond to the call. When he arrived, his family’s home had been destroyed and almost killed by the True Desolation. He managed to sneak them out of danger and helped them get re-established. He and Auri decided to stay with them for a while, and spent some time on Roshar, leading a simple life as a farmer and the local healer, and he enjoys not having to fight for awhile. After a month or two of this, a traveler appeared on their doorstep, begging for help. She looked as if she had been attacked, barely alive. Jacien and his family were more than a little concerned and immediately took her in and nursed her back to health. The traveller, whose name was Hannala, recovered quickly with some food, medical attention, and a little bit of surgebinding. After she had recovered, they asked who she was and where she came from. She claimed to be the niece of one of the men in the town, and was coming to live with him after her family had been killed by a Singer raid, but along the way ran into a group of Warform Singers, but escaped with only a wound. Jacien’s family informs her that her uncle had unfortunately passed away recently, and offers to take her in until she decides what to do. She’s surprised by their generosity, and accepts. Over the next few weeks, Jacien and Hannala get to know each other pretty well, and start getting closer. It doesn't take her very long to figure out about his “episodes,” and offers to try and help him figure them out. He doesn’t think it will do any good, but Hannala would not be dissuaded, and he gives in. To his surprise, she makes the connection that the episodes only happen when he is either doing something extremely monotonous or nothing at all, but when he is focusing on something that requires him to think and adapt, they don’t happen. He practices, and manages to be able to significantly reduce the number of trances he has a day, and figure out a few things he can do to keep his mind running when he really needs to not go into a trance.

    Eventually, Jacien gets up the courage to ask her on the Rosharan equivalent of a date. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t for her to go pale, then run off. A day or so later, she comes back, and tells him they need to talk in private. Once away, she reveals that she is actually a Skybreaker, and had been assigned to kill him. She explained that along the way, she had been attacked by a couple Fused. During the fight, she thought she had killed both of them, but ran out of stormlight in the process, then one caught her by surprise, not actually being dead. She killed it for real, but couldn’t heal herself since she was out of light, and stumbled down the road until she found a place to ask for help, and it just so happened to be his house. By the end of the story, Hannala is in tears, and refuses to meet his eyes. Jacien has no idea what to think, so he just leaves himself for a couple days. The thing he has the hardest time coming to terms with isn’t that Hannala was a Skybreaker and sent to kill him, but the fact that his perception of Skybreakers had just been destroyed. He previously thought of Skybreakers as emotionless monsters, caring for nothing but “justice” and incapable of mercy, but he now had irrefutable evidence that this was not true. This realization forced him to face what he had done in his quest for revenge, and consider the effect it must have had on the people that had known the Skybreakers he had killed. He doesn’t know how to deal with it, so eventually he goes back and just returns to normal life (Meanwhile his adoptive family has absolutely no idea what is going on just that these two are acting really weird right now). After a while, he and Hannala talk, and he forgives her for everything, which really surprises her, then he explains what he has been worrying about. They have a heartfelt conversation and in the end they both feel a lot better. Still, Jacien makes a personal vow never to use the power he gained from the Nightwatcher to hurt anyone ever again. He spends a few hours alone, slipping in and out of his Trance. Not sure what he is doing, he says “I will listen to those who have been ignored, especially those that I have ignored.” After another week or so, Hannala decides it would be best if she moved on, and leaves. Jacien lives with his family for a few more months and gets mostly back to normal. After a while, he starts itching for adventure, and decides to come back to the Alleyverse.

    Guild: Unaffiliated

    Personality: Pretty standard Edgedancer personality (As Nale puts it, Often gets caught up on the little things, and doesn’t look at the bigger picture). Very optimistic, no longer approves of revenge. History with Skybreakers also gave him a large disrespect for the law. Kinda ADHD, which does not go well with his curse. Ever since almost killing his spren, he has been extremely attached and protective of her. 

    Fighting Style: He is a master of using his surges to give himself every advantage. He can keep his balance easily on slicked feet or slicked surfaces. He especially likes to slick the area around him, and then fight people in a zero friction environment, where he has practiced and most people are clueless. He also sometimes uses division to destroy the ground, making pits and such. Even without stormlight, he still is a serious threat, whether with swords or daggers.

    Unless something has changes largely about Radiants since I last was here, this should still be good.

    EDIT: I just realized I double posted. Sorry! Didn't mean to!

    EDIT #2: Hello? its been a while and no one has responded. Is this good?

  11. Quote

    I'm assuming this ^ all happened a long time ago since in real life it was a while

    Jacien wasn't sure exactly what he was expecting to find. It had been quite a while since he'd been here after all, but for some reason he had just assumed the tavern where he had spent so much of his time would still be here. A cultivationspren grew in through the door and up onto the ceiling, looking down over the ruined building. Jacien slowly walked through the remains of the tavern, stopping at the bar counter, reading the message carved into its surface. 

    "Things certainly have changed," he remarked to Auri. 

    She grew back down the wall and grew up his leg onto his body. As usual, he couldn't really feel her. 

    "Where should we go then?" she asked. 

    "I'm not sure." Jacien admitted. "We haven't contacted anyone since we returned to Roshar, and I don't even know if the people we once knew are still here, or if would want to see us. Malu might not be too excited to see us, since we were supposed to try and keep things like this from happening." 

    They stood in silence for a moment.

    "Well, I guess for now we should just go look for someplace to stay."

    The two took one last moment to look around the place that had almost been like a home to them during their previous stay in the Alleyverse, then Jacien turned and walked out. 

    This was an unfortunate discovery, and He couldn't help but think of it as a bad omen.


  12. There is a WoB that I saw once upon a time that I don't want to go search for that says spren ARE in both the physical and cognitive realm most of the time. The only time they go all the way into the physical is when they are summoned as a shardblade. I'm sure I'm leaving out stuff and oversimplifying it, so if anyone finds it just post it here! :) 

  13. 8 hours ago, Invocation said:

    Oh hey, Sun! Yeah, like Sorana said, not much is different in scoring from E3 to E4. A lot of new characters and shuffled-up old ones, though. I don't remember if you were here for the revamp of the Radiant power-sorting or not, but that's a thing that happened.

    I was here for the Radiant revamp, and it marginally changed his score to be slightly lower. Really the entire part of his character is that he is really powerful in combat with some major limitations on his ability to act due to his Nightwatcher curse.

  14. On 4/24/2019 at 11:08 AM, Wyndlerunner said:

    Questioner [PENDING REVIEW]

    What was your motivation for killing Elhokar and simultaneously ripping my heart out?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    So, it was... I never feel like I'm killing characters, I'm writing characters take risks and I'm writing other characters have agency to do the things they're doing in the books. That whole plot cycle was less me killing someone off and more me letting Moash go down the dark path that he have been demanding that he go down.

    Questioner [PENDING REVIEW]

    Okay, but you realize half the fandom... practically all the fandom practically wants him dead now.

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    Yes, yes. Well, they should! He made a very, very bad decision, and he deserves everything that the fandom is throwing at him.

    I was bored and going through the history of the meme thread, and found this, and am so annoyed I've run out of upvotes for the day.


    On 4/24/2019 at 1:17 PM, not an Evil Librarian said:

    American Pride Eagle meme

    This too.

  15. How the orders react to The Dress. (ya know, the one that is DEFINITELY GOLD AND WHITE I WILL FIGHT YOU)

    Windrunner: Is having a hard time keeping their third oath

    Skybreaker: Sees blue and black, because legally it is.  :(

    Dustbringer: Thinks it's white and gold, and will division you if you disagree

    Edgedancer: Sees it as white and gold, but slides away the moment the topic comes up.

    Truthwatcher: Knew about the coming conflict before it started, and went to see for themselves. 

    Lightweaver: Lightweave the dress to look like they say it does to everyone.

    Elsecaller: Sees black and blue, and can tell you exactly why it looks the way it does.

    Willshaper: Sees it differently each time.

    Stoneward: Whatever they saw the first time, they're sticking to it.

    Bondsmith: We don't know what they see since they refuse to get involved.

  16. Lots of things about prison! I like them all!


    And, also, how the orders play MarioKart!

    Windrunner: tries to keep everyone happy at first, but after getting egged on by his spren quickly gets sucked into the competitive spirit.

    Skybreaker: gets annoyed by the fact that this is a video game, and automatically enforces the rules. 

    Dustbringer: hits every item box possible and gleefully unloads his shells on both fellow competitors and computers.

    Edgedancer: plays manual drift and is the absolute master of it.

    Truthwatcher: makes more popcorn to watch this chaos.

    Lightweaver: Was in a desperate fight with the Willshaper for first, then Lightweaves their screen to include an extra turn to throw them off.

    Elsecaller: Has it down to a science, with the best character, best car, and automatic drift. They are continually frustrated by the fact they still can’t beat the Willshaper.

    Willshaper: is storming good at the game. Has explored every last map, knows all the shortcuts, and all the tricks to avoid shells. He uses a different car and character every time, and doesn’t fall for the lightweaver’s trick.

    Stoneward: stubbornly always uses Mario and the standard kart every single time.

    Bondsmith: refuses to play, just like monopoly. :)

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