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Everything posted by Sunbringer

  1. Yeah, you’re right. Stormlight is very powerful.
  2. It does increase speed which helps do more damage in hand to hand combat
  3. Ok, this is the much more detailed version, and I think I better defined his weakness, and left only Edgedancer and Nightwatcher investiture. Name: Jacien Aican Sex: Male Age: 18 Birthplace: Vedenar Family: Callan (adopted father), Nisia (adopted mother), Sillia (adopted sister. Dead) Appearance: 6’ 00”, black hair. Darkeyes with extremely dark violet eyes (since apparently that’s something vedens have). Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny. Investiture: second Ideal Edgedancer, Surge of Division (Nightwatcher boon) Skills and special equipment: Skilled with swords (good at dual-wielding weapons). excellent cook. Has 2 short swords, as well as a decent number of gemstones to hold stormlight. Weakness: (Nightwatcher curse) frequently zones out into an trancelike state where he almost mindlessly continues what he is doing, and often misses important details, never happens in life threatening situations, however he has not realized this yet.Trance never last longer than 15 min, and can happen as often as once every 40 min or as long as a day between them. Is very disturbed by innocents being killed, by himself or by others, and will go out of his way to protect them. Has a tendency to jump right into things without thinking, and very frequently has gotten himself into trouble because of this. Biography: Jacien was born of a Veden family, and his mother left at the Stump’s orphanage on the doorstep. He never knew his parents and never really cared to try and find them. When he was 10, he started to figure out Surgebinding after forming a bond with a cultivation spren, named Auri. He decided to leave the Stump’s orphanage, and ran away. He was discovered by a kind farmer who was selling his crop, and they took him in. When he was 16 years old, he saw a guy get mugged and knifed in an alley, ran over and accidentally used Regrowth to save him. Soon after this incident, he was attacked by a Skybreaker. He was strong enough by now that he was able to fight back and win, but during the fight, his adopted sister was killed. He went to visit the Nightwatcher where he asked for the power to destroy those that don’t care about the people they hurt. As a boon, she gave him the surge of Division, and the curse of having episodes where he loses focus and is unable to recall any details from that time. These episodes fortunately never happen during combat. After his visit, he gets kind of dark for a while, and hunts down some of the Skybreakers, until he almost kills Auri by behaving against his oaths, and moves on. He discovered the greater cosmere during his quest for revenge, and is currently considering membership in many guilds, but hasn’t decided on any particular guild, and is currently unaffiliated with any. Guild: unaffiliated Personality: Pretty standard Edgedancer personality (As Nale puts it, Often gets caught up on the little things, and doesn’t look at the bigger picture). Very optimistic, no longer approves of revenge, but still REALLY doesn’t like most Skybreakers (a few exceptions). Kinda ADHD (really impulsive, mostly) which does not go well with his curse.
  4. Ok after some research I found a place in the end of oathbringer where Rock shoots the shardbow and Kaladin is amazed because stormlight doesn’t grant strength. Also, I will write more details, on my character, then that should be close to the final thing.
  5. Ok it’s not THAT powerful. Gold compounding lets you survive a point blank dynamite explosion. Stormlight could not do that. Also, it does not enhance nearly as much as pewter. It only boosts speed and reaction time, not strength or durability or anything else. Until you get Shardplate, that’s it, but nobody in the books seems to have gotten to that level (I’m taking confirmed, not suspected) yet.
  6. You unable to find duct tape? Well we have a product for you! Introducing... duck tape! Definitely not duct tape, it only is pretty much exactly the same!
  7. Hey wait a second... I was sold until I read this but. What exactly does this entail?
  8. I kinda agree. The radiants are powerful, but maybe not quite That powerful.
  9. Shallan is wierd, but other than that it is third oath. So yes, my character can’t use a Shardblades anymore, since I found the index and made better calculations.
  10. I changed his skills and investiture now. Is this a little better? Investiture: second Ideal Edgedancer, Surge of Division (Nightwatcher boon) Skills and special equipment: Skilled with swords and has trained in Shardblade stances, good at dual-wielding weapons. Very focused in combat. Also an excellent cook. Weakness: frequently zones out and sometimes misses important details, never happens in life threatening situations (Nightwatcher curse). Is very disturbed by innocents being killed, by himself or by others, and will go out of his way to protect them. He also has a tendency to jump right into things without thinking. Kinda insecure.
  11. Ok thanks for that. I don't know much about how to make this so I'm kinda making it up as I go, so thanks for all this help! So, before I make some kinda major changes, how many points is a second ideal Radiant? Also, in answer to your question on if I'm going to sidestep or ignore the curse, I'm definitely not going to do that. I'm very good at role-playing forgetful characters, and this isn't that different. It's a pretty major problem for him. Thanks again for all the help!
  12. After a bit of research, I was planning on NOT joining DA, but that right there is making me reconsider
  13. Ok, just wondering, but what guild would everyone recommend for someone who just wants to do fun stuff.
  14. Moash is dead to me. I fantasize about walking up to him, and laughing maniacally as I use Division to slowly burn him to ashes.
  15. Name: Jacien Aican Sex: Male Age: 18 Birthplace: Unknown place on Roshar Family: Callan (adopted father), Nisia (adopted mother), Sillia (adopted sister. Dead) Appearance: 6’ 00”, Brown hair. Darkeyes with extremely dark blue eyes, until he summons his shardblade, then they turn grey/silver. Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny. Investiture: Third Ideal Edgedancer, Surge of Division (Nightwatcher boon), Forgery skill. Skills and special equipment: good with his throwing knives, skilled with his shardblade, excellent cook, good at dual-wielding weapons. Very focused in combat. He also has his Forgery tools, including lots of Soulstone, and a personal Soulstamp. Weakness: frequently zones out and sometimes misses important details, never happens in life threatening situations (Nightwatcher curse). Is very disturbed by innocents being killed. Biography: Jacien was born on Roshar, where his mother left at the Stump’s orphanage on the doorstep. He never knew his parents and never really cared to try and find them. When he was 10, he started to figure out Surgebinding, and decided to leave the Stump’s orphanage, and ran away. He was discovered by a kind farmer who was selling his crop, and they took him in. When he was 16 years old, he saw a guy get mugged and knifed in an alley, ran over and accidentally used Regrowth to save him. Soon after this incident, he was attacked by a Skybreaker. He was strong enough by now that he was able to fight back and win, but during the fight, his adopted sister was killed. He went to visit the Nightwatcher where he asked for the power to destroy those that don’t care about the people they hurt. As a boon, she gave him the surge of Division, and the curse of having episodes where he loses focus and is unable to recall any details from that time. These episodes fortunately never happen during combat. After his visit, he gets kind of dark for a while, and hunts down some of the Skybreakers, until he almost kills his spren from behaving against his oaths and moves on. He discovered the greater cosmere during his quest for revenge, and during a visit to Sel, learned Forgery. (Alleyverse info. Will be added after I decide on a guild…) Personality: Pretty standard Edgedancer personality (As Nale puts it, Often gets caught up on the little things, and doesn’t look at the bigger picture). Very optimistic, no longer approves of revenge, but still REALLY doesn’t like most Skybreakers (a few exceptions). Kinda ADHD. Any suggestions?
  16. Thank you all! This sounds super fun!
  17. thanks. Also, what how do you find like something to participate in, and which threads do we introduce our characters into?
  18. How exactly do I join and is is possible to start a new guild. (I don't want to, but that seems like an important question to ask)
  19. I totally crushed it today on who's that cosmere character. Got all of them before the guessers, and came up with Hoid on the first clue.
  20. Lift proceeds to break the laws of the Cosmere and ascends to the Shard Randomness.
  21. Lift breaks laws all the time! She can just ignore logic and steal the power. Sorry Aviar! Lift is coming for you...
  22. Soother. That's weird. I normally make people feel very strong emotions, and then they get annoyed at me... Really I expected to get Tineye, or maybe Thug. Still, this is a cool quiz.
  23. It wouldn't let me take it. I would probably get Hoid, or Lift, if that's an option.
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