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Everything posted by Sunbringer

  1. Ok so I'm trying to make a t-shirt with lots of bridge 4 quotes and it is pretty hard to come up with enough. If anyone finds any funny ones (So basically anything Lopen says) please put it here so I can have a good selection of quotes.
  2. I think that Dalinar is ascending to a new shard kinda like harmony, just combining bits and pieces of Cultivation and Odium from their influence on him, along with a large piece of Honor.
  3. 50% Edgedancer 37% Windrunner 35% Bondsmith 33% Willshaper 28% Stoneward 21% Truthwatcher 16% Elsecaller 15% Dustbringer 6% Lightweaver 0% Skybreaker Heck yeah! I get to hang out wth Lift! Also, no wonder Lift and Nalan don't get along so well. Skybreakers and Edgedancers are very different.
  4. So what is everyone's favorite kind of investiture in the cosmere? This is all just opinions, and I would really like to know how many people like what kind of magic
  5. I don't think aluminum really has many uses as a weapon against a shard. All it is is immune to investiture. As awesome as that is, it's not going to be nearly enough for someone to use against a shard. You could block with a shield, but still won't be able to hurt it.
  6. I'm choosing mine based off of quite a bit of speculation from random quotes from shards and a few things mentioned by Brandon. I would choose double chromium. So, chromium stores Fortune, and as awesome as that would be with just storing luck, I think there is far more to it than that. For one, at the end of Oathbringer when Odium talks to Taravangian, he says it is amazing that he created the diagram without access to Fortune. This is further supported by something Brandon said about atrium being an early taste of Fortune. So, it's starting to seem as if Fortune is far more than just luck, but also something comparable to seeing the future. It is also said that Hoid knows where he is supposed to be through some use of Fortune. So, based off all that, compounding chromium seems like one of the most dangerous things to ever walk the cosmere.
  7. what is this thing under my name, edgedancer (PS, I really like it, favorite order of radiant, but I'm wondering how it got there)
  8. yeah, how do you make a signature? I never figured that out.
  9. Best thing ever: Lopen, Lift, Wayne and Lightsong all get together. The best and most sarcastic characters ever! Also, what words do you guys know that Lopen is the only one that uses them.
  10. Where do you have this from? The pre-chapter random messages in Oathbringer. In one of the parts there are a couple of letters from shards to "Cephandrius" who I think I found somewhere is Hoid. WHERE DOES HE SAY THAT!!! I seriously need to check out wherever you found that.
  11. So, what the heck is Vax? I can't find anything about it.
  12. OK so I was just looking at the letters to Hoid we find in Oathbringer and I found something interesting. In Autonomy's letter to Hoid, she refers to him as the "Bearer of the First Gem" so I looked at what the first gem was, and apparently it was used in the original shattering of adonalsium. Not sure what this means, but there are definitely some things that are able to do things like this.
  13. I kinda hope that the ghostbloods end up being good guys cause we have enough evil or non-interventionist societies running around in between worlds.
  14. Ok, so the original Shards shattered Adonalsium right? So could a group of people theoretically do the same thing to a Shard, and if so, how would you do that? What sort of methods would you use? What sort of things have already been shown as possibly being able to do that?
  15. I did a little research on nightblood, and I found out he wasn't always as invested and powerful. Every person he kills, everything he destroys, and every bit of investiture he feed on from his wielder makes him stronger. Perhaps Vivenna's blade is too new and hasn't eaten enough investiture to be as powerful as nightblood.
  16. so in light of oathbringer, I think that the dawnshards are enormous fabrials. it seems to me that urithiru is some enormous fibril, but it isn't working anymore. almost as if it is dead. It also said in the book that urithiru looked almost alien in design, as if it came from another world, so I think the entire city might be a dawnshard. Also, this has even less evidence than that, but just based on how they described the gemstones as like garnets for blood, or emeralds for a heart makes is seem as if it could be like an enormous robot. That would be cool but probably not likely. Last thing, but if the dawnshards are fabrials and urithiru is one, it seems like it is just missing the spren that is needed to make a fabrial work, so all they have to do is find a suitable spren to inhabit it.
  17. Lift could spike Wyndle, but even if she wanted to and knew how, there is no way she would stay focused on it for long enough to get the materials and actually do it.
  18. If every rational person in the cosmere is afraid of nightblood, then yes I think he could kill Hoid. My question is how much damage Nightblood could do to Odium or another shard.
  19. pretty sure there is no survival. Seems like that would just be redundant what with kelsier and all.
  20. im not totally convinced that Trell is Autonomy cause in mist born second era trell seems like he is trying to control everything, but that doesn't really make any sense for autonomy which literally means self-governing, kind of like independence. I might be interpreting that wrong though. But even if I am, I don't think Trell is Autonomy because autonomy has an isolationist policy (which is the reason Khriss can't get back home) and that doesn't work with sort of invading scadrial.
  21. Not sure if anyone has already brought this up, but Mistborn isn't the only place that Trell shows up. At the end of White Sands 2, one of the construction workers who is working for the Diem says his name is Trell. I think this supports the idea that Trell is Autonomy, but order doesn't actually fit into the definition of autonomy. The definition of autonomy is freedom from external control or influence. This kind of goes completely against what Trell seems to be trying to do. I honestly think that this is either a new shard and just got Bleeder's metal from another shard, or somehow someone reformed Dominion. Or, one more option, this is the traveling shard that is trying to avoid Odium's attention, but that doesn't seem that likely.
  22. there could be one more shard potentially trying to cause problems on Scadrial, but thats not certain by any means.
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