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Everything posted by Sunbringer

  1. Jacien walked through the camp, his grey cloak’s hood up. Auri grew at his feet, following on his rounds through the camp. He watched the men, measuring their morale and occasionally using a bit of progression to heal an injury.
  2. “You’re in the Alleyverse, near fortress eternal.” Jacien said.
  3. Jacien nods. “My name is Jacien Aican, I am a second ideal Edgedancer, but I also have the surge of division. I’m skilled with swords and knives and have some experience with throwing weapons. Silphio recruited me, and I’m not entirely certain which branch it was for. He just came into the Odd Job tavern, and told me if me and a few others could beat him then we would have a job. The others dropped out along the way. I believe the pay was 10 C wage, and I could stay in canton housing.”
  4. That might not work for him, since his power set includes physical enhancement and healing. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  5. Jacien walked into the canton headquarters. He was supposed to have come a while ago, but right after the fight with Silphio to prove himself and whatnot, he had quickly gotten sucked into other business. “Hello.” He said. “I’m here to register with the Canton.”
  6. Jacien got up and walked out. He seriously needed to take care of a few things now that he really should have done before, but three fights puts off stuff.
  7. Ok so a bit of a call back because I was offline for most of spring break (camping is great). So Sun’s rating was 170. I thought about what I could change to make him less powerful but without changing his concept, and I was thinking of changing his intelligence from smart to average, thereby lowering his score to 155. Anyone have any suggestions for something to lower his score by five? Maybe something to add to his weaknesses?
  8. Jacien, who had been leaning against the wall in a nightwatcher trance, blinked confused. That had been a long one. He hoped he hadn’t missed anything important. Then he saw everybody charging, and figured he should probably join them, sucked in stormlight and charged down with them.
  9. “No. I’m not on a job or anything anymore.”
  10. “Right after the Waiter incident, I had to rush off to Oasis city on a job for the canton of combat, stopping Vestivus from killing lots of people. By the time I arrived, it was too late. I need to track him down.”
  11. Jacien felt a small smile appear on his face for a moment despite himself. He decided not to share what he had heard. He looked back up at Malu. “Do you know anyone that could help me track someone down?”
  12. Jacien looked over at the bar. “Hey! I’ve heard of you. You’re that epic, metronome!”
  13. Jacien looked up. “No thanks. Just had a really long night.” He looked down at himself. He probably should change into a new glassweave outfit, but he just couldn’t muster the will to do so. If he had just been able to end his fights a little faster, maybe he could have stopped Vestivus. He looked back up at Malu. “Could you actually just tell me what time it is? I’ve just gone through three fights in a row.”
  14. Jacien passed Sofya as he walked in, his glassweave tunic in tatters, stormlight almost completely drained, and spirits crushed. He went over to a table and slumped over, head on the table.
  15. Thanks Voidus! I’ll work on it and try to come up with something else too.
  16. Jacien appeared out of a teleportation aon just in time to watch Vestivus press a button on his wrist. In that moment Jacien felt extremely sick, and knew he had failed before he had even started. He fell to his knees, entire body trembling in anger. He sucked in a tiny bit of stormlight instinctively and his eyes bled to silver. I will remember you. He stood, his handprints now burned into the ground from an unintentional activation of division. He watched as they disappeared. He knew he wouldn’t be sleeping tonight. He wouldn’t be sleeping well for a while. He turned and Started walking away. But this wasn’t over. It wouldn’t be for a while.
  17. Break into the DA headquarters. They won’t last long.
  18. So, it seems Sun has fallen through the cracks. I still want to get him approved if possible.
  19. Yes, but you would have to make it seem more like a disadvantage at first glance, like being really bad a following instructions or something like that. Or maybe making things that don’t work as in they don’t work the way you would expect.
  20. Actually this version isn’t exactly the same as the one I discussed with bean, as I realized some issues that I had with that one. (He also had forcefield abilities. I decided that made him overpowered so I cut them, and made a couple other changes) The light beams are primarily a weapon against other players, but if he focused it on a single point for a bit, it could melt stone or some types of metal.
  21. He does have some healing, like a bit weaker gold
  22. Nah the Willshaper is missing in action. Nobody is sure where he’s at or what he’s gotten himself into.
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