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Everything posted by Sunbringer

  1. Yeah. I did that on purpose. As element of chaos has pointed out, he is a rather powerful epic, but I didn’t want him to be strictly non-combative, so I gave him an extremely limiting weakness to balance it out.
  2. Yeah. I should have clarified the healing a little more. It isn’t at gold compounder rating. alloy of law spoilers He also has to choose to activate the healing, so it’s more like a normal blood maker, but always a constant rate, so he can’t like flare his healing to go faster. also @Steel Inquisitive Do you mean it is a powerful weakness as in very limiting or not very applicable? Also sorry for the extremely long backstory. I’ve been working for n this one for a while!
  3. This is a character I’ve been working on for a while, and I promise I came up with him before I watched captain Marvel, even if his powers are really similar. Edit: Since it’s an epic @Voidus
  4. Jacien slipped and slid through the yeti army, slashing and slicking yetis, and causing general confusion among their ranks, disrupting the front line and covering the retreat.
  5. X broke many of my knives, destroyed my glassweave cloak, and my tunic, destroyed one of my arm guards, and was only really affected by me blinding her with division. Fun.
  6. Jacien remembered the guy who had come to get him. "Right. We should go now."
  7. Jacien woke up from his trance. It had started as soon as the fight had ended. It was a good thing that it hadn't happened during there fight. Or maybe the fight delayed it. Who knows? He looked around the room, still holding a moderate amount of stormlight. He went around the room healing those that needed it, curing the damage from smoke inhalation and cuts or broken bones. He turned toward Malu, who was pouring a very large mug of something he couldn't recognize. He did his best to avoid alcohol. He'd never had it before, but his natural ADHD would not mix well with the recklessness of being drunk. "I might be able to do something about...That." He said, gesturing toward the smoking hole. @Invocation
  8. Send out the summary of match 3! It was super intense! Also as a tip for everyone, when fighting a dakhor koloss, however much armor you have or how durable you think your equipment is, upgrade it.
  9. Jacien was not in a good position. Freedom was in the way of him attacking full on, his armor was damaged, and he was running in stormlight. If he ran out, he would pass out. Come on freedom. Get away from him!
  10. Jacien rushes over toward the bar, breaking off his charge and inhaled sharply, sucking in enough stormlight to last through an extended fight. He charged toward the waiter again.
  11. Jacien was forced to throw himself backward off balance. He could heal her, but only if he got close, which there was no guarantee of. He sheathed his swords- they wouldn’t be useful in this close quarters- and drew a dagger. He sucked in the rest of his stormlight, enough to last him a couple more minutes, and charged again.
  12. “ Johnny! Get me more stormlight!”
  13. Jacien attacked furiously, charging over to the waiter, and rammed his sword into him. He did this over and over, stabbing him repeatedly. This man had come on attacking random people, and was now on top of this poor person. Any reservation he had to killing was lost on him. @Arky-boi
  14. As the waiter started running from him Jacien leaped forward, grabbing for the man’s arm and activating division.
  15. Another of Jacien's alert fabrials started flashing. He paused for just a moment, trying to decide what to do. The waiter suddenly killed someone, and Jacien felt rage boiling up in him. He instinctively sucked in a bit of stormlight and division activated, burning his handprints into the table. He remembered when that had happened for the first time. Asking the Nightwatcher for the power to destroy those who hurt without care. People who killed without concern or mercy. People like the Skybreaker who had killed his sister. People like this man. Jacien sucked in stormlight, driving off his exhaustion and charged the Waiter, screaming a battle cry. He (attempted to) engaged with his swords, spinning his swords and slashing for weak points, and preferably avoiding getting hit by the blowtorch.
  16. Jacien walked through the door with several holes in his tunic, slightly singed hair and a bag full of dun gemstones and a couple sticks of dynamite over his shoulder. He sat down at a table, looking exhausted.
  17. Jacien was instructed to attack in exactly one hour. So when the defenders attacked 10 minutes before the hour, he was a little confused. He shrugged, and just attacked. He charged the distracted yeti flank, and the first one fell with two swords in its back, the second with a cut achilles tendon. He slashed, stabbed and dodged through the yeti ranks, leaving swaths of slicked ground behind him, causing yetis to slip, and then be unable to get up, then knocking my over or injuring their own allies. Confusion quickly spread through their ranks, and dozens were incapacitated in less than a minute. Most were still alive: Jacien hated to kill, even if they were attacking them. This way kept them out of the fight just as well. He would kill if he had to or if they really deserved it, but he didn’t have to right now. A huge one stepped into his path. It roared, swinging his club at him. Jacien danced out of the way, then activated division on it, destroying half and catching the rest on fire. He ran past it as it panicked as its fur began to catch on fire also. It was sufficiently distracted, he thought. Jacien heard Returned call for Hasharan, and spared a glance. He seemed to be fighting the biggest one of all. Well, that seemed like fun! He sprinted over, dodging between several Yetis and having to slick himself to escape another large one’s grasp. He stabbed one, then used it as something to jump off of, then leaped off, stabbing both swords into the enormous yetis hairy back.
  18. Auri grew up a wall nearby Returned and the others and made herself visible to all of them. “Hello. How are you? My name’s Auri, I’m Jacien’s spren. Umm, so he was wondering what he should do.” That sounded like the way humans talked, right? She should probably talk to people other than Jacien more often. And if she was being honest with herself, he probably was to eccentric to be a good model for human conversation. @Vargo Seldon@beantheboy12@Arky-boi
  19. I am confused. A long conversation? What does this mean.
  20. Jacien looked out of a small thicket a short distance from the Yeti camp. He had not actually been at fortress eternal when this siege had started, but had come as soon as he had heard. He didn't know what he was going to do to help, but he knew he had to do something. He turned toward Auri. "Auri, can you sneak past the Yeti lines and find returned for me? Ask him what I can do to help." He watched as Auri sped off toward the fortress and climb the walls.
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