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Everything posted by Sunbringer

  1. I just took it again after a while and got different results. 59% Willshaper 50% Edgedancer 39% Dustbringer 31% Stoneward 13% Lightweaver and Truthwatcher 6% Skybreaker (Which is incorrect. It should be 0% ) I got 0% on the rest, but I think that's a little inaccurate, since I've got some definite Windrunner characteristics.
  2. You should put it in a spoiler. @beantheboy12
  3. "I'm also pretty new, but I do know that the tavern where Bella recruited you and the other two is pretty good. It also has basically anything you want."
  4. You just gained my eternal respect. That is impressive.
  5. Exactly. Over sharding. In all reality, reading 5 pages is tedious and I don't feel like doing it. Sun eats the missile.
  6. Jacien stands. "Yeah. That sounds great." He reaches out a hand to help her up, trying to muster a smile. It had been awhile since he had beed reminded of that day. He banished it from his mind, focusing on Freyja."
  7. No more. No more tears. Jacien pulled himself together, stopping his tears. He felt the rage in his heart cooling, leaving for now. He wrapped his arms around Freyja. Auri grew over from where he had been hiding earlier, her vines curling up around him, trying to comfort him in her own way.
  8. Rage boiled in him, but for some reason Freyja, Sam and Nael seemed to trust her. He would control himself.
  9. Jacien fell down in despair. He saw the ashes that were once people. Images flashed through his head, of burning fields, his adopted family screaming, and his sister’s dead body, killed by the Skybreaker who had come to kill him. He leaned against Freyja, tears streaming down his face.
  10. Jacien rushes out, his glassweave clothing protecting him marginally, but still feeling the flames burn him, and the stormlight heal the burns, and ran over to the dead and dieing men. “Stop! They’re down! You don’t have to do this!” He knelt down next to the three and breathed out small clouds of stormlight, whxich revived them, and they were burned again. He was running through stormlight extremely quickly, he wouldn’t be able to keep this up for long, maybe one or two more minutes...
  11. Sun decks himself to escape from all this insanity.
  12. Jacien looked out around the corner, not sure whether to be excited of horrified. He had realized that she could control flames, but this was intense! He watched from around his corner for now, ready to intervene, whether it be to help someone or heal injured people in the aftermath.
  13. Jacien looks out of the alley, with bits of roofing tile stuck in his hair or on his clothing. The three men were walking out of the building. ”Auri, can you follow those people? Anything they do I want to know about it.” Auri quickly grew after them, keeping them within her sight and her disappearing vine within his sight.
  14. Sun has finished training his pet laser sharks and sets them on bean.
  15. *Summons sharks with friction' laser beams attached to their heads* Lasers, Sharks, Laser sharks! - Metalbeard Yes, friction laser beams!
  16. There was no telling how long this might last, and things looked like they might get ugly soon. Auri desperately looked around. When Jacien was in danger, or about to get hurt, he snapped out of his trance. She grew up the wall and started looking around for a loose rock or shingle that she could try and push off the roof. She found a loose roof tile that was in the right position. She immediately began working, pushing as hard as she could, which granted wasn’t that much as she was just a spren, and didn’t have much presence in the physical realm. Just a few more minutes...
  17. Auri looked down and decided that Jacien needed to spend more time thinking through his choices. She grew back out of the warehouse back to where Jacien was waiting. “Yeah those guys aren’t friendly. You might have to get involved.” Jacien didn’t respond. ”Um, did you hear me?” He still didn’t respond. He was in a Nightwatcher Trance. “Oh not now! Come on, wake up!”
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