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Everything posted by Sunbringer

  1. Jacien looks out past the corner, then slips back, then suddenly, he feels a trance coming on. Stormsstormsstorms. This is not a good time! He thought as he slipped off.
  2. Jacien walked back to the front of the warehouse for the second time. ”This is the place you’re looking for.” He said to the three men following him. “Well, I should get back now. Good luck!” And with that he turned and started walking back toward the Odd Job Tavern. Once He rounded a corner he stopped and whispered to Auri. “Could you go and watch what happens in there for me? I’m not sure why, but I’ve got a wierd feeling about this.” @I think I am here.
  3. “Ok then!” Jacien turned and walked out the door, eager for an excuse to go see his friends again, and possibly annoy the rude gang leader some more.
  4. This guy seemed super intense. “I don’t know everyone who’s joined, just three of them. If you want to go I’ll just take you now.”
  5. Jacien hears again about someone trying to join the Bloodflame gang. Seriously! What was wrong with all these people?! Why would you just go join someone and give them your loyalty, when you have no idea about their motives! He had already had three friends go join. Well, he might as well help them out. He slid over. “Hi! I can show you the way to their place.”
  6. Jacien slid straight in through the door, and slid down onto a chair.
  7. Jacien was a little stunned for a second, then smiled, shouldered his bag, and pushed the door open, stepping out, and pointedly ignoring Auri.
  8. Jacien turned back toward Freyja. "I was just hoping to be able to talk to Nael for a minute. Oh! I just remembered!" He took his bag off his shoulders and rummages through it for a moment, then pulls out a tupperware with a slice of chocolate cake in it. "I thought you might appreciate this." He said with a smile. He then shouldered his pack. "I think your gang leader wants to get your attention. But if you guys need any help for anything, feel free to contact me." He started to push the door open, then paused for a second. "Oh, and also, could you do me a favor and give this to Nael?" Jacien holds out what looked like a little disk with a gemstone on the top of it. "It's a fabrial that if you twist the gemstone, it will light up a paired fabrial that I have. I use them to be able to stay in contact with people in the Alleyverse. Tell him to activate it if he, or Sam, or you ever need help or want to talk to me for some reason."
  9. Jacien looked over at the gang leader. Alright then. Auri looked down at him from the ceiling. ”Jacien, this doesn’t seem like a good time to do that.” Storming spren. Always making him listen to his common sense. He turned, walking back towards the door.
  10. “Just this way!” Auri said, as she grew around another corner. ”Storms!” Jacien cried as he barely managed to unslick himself and follow Auri around the corner. He ran behind, following Auri back to where she had seen Sam and Nael go, to the Bloodflame gang’s base. Or headquarters. Or hideout, or whatever you called the place where a gang hung out. Auri came to a stop outside of a warehouse. ”this is it! She said, growing up his back and onto his shoulder. ”You’re sure about that? It looks an awful lot like some random abandoned warehouse.” ”of course I’m-“ she cut off. “Just cut the sarcasm already” she snapped and then grew up the side of the door. Jacien grinned, then walked inside the door, Auri growing in after him. ”Hello everyone. I was wondering if I could talk to Nael for a second.”
  11. Thank you. I was waiting for someone to say that.
  12. That was overly long, Bean. Could have used smaller text.
  13. I am also tired. I shall see you all in the dreamworld.
  14. Nah, the DA level would be higher.
  15. Suddenly, Auri the cultivation spren appears. "Sorry. Jacien went into his Nightwatcher trance again. He'll probably wake up again in about ten minutes. But before you go, take this." She pointed toward a small device with a gemstone in it. "If you need help, twist the gemstone, and it will light up, and it will light up a paired device that me and Jacien carry, and we'll try to come and help."
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