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Everything posted by Sunbringer

  1. Jacien starts saying something else, then trails off, falling into one of his Nightwatcher Trances."
  2. "Not always. Only the High Epics. The others sometimes can be killed without it."
  3. "They tend to get irritable when they use their powers, then they kill people"
  4. For the first time in a while, Jacien is confused. He had never heard of an Invocation. "Well. You might be one of a kind here. As far as I know, there is nobody else here from and Invocation Earth." EDIT: Jacien salutes Hasharan as he came in the door. He turned to Johnny. "He's the leader of my guild's army."
  5. EDIT: Gah! I really need to get a handle on the double posting!
  6. I put it here because there have been so many fights about Moash in the Alleyverse PM. I also put it in Sanderson Memes.
  7. Hey! No stealing my Upvotes! That's my meme!
  8. "Thanks Malu," he says as he pays with some crysts. He picked up the food, and brought it back to the table, setting down the shawarma in front of Johnny for when he finished demolishing his food, then sat down to enjoy his cremling.
  9. "Spicy, and I'll just take the cremling. Cheaper that way."
  10. Jacien looked at how fast Johnny devoured his food. He walked up to the counter. "Hey Malu, can I get some more shawarma for the new guy, looks like He's going to need it. Oh, and a Roshar crab dish please?" He went back to the table. "Which world are your from? Some form of earth, I'd guess, but I'm not sure which, if it's not Calamity Earth."
  11. Jacien looks at the gemstones. ”Ok that is storming cool. Are you some sort of epic? What exactly are your powers.”
  12. "Ah yes and Shwarma. Can't forget about that."
  13. Jacien, who had been looking forward to this tournament, as he was a member of the guild hosting it, eagerly signed up by spanreed.
  14. Jacien turned back toward Johnny. "This place has basically anything you want. Chouta, hamburgers, anything."
  15. Auri looked down at them from the ceiling. Jacien had sent her to watch and make sure Nael and Sam had made it and been accepted into the gang safely, and she was very glad she did. A small smile formed of vines appeared on her face, and with that mission complete, she grew back out the window, back to the Odd Job Tavern and Jacien.
  16. Jacien led the new guy to the back corner, and began trying to explain everything, about the cosmere, other worlds, and the Alleyverse, while trying to keep the new guy from freaking out. “There are people from all these different wirlds here. I’m from Roshar, as is the bartender over there. Where are you from?”
  17. Jacien sighed as he went into a panic attack. He ducked in some stormlight and used progression to heal him. He didn’t know if it would work, but it was worth a shot. “Let’s get you to someplace a little less stressful.”
  18. Jacien looked at the kid, who seemed absolutely terrified. “I found this place just a couple months back, while I was busy hunting a Skybreaker. I’d be happy to show you around a bit , tell you what’s going on.”
  19. Jacien considers chasing after Sam, after all, he was supposed to work with Nael to find his run away employer, but then decided she probably didn’t want any help. He looked toward the new guy, who now seemed in the verge of a complete mental breakdown. Jacien walked over to him. ”Need some help figuring all this out?”
  20. “No, I’m fine. Looking for people is tough.” He looked over at Sam. ”Sorry about Nael. Last I heard he was going with the Bloodflame gang.” He shook his head, a slight smile cracking his exhausted expression. ”That kid was not meant for a gang. Too unsure.” @Invocation @Steel Inquisitive
  21. Jacien walked back into the tavern, exhausted. He had just had a very long night. Hopefully it would be worth it. He slumped down at a table and closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again. He looked around. Most everything seemed to be normal, except for the broken table, nearly hysterical newcomer sitting next to Dwig, and Sam pacing and ranting at Malu.
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