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Posts posted by Sunbringer

  1. For the first time in a while, Jacien is confused. He had never heard of an Invocation. 

    "Well. You might be one of a kind here. As far as I know, there is nobody else here from and Invocation Earth."

    EDIT: Jacien salutes Hasharan as he came in the door.

    He turned to Johnny. "He's the leader of my guild's army."

  2. "Thanks Malu," he says as he pays with some crysts. He picked up the food, and brought it back to the table, setting down the shawarma in front of Johnny for when he finished demolishing his food, then sat down to enjoy his cremling.

  3. Jacien looked at how fast Johnny devoured his food. 

    He walked up to the counter. "Hey Malu, can I get some more shawarma for the new guy, looks like He's going to need it. Oh, and a Roshar crab dish please?"

    He went back to the table. "Which world are your from? Some form of earth, I'd guess, but I'm not sure which, if it's not Calamity Earth."

  4. 3 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

    Johnny made a face that looked something like: “:O”

    This place has Fanta Cherry.

    And Shwarma

    The meal of Heroes. 

    Okay. This place is officially cool.

    Still need to escape though.

    Johnny made a small sound of protest when the bartender poured the drink, but it was too late. He winced. “Thanks but, I don’t have any mon—“ he cut off at he looked down at the sudden weight in his hand. A pair of faintly glowing gems shown back at him. 

    Do I question this? Is it even worth questioning? I should probably just roll with it. 

    Okay I guess I do have the money to pay for it! Will this be enough to cover a plate of shawarma too?”

    Jacien looks at the gemstones.

    ”Ok that is storming cool. Are you some sort of epic? What exactly are your powers.”

  5. Jacien, who had been looking forward to this tournament, as he was a member of the guild hosting it, eagerly signed up by spanreed.


    Name: Jacien Aican

    Sex: Male

    Age: 18

    Birthplace: Vedenar

    Family: Callan (adopted father), Nisia (adopted mother), Sillia (adopted sister. Dead)

    Appearance: 6’ 00”, red and black hair. Darkeyes with extremely dark violet eyes. Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny. Wears a green and white tunic, loose white pants, and a light grey cloak, all of which are glassweave for protection.

    Investiture: second Ideal Edgedancer, Surge of Division (Nightwatcher boon)

    Skills and special equipment: Skilled with swords and knives (good at dual-wielding weapons). excellent cook. Has 2 short swords, 6 glass daggers at his belt, and several others hidden in various places. He also has a large number of gemstones to hold stormlight.

    Weakness: (Nightwatcher curse) frequently zones out into an almost trance like state where he almost mindlessly continues what he is doing, and often misses important details, never happens in life threatening situations, however he has not realized this yet.Trance never last longer than 15 min, and can happen as often as once every 40 min or as long as a day between them. Is very disturbed by innocents being killed, by himself or by others, and will go out of his way to protect them. Has a tendency to jump right into things without thinking, and very frequently has gotten himself into trouble because of this. He also tries to avoid killing others if possible, sometimes making terrible tactical decisions to avoid killing.

    Biography: Jacien was born of a Veden family, and his mother left at the Stump’s orphanage on the doorstep. He never knew his parents and never really cared to try and find them. When he was 10, he started to figure out Surgebinding after forming a bond with a cultivation spren, named Auri. He decided to leave the Stump’s orphanage, and ran away. He was discovered by a kind farmer who was selling his crop, and they took him in. When he was 16 years old, he saw a guy get mugged and knifed in an alley, ran over and accidentally used Regrowth to save him. Soon after this incident, he was attacked by a Skybreaker. He was strong enough by now that he was able to fight back and win, but during the fight, his adopted sister was killed. In his anger he went to visit the Nightwatcher where he asked for the power to destroy those that don’t care about the people they hurt. As a boon, she gave him the surge of Division, and the curse of having episodes where he loses focus and is unable to recall any details from that time. These episodes fortunately never happen during combat. He’s really sensitive about it, and tries to keep it hidden. After his visit, he gets kind of dark for a while, and hunts down some of the Skybreakers, until he almost kills Auri by behaving against his oaths, and moves on. After he almost kills Auri, he gets really protective of her, and takes his oaths extremely seriously. He discovered the greater cosmere during his quest for revenge and came to Alleycity mostly just to see what it was like, but has come to like it here. After looking into many different guilds, he approached the diagramists, and has recently joined them.

    Guild: Diagramists

    Personality: Pretty standard Edgedancer personality (As Nale puts it, Often gets caught up on the little things, and doesn’t look at the bigger picture). Very optimistic, no longer approves of revenge, but still REALLY doesn’t like most Skybreakers, considers them to be the worst of the radiants, and believes that they only care about the letter of the law and are almost incapable of mercy. History with Skybreakers also gave him a large disrespect for the law. Kinda ADHD, which does not go well with his curse. Ever since almost killing his spren, he has been extremely attached and protective.

    Psyche: Smart, but not brilliant or anything. He’s capable of making plans and leading a group, he just doesn’t usually want to.

    Intended threat level: Individual or small group. Very good warrior, so he’s not easy to deal with.

    Story Purpose: Dunno. I’m just going to see how things go. I envisioned him as a bodyguard of sorts, but i'm not stuck on the idea.

    Benefit: An extremely loyal and powerful ally, if you can find a way around his weakness.

    Modus Operandi: Doesn’t really scheme. Lets other people make the plans, then usually twists it to his own personal preference. He fights mainly with his swords, but if he touches you he won’t hesitate to use division to finish the fight. He also really enjoys infusing the ground with stormlight and fighting everyone in a low friction environment that he is accustomed to, but his adversaries have likely never encountered.


  6. 1 minute ago, Invocation said:

    "Cherry Fanta? We might have some in the back, let me go check really quick." Malu walks into the back room and looks around for a little bit. After a few minutes, he walks back out carrying a two liter bottle of Cherry Fanta. "Luckily for you, it does appear we have some!" Malu pours you a glass.

    Jacien turned back toward Johnny. 

    "This place has basically anything you want. Chouta, hamburgers, anything."

  7. 54 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

    Sam kept her face in check but struggled to keep a smile from her face when he blushed. She was thrilled he had vouched for her and yet..... she also wanted to punch him. Did he think she couldn't handle herself? Then again she was the one who was captured..... 

    "We have got to work on your blush reflex." She whispered to him.

    Auri looked down at them from the ceiling. Jacien had sent her to watch and make sure Nael and Sam had made it and been accepted into the gang safely, and she was very glad she did. A small smile formed of vines appeared on her face, and with that mission complete, she grew back out the window, back to the Odd Job Tavern and Jacien.

  8. 9 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

    Also @Sunbringer I know it’s not what you meant but the mental image of Jacien sighing and going into a panic attack right there on the spot is making me die of laughter :lol:


    Oops. I didn’t see that other possible meaning at all!

    Jacien led the new guy to the back corner, and began trying to explain everything, about the cosmere, other worlds, and the Alleyverse, while trying to keep the new guy from freaking out. 

    “There are people from all these different wirlds here. I’m from Roshar, as is the bartender over there. Where are you from?”

  9. Jacien sighed as he went into a panic attack. He ducked in some stormlight and used progression to heal him. He didn’t know if it would work, but it was worth a shot.

    “Let’s get you to someplace a little less stressful.”

  10. Jacien  looked at the kid, who seemed absolutely terrified.

    “I found this place just a couple months back, while I was busy hunting a Skybreaker. I’d be happy to show you around a bit , tell you what’s going on.”


  11. Jacien considers chasing after Sam, after all, he was supposed to work with Nael to find his run away employer, but then decided she probably didn’t want any help. He looked toward the new guy, who now seemed in the verge of a complete mental breakdown. 

    Jacien walked over to him.

    ”Need some help figuring all this out?”

  12. 5 minutes ago, Invocation said:

    "Do you need a bed, friend? You look exhausted."

    “No, I’m fine. Looking for people is tough.”

    He looked over at Sam.

    ”Sorry about Nael. Last I heard he was going with the Bloodflame gang.”

    He shook his head, a slight smile cracking his exhausted expression.

    ”That kid was not meant for a gang. Too unsure.”


    @Steel Inquisitive

  13. Jacien walked back into the tavern, exhausted. He had just had a very long night. Hopefully it would be worth it. He slumped down at a table and closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again. He looked around. Most everything seemed to be normal, except for the broken table, nearly hysterical newcomer sitting next to Dwig, and Sam pacing and ranting at Malu.

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