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Posts posted by Sunbringer

  1. Jacien notices the man seems to be getting a little angry. So, ignoring the tiny voice in the back of his head that was his common sense, he walked up to the bar, standing right next to the man.

    "Hello Mallu. Could I get some dinner please?"

    Hoping to distract the large man.

  2. 2 hours ago, Jaywalk said:

    Nael grew uncomfortable again. Not because she scared him, but because he found her maybe kind of a little attractive.

    Jacien noticed this, and quickly hid a smile. He moved his hands to his belt, gripping a glass dagger.

  3. Jacien looks over at the small crowd gathering around one of the new guys, who looked decidedly uncomfortable. He looked over at Auri, who had grown up onto the wall next to him.

    "What do you think? Should we go over and help him out, or make him more uncomfortable?" 

    Jacien got the feeling that if Auri could roll her eyes, she would have.

    "You're just going to do a little of both no matter what I say," she said in an exasperated tone.

    "Right you are!" Jacien stood up and approached the small group.

    "Hello, newcomers! My name's Jacien. What are yours?"

  4. How the orders have a prank war:

    Windrunner: sprays floor with stormlight to make it impossibly sticky.

    Skybreaker: is watching everyone like a hawk to make sure all pranks are legal.

    Dustbringer: does something with fire

    Edgedancer: remembers a prank they saw once with marbles, and slicks the floor to imitate it.

    Truthwatcher: sees all the pranks coming.

    Lightweaver: Makes illusions over walls so people walk into them.

    Elsecaller: soulcasts someone’s stuff to aluminum, and nobody can change it back.

    Willshaper: something jazzy, like frosting cupcakes with mustard.

    Stoneward. Got caught with the “hold a bowl of water up to not get soaked” prank, and has been standing there for hours.

    Bondsmith: unites a pie with your face.

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