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Everything posted by Sunbringer

  1. Jacien nods, and taking a deep breath, and explains his curse. ”I’m from Roshar, and while there, I visited the Nightwatcher. My boon was extremely useful, but my curse causes me lots of problems. I sometimes enter a trancelike state in which I continue doing whatever I was doing before almost mindlessly. If I get attacked, I snap out of the trance. I’m not sure if I can go under during a fight. I’m still to new to it. ”I don’t tell to many people about it because I’m rather embarrassed about it. However, you may tell those that you see fit. That goes for both of you.”
  2. Jacien paused, looking over. "Anyone Lord Returned deems necessary I will tell. I simply don't wish for it to be common knowledge."
  3. @beantheboy12 That character is indeed really overpowered. However, as long as she never takes sides in combat for any reason, I guess it's OK?
  4. Soon. I’ve been making minor background and personality changes, fleshing him out further now that I’m more familiar with the Alleyverse. I’ll send you the updated bio once I’m completely finished (note that I’m not changing his power at all. If anything, the personality changes will make him less of a threat.)
  5. Jacien bowed to Returned. “Absolutely, your grace.” In a lower voice to avoid being overheard by too many, he says ”I would be willing to explain, just preferable not in such a public place.”
  6. I will be making my characters outfit be glassweave now.
  7. Just wondering if this is an oversight or if I can have one: there isn’t a point value for a glassweave outfit. Is it just random armor?
  8. this seems like something I should have asked long ago, but how do you renew stormlight in the alleyverse? Also that seems like a fine character.
  9. How the orders go skiing. Windrunner: Is constantly flying around saving people who are falling down. Hasn’t had fun all day. Skybreaker: Makes sure people all follow all the rules, and gets mad at anyone moving quickly near a SLOW sign. Dustbringer: Fell off a cliff, got frustrated, and broke the cliff. Edgedancer: Is already an expert, and has slicked their skis so they are going down so fast that it’s giving the Windrunner a heart attack. Truthwatcher: Is calling it every time someone biffs it. Lightweaver: Decides to be particularly sadistic, lightweaves an illusion of a tree not being there. Elsecaller: Is taking their ski lessons very seriously. Willshaper: Is all over the mountain, and has found every jump or shortcut there is. Stoneward: Does the exact same run over and over. Bondsmith: tries to organize a friendly race, which the Edgedancer wins. EDIT: Sorry about double posting. I didn’t realize until after I put this down.
  10. Jacien for a second just continues to sit there, then all of the sudden seems to become more lucid, and seems to be listening to something that only he can hear, as Auri catches him up on what happened while he was under. “My apologies, your brilliance. I get... distracted sometimes. I swear to serve the diagramists and my superiors, and defend the most brilliant.” He messes it up in a way that from some might find offensive, but from him, it seems less so, as it appears he is truly being earnest. On the inside, Jacien is horrified. He had tried to time this so he wouldn’t have an episode during his joining. They were just so hard to predict... they were extremely close together that time.
  11. These are awesome! I’m gonna try and make one sometime.
  12. How the orders go camping Windrunner: Is always worried that someone is going to do something stupid and get hurt, and is always flying around making sure nobody gets injured. Skybreaker: It's in the middle of fire season, so they are watching everyone like a hawk. Dustbringer: Lights forest on fire, and then gets reported by the Skybreaker. Edgedancer: Grows back the forest so everyone will still remember it. Truthwatcher: Predicted the Dustbringer burning down the forest, and was swimming at the time. Lightweaver: Is drawing the beautiful scenery, and getting frustrated trying to soulcast a stick. Elsecaller: Is studying an interesting pinecone. Willshaper: Has found a bear cave. Took a selfie with said bear. Stoneward: Stubbornly refuses to leave the campsite Bondsmith: Tries to keep everyone happy and cooks all the meals.
  13. Jacien nodded his head respectfully to the occupants of the room, and took a seat where he was indicated too, where he starts a quite conversation with his spren, which to those watching appeared as if he was talking to a space on the wall just behind him.
  14. Good point. However, Szeth killed the people before being a skybreaker. He also didn’t want to do it. Adolin just wanted Sadeas dead (and with really freaking good reason)
  15. Ah, yes. The two orders that can almost never get along! I mean seriously, with the Skybreakers refusing to show mercy, the Edgedancers are going to be constantly annoyed by them, and with their sometimes unorthodox methods, the Skybreakers will always be annoyed with them, too! WoR and Oathbringer spoilers:
  16. Since my character is elsewhere right now, if you want to hire me just tell the barkeeper and he'll contact me, just for convenience.
  17. A guard walks up to Jacien. "Right this way." He said gruffly. Jacien smiled and followed the guard further into the fortress. They enter a larger room, and he looks around, seeing King Taravangian.
  18. Granted. You get a wishing well. Your well is constantly wishing for things from you. I wish to be Fullborn
  19. A figure in a green and white tunic and a grey cloak walked toward Fortress Eternal. He paused for a moment, then threw back his hood, looking up at the gate. He looked down at his spren, Auri, smiled , and strode purposefully up to the fortress. He had heard about this new guild and talked about it with Auri. After much deliberating over options, he had decided this would be a good guild to join. He strode up to the front gates, and entered the building, Auri growing after him, curling around his ankles. Looking around, he took in his surroundings. "Hello. I'd like to join. Where do I sign up?"
  20. Nope. I'll just be hanging out here for a while.
  21. Jacien walks up to the Odd Job Tavern. He turns to his spren, Auri. "Well, what do you think?" looked up at him from the ground. "This seems like a fine place to start" she responds. Jacien grinned and walked into the tavern. "Hello. I'd like to be listed as a mercenary for hire. I'll take most jobs, as long as my spren is okay with them. Here is a full list of my abilities."
  22. Granted. You now only get energy through photosynthesis. However, you also now sunburn really easily. I wish to know the answer to life, everything and the cosmere
  23. Granted. Your wish is so worthy no curse is given I wish the sad things that happened at the end of v3 of rwby to not have happened!
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