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  1. Earlier in reading the book I already had a flash that Lift might be critical in the final outcome due to the 'uniqueness' of her abilities. She can physically interact with spren, something others cannot do. Earlier we are told that the void bringers do not die as such because their void spren simply inhabit a new body. But.... What if someone could attack them in their non corporeal spren form? Kill a spren as a spren what happens? We know spren can be killed in the right circumstances. Hiw far could that extend, if the spren are all children of the stormfather does it extend to the shards of adonalsium (aka odium) himself? I think the uniqueness of her powers will play a pivotal role in the final outcome due to her uniqueness. As I read it (about 10 mins ago i finished part 2) i think odium sensed something in that too. An inherent danger to the abnormality of Lifts abilities.
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