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Everything posted by MetaTerminal

  1. Alum made a face. “I’ve read the stories. I’d rather not die, thanks.” He instead picked up a small stone and lobbed it as hard as he could at the massive spike, seeing what would happen.
  2. If Voidus Prime spiked together the Alleyverse, and has a large amount of Investiture and power at his disposal, then it is likely that his aspects would affect the world around him, much like how the Intent of the shard affects their magic systems and the planets they live on. His powers (being a jack-of-all-trades and magic systems) would transfer over to the Alleyverse and affect its Realms. What does this mean? In simple terms, it means Alleymatics, unique uses of Hemalurgy, and alleyspren. Therefore, I would like to propose that the Alleystorm is not of any of the 16 shards, but instead of an extremely powerful being that holds power over the Alleyverse: Voidus Prime. The Alleystorm draws its power from Voidus, or perhaps the very Invested fabric of the Alleyverse and the Worldspike itself. This makes the most sense to me.
  3. On the contrary: the youngest thread (Tell Your Story, which I presume is the one you’re referring to) on Page 2 was made on October 6, which was 12 days ago. That’s about two weeks, not one. But, yeah, the number of Alleyverse threads has increased dramatically. A similar thing happened during early Era 1. I wonder if there’s a pattern?
  4. Alum phased back into Shadesmar, where a small group of Ghostbloods had formed. He noticed that Vaisin was looking lost. “You alright there, kid? Have you ever been to Shadesmar before? Hang on, I’ll lead you to the Perpendicularity.” He began to hike towards it. “You said you had heroes. Is that just everyone in the SDW, or are there people in particular that you fancy?”
  5. The violence played out abstractly. Beavers swarmed throughout the room, targeting those who were not expecting it. Some tried to flee. Others held their ground. Pyrus stood next to him, watching. A whisper. What is the truth, Alum? It is legal. But is it right? Alum made a decision. “Wait here, Vaisin. I’ll be back. Probably. If I don’t return, take anyone who will come who you and make for the Perpendicularity. You know where that is, correct?” Not waiting for an answer, he shifted back into the building. Sounds of metal, the clanging of swords and spikes and the thump of thrown beavers became audible. “Any Ghostbloods that wish to flee the building,” he shouted, raising an arm high, “should come with me. We can get you to a safe distance. Don’t let yourself get spiked.” Grabbing the hand of the nearest Ghostblood, he began to phase in and out of the Physicsl Realm, transporting as many people as possible.
  6. Alum watched the swarm of creatures advance, spiking any unfortunate Ghostblood in their paths. It was an unprecedented power move - now only TUBA and the Liebrarians stood between the DA and total domination. “Yes,” he said. “Grab my arm.” As Vaisin held his arm, he shifted into Shadesmar, the conflict faded into abstract movements and glowing lights. The mistbeavers seemed almost violently bright in this Realm, the Investiture glowing sharp. “So much for your heroes,” Alum remarked. “Didn’t seem to be doing much defending. Let’s see if those beavers can follow us in here.”
  7. “It is indeed,” said Alum, surprised that someone approached him. “And surprisingly uneventful so far. Given that this is the guild of assassinations, the fact that everyone is still alive is remarkable to say the least. But I am enjoying it - I gained some valuable information from the event. How is your experience of it going?”
  8. Will the Alleymatics page be updated? ...yes. Eventually. When I’ve finished procrastinating. Did I say procrastinating? I meant working. Definitely.
  9. Oh, man. That’s insane. I’ve read through every Era 0 and 1 thread, but I’m afraid I’ve skimped on some of the Era 2 threads (especially Devaan’s Training Ground and the Waystop). I’ll have to catch up with the ~60 pages I’ve missed some point.
  10. Considering himself part of Team Chartreuse, due to no indication to the contrary, Alum began. “I greatly agree with the first point. Some of us have been thinking of this whole thing as a heist - the thing we’re stealing being static. But it’s not. Voidus Prime is inside the barrier, and the only reason he can’t get out is that the shield is extremely powerful - as powerful as him, I believe. If we were weaken it to a significant extent, it’s likely we wouldn’t need to open it all the way - Voidus could give us a final push over the edge to open it up. Obviously, he’s going to want the Guardian protected, so if this goes ahead we’ll need to find a way to trick him into releasing it as well. As for the proposed plan to keep him trapped - we’ll, he’s a god, so I don’t see that idea working out anyway. Might as well work with it. “As for Investiture - the shield is Aonic. I admit that it is one of the magic systems I know very little about, but someone more knowledgeable could deign to design some sort of Selish method of manipulating or breaking open the barrier. If we could study the symbols used to make the barrier (side quest!), maybe we could work out ways of opening a portal through it. Drawing said aonic symbol during the Alleystorm would be beneficial, I think, so our plan should probably happen then. “And the thing we’re all forgetting - the shield wall isn’t the only line of protection. There are multiple. Hemalurgic entities at the very minimum. So if we’re going to get close enough to the barrier to work our magic we’ll need a way through those layers of security as well. “Also... why chartreuse? I’d much rather be turquoise than that sickly green!”
  11. He had been in brief and terse discussion with Mac when the announcement was made. Hearing that people could assist the fighters, Alum said, “I’ll assist whoever gives the best argument proving that they are the ‘good guy’ in this situation. Bonus points for rhetorical questions and alliteration.”
  12. Alum had been temporarily distracted, but as the monster caught fire it drew his attention. Interesting. A mass of rope, coiling and killing as one massive hivemind? That must have taken a large amount of Breaths to pull off. He stood, summoned his Shardblade, and immediately fell flat on his face as the floor became frictionless. Storms. I was never very good at ice skating. Alum scrambled for a wall, planning to push himself against it to get momentum, but ended up pinwheeling on the spot, his chair spinning away.
  13. "Ah, yes. I've met Mac before. He gave me some spikes, as a matter of fact. As for my name, you can call me Alum - that's what everyone else calls me, in any case. Thank you for the info. I'll be sure to let you know if I wish to trade with you in the future." Out of habit, he rose to shake his hand, but gave a sort of awkward wave instead. Talk to Mac. It was certainly easier than releasing a god, although that might just be happening anyway from what he'd heard.
  14. "So you're saying I have to ask a god, who is locked inside an impenetrable Aonic shield, with a possibly invincible Guardian, behind several layers of Hemalurgic and eldritch security. Excellent. I'll be sure to ask him after teatime. Is there anyone else who can help me? "And, in answer to your question, this is a pocketwatch, of sorts. It runs independently of any allomantic temporal influence, so even in a bendalloy bubble it keeps time accurately. Took a few prototypes, but I pulled it off." He snapped the lid shut and pocketed it. "Doesn't do time travel, though. Working on it. I've got schematics."
  15. Continuity has been played fast and loose for the most part. There's been a few paradoxes already - a couple duels that were impossible in terms of timing, that sort of thing. I think duels exist in a sort of alternate timeline of sorts. But as long as the Main Plot doesn't contradict (WoD before GBB, in my mind, although it might overtake it if it continues to be the main plot thing), the side stuff can go on without disturbance.
  16. "Anything?" His mind went over the complexities of Rithmatism that he had been studying for some time - but he was close to a breakthrough there, the diagrams almost complete. If Alum could get an answer to anything, it would be far more fruitful to inquire about areas he was less knowledgable in. An older art, whispered in the volumes of history, that few powerful people could use. "Very well. How can I access and study..." his voice lowered, as if it were dangerous, "Alleymatics?"
  17. Using the magic of chronological ambiguity and narrative flexibility, Alum stepped through the large front doors of the Ghostblood Building. It was the first time they had hosted something like this, though not for a lack of trying. But it seemed empty - only a few people had arrived thus far. "Alum. Elsecaller." That would soon change. The Ghostbloods didn't host something like this without ulterior motives, and people would flock to find out what was happening. He just hoped those motives weren't as bloody as they were last time. Alum pulled out a piece of clockwork machinery and began to tinker with it. Time to play the waiting game.
  18. "I've got some problems with this plan," said Alum, keeping the gun trained squarely towards Mace. "Firstly, how do you plan to control the guardian? And secondly, I don't think we'll be able to trap Voidus inside if he doesn't want to be there. He's spent sixteen years trying to work out a way to free himself from the inside - the moment we even start to weaken the forcefield, he'll notice. If a literal god wants to leave, we won't be able to stop him. Not to mention the fact that we don't know how you even plan to open up a way out."
  19. Alum was on his way out when he heard the click of weaponry. He swiveled, and stared at the gun. He was sure he had seen it before - possibly mounted on a wall somewhere. “Look,” Alum said. “You can’t claim you have the moral high ground while threatening people. They have the right to make their own informed decisions. And if you disagree, try to dissuade them.” He pulled his own gun, aiming it carefully. “Unless you were planning to preach your moral ways through needless violence. Let’s all just calm down here, alright?”
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