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Everything posted by MetaTerminal

  1. A Jester role, especially an unknown Jester role, is a great way to torture your players. We should definitely lynch someone this round, but I don’t have any suspicions. For now I’ll poke vote xinoehp512. @xinoehp512
  2. “That would be excellent.” Taking the vials, and removing the A-Pewter and A-Bendalloy ones that sliced through his arm, he inserted the Craftsmen and the Aon spikes. “I’m good to go. What’s the plan from here?”
  3. “That would be... problematic.” Alum thought back over his oath. “I made a pact that I would only ever use two spikes, a long time ago. They go in here...” He gestured to his right arm. “I swap them out regularly, keep them in vials of blood. For my studies. If you were to stab me, I’d have to remove one permanently. Does the spike have to go in my back, or could it go in a different bindpoint? One where it could be more easily removed?”
  4. I’ve been a little less active this cycle than I would have liked, but I think it’s generally a good idea to lynch someone C1, since otherwise that gets the Spirits an extra turn to convert. It essentially puts us on the back foot. And revealing factions won’t help us much either, as while it would give us some information, I think it would give the elims a lot more.
  5. This looks good. Sign me up as Kielan, the man who can never seem to get to the point.
  6. Alum was close behind Mack, and he marveled at the Craftsmen Base. “So,” he asked, “what is this place?”
  7. Alum smiled, sealing and pocketing the flask for later. “A Craftsmen guild, you say? Sounds interesting. Sign me up.” If nothing else it could provide a new base of operations for his research, and the silver-skinned wizard did seem sincere. Building items was one of his main skills, after all. “I’m not a native Rithmatist user; that’s what this thing is for.” He pointed at the spike. “But I’m getting better.” “So, what’s this DA guild you speak of? And when do I start?”
  8. Alum glanced at the man who sat down next to him, wearing some fairly fashionable robes, and proffered a flask of eggnog. Questions followed the drink, and he took both of them down, thinking it over. A good taste, one he’d picked up from his travels. It had been ages since he had some. “Thanks,” he said. “I’m short on money right now. Most things, actually. Stormlight, feruchemy reserves.” He touched the bruise that had formed on his face. He’d been trying to not breathe any of his own light in to heal it, in case there was an emergency, and he considered it bad form to breathe in other people’s. “Short on sense as well, apparently.” The dun spheres went back into the satchel. He laid out his notes. “I’m working on studying Rithmatics. You might have heard of it, here. Very interesting subject. Chalkings are a bit weird, but they follow similar magical laws. Five pointers, eight pointers, the whole thing. There’s some other stuff here too - I’m almost finished with Transportation, as good as I can get it anyway, and there’s some stuff on the Metallic Arts as well. Don’t have a full set - I’ve got about twelve out of 32, but I figure the Allomantic Enhancers should all be pretty similar after all.” The thought nudged him that he was rambling, and he stopped himself from going onto Shardguns. He hadn’t even proven any of that was possible, let alone try and make one. “Some other stuff there too,” Alum finished lamely. “I’m a scholar, as you might have guessed, and somewhat of an inventor. Caught the bug from a young age and it hasn’t really ever let me go. How about you?” He took another drink of eggnog, passed the half-full flask back and, not thinking, laid his right arm onto the table. Both spikes were in full view.
  9. You have definitely succeeded in following the protocol and have said hi. Ignore Kidpen, they're pulling your leg. Welcome to the 17th Shard! Are you a seasoned Sanderson worldhopper or new to his works?
  10. Very well played by all 3 elims. It came down to the wire. That was a really interesting format, and I think the second game was much more balanced, especially without the planet location oracle card - having a Minor Shardworld clue to narrow it down would have meant a much earlier guess. We were stumped for a long while, which I think is how the game’s supposed to go. As it stands, I like the idea of this being a semi-regular thing, and the reduced signup time should be alright as the game can be played with less people. Once we get into special roles, this thing’ll get insane. (Cut to Anonymous Lightining Game 37, with Role Madness, guess manipulation and items.) Actually, last round I was the murderer and incorrectly accused PK of being the Witness; this round, he was the murderer and he incorrectly accused me! Coincidence? Probably. (And to think that the outcome of the entire game hinged on the fact that I suck at counting. Had I been more accurate, they wouldn’t have suspected me as much.) A few people acted impressed last round when we got it down to 2 options for witness; it’s actually surprisingly easy to narrow down, as you’ll notice throughout the game who seems to catch onto you. But picking the right one out of a lineup of three is pretty difficult. Well played everyone. Look forward to if/when this format is played again.
  11. (Actual message) Storms, I was just about to make an accusation! Clearly, it’s because I’m definitely not the witness and was going to make a lucky guess. Definitely.
  12. “I will also try some eggnog, thank you.” Alum placed some spheres down, hoping they would suffice. He needed those crystal coins that the others were using somehow.
  13. Sorry, that was a simple miscalculation. (Read: I suck at counting.) I stand corrected: we had at most 10 guesses. Now, with Joe’s guess, we only have 9.
  14. Everyone, before making an accusation, clear it with others first. We only have 9 guesses left, and less if there are co-conspirators. I'll edit in some analysis later.
  15. Alum saw the blowgun swivel in his direction and quickly jumped out of the way of the dart. He then turned to Acheon, who was sitting nearby. "What sort of drink would you like?" he asked. "Also, beware of that Rosharan man over there. He appears annoyed and has a gun. Never a good combination." @Seneca74
  16. “Alright.” Alum lowered his guard. “I’m sorry. That was also partly my fault. I shouldn’t have reacted either. “In fact,” he continued, turning away, “I think I might buy you a drink.” He signalled for a waiter.
  17. Noting the First of the Sun worldhopper, who appeared to be assisting him, and the wizard, who seemed to be searching for something, Alum turned back to Acheon. “Shall we start?” Pyrus, on a nearby table, hummed unhappily. But Alum didn’t feel threatened - instead, he felt strangely elated, as if given reprieve from his stressful studies. Interpreting the Parshendi’s humming as an affirmative response, he threw a firm, fast, pewter-fuelled punch towards Acheon’s jaw, trying to send him stumbling backwards into the drinks cabinet.
  18. We now have only 10 guesses left and have 4 eliminated possibilities. I’d caution against making another guess until Cycle 3 unless you’re absolutely sure. And maybe share your idea with others to make sure it holds up? I’ll post some combos that look suspicious to me later.
  19. Alum was minding his own business when he had been punched. That’s what he swore afterwards, anyway. As his notes went flying and his pen cracked against the floor, he considered that he might have needed to pay more attention to his surroundings. He might have been able to dodge the assault with some bendalloy. Nevertheless, he grimly cracked his knuckles, swallowed his metals and double checked his spikes. In order to prevent violence within the bar, he needed to inflict violence. Undoubtably he was doing his civic duty. Or maybe he just needed to wind down slightly. But storms, that punch hurt. It needed an appropriate reaction to defuse the situation. With the power of A-Pewter, Alum punched back.
  20. I was reading the writeup and wondered if Herowannabe had made a mistake and revealed Snipexe as the witness accidentally, forgetting to remove his own notes. Then I remembered: we’re all terrible people that like to make the GM’s job very difficult. I wasn’t leaning towards Dehydration to begin with, but in conjunction with head it might be significant? I initially wondered at how it causes an unkempt appearance, although that might be hinting towards their being lost in the wilderness for some time. However, we might want to hold off from guessing much more than two or three times this round so we have enough people to narrow down the options in the final cycle. Out of the 14 guesses we get (assuming 1 co-conspirator), 3 have already been made. Dehydration/hoofprints fit pretty well, though. Your call.
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