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Everything posted by MetaTerminal

  1. I’ll play! Although I must know, is this simply a library or (horror of horrors) a Liebrary?
  2. I think Aons should be included as accidents, given that they fit several of the clues and there’s multiple instances of that happening in Elantris.
  3. As the bomb cleared the upper atmosphere, Alum looked at the quickly diminishing speck. He felt slightly foolish. ”Bomb is dealt with. So, uh, everyone can calm down now.” He began to refill his copperminds, and turned to the person who had brought it out. “Where did you find it? Can we work out who placed it there?”
  4. I think if poison was used, it would have been selected. Araris ninja’d me on this, but I wouldn’t discount an Aon being misdirected in this case. A Jeskeri or Dakhor ritual also can’t be discarded if they went wrong somehow (perhaps when being paired with Vandalism)? EDIT: Also, a Drowning/Pieces of Ralkalest might account for both Partial (pieces) and Despicable (although maybe I’m just really afraid of drowning).
  5. Alum saw the explosive and panicked. A fight or flight response, triggered by adequate stress or shocking circumstances. A bomb, merely a few minutes after he’d arrived. Run, Alum. Don’t let them stop you, Alum. You can Elsecall away, get off-world fast enough that they won’t even notice your departure. Stop panicking. Make a plan. Focus. He drew in deep breaths, and despite the man’s advice, took a peek at the countdown. Two minutes, although the clock seemed to be acting strangely. No visible explosives, although he couldn’t rule out the possibility of something hidden inside the casing. Exposed wires. Maybe he had instructions on bomb-defusal. Alum pulled on his copperminds, searching. He tried not to be frantic, to be methodical. Do it properly. While he looked, he shouted to the others not to touch anything unless they knew what they were doing. ”Don’t mess with the bomb unless you’ve got a plan. This thing could go off at any moment, especially if you cut the wrong wire.”
  6. As several of the others talked about life insurance, Selksi scrutinised the room. There were all sorts of insane people here. A crazy investigator with a pet bird, a grizzled cop, a travelling salesman, a Rosharan who appeared to be talking to himself, and someone with a full tank of ants. Ants! For once, Selksi was the least mad person in the room. Tapping his chin thoughtfully, he pulled out his writing board. As he did so, a number of other stolen items fell out after it: a plastic skull, a small booby trap, a silver musical instrument, and a piece of slime that had stuck to the bottom of his bag. Selksi quickly gathered the items up and put them away. Thankfully, neither his grandbow nor axe had fallen out. The Almighty knew why he kept either of them - he was barely able to lift the blade, and pulling back the string of the bow was nigh impossible. Hopefully he could sell the items before they got him into trouble.
  7. Obviously the victim was a Steelrunner riding a Nightmaw, clipping his fingernails with a glass dagger while fleeing to his secret hideout from a Hallandren God King-archer. It’s so simple! EDIT: Me and Paranoid submitted that at the exact same time!
  8. Alright, I’m looking forward to this game, although it’s not a format I’m used to. From your experience, Paranoid, how is the game balanced in terms of Investigator and Killer win rate? It seems a lot more difficult and abstract, since we don’t have any lynch flips and voting patterns. But I suppose it comes down to what Oracle cards we get.
  9. Alum’s first reaction was to feign admonishment, perhaps even outrage. Despite his best efforts, his temper could get away from him sometimes. But instead he nodded and stepped aside. There was no point getting into a fight here, especially with someone he didn’t know, and without his combatative spikes. Alum watched the ensuing spectacle instead; one of the visitors appeared to be juggling several sharp knives, to the dismay of almost everyone else within a ten-meter proximity.
  10. “I’d like a room,” Alum said. The crowd in the Waystop appeared to be growing exponentially, and the innkeeper seemed a bit frazzled. “I have... spheres? Not sure if you’ll accept them. And use of the library.” Glancing around at the growing crowd, he continued. “If spheres aren’t acceptable I can work for you in return for a room. I’m quite organised.” He rattled the copperminds on his wrists.
  11. He found the Perpendicularity just outside of town, ending up near the Horneater Peaks. Taking a right turn at the tree, instead of left, Alum found himself just outside a small building, overgrown with vegetation. A sign advertised vacancies for worldhoppers. His arms still covered with cloth, concealing his two metal spikes, Alum went to enter through the front door, but not before a quick word to his spren. "Are you sure this is the front entrance?" he asked. "Last time I managed to make a new doorway instead of using the front gate. You're the one who's supposed to keep track of this." "Yes," his spren whispered. "Front door. Map said so." The inkspren gestured towards an elegantly crafted drawing depicting the floor plans. It was covered by a cobweb. They had a library, too, Alum noticed. A perfect place to catch his bearings. "Keep a look out, Pyrus." With that, he entered the building, fishing for spheres. A number of people were frequenting the lobby - ignoring the commotion, he walked up to the person who looked the most Edgedancer-y and asked about a room.
  12. In regards to the Tension on the Horizon thread:
  13. “You’d better get used to wizards, I’m afraid,” said Alum. “This place is full of them. What planet are you from?”
  14. Citizen Canes? Sugar Canes?
  15. Alum grabbed the piece of paper, studied it. It was a list of items - some sort of riddle, clearly. He read the statue’s inscription, noting the “magical artefacts scattered throughout the Alleyverse”. The paper was aged, at least a dozen years old. Maybe more. ”This place is a monument. Like a library of the past. I wonder if they have an actual library.” He considered the prospect. “But this is a riddle, a test of intellect and knowledge. Dime a dozen where I come from. There’s probably some highly Invested objects hidden at the end. Want to try to solve it?” EDIT: We’ve moved into a PM, if anyone wants to join this side adventure.
  16. The Hall was one of the oldest structures in the city. Everything else was new, or under construction, small streets forming around reconstruction projects. Something had happened, a while ago, that obliterated almost everything. Only a select few buildings had survived - a small pocket on the west end, islands of safety among the crater that Alum increasingly suspected had been formed recently. He entered the building, which was lit from a mysterious source. The large room - not just a normal hall, but a Hall - was filled with statues, tapestries, a history of this place. Not many texts, but artist’s renderings of famous people. He recognised the Feruchemist from the Training Ground - Devaan Sheonar. A man with a bowler hat, a painting of a translucent figure. He started overwriting some Azish tax information with this information. An organisation called Dark Alley - and, strangely, cookies. He noticed a young woman standing just next to Devaan’s statue, and wandered over. She was holding a slip of paper in her hands. “Greetings. What is this place?”
  17. *has a sudden realisation that all of the threads he’s been reading through are, in fact, ancient history*
  18. Alum waves goodbye. “It was fun to spar, Jonas, but now I’m going to investigate this city. Bye!”
  19. I am a new to this forum, but I have decent experience with Mafia (perhaps 6 or so games, and having spectated a few more). I’d like to join this one - would that be advisable?
  20. “Weird stuff...like a rock wall forming in front of you?” Alum smiled, then pressed his hand against the stone. With a loud pop, it dissipated into a fine mist. “Can you tell the differences between magic types? Like... what magic am I using now?” He breathed in some Stormlight, not enough to make him glow, and let it heal him for a few seconds.
  21. “Huh.” He’d thought he’d seen the signs - a fast reaction, noting his chalk and stealing it before he could use it effectively. But perhaps he was drawing false conclusions. “Bronze?” He thought for a moment, the grabbed his copperminds. “Wakefulness and Allomantic detection. Do you know if it detects other kinds of Investiture too?”
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