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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Hello! Welcome! You have come to the right place for this! What KR order are you?
  2. Hello! Welcome CosmereScholar! Have a cookie! What KR order are you? I am a skybreaker.
  3. Was a huge MTG geek around the time of Shadows over Innistrad. And I absolutely cracked up when Eric said, "Oh, that's a town!" Immediately I looked up Hanweir because I knew exactly what he was talking about AND THANK YOU! BLUE IS THE BEST COLOR SECOND MAYBE ONLY TO BLACK!
  4. I LOVE TYPOS! Jasnah cried as Kelsier looked up at Hi, smiling and glaring with the strength of alligators. Really fast alligators wearing black. Ninja alligators
  5. Okay. When I get home in an hour or two, I will make an updated version of what I put together. I will only include allomantic and Feruchemical stuff. No Kandra, Koloss stuff.
  6. I meant how many fire based characters are there? I can think of one.
  7. I actually made a thread about this because I was curious.
  8. ‘Tis fine. You want to set off a fire bomb?
  9. If you store heat while you walk through a fire you become fireproof. How much fire is there. I concede the nicrosil compounding debate. Still. Gold isn’t as good as chromium or steel so I gave it. 3-
  10. To get this character approved, it is simple. You're doing the right thing submitting it to the thread. So! Here's how I'd score this character. Well done by the way! 160 + 20 - 10 + 15 + 45 + 75 = 300 But before you go and change your character a ton because he seems OP, I need to ask you a question. What were his skybreaker oaths and what effect did they have on him? The index was recently modified to include these as weaknesses. How do they restrain your character? It will be nice for the mods to have them when they score your character. And if this character has been approved in the past, I'm not sure if they'll be guaranteed in. You'll have to ask a mod about that. And lastly, @MacThorstenson, sorry for not putting this in the character discussion thread. But I have the last post in it and it is already storming huge.
  11. Okay. I see what you're talking about. I'll buff the score for a soulbearer which should fix the error. But one thing I want to bring up: I haven't read the battle of Thaylen Field in a while and that is where most of my evidence in this post is coming from. But Jasnah said that the body wasn't meant to hold so much stormlight. Which means humans have a limited amount of investiture they can stand until they die. And since this nicroburster is a compounder, I am going to discount the domain for the following function. Just using the steelpush example. Force = (nicroburst)(x). Force would be how hard the steelpusher is pushing in the instant, x is the constant of their power, (i.e how much they can push while burning a standard amount), and nicroburst is how much nicroburst they are tapping equivilant to the standard amount. First things first, we calculate the force needed to move the moon. The mass of the moon is 7.35 10^22 kg. An average koloss sword, which is about what a steelpusher can push, is 39 kg, rounded to 40 for my calculation's sake. (Element of Chaos and Sunbringer both witnessed my calculation there.) That makes the moon 1.8375 10^21 times the mass of a koloss sword, Therefore, in the equation, making it the value of nicroburst. Nicrosil would have to multiply the power by 1,837,500,000,000,000,000,000. This brings up a few problems. The sheer amount of nicrosil needed to generate this much investiture is probably non-existant and would rip the compounder and the coinshot apart. Similar results with the brass/zinc proposal. Conclusion: I think you may be slightly overestimating nicrosil compounders. They can still do amazing things, but not much more than a normal nicroburster. True, Melee attacks wouldn't be dodgeable, but the bendalloy compounder is faster in the first place and if he has guns, than he only has to outlast the gold compounder. Having unlimited energy would make that more than possible. And I'm not underestimating a gold compounder. You just missed something on my post, Mac. I said that a radiant with progression could do almost the same. *plays footage of renarin/lift getting stepped on by a thunderclast* I haven't read it in a while. I can't remember exactly who or how it goes. I can understand this. But that would make a gold cube underrated because the distraction it would provide would be... strange. And a cadmium cube would be lower than a bendalloy cube which just doesn't work. I don't know if anybody has a kandra with blessings. They're simply forgotten so putting this next to the kandra section would be better. Plus, in the books, the blessing of potency is always refered to as the blessing of potency. It doesn't imply that one is stronger than the other as it does in the index. Okay. I understand that. We still should put atium on the index. You talking to me or voidus? Bronze maybe. I can agree with that. But now many people are always sucking in stormlight or tapping a metal mind? In alleyverse combat it isn't all that useful. Same with the feruchemical bronze. Brass feruchemy seems useful. But think about it, Brandon Sanderson as far as I know only has one fire character and I can only name one, Bellatrix, in the alleyverse. You could in theory superheat your skin and then grab on to something, but how much better is that than stabbing them with a knife? I understand that not all of these changes have to be made. I just feel like there are inconsistancies. Whoo! That took a while. And sorry for taking a while anyway. I realized I had to resume a math quiz and I ACED IT! Sorry. Back to business.
  12. A nicrosil compounder would be 80. And I honestly don't see why they are so good. What investiture do they have to compound? A gold compounder would be 105. A bendalloy compounder is 100. Only slightly below. And if they were to fight, the Bendalloy compounder would be able to dodge all the gold compounder's attacks, slip around them, and attack them with rope. I think that you over-rated gold compounders. As a second ideal radiant with progression could probably do close to as good, discounting their other surge. I just feel like this method works better than the old one. Is it too complicated? It is just as complex as a misting or ferring and each cube can be the strength of a misting. Okay. Well, skill levels could be done away with in theory. But the orriginal method could be good. Just the blessings part of it I feel needs modification because there isn't even a blessings section. What came to mind when I was writing that part was when we were approving Father Tiempo's mistborn. I don't think it'll be uncommon among mistblrn characters for people to want only the metals Vin and Kelsier had access to. If that's the case, this will provide consistency and a nice shortcut.
  13. Ok. I got 5 seconds of computer time so tomorrow. I know, I just think that this system would better rate the compounders we see than the old one. It rates steel highest, and weak things like aluminum or bronze which was previously 100 points to a more reasonable 10-40. That's a good. Just a note: I'll make a separate index for these because gold cubes are far more useful than electrum cubes. That system would probably work with physical and mental metals, but not temporal and enhancement. Okay. That's cool. Maybe with the kolas. But we should have different ratings for young and old koloss. The Kandra however I think need it. For one thing, we have been discounting the blessings. And the skeleton and the skill should be two separate categories anyway (in my opinion at least) What I mean there is what metals your character has access to/knows of. The mistborn we see in era 1 rarely use the metals beyond the basic 8. Which would make them rated less. And atium, as said before, is powerful and needs to be added separately. But a mistborn with all 16 metals against one with the basic 8 would definitely beat them so I think the mistborns should be rated differently. Ett metal cubes (sets of 3). Level one: +10 Level two: +30 Level three: +50 (-5 for each cube if you are that type of allomancer) Level one: Aluminum, Duralumin, Bronze, Copper, Pewter, Tin, Atium, Electrum, Level two: Brass, Zinc, Gold, Bendalloy, Malatium Level three: Cadmium, Steel, Iron, Chromium, Nicrosil, @Voidus
  14. Um... I'm past 2k posts and I have only been really active since mid January.
  15. How big is it? I just am not too good at Roshar.
  16. I like the loophole. Carry on. Inside the ketchup was the well of ascension.
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